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arkansas as we see it

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Arkansas' Hispanic population jumps

By Guillermo X. Garcia, USA TODAY

A boom in northwest Arkansas, due in part, to an influx of Hispanics, has helped lift the state's population to 2.6 million, a 13.7% increase from 1990, according to new Census data out Friday.

The large increase of Hispanics is more typical of what happens in Southwestern states than in the deep South. Hispanics from other parts of the country as well as citizens of Mexico and Central America flooded into the state during the 1990s. But the state remains overwhelmingly white.

The Census Bureau says that in 2000, 2 million of the state's 2.6 million residents identified themselves as white. African-Americans remain the largest minority group in the state, at 419,000.

"But there has been a huge, huge growth, proportionately, of Hispanics in the state," says Sarah Breshears, a demographer at the University of Arkansas at Little Rock.

In 1990, the state's Hispanic population was 20,000, less than 1% of the total population. Ten years later, the census counted 86,866 Hispanics, or 3% of the population. "We are very pleased with the numbers because there was a great concern that the Hispanic count would be very low, even though we knew as early as 1996 that there was a significant and growing Hispanic population," Breshears says.

In 70 of the 75 counties, more than eight of every 10 residents are white, Breshears says. She says in the 1990 Census, 14 counties had 36 or fewer minority residents.

Two counties, Washington and Benton, located in the northwestern part of the state where the poultry industry is located, experienced the heaviest migration by Hispanics, and the heaviest growth in the state. "Washington and Benton Counties registered huge gains," says Robert Lang, an urban expert at the Fannie Mae Foundation. The Hispanic populations grew by 747% and 891%, respectively, census data shows.

Those two counties together grew by 100,000 people, and the Hispanic growth rate accounted for almost one of every four new residents there, Lang says. The state's largest cities, Little Rock and Ft. Smith, grew by 4% and 10%, respectively. The Census Bureau projected that those cities would experience less growth. The southeastern part of the state, the Delta region, which is where most of the state's African-Americans are concentrated, continues to lose population. The census data shows that the 11 Delta counties lost an average of 10% or more of their populations. But the state's 419,000 African-Americans, 15% of the state population, continues as the largest minority in the state.

Officials say they are satisfied that fewer of the traditionally undercounted — poor, rural blacks living in the Delta — were missed in 2000.

"I think the biggest surprise was the overall count. In '90 we had a lot of very upset mayors, who this time around are smiling mayors," Breshears says.

Source: U.S. Census Bureau

Christopher White Indianola, Ia.

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