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~The Old Pine Tree~

In the state of Georgia some years ago
Beneath a big tall pine tree
A baby boy was born
The Mother never awakened
Her spirit moved on
And that morning just after dawn
Some neighbors came along
And just like I was their own
They took me in and raised me

And it became a legend about me
And the old pine tree
The old tree was my refuge
When I needed a place to cry
And listening to the winds
Toss her limbs about
Why sometimes it would make a sound
That would almost make me freeze
In a low whisper the old tree
Would say "You belong to me"

Aww there were days I use to
Run and play and climb
The old tree almost to the very top
Cause you see, I felt safe playing there
The old tree and I talked alot
Why I can remember my first date
And how we ended up at the old pine tree
We held hands and made plans
For future things to be
But suddenly the old tree was restless
And again I heard the whispers, "You belong to me"

Well the years went by and I was grown
And I wanted to see the world
Seeking fortune and fame
Oh it was a long hard road
But soon it came
And riches, it just seemed to follow my way
And I would always say it's just ole lucky me
And yet I recall in my lonely moments
The whispers of the old pine tree

But you know, life is not always full of roses
Cause sometimes we hit some thorns
And I had this pain building up in my chest
That just kept lingering on and on
So I finally went to see a doctor
And with a grim face he broke the news
You got about 90 days to live son
Give or take a few
Aww this can't be me
Why I'm too full of life and fun
But suddenly I heard the whispers
Of the old pine tree

Well right then I headed back
To where I was born
Cause ya know it just seemed that with all
The wealth that I had gained
The old tree meant the most to me
And as I drove up to the spot where my life began
Oh I could hardly believe my eyes
The old tree was gone and the ground was bare
And at that moment I lost all hope
With the old tree not being there
So I placed a marker
Then went back to town to buy
That little piece of ground

And as I walked into that cold old building
To make my final plans
There was something over in the corner
That caught my eye
And for just a moment I didn't understand
So I walked a little closer
Oh my soul became at ease
Cause from a big pine box
Came the whispers of the old pine tree
Saying "Son you belong to me"

I do know the difference between a Pine and an Oak tree
Just thought I would let you know that
Before I started getting mail
Telling me this was an Oak Tree lol

Song recorded by
*Red Sovine*

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~The Old Pine Tree~

Song Sung By
*Red Sovine*

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