Sorry guys for the delay in finishing this site. I worked for a while on the site, then my job took first place over working on this thing. Now that things have settled down a bit at work, maybe I can get back to it.
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<center> <H1><font color="goldenrod"> ALMA AIREDALE CLASS OF 1984 </center></h1>

Today is

Hi Guys!!! I want to welcome everyone to the Class Of 1984 Home page. Please be patient with me while I work on and add things to this site.

How about checking out some snap shots that were taken from an array of people on the night of the reunion until I add more stuff.

Click here or on the picture below to see more pics.

Date of Reunion: 9/3/2004 and 9/4/2004

In the photo above are all the people that attended the banquet on Saturday night September the 4th, with a very nice catered meal. After the meal and photo shoot, there was lots of Karaoke for the vocally gifted, and the telling of old high school stories. GOSH WHAT A HOOT OF A TIME WE ALL HAD!!

If you have any
links that you would
would like to have
added to this site,
just leave me an
email with the link
that you want added.
If you have any ideas or suggestions, please email me at or by clicking on the mailbox below.

Hey, dont leave yet. Please sign the guestbook below and leave your email address for all to read and so we can all keep in touch. Come on, it will only take a few minutes.

View My Guestbook
Sign My Guestbook

Come on click here.. and tell a friend. . . . .
get this gear!