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Bobbie's Page

"James was my only brother who I love very much. My
daughter, Julie, will never have Uncle James' hugs
or kisses. And the baby on the way will never get
to know him personally. I always thought James and
I would grow old together, trying to look out
for each other. We had our ups and downs just
as every brother and sister do. But we would beat
the snot out of anyone who messed with the other
one. I'll miss most the smell of James and the way
he always hugged me so tight. James if your
reading this look out for mama and I'll see you
one day. I love you Bubba!!!!"

~ Bobbie

. : h o m e : .

. : b a c k : .

. : n e x t : .

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"Angels In Waiting"
Tammy Cochran