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Ba'Zon has no idea of where he was born. His earliest memories take place on a cargo vessel. Ba'Zon's older brother, a crew-man on the ship, took care of Ba'zon. Even his brother did not remember a home world or their parents. Ba'Zon's brother was raised by the same cargo vessel's old navigator. He died while Ba'Zon was 5. Ba'Zon soon grew restless of life on a ship, and ventured to the Bothan homeworld. There he found no answers, and had much doubt he was descended from Bothawui. Ba'Zon found less answers on Kothlis. Soon Ba'Zon returned to his brother, Tel'Zon, and continued working on the Cargo Vessel. One early morning, Ba'Zon was awaken by the ship's alarms. The corridors were crowded with scrambling crew-men and droids. Outside one of the view windows, Ba'Zon could see the familiar planet of Hoth growing bigger and bigger. He ran toward his brother's post, but could not find him. Presuming he had already reached the life-pods, Ba'Zon made his way to them. There is brother was trying to ready one. With Ba'Zon's help they set the stubborn pod to launch and got in. Tel'Zon told Ba'Zon he wanted to wait for someone before they launched. Right then a Bothan female went running by. Tel'Zon unstrapped and told his brother he'd catch the next one. When Ba'Zon asked why he wanted to help the woman, his brother told him she was carrying his child. Before Ba'Zon could stop him, Tel'Zon punched the launch button and the doors sealed. Ba'Zon was launched away from Hoth, because of the way the ship was turned. As he waited to see his brother's pod launch, a rogue asteroid from the nearby field slammed into the cargo vessel. The asteroid combined with the atmosphere caused the ship to explode into nothingness. Ba'Zon could only watch as the other escape pods were caught in the explosion, and he himself was dragged down toward the icy planet. Ba'Zon could not explain how he, alone, survived the chaos, but he was not glad he did. He wandered the frozen planet for only an hour before he collapsed. Soon he felt warm and safe, and knew he was in the afterlife. But when he opened his eyes, Ba'Zon found himself in a frozen chamber warmed by a fire. A man walked in and kneeled to tend to Ba'Zon's exposure wounds. The man identified himself as a Jedi Knight and said he saw much potential in Ba'Zon. He offered to teach Ba'Zon all he knew. Ba'Zon was intrigued and so he began learning. Years passed as Ba'Zon trained as a Jedi Knight. His teacher grew old and sickly. On one of his usual mind exercises, Ba'Zon experienced an intuition that his brother might still be alive. Immediately he wished to leave to search for his brother. The master admitted that Ba'Zon was as trained as he could be on Hoth, and needed to go out in the Galaxy to learn more. His master also told Ba'Zon he was dying and asked him to stay one more month until he became one with the force. When his master passed on, Ba'Zon collected his master's lightsaber as was his wishes, and set out to search for his brother in his master's old headhunter. His journies took him through many systems with no clue of his brother. When Ba'Zon reached the desert world of Tatooine, Ba'Zon decided to stay at the city of Mos Strahteks and help protect it from the evil he knew was out there. Ba'zon continues his search through the experiences of pilots at the many ports,and also continues his jedi training. One day he hopes to leave Mos Strahteks and continue his own exploration for his brother, but until then he is contempt.