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scream, scream, scream, and run away...
run for your yougurt!
You have now passed the point of no return.

BURMA! Yes, burma. Sorry, I panicked. This site is very much under construction right now. Please excuse our grungy construction workers. Violators will be prosecuted, and lifeguards may not make direct eye contact with you while speaking to you.
But while you wait, please view our rants page. It is jolly good fun, if I do say so myself. Ourselves.
Also, why not laugh at our misfortunes and read our Eblos!

Enter, mortal, if you dare, the ANTECHAMBER OF SECRETS!

Any last words? Or maybe you have come to this site to visit one of your loved ones who have been trapped. Well, sorry, but it looks as if you're trapped too. But, at least you can read their last words here. Perhaps Boseefus will give you a cell next to theirs...

Heh heh heh heh... oh! Erm... want to look at the results I (Rigatoni Mutez) got on various addictive personality quizzes? No? Well too bad! You're going to look at them anyway. Mwhahahahahaa!! I'll put Isabella's up too if she wants me to... Lookie! We won!!

We will wear the title proudly.

Number of lost causes who have ventured into this site, never to see the other side again: