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Please help me identify my stalker!

Hello my name is Carey and I desperately need someone's help in identifying an individual who has been stalking me since 1980. This is an individual who I have only seen a few times, yet for some reason has become obsessed with me. Before I go any further, this individual has come to the conclusion that I am some sort of alien. These are his words, not mine.

In 1980 he first approached me where I worked. With no fanfare he announced to me that "you can make a lot of money, but you've got to testify against the government." This was news to me, seeing as how I wasn't privy to the government's dealings. But he was quite serious about this, as it turned out. While I just ignored him, he didn't leave my work place, and when I next passed him he said "you're part alien." With this statement I asked him who he was. And it was then he said, "that's not important," then trailed off into talking about a book he was planning on writing. It was late, I was busy, and this man was making no sense. So I just told him to leave me alone. Which he did, that day.

The next evening one of the men I worked with told me that someone told me that a man he said he would pay him to beat me up. He then pointed out the window and there stood the man who said I was an alien. He glared at me for all he was worth. Looking back I'm not certain why I couldn't recognize the insanity in his eyes, but over the years he has given me some very fine examples of it.

There have been several incidents that I feel were the result of someone's attempts to intimidate me. While I can't say for certain this strange man has been behind them, he has shown up into my life several times. A friend of mine said a man offered him a goodly amount of money for information on me, and the description he gave me closely resembled my stalker. As did another individual who attempted to harras me. Both were made offers of money should they beat me up. And there is a grocery list of other incidents that I suspect are associated with this individual. Apparently he doesn't know how to take no for an answer.

After a while the incidents had seemingly calmed down. But they only seemed to calm down. A woman living with me had been allowing herself to be blackmailed by this man, to allow him access to my home. And I can only speculate the reason for his interest in gaining access to my home was to "bug" my personal space. It was at this time he began to claim to work for an author of several books on the paranormal. And this may be the only clue I have to his identity.

I would love to name the author, but I have two problems with that. First is I'm very certain that he had nothing to do with the attempts to intimidate me, and I know his surviving relatives would love to drag me into court if I did. And the only reason I feel that this man is related to the author is a very strong family resemblence.

Most of my stalkers attempts to intimidate me have been laughable affairs, with an occasional lost job. And to be honest they came at such drawn out intervals that I wasn't even sure that someone was trying to intimidate me. And it wasn't until I moved to Arkansas that he pulled out all the stops.

When I moved to Alexander Arkansas I moved into a mobile home. Shortly after I moved in three men came to my home and once again the author's name was used to gain access to my home. These men put listening devices and wireless cameras in my home. I'm assuming for the purpose of gaining information about me. They went as far as to install a dedicated internet connection in the trailer across from me. This was to allow someone to monitor my personal activities from the comfort of my home. I've moved three times since then, and even now I suspect my home is bugged.

All this because this stalker thinks I'm ET. If anyone has any information regarding the multiple break ins at my home, or knows the identity of the man stalking me, I would appreciate an email giving me the names of any of these individuals.
