Muh Puerto Rican Site

Muh Peeps


Puerto Rico Is Da Best!!!!!!!!!!!
A KIzz A kizz blown is a kizz wasted, The only Kizz is a kizz tasted, kizzes hav germs R hated, So kiss me babi, I'm vaccinated!!!!!!!
Luv is Friendship set on FIRE!!!!!!!!!
Did u evea notice dat........ sum pple r alive jus b-cuz it is against da law 2 kill them!!!!!!!!!!

Yo Thanx 4 visitin muh site i hop u loved it hope u cum again Much Luv buh bye besitos kiss kiss xoxo Puerto Rico is da best!!!!!!!! Boricua!!!!!!!!! and if your mexican get out of my site!!!!!!!!!! and if your a black wanabee like mikey mcbean get offfff my site now!!!!!!!!!!!!! well puerto rico is da best ever much love besitos peace out!!!!! i luv u all!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
