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Conserving Arkansas...One Church at a Time
Environmental Stewardship Task Force Calendar

The Episcopal Church and the Environment

Assessing Your Church's Environmental Ministry

Religion and Environment Resources

Making Your Church a Creation Awareness Center

Pesticides and Herbicides

Energy Conservation

Water Protection


Arkansas Case Study

Search Arkansas Legislation

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To whom much is given, much is
also required. (Lk 12:48)

Homepage of Donald Anthony

Thanks for visiting my site. The purpose of this website is to encourage the Episcopal parishes and missions in Arkansas to become environmental stewards, or Creation Awareness Centers. The links to the left will lead you to some good start-up information, from assessing your church's environmental ministry to ways your church can become more ecologically-friendly.

In February 2003, I hosted a workshop on Christianity and Ecology at the annual Diocesan Convention. I am also chairperson of the diocese's Environmental Stewardship Task Force. The Task Force is currently working on its final report, which will assess environmental stewardship within the diocese and make recommendations on how our churches can become better stewards.

Browse around and make yourself at home. If you have any questions, or if you are interested in starting a stewardship campaign at your church, contact me at

For today's state and national environmental news from, click here.

Helpful Websites

Episcopal Church

Episcopal Diocese of Arkansas

Episcopal Ecological Network
