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News from Charlie Company 2/16!!!
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Van Dyke identified as member of 3rd Platoon.
Marty Kroah made a good catch recently. You may remember that I posted a question about which platoon Deane Van Dyke might have been in (we are trying to find out all we can about Deane for his family). Marty initially told me that he was skeptical that Deane was in his platoon. However, Marty reads the site! He went to the 2003 Xa Cam My tribute page and discovered that in the letter to Denny Schoch the writer identified Van Dyke as a member of the platoon.

Thank you Marty.

Click Here. for the letter from 3rd platoon.

Remember you can find past news items or articles on the Archives Page.

Quick Bits

Jimmy Cronan was looking for Edward R. Fullerton from Loogee ,Ind. Steve Antal, an Indiana resident noticed the request and wrote me to say that perhaps Fullerton could be found in Logootee, Ind. I let Jimmy know this and sure enough Jimmy was able to locate Edward. Thanks to Steve, Jimmy and Edward are in touch.

Ron "Trash" Haley, '65 - '66, has something on his mind: The Mud Hen Plate

Johann (Combat Ollie) Lang, '65-'66, recalls the death of the Medic Ernest Kelly, as occuring in the friendly fire incident that also claimed the lives of a Company A man and Vernon Shellman. Does anyone else recall the name Doc Kelly?

Anyone remember the name of the 1st LT. that was Company Commander for a short time after Capt. London in '68?

Bob Canady, '65-'66. writes, "Thanks for keeping me in the loop I have been unable to get to the reunion due to family sickness and I stated a new Building Supply store and you can imagine how critical the first couple of years are after start up. I am working 6/7 days a week."
A bit of Trivia:
Everyone knows that Senator Eugene McCarthy came within a hair of beating President Johnson in the 1968 New Hampshire Primary. That near victory spelled doom to a Johnson second term, and he dropped out of the race within a month! Anti-war activists point to McCarthy's vote total as the reason -- the great ground swell of Americans against the war. Turns out that fully two-thirds of the people voting for McCarthy were protesting the war, but not to end it, to pursue it more aggressively! How's that for irony?!!!

I think this note from LTCOL (retired) Olson, former CO of Charlie Company in 1968, says alot about Charlie Company men.

On April 29, 1968, Buel Andersen and Julien Anderson were killed in action. Here is what Olson says about the incident.

"The two Andersons were a squad leader and Plt Sgt in the same Platoon. One of them was killed while trying to recover the body of the other."

Enough said.

From Charles Barnicoat...
In doing research to locate old friends I was deeply saddened to learn that 1 of my 2 best friends in Charlie CO. had passed away. Sgt. John F King, 1st Platoon ( (11/62-11/65 ) died on Oct 25,1999 in St. Albans WV. after a brief illness. John was wounded in Nov/65 in the same action we lost Ken Schmidt and Mark Hinkel. He was evacuated to the states. I have a copy of his obit. if anyone is interested. John had many friends in C.CO.


YOUR BROTHER AT ARMS---------------LJ.

get this gear!

Anyone wishing to obtain a "Mudsoldiers" Patch like the one featured below should contact Dave Peters at Be sure to send him your snail mail address so he can get you a Patch.

Looking For

(This feature of the web site is where you can post the names of Company Veterans that you wish to locate.)

Jackie Conway, son of Jasper Conway, '66, is looking for guys who knew his father. Jasper was killed on November 21, 1966 on the same day that 3 medics and 2 others were killed. Jackie was born the next day! Jackie wants to know something about his dad. Call at: (252)746-7740.

Jim Cronan March 10 67/Dec67 Di An,Lima,C Co.2Bn.16th,1846 Woodlawn Rd.,Covington,Ga.30014-8870. Looking for Edward R. Fullerton from Loogee ,Ind, Jorge Muntiz NY.NY, (770)786-0786. e-mail:

Odis Sikes, 69/70, is looking for anyone from November platoon, May, '69 through March, '70.

Phil Hall is still wondering about what happened to the RTO he stumbled across the night of April 11, 1965. Hall took the radio off the wounded man's back. Hall wants to know if the RTO made it.

get this gear!

James Tielleman 68-69, would like anyone who remembers him to give him a call. (210) 661-3554. James lives in a suburb of San Antonio. He hasn't heard from anyone from the company in 30+ years.

Vola (Leap) Wells, widow of 1st Lt. Thomas Leap, '68-69, would like to hear from any vet who knew her husband. "I always felt closer to him when I was around the veterans." Vola's e-mail address is

Dorothy Lamb, Billy Wayne Lamb's niece writes...
thanks for writing. I would love to talk to anyone who knew my uncle. I run a VFW in Morris County. I just married a Nam vet. my name is Dorothy L. Lamb Coffey.

Billy W. Lamb died on Dec. 22, 1966 in an explosion from a landmine.

Jay Springstead, Sept. 67-Sept. 68, is looking for anyone from his time in the Company. He is particularly looking for his RTO, Frank (Francis) Hoagland, FO Ray Rogers, and Rich Clute. Jay is a teacher in Farmington, MO. and he has not heard from anyone from the Company in the 35 years since he was there. he says he will probably make the reunion this year. He can be reached at (573) 756-0244, or by e-mail at,

David Hammett

Here is a message from David's brother, Reverend Dennis Hammett...
David's death, as all my family believes, was the seed plot of God to change our entire family. His death brought life. The memory how good he was, inspired us. The loss drove us, to look at life differently and towards a greater person, a greater power, a great God! People don't like being hurt or forced to do things or change. But God knows what's best. He takes death and turns it into life, and joy. The world looks on and sees failure. But God takes failure and loss and He turns it into victory, life, and eventual joy! David's death affected all of us. As time went on: my brother Drew and I came to Christ - and eventually the whole family. Instead of being the family we were: (arguing, fighting, and bitterness) - we became the family that we are: a family of great love and joy. I know without a doubt, that it was God's plan and for the best. I know we shall see David again, where there shall be joy without measure. God and His children will not be defeated. Even in death, we conquer and go on!

Thank you so much for the e-mail. To hear from folks like yourself makes me feel a tremendous amount of pride in what my father did for his country. I never spoke about the war with Dad much, I guess it was one of those things of how do you ask? and what do you ask? I would love to hear from anyone who served with my dad. I would love to attend the reunion this year, Dad and I had planned on coming out for it. I feel it would be a good chance to hear some stories about my Dad. Well, I'm going to end for now but I look forward to checking out the website. Thanks again and I will talk at you later.

Jason Spriggs

from August 29, 02