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Note: This is in response to a little challenge issued by my new good buddy, Orithain. It’s all her fault! Big shout outs to Nic and Orithain (whose big idea it was for this thing, in the first place!) Oh...did I already mention that? You girls keep me off balance (that’s a GOOD thing) Deb and Pat. Love you all!

Phone I
Local Call


Disclaimer: They’re his, okay? End of disclaimer.


Alex Krycek dug through the pockets of his jeans.

No change.

He searched his leather jacket.

Still nothing.

He leaned against the glass wall of the phone booth and looked at his watch.

Two forty-five.

"I ought to call collect. Piss the old bastard off."

He closed his eyes and shivered.

Fuck, it’s cold. What the hell are you doing out here, this time of night? Fuck him and his project.

There was a quick squeak-squeak of the folding door and a gun in his ribs before he could open and focus his eyes. He was spun around and shoved face first into the wall that housed the phone. A warm body hovered very close behind him. He made no attempt to turn around. Didn’t have to. He knew who it was.

"Hey, Mulder. Isn’t it past your bedtime?"

"I don’t sleep, Krycek. You know that." Mulder shifted in the cramped booth, making sure that he kept his advantage. "What are you doing out here?"

"Making a call...well...I was going to make a call but I don’t have any change. Can I borrow a quarter?"

Mulder jammed the gun harder into his back. "Who were you going to call?"

"My date. I’m running a little trouble, you know...and I thought I’d better explain."


" are we going to do, here?"

"About what?"

"Well, we’re squeezed together in a tiny phone booth at almost three o’clock in the morning. Your gun is in my back and if I’m not mistaken, that feels like your very hard cock against my ass."

Mulder grimaced but said nothing.

"So, the way I see it, you can do one of three things. You can arrest me on some trumped up charge, you can get the hardware out of my back and let me go on my way, or you can fuck me."

"You’re an insane bastard."

"Make up your mind, Mulder. My arm is falling asleep..."

Krycek’s knees almost buckled when he heard the unmistakable sound of a belt being undone. There was more jerky movement in the small space, then a hand came around to his jeans, popping the button and drawing the zipper down. His eyes rolled up into his head as a warm hand slipped inside his underwear.

"Didn’t think I had the nerve, did you?" Mulder taunted softly in his ear.

Krycek swallowed, trying to rid his throat of the lump that had settled there. "No," he answered honestly. "I didn’t."

"Never challenge me."

"If I remember correctly, I also challenged you to either arrest me or let me go."

Mulder squeezed him gently, sending a hard shudder through his body. "I don’t arrest people on trumped up charges and since I really don’t feel like letting you go, there’s only one other option." The entire time he spoke, he stroked Krycek’s twitching cock. The recipient of his caresses drew in a stuttering breath. When released, it was accompanied by a whispered, ‘Oh God’.

"What was that, Alex?"

"Nothing," he rasped.

Mulder holstered his gun, grasped the younger man by his shoulders and managed to get him turned around. Hazel eyes searched green. Then the master of surprise was himself, caught completely off-guard as Mulder’s lips covered his. He began to sway and felt himself caught and held by an arm wrapped securely around his waist.

Okay...he’s kissing me

Krycek tried to wrap his mind around the fact that he was actually being tenderly kissed by Fox Mulder, but he wasn’t having a whole lot of luck. A quick fuck in a phone booth at three in the morning, he could see. It was late. They were squeezed up against each other in this tiny space. They were taunting each other... Alex Krycek could rationalize just about any situation. ...but this? He never kissed anyone. Had meaningless sex, sure. And plenty of it, but to him, kissing conveyed an intimacy... a display of emotion for the other person that he’d just never felt. So then why in God’s name was he letting this man kiss him? And more to the point, why the fuck was he kissing him back?

His head was starting to pound.

Too much thinking.

Mulder’s arm tightened around his waist and he could feel his own cock respond to the one pressing against it.

Oh God, way too much feel that? He writhed against the hardness. He wants you. You. If he wants to kiss you, so what?

Mulder’s tongue slipped between his lips, sliding along the roof of his mouth, then tangling with his own. He groaned softly.

So, you like it, that’s what.

Krycek threaded a hand through Mulder’s hair and deepened the kiss.

Oh shit, what are you doing?

Mulder’s hand slipped into the back of his jeans, cupping his ass.

Smooth, soft skin stretched over tight muscle. He slowly kneaded the flesh.

Alex broke the kiss, drawing ragged breaths. "Mulder..."

Mulder focused on his eyes. "What?"

Alex hesitated.

Mulder’s hand pressed against his ass, pushing them closer together.

"What do you want?"

Krycek paused a second more, then plunged his fingers into Mulder’s hair and brought their lips together once more. Mulder groaned deep in his throat and leaned heavily into him, pushing him backward and knocking the phone off the hook.

This is bad, Alex. This is very bad. Stop kissing him!

He withdrew, cocked his head to the opposite side, and kissed Mulder again.

I can’t. He tastes so good. God, how can a man taste this fucking good?

He groaned his protest as Mulder pulled away from him. The older man dropped his pants and gently pushed Krycek to his knees. Green eyes rose to his face. He extended a hand and stroked the kneeling man’s flushed cheek.

Krycek grasped Mulder’s underwear and drew it down past his hips and over his stony erection. His lower lip quivered in anticipation. Mulder’s hands clasped at the back of his head and pulled it forward.

Krycek’s eyes dropped shut at the first sensation of Mulder’s cock on his tongue. Christ, he’d wanted this since forever. But somehow, he’d always thought it’d be the other way around. Life was just full of surprises, and some of them, he thought as he sucked Mulder into his mouth, not altogether unpleasant.

Glittering hazel disappeared behind closed eyelids. Mulder grimaced, trying his level best to keep a grip on sanity.


What a stupid word. What was sane about any of this? He was in a fucking phone booth, on a deserted street at three a.m. with one of the dirtiest snakes to ever slither the earth. And what was he doing? Getting ready to nail the bastard. And what made the damn situation even worse? Krycek was going to let him. Hell, he wanted him to.

Something is really fucked up here, and as soon as this is done, I’m going to figure out what it is...after it’s done...

Mulder pulled Krycek up by his jacket, much to the other man’s moaned protestations. His lips found the racing pulse in Krycek’s throat, drawing a soft moan from the younger man. His mouth traveled down the soft skin and stopped at the curve between his neck and shoulder. He sucked the flesh into his mouth, applying an almost unbearable pressure.

Krycek’s hands tangled in the folds of Mulder’s coat. His teeth clenched as he attempted to bite back a reaction.

Jesus Christ, he’s marking me...

His cock throbbed at the thought.

Mulder released him abruptly. "Turn around."

Krycek forced himself to move, turning his back to the older man. Mulder slipped his hands inside his jeans and pulled them down to his ankles. He slowly worked his way back up, kissing and licking the soft skin of Krycek’s ass. The muscle clenched under his tongue and a soft grunt came from above. He smiled and stood up. Krycek spread his legs as far as the jeans pooled around his feet would allow, and waited. Mulder grasped his cock at the base and pressed it into the crevice, seeking out the tight opening.

"Please..." A soft, rough whisper.

"Please, what?" Mulder asked in an almost identical tone.

Krycek gritted his teeth. "Please fuck me." A loud groan tore from his throat as the head of Mulder’s cock began to stretch the opening.

"Oh, God."

Mulder grasped his hips and pulled him backward as he pressed forward. The realization that he was actually fucking Alex Krycek hit Mulder like a ton of bricks. His heart began to pound double-time as he tightened his grip on the younger man and established a steady, driving rhythm. He opened his eyes in time to see one of Krycek’s hands go to his own cock and begin to stroke it in time to Mulder’s movements. He reached around and grasped the wrist, pulling the hand away. Before Krycek could protest, Mulder’s hand replaced his.

Krycek’s mouth dropped open and a long gasp escaped it. He braced himself the best way he could against the wall and gave up complete control to the man behind him. He closed his eyes and focused on the contrasting sensations of Mulder’s long wool coat scratching against his skin and the smooth heat of his cock sliding in and out of him.

God, this is it. I might as well die now. In a few short minutes, this goddamn man has completely ruined me...fucking great. I’ll obsess over him for the rest of my fucking miserable life, now. Jesus, please send down a lightning bolt or something and kill me right now.

Mulder tightened his left arm around Krycek’s heaving chest and laid his head against the leather covered back. He increased the speed of his movements, forcing a sharp cry from the younger man. Mulder moaned into his back as he felt the inevitable explosion rumbling through his body. He thrust frantically into Krycek and released a long gasping sob as he came. A few more hard strokes of his hand and Krycek joined him, shooting hot and hard over Mulder’s fist. The younger man bit into his lip to keep from screaming out loud. His arms gave out and both men fell forward, sandwiching Krycek between the phone unit and the gasping man behind him. He winced at the feel of the large metal object pressing into his chest but sheer exhaustion kept him silent.

Long seconds later, Mulder regained enough strength to stand up straight. Silently, he began to readjust his clothing. Krycek turned around and backed into the glass wall. He doubled over and rested his hands on his knees for a moment before pulling his jeans up. As he was zipping up, Mulder’s fingers closed around his wrist, twisting his hand, palm side up. He pressed a quarter into it.

"Better call your date now. Please convey my apologies for detaining you."

Krycek turned weary eyes up to him. He said nothing. Mulder ran a hand through his hair and opened the door. Krycek lowered his eyes to the floor and waited for him to leave. When the feel of his presence did not fade, Krycek looked up.

Mulder watched the younger man intently. His eyes glittered with an emotion Krycek could not read. He moved he two short steps that it took for him to stand before the other man. He reached into his pocket and produced another quarter. He thrust his hand into the inside of Krycek’s jacket and deposited the silver into the breast pocket.

"What’s that for?" Krycek rasped. He focused longingly on those deliciously full lips as Mulder spoke.

"You can use that one to call me."

Green eyes flicked up to hazel. Mulder backed toward the door and with one last long look, turned and walked away. Krycek listened to the dull click of his heels against the damp pavement until the sound faded. He unclenched his hand and dropped the quarter into the phone. He dialed and as he waited for an answer, pulled the other quarter out of his pocket. He held it in his palm, stroking the raised surface with his thumb. A tiny smile crossed his lips and he tucked it back into his pocket.

A faint click, then a soft. "Yes?"

Krycek’s smile faded and he listened.


He hung up and walked out into cold, early morning.


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