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Edward (Eddie) Lee George, 1946-1966
Eddie George was born on May 15, 1946. At the time of his death, on April 11, 1966, Eddie George had attained the rank of PFC.

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Below is the text of the citation for Eddie's Bronze Star with "V" device. I want to thank Eddie's brothers for their assistance, and I also want to give special thanks to Garnet Cooke who has taken a special interest in the men of Charlie Company and the events of 4.11.66. Without Garnet's assistance this citation would not be posted below.

General Orders # 765 23 May 1966
Awarded: The Bronze Star Medal with the "V" Device

For heroism in connection with military operations against a hostile force:

On this date, Specialist George was serving as a grenadier. At approximately 1700 hours his company was engaged in a fierce battle by an estimated battalion-sized Viet Cong force armed with automatic weapons, small arms, grenades and morters. Specialist George was manning his position on the perimeter when the first Viet Cong assault occurred. Although his company was outnumbered by the insurgent force, Specialist George held his position throughout the fierce assault and continually placed effective fire on the Viet Cong positions. When the Viet Cong withdrew to regroup, Specialist George was able to evaluate the situation and resupply himself with ammunition. Although his platoon had suffered heavy casualties during the first assault and only a handful remained, Specialist George, disregarded the odds and took up his position on the perimeter to await the second Viet Cong attack. Specialist George single-handedly held his position on the perimeter during the second assault and inflicted many casualties upon the insurgents. Displaying great personal courage and unwavering dedication, Specialist George gave his life in defense of his platoon sector during this second assault. He made the highest sacrifice so that others could live. Specialist Four George's outstanding display of aggressiveness, devotion to duty , and personal bravery is in keeping with the finest traditions of the military service and reflects great credit upon himself, the 1st Infantry Division, and the United States Army. Authority: By direction of the President, under the provisions of Executive Order 11046.