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Zeta's Helping Other People Excel

What is Z-HOPE?

Z-HOPE is an interactive, holistic and multidimensional outreach service initiative designed to enhance, cultivate and empower participants to develop health promoting lifestyle choices across the lifespan.

Z-HOPE builds on the Sorority's legacy of service by offering a service initiative that addresses the mission-critical needs of a shifting population.

Z-HOPE will facilitate age-appropriate program implementation in the 500+ communities served by Zeta Phi Beta Sorority's chapters and affiliates around the world.

Z-HOPE promotes community collaboration by encouraging Zeta chapters to partner with existing community organizations and resources to provide optimal quality programs.

Z-HOPE provides Zeta chapters with a comprehensive training manual that targets program development to meet the unique cultural needs of the African-American community and persons of color.

How does Z-HOPE work? Z-HOPE uses a holistic and multidimensional approach to program implementation. The multigenerational and gender specialized initiative contains programs and activities optimized to meet the needs and challenges of each group. Z-HOPE focuses its efforts within five major populations: women, youth, seniors, men and international women and designed to address the whole person via a holistic framework that focuses on the three key elements of life:



When one reviews the "State of Black America," it is evident that there still is much work needed to eliminate health disparities. In spite of America's technological advances, Black America still continues to experience more preventable diseases and ills in disproportionate numbers. There is no dispute that one's physical, mental and spiritual health impacts one's ability to work, live, love and just exist. Z-HOPE focuses the collective Zeta service efforts "upstream" by increasing awareness and prevention, thereby decreasing or lessening the impact of these preventable health issues. The goal of Z-HOPE is to empower people to become active partners in improving the quality of their own lives by providing information and knowledge in a digestible and usable format.

What are the Z-HOPE programmatic elements?

Z-HOPE responds to the "State of Health in Black America" by creating programs and activities that provide the knowledge of and tools to address the Healthy People 2010 ten leading health indicators:
- Physical Activity
- Substance abuse
- Injury & Violence
- Obesity
- Responsible Sexual Behavior
- Environmental Quality
- Access to Health Care
- Tobacco Use
- Mental Health
- Immunization

Z-HOPE uses this context to create a database of over 60 events, programs, collaborations, partnerships and activities subcategorized by generation, gender and holistic focus that will be implemented by Zeta chapters around the world to affect change and continue to build on Zeta Phi Beta's legacy of service.



What are the objectives of Z-HOPE?

Z-HOPE is an outreach service program that has six primary objectives, corresponding measures of success and a mechanism for chapter recognition. The primary objectives are:

- To provide culturally appropriate informational activities according to the Z-HOPE program format
- To foster collaborative partnerships between community organizations with shared goals
- To promote the opportunities for expansion in Stork's Nest programs
- To facilitate community service and mentorship opportunities for members of the organization
- To provide an equitable chapter recognition program for community services rendered
- To provide a standard reporting format to concentrate efforts and demonstrate the organization's impact

What are some representative Z-HOPE programs?

Z-HOPE contains programs and activities as varied as the people benefiting from them. The Z-HOPE approach to program implementation enables chapters to narrowly target specific programs based on population to achieve maximum impact. A small sampling of Z-HOPE program elements:

- Z-HOPE for Women addresses depression, domestic violence, responsible sexual behavior, money management, eating disorders, addictive behavior and nutrition.
- Z-HOPE for Youth includes physical activity, reading book clubs, goal setting, career planning, and crime prevention.
- Z-HOPE for Seniors addresses literacy, personal safety, chronic illness, deferred giving and advocacy-care givers activities.
- Z-HOPE for Men focuses in part on prostate cancer, cardiovascular disease, parenting skills, and domestic violence.
- Z-HOPE for International Women includes supporting women's and family groups, providing financial aid and other resources and empowering them to identify and implement solutions to problems in their communities.

Who are the National Z-HOPE committee members?

International Grand Basileus Barbara C. Moore assembled a "dream-team" of the Sorority's leading health providers and educators to design the extremely navigable Z-HOPE service initiative. Committee members include:

Soror Dr. Constance S. Hendricks, Chair
Soror Dr. Lucy Perez, Co-chair

- Z-HOPE for Women Soror Dr. Constance S. Hendricks (Baton Rouge, LA-Mu Zeta)
- Z-HOPE for Youth Soror Dr. Gloria S. McCutcheon (Charleston, SC-Gamma Zeta)
- Z-HOPE for Seniors Soror Theresa Dixon (Detroit, MI-Beta Omicron Zeta)
- Z-HOPE for Men Soror Darneta G. Brown (Knoxville, TN-Nu Zeta)
- Z-HOPE for International Women Soror Mary Singletary (Montclair, NJ-Zeta Delta Zeta)
- Overall Health & Wellness Soror Karen S. Gipson (Chicago, IL-Zeta Tau Zeta)
- Overall Community Partnership Development Soror Ella Nelson (El Paso, TX-Delta Mu Zeta)

Where is more Z-HOPE information?

If you are a Sorority member, non-profit organization or business looking for more information about Zeta Phi Beta Sorority's International Service Initiative, Z-HOPE, please contact:

Soror Dr. Constance Hendricks CSHZHOPE@aol.com



Stork's Nest

Since 1972, Zeta Phi Beta Sorority has enjoyed a partnership with the March of Dimes in an effort to encourage women to seek prenatal care within the first trimester of pregnancy, thereby increasing the prevention of birth defects and infant mortality. Nationwide, Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Inc. sponsors over 150 Stork's Nests. Last year, The Stork's Nest program has served over 15,000 women.

The Stork's Nest Program is designed to promote prenatal care participation and healthy behaviors during the pregnancy through two components - incentives and education. Stork's Nest clients "earn" points toward incentives, such as maternity or baby care items, through a variety of positive, health-promoting activities such as attending prenatal care appointments, participating in prenatal education classes, keeping appointments for well-baby visits. The Stork's Nest prenatal education sessions provide information, educational materials, and a variety of other resources and referrals that help clients take good care of themselves and their babies.

In 1997, Zeta celebrated its 25th anniversary of collaboration with the March of Dimes. The program was updated to include a new national logo, new educational materials and new incentive items for those mothers participating in the program.


National Educational Foundation

The National Educational Foundation of Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Inc., a 501(c) 3, is created and operated exclusively for charitable and educational purposes. The principle activities and purpose of the Foundation are to award scholarship grants to worthy students for the pursuit of higher education; to conduct community educational programs which will aid in the educational and vocational improvement in individual and community living standards; to engage in activities which will aid in the educational development of all women; and to engage in any appropriate research related to the purposes of the Foundation. For more information on how to apply for scholarships and grants through Zeta Phi Beta Sorority's National Educational Foundation, please visit www.ZPhiBNEF.org.

Human Genome Project

Begun formally in 1990, the U.S. Human Genome Project is a 13-year effort coordinated by the U.S. Department of Energy and the National Institutes of Health to (1) identify all the approximate 30,000 genes in human DNA; (2) determine the sequences of the 3 billion chemical base pairs that make up human DNA; (3) store this information in databases; (4) improve tools for data analysis; (5) transfer related technologies to the private sector; and (5) address the ethical, legal, and social issues (ELSI) that may arise from the project.

As leaders in academia, Zeta Phi Beta Sorority's National Educational Foundation was the first Greek lettered organization to address this issue of concern. Zeta Phi Beta Sorority has undertaken the responsibility to serve as a link between the scientific community and the general population - the people whom our local chapters serve in their communities. The Sorority believes that there is a continuing need in the minority communities for information on this important project, on the status of genetic research, for encouraging greater inquiry and involvement by minorities, and an appreciation of the societal implications of the knowledge gained from this research.

Whether from the perspective of health care, career interest, social and ethical implications, Zeta Phi Beta Sorority feels very strongly that a case should be made in lay terms for the inclusion of the African American community in our country's exploration into genome research. Zeta Phi Beta Sorority's National Educational Foundation is the lead on our Human Genome initiative. For more information on upcoming events with the Human Genome Project, please visit www.ZPhiBNEF.org.

Benchmark Programs

Girl Power! - A Benchmark Program

"Girl Power!" is a multiphase, national public education campaign sponsored by the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) to help encourage and empower 9- to 14-year-old girls to make the most of their lives. Studies show that girls tend to lose self confidence and self worth during this pivotal age, becoming less physically active, performing less well in school, and neglecting their own interests and aspirations. It's during these years that girls become more vulnerable to negative outside influences and to mixed messages about risky behaviors.

In support of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Zeta Phi Beta supports and endorses this initiative by sponsoring activities that help pave the way for girls to build confidence, competence and pride in themselves in order to make more positive decisions in their lives.

Saturday Academy for Conflict Resolution - A Benchmark Program

The Sorority sponsors activities that feature interaction and role-playing and teaches children to refocus negative energies, as well as group activities or outings to promote trust and encourage unity.

National Geography Institute - A Benchmark Program

The Sorority sponsors programs to tutor children in geography and computer science. Some of the goals of this program are for children to expand their knowledge about their city, state, country and the world; thereby promoting a greater appreciation of different resources, languages and cultures.

Celebrating Life! - A National Breast Cancer Education and Awareness Program

The Celebrating Life Foundation (CLF) is a non-profit organization devoted to educating the African American community and women of color about the risk of breast cancer, to encouraging advancements in the early detection and treatment, and to improving survival rates among these women." Since its inception, Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Inc has been on the forefront in the education and awareness of breast cancer - a disease that profoundly affects African-American women.

American Diabetes Association - African-American Project Team

The only African-American Greek-Letter organization on the Team, Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Inc. has been instrumental in promoting the Team's mission and goals to: (1) educate at least 500,000 African-Americans about the causes and effect of diabetes; (2) create $25 million in media impressions; (3) recruit and train volunteers to expand the program; and (4) establish at least 200 corporate partners.

National Oratorical Contest of Current Events - A Benchmark Program

This program provides youth the opportunity to perform research on current events that affect their lives and their futures and to use research findings to speak and influence others.


Adopt-An-Agency is a community volunteerism initiative designed to encourage local chapters to assist other local organizations and agencies in providing service in their communities by providing valuable resources, i.e. financial, manpower, or information.

Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Inc.
A Community Conscious, Action- Oriented Organization

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