ࡱ> oqn7 1bjbjUU Z7|7|-l@@@@@@@TTJvLrJtJtJtJtJtJtJ$K MhJ@J@@J@@rJrJf#C@@.Ij KOT~|FD.IDJ0JF<1N1N.ITT@@@@RESUME (1) Name : ARIJIT ROY (2) Designation : Senior Research Fellow (3) Affiliation : Computer Center (Computer Application Program), Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi, India (4) Fathers name : Mr. Sujit Kumar Roy (5) Date of Birth : 20 November 1972 (6) Nationality : Indian (7) Corresponding : Computer Center Address Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi 221005, INDIA Email:  HYPERLINK "mailto:arijitroy13@hotmail.com" arijitroy13@hotmail.com  HYPERLINK "mailto:arijit_roy1972@yahoo.com" arijit_roy1972@yahoo.com Tel: +91-9839146607 (Mobile) (8) Permanent Address : C/o Mr. Sujit Kumar Roy Rabindra Kanan (South of Rani Dighi), Kanainatshal, Sreepalli Barddhaman, West Bengal, India, Pin- 713103 (9) Sex : Male (10) Academic Qualifications : ExamsYearBoard/University% Marks / classSubject (s)I.C.S.E. (High School)June 1989Council for Secondary School Education New Delhi75.8 Ist classsEnglish; Hindi; Mathematics; Science; History, civics and geography; Accountancy I.S.C. (Intermediate)June 1991-do-72.75 Ist classPhysics; Chemistry; Biology; English; Hindi B.Sc.July 1994Banaras Hindu University66 Ist classBotany (Hons.); Chemistry; Geology M.Sc.July 1996 -do-63.7 Ist classBotany (Specialization Ecology)Ph.D.*2002-do-Botany (Field: Restoration Ecology)*Ph.D. Thesis topic Studies on Ecosystem Development on Blastfurnace Slag Dumps. (11) Other Qualifications : * Graduate Aptitude Test in Engineering 96 qualified. * National Eligibility Test for Research and Lectureship conducted by C.S.I.R. and U.G.C. qualified. (12) Project / Training A training in basic molecular biology techniques, Radioisotope handeling and project work: Cloning of phycocyacnin genes from a cyanobacterium Plectonema boryanum at Bhabha Atomic Research Center, Mumbai under the supervision of Dr. S. K. Mahajan from 6 October 1995 to10 November 1995. (13) Details of Employment/Experience 1. Worked as a Junior Research Fellow in Department of Biotechnology sponsored project at National Botanical Research Institute, Lucknow, India in the project Development of Transgenic Cotton Plants Resistant to Bollworms from 24 June 1996 to 17 February 1997 and sequenced portions of synthetic and Native Cry1A, Cry1B and Cry1C genes. Duration : 7 months (6 August 1996 to 17 February 1997) 2. Worked as a Senior Research Fellow in the Department of Botany, Banaras Hindu University after having successfully completed the tenure of Jr. Research Fellow in the Council of Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR), New Delhi, funded Project: Ecorestoration Studies on the Blastfurnace Slag Dumps in Bhilai Steel Plant, Bhilai, INDIA Duration : 5 years (6 May 1997 to 31 May 2002) 3. Successfully completed a report on stabilization of fly-ash dumps of Bokaro Steel Plant through vegetation development. Duration : 18.6.1999 to 16.9.1999 Working as a Senior Research fellow (extd.) at Computer Center (Computer Application), Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi, India on the C.S.I.R. funded project Computer Studies of the Impact of Elevated CO2 and Nitrogen lodading on terrestrial vegetation. Duration : 11 months (15 July 2002 till date) (14) Nature of work : Research and development including site visits, experimental set up at the site and coordination; Preparation of reports; Publishing research findings. (15) Duration of working experience: 6 years 11 months (6 August 1996 to till date) (16) Computer Skills Working experience with Windows, Unix, Statistical software SPSS, Fortran language. Computer application packages like Latex MS-Office (Word, Power point, Excel, etc.), Sigma-Plot Graphical Software, Norton Editor, etc. (17) Papers / Abstracts Presented in conferences: 4 (18) Papers published / communicated for publication in International Journals: (Pl. see list of publications) 5 (19) Papers under preparation 5 SUMMARY OF PH.D. THESIS. My Ph.D. study aims to understand the mechanism of vegetation development on slag dumps, in the Indian dry tropics, on an age gradient formed due to the existing dumping practice. Such studies on the slag dumps are lacking, especially in the tropics. In this study, the chronological changes in the various soil physico-chemical properties of the developing slag dumps have been examined with special emphasis on the functional role of the microbial population in the turnover and the availability of nutrients especially nitrogen, which is limiting in such habitats along with the structural and functional changes in the developing vegetation. Emphasis have been given to the role of the plant community structure especially species diversity on the ecosystem functioning during the ecosystem development. The results obtained after extensive field and laboratory work have been mathematically modeled using a deterministic model based on five key components of the slag dump ecosystem (soil total N, plant biomass, plant cover, soil moisture, litter and soil fine particles) to predict the natural recovery as well as to formulate the eco-restoration strategy in the slag dump. REFERENCES Prof. S.K. Basu Additional Coordinator (Supervisor) Computer Center Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi 221005, INDIA Email: swapankb@bhu.ac.in Tel: (0542) 30705 ext. 31(o); (0542) 369480 (r); Fax: (0542) 368174 Prof. N. Prasad Coordinator Computer Application Program (Computer Center) Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi 221005, INDIA Email: np@bhu.ac.in Tel: (0542)307051 (O); Fax: (0542)368174 Dr. S.K. Tripathi JSPS Fellow Institute of Low Temperature Science Hokkaido University Sapporo, Japan Email:  HYPERLINK "mailto:sk_tripathi@rediffmail.com" sk_tripathi@rediffmail.com K.P. Singh Professor of Botany Banaras Hindu University Varanasi 221005, INDIA Email:  HYPERLINK "mailto:kpsingh_28@yahoo.com" kpsingh_28@yahoo.com STATEMENT OF RESEARCH I have started my research career in Molecular Biology in National Botanical Research Institute as a Junior Research Fellow, to work on the genetic engineering of Cotton plant to BT attack. I then pursued an independent research work for Ph.D. with a Council of Scientific and Industrial Research Fellowship in the field of restoration ecology and successfully completed the project. I have supplicated my Ph.D. thesis entitled: Studies on ecosystem development on Blast-furnace Slag Dumps in Department of Botany Banaras Hindu University in Feb 2002 and have been awarded the degree in Feb 2003. I have published a few papers in Journals of International repute and some of the papers are under preparation. My experience in studying with the ecosystems from different ecological angles includes simulation, and modeling the phenomenon of restoration, impact of recurring landslide on mountain vegetation, field and laboratory work. Presently I am working as a Postdoctoral researcher in the Computer Center (Computer Application Program) in the field of Computer Studies of the impact of nitrogen loading and carbon dioxide enrichment on terrestrial ecosystems. STATEMENT OF RESEARCH INTEREST My research interest is in the field of modeling the various environmental processes especially in context of the Global Change. Since I have a considerable experience in conducting field based experiments as well as modeling in the field of ecology and Global change I would like to use my experience to do some interdisciplinary work in the field of environmental modeling. My main interest is to work on the impact of the human activities on the Global Environment, which includes the impact on the Global biogeochemical cycles, and the consequent impact on the environment especially biodiversity. My present research work and current future work plans include. Modeling the impact of the anthropogenic activities on the pools of the reactive nitrogen in the biosphere. Modeling the impact of nitrogen loading and carbon dioxide enrichment on terrestrial ecosystems Simulation modeling of the ecosystem processes including the impact of the global climatic changes on the vegetation. Use of simulation modeling for optimum commercial use of the ecosystem services in various ecosystems. Modeling Biodiversity change, and its relation to the functional aspects of the ecosystem with emphasis on Global Change like Carbon dioxide enrichment nitrogen loading and the likes. LIST OF PUBLICATIONS Papers published/communicated in international journals: Roy, A., S.K. Basu and K.P. Singh. 2002. Modeling vegetation development on Blast-furnace slag dumps in a tropical region. SIMULATION, 78(9): 531-542. Roy, A. and K.P Singh. 2003. Dynamics of microbial biomass and nitrogen supply during primary succession on Blast-furnace slag dumps in dry tropics. Soil Biology and Biochemistry, 35: 365-372. Basu, S.K. and A. Roy. 2003. Computer simulation of long-term vegetation status in landslide prone areas in the Himalayan region. Sent after revision to SIMULATION. Roy, A. and K.P. Singh. 2003. Plant colonization in relation to spatial pattern of microbial biomass and nitrogen availability in a 5-year old slag dump in a dry tropical region. Communicated to Plant Ecology. Roy, A., S.K. Tripathi and S.K. Basu. 2003. Formulating Eco-diversity vector. Communicated to Ecological Modelling. Papers under preperation Roy, A. and K.P. Singh 2003. Establishment of Plant community and changes in its structural and functional components during primary succession in slag dumps in a tropical region. To be communicated to Ecology. Roy, A., S.K. Tripathi, K.P. Singh and T.N. Mandal. 2003. Ecosystem structure and Functioning: a case study in three tropical ecosystems, under preparation Roy A. and Tripathi, S.K. 2003. A threshold level of diversity is necessary for ecosystem functioning, under preparation. Roy, A., Tripathi, S.K. and S.K. Basu. 2003. Anthropogenic fixation of nitrogen: past trend and simulated future projections. Under preparation. Roy A. 2003. Primary succession on slag dumps an overview. Under preparation. Papers /Abstracts presented in seminars and conferences Roy, Arijit and K.P. Singh (2001) Ecological restoration of the blast furnace slag dumps. Paper presented in National Seminar Emerging Trends in Environmental Management, 26 Feb, 2001. Held in Department of Botany, Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi 221005, India. Roy, Arijit (2000) Role of safe sites in vegetation developments in blast-furnace slag dumps. Paper presented in the 23rd Annual Conference of the Indian Botanical Society held at Meerut, India and was adjudged as the best paper presented in the category. 2. Roy, Arijit and K.P. Singh (1999) Ecological analysis of vegetation development in Blast furnace slag dumps Presented in the National Symposium Ecology in India Retrospects and Prospects. Held in Department of Botany, Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi 221005, India. Roy, Arijit and K.P. Singh (1998). Vegetation development on slag dumps: an ecological assessment Presented in the International Symposium on environmental management in mountainous regions. Held at Govt. PG College Rishikesh, India. 15. Whether applied for any of the post in NRSA before: NO Declaration: I affirm that the information given in this application is true and correct. I also fully understand that if at any stage it is discovered that an attempt has been made by me to willfully conceal or misrepresent the facts, my candidature may be summarily rejected or my employment terminated. Date: 21 July 2003 Signature of the candidate Varanasi !1L\ (9LY/0Qf Z m   G ^ s |   w*nu :<>? 5H*\5\jU0JjU jU6556T  !KL  '(L1PQ & F 2 @ d 2 @ d $ a$1!',=MY 2 @ $If$ 2 @ $Ifa$ 2 @ d YZcq{\MMMMMA 2 @ $If$ 2 @ $Ifa$$$Iflr8Z%T" ` 04 laP+5:MyPAAAA$ 2 @ $Ifa$$$Iflr8Z%T" ` 04 laP 2 @ $Ifyz{PAAAA$ 2 @ $Ifa$$$Iflr8Z%T" ` 04 laP 2 @ $If P,AAAAA$ 2 @ $Ifa$$$Iflr8Z%T" ` 04 laP 2 @ $If ( ) 0 5 : ; C PAAAA$ 2 @ $Ifa$$$Iflr8Z%T" ` 04 laP 2 @ $IfC ` a P@@9 2 @  2 @ $dN$$Iflr8Z%T" ` 04 laP 2 @ $If P   f .y$ T2 a$$ T^`a$$ & F 2 ^`a$$ @ ^`a$$ & F 2 @ @ ^@ a$$ 2 @ @ ^@ `a$ $ 2 @ a$$ 2 @ @ ^@ a$ ./ ?w $ 2 @ Pa$ $ 2 @ a$$ T^a$$ & F T^`a$$ T^`a$ $ 2 a$GHqrs2 Q l%%!&+&&&&'''''i(v(w(y((((())))f*w*x*****r+++++++++,,,----..//c0o016H*6]jU0J jU5\5 5\]6]\]5]Q2vw 3$ 2 @ h^ha$$ 2 @ ^a$ $ & F 2 @ a$ $ 2 @ a$ $ 2 @ Pa$34FRw'@JK1 2 $ 2 @ a$$ 2 @ ^a$$ 2 @ ^a$ $ & F 2 @ a$$ 2 @ h^ha$2 3 R S ""Z##0$$O%P%Q%R%S%T%U%k%l%%%=& $ & F 2 @ a$$ h2 @ h^h`a$$ & F!  hh^ha$$ a$ $ 2 @ a$=&>&&'''x(y((())))x*y***+++ $ 2 @ a$$ 2 @ h^ha$$ & F 2 @ a$$ 2 @ h^ha$ $ & F 2 @ a$ $ 2 @ a$+++,,,- - .!.8/9/#0$0%0a0b0c011 $ & F 2 @ a$$ 2 @ ^`a$ $ & F 2 @ a$ $ & F 2 @ a$ $ 2 @ Pa$ $ 2 @ a$111111111 $ 2 @ a$ $ 2 @ a$/ =!"#$`%DyK arijitroy13@hotmail.comyK >mailto:arijitroy13@hotmail.comDyK arijit_roy1972@yahoo.comyK @mailto:arijit_roy1972@yahoo.comDyK kpsingh_28@yahoo.comyK 8mailto:kpsingh_28@yahoo.com i4@4 NormalCJ_HmH sH tH B@B Heading 1$$ 2 @ @&a$5<A@< Default Paragraph Font\R@\ Body Text Indent 2&$ T^`a$XC@X Body Text Indent&$ 2  f^ `fa$4B@4 Body Text$ a$.U@!. 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