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Stories from Charlie Company 2/16!!!
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Articles, stories, and recollections
Shot Again Click Here Ken Mize relates a story about a concerned son. A shot-up son, but concerned...

From '67. Harry Spriggs meets A VC. Harry Spriggs,told his son Jason this story about an encounter with a VC. Jason wants to know if anyone else recalls it?

Gone Fishin'. Hugh Sutterfield,Eugene Langston, and Pete Faberski go fishing and drinking before shipping out for Nam. From '65.

A Bayonet, A Throw and Lots of Hell. John "Ollie" Lang recounts how a little down time can get you in hot water. From '66.

'67: VC Base Camp From the "Ready Now" 2nd Brigade newsrag. A nice catch for the boys of Charlie Company. .

Chasing Cong From '67, "Ready Now." The VC are getting help from the Chicoms and its costing Charlie Company lives .

Elusive VC An early newspaper account of Charlie Company. Story features Hugh Sutterfield, Dennis Masuga, Billy Moore, Kenneth "Doc" Welch, and an artillery observer named De Spirito.

The Foxhole -- Trash Known as Ron Haley in '66, relates a little humor from the Jungle.

The Duck Ambush, '66 -- From the annals of The American Traveler, Charlie Company gets an ally.

Morning Constitutional, '68 -- Bill Brister relates a hair raising experience between a few drousy GIs and a bunch of drousy enemy soldiers. Not a story you want to miss.

The Fourth of July and a Cold Drink -- Don Austin remembers the Fourth of July in '67 where the main concern was a cold drink.

A New Enemy -- Dave Stewart said it best, "Not all the experiences of Company C,2nd/16th in Vietnam were of the type that involved battle or hardship. As in any war, there were also many experiences that were humorous." This is one of those. From Sept. '65.

Operation Viper -- In '65 Operation Viper was a rough assignment for Charlie Company. Ultimately three Charlie Company men would die, and many more would be wounded. Here is "Danger Forward's" take on a portion of Charlie Company's participation in Viper.

Big Red One Rescues Three From Viet Cong -- In December of '65, LT. George Steinberg and 4th platoon spring a trap.

Charlie Company vets can tell their stories here; or send in newspaper articles and Army documents relating to Charlie Company, 2/16 in Vietnam.

I get more comments about the stories and photos than any other portion of the site, so keep sending them it please. If you have some recollection you want to write about, here's the place to send it.

Want to add a story? Use the feedback link here.
get this gear!

Bad Day during Attleboro -- You could also call it "The Day of the Medics" since Charlie Company lost three that day. This is Don Austin's personal account of what happened on one of the bloodiest days Charlie Company would experience in Vietnam.

BRINGING SMOKE -- "Throughout the fire fight the 'Ranger' trooper showered as many grenades toward the VC as he could." This American Traveler article tells about a combat episode involving Burt Heath during Operation Attleboro.

Barnicoat's Big Night
That first time when it dawned on you that you too could get zapped was a humbling/scary experience. Here is Charles Barnicoat's recollections of his experience.

Taking Ben Cui II -- "The 2d Battalion, 16th Infantry "Rangers" of the "Big Red One's" 2d brigade captured 29 Viet Cong trapped in a village in Tay Ninh Province during recent action on Operation Attleboro that was the successful climax of an all night march to surround the village."

Keep an Eye on the Ball -- "In Vietnam whenever a unit halts, regardless of the reason, it assumes a defensive posture." So begins Infantry Magazine's look at Charlie Company's deadilest fight in the first year of the war.

The Mud Soldiers patch.  Designed by Xa Cam My veteran, Dave Peters.

from 8.29.02