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Exploring Geometric Solids

Developed by Christie Dunn




Louisiana Benchmarks: 4Ga, 4Gb



Students should be able to identify shapes (rectangles, triangles, etc.).




When and How Materials Will be Used:


Activities Selected to Teach Objectives:

  1. Students will examine solid figures and record their observations.  The teacher will lead the class in a discussion of the meaning of the terms face, edge, and vertices.  Students will discuss how shapes are alike and how they are different.
  2. The teacher will display the website

on the large screen monitor in the classroom. (Teachers without this resource may allow students to view the website in small groups.)  The teacher will lead students through the necessary steps to reach the activity “Exploring Geometric Figures and Their Properties.”  The teacher will model the correct way to investigate each solid in order to complete the chart.  Students will be paired with a partner in order to work on the computer (Students will be given a reference sheet on how to use the shape spinner.  This sheet can be printed from the website.)

  1. Students waiting for their turn on the classroom computer(s) will be given nets of solid figures to cut out, construct, and investigate.



Reasoning Behind Activities Selected to Teach Objectives:

  1. Students need to touch the solid objects first for a concrete representation of what they will be investigating.  Students also need a working knowledge of the vocabulary terms associated with geometric solids.
  2. The students will become familiar with the website they will be working on before going to the computers.  The students can see what it is they will be doing when it is their turn to complete the investigation.
  3. Students will need an activity to complete while waiting to work on the computer, or once they have completed their investigation.  This activity will be a good hands-on project.


Reasoning Behind the Order of the Objectives:

Students will first work with the concrete representation of solids in order to develop an understanding of the related vocabulary.  Students will then work with a more abstract form of the solids by manipulating the solids found on the NTM website.



Learner outcomes will be measured through teacher observation and the completion of the chart.


Use of Technology:

What part of this lesson was made better or faster due to the use of technology?


The website used provided the necessary chart and printable directions on how to use the activity.


What part of the lesson would not have been possible without technology?


The students would not have been able to use the virtual solids on the computer to complete the investigation worksheet.  Students would then use the constructed nets in order to complete the investigation.