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This one is from Peja’s 15 minute "Just put it off until tomorrow. You’ve hurt me enough today" challenge

Apples and Oranges II
What About Tomorrow?

by Aries


Rated PG-13 for language

"...Stupid, insane, asinine... have I mentioned stupid?"

"I believe you have."

"Mulder, how could you?"


"I’m waiting."

"I don’t know, okay? It just happened. Isn’t that good enough?"

"No! I need a reason for this! I mean, come on, Mulder, you have to see how sick this is. How vile, how...wait. Wait. Is this a joke?"


"Is it a joke. ‘Cause if it is, I’m going to kick your ass for putting me through all this trauma."

"It’s not a joke," Mulder said softly into the receiver. "There’s nothing funny about it."

"You’re right about that, Mulder. I don’t find this the least bit amusing. Alex Krycek. Alex friggin’ Krycek. This is by far the stupidest thing you’ve ever done. Ever. Ever."

"All right, look. I...I gotta go."

"What. What d’you mean, you gotta go? You call me up, you lay this bomb in my lap, and now you want to just drop it?"

"Not drop it."

"What then?"

"Just put it off until tomorrow." His tone dropped to an even softer level. "You’ve hurt me enough today."

"Mulder, I...I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to hurt you."

"You think calling me stupid isn’t hurtful? I gotta go."


"See you later."

Mulder hung up and dropped heavily onto the couch.

Well, that was about as shitty a response as he could get.

And you expected what? An, ‘Oh, Mulder, that’s wonderful’, and her very best wishes? Get off it.

At least he’d said it. It was out. Whether or not he and Alex could work through it was another matter, though.

He picked up the ice cold slice of pizza that had been Alex’s and took a bite.

If Alex would even talk to him...

The flickering television was the only light in the room, casting a pale bluish haze over the man slouched on the chair in front of it.

He had no idea what was on. Didn’t matter anyway. He wasn’t watching it. His thoughts were focused solely on the man he’d walked out on earlier in the evening.

He knew Mulder wouldn’t have gone after him. It hadn’t quelled the twinge of disappointment he’d felt, though.

Alex groaned and sank deeper into the chair.

He couldn’t go back. He was the one who’d walked out. And even if he was spineless and weak enough to...

The soft knock at his door frightened him out of his thoughts, and his head snapped around toward the door. He sat motionless, staring at the door for a number of seconds before a second knock brought him to his feet.

It couldn’t be.

He moved stealthily to the door and listened for some sound. It came directly after the third knock.

"Alex. C’mon, I know you hear me. Open the door."

His pounding heart almost drowned out the muted voice.


Alex unlocked the door then closed his eyes and took a deep breath before opening it.

Mulder stepped into the scarcely lit room and stopped inches from Alex’s heavily shadowed form.

"I was going to ask if I woke you," Mulder said, noting that Alex was still fully dressed, "but I guess not."

Alex said nothing. He stood quietly, looking at the middle of Mulder’s chest.

"Scully knows."

Dark eyes rose to meet Mulder’s steady gaze but still Alex said nothing.

"To say that she was unhappy would be a gross understatement. But she’ll get over it." He paused, still staring at the younger man.

Still nothing.

"I know. You don’t care about her reaction." Mulder took a step forward. "I’m here, Alex. Doesn’t that tell you anything about my reaction to her reaction?"

"That’s today," Alex finally said, his voice a hoarse croak.

Mulder sighed heavily. "What d’you mean?"

"What about tomorrow? How’re you going to feel in a week? Three? You know, when things really start to get uncomfortable between you."

"She’ll come around," Mulder promised.

"And if she doesn’t?"

"She will."

"Okay. Let’s say she does. That’s just one obstacle. The other one...the biggest one is you."

Mulder stood shaking his head.

"You can’t deal with the guilt, Fox," Alex said. "You’re fucking the man who killed your father...had a hand in your partner’s disappearance and her sister’s death..."

Mulder lowered his head.

"The same man who..."

"I know who you are," Mulder snapped, agitation clear in every syllable.

"Yeah, you do. And you’re ashamed as hell for what you’re doing with me. But you can’t stop yourself. You like fucking me and you don’t want to stop that, but there’s no way in hell you can let yourself be seen in public with me. You can’t let anyone else know your secret."

"That’s not true," Mulder rasped.

"Why can’t you admit it?"

"Because it isn’t fucking true!" Mulder yelled. "I told Scully about us! I’m here! Can’t you give me an ounce of credit?"

Alex lowered his head and rubbed at one eye.

"It’s really late. I’m tired."

"So am I," Mulder replied softly. "Come with me back to my place. We can sleep late and then spend the rest of the day trying to hash this out."

Several seconds passed, then Alex spoke.

"It might not be any bigger than your living room, but my apartment is clean. So’s my bed. The sheets, the blankets..."


"We’ve always got to be at your place. Why?"

"I...I don’t know." Mulder looked around the nearly dark room. "I have nothing against your place."

"Except maybe that you don’t feel as much in control here as at your own place?"

Mulder stared. "You’ve got a lot of issues with me, don’t you?"

"At least I’m finally talking about them."

"Christ, Alex. Okay, look. We’ll stay here tonight. Are you happy? Will that prove anything to you?"

"I didn’t say I wanted you to stay with me tonight."

"You were just bitching because we never spend any time here!"

"I was just making an observation about your unwillingness to be here with me as opposed to your own place. I didn’t mean I wanted you to stay here tonight."

Mulder tipped his head back and clenched his fingers in his hair.

"Fuck. Fine. Do you don’t want to spend tonight with me. All right. Gotcha. I’ll go. But I tried. Don’t say I didn’t try."

Mulder turned to leave, but Alex’s soft voice stopped him.

"Mulder one, Krycek zip."


"You’re keeping score, aren’t you?"

"Keeping...why the hell would you say that?"

"You tried, I didn’t. That puts you ahead."

"I’m not keeping fucking score!" Mulder got loud again. "I just know when I’m banging my head up against a brick wall, and I’m smart enough to know when to quit."

"’s over?"

"Do you want it to be?"

"That’s how you’re making it sound."

"I meant that I quit for tonight," Mulder sighed. "But you aren’t making this the slightest bit easier. And I don’t know how long we can continue this way." He walked to the door and opened it. "Let me know what you want to do once you decide. You know where you can find me."

Mulder stepped into the hall and closed the door behind him, leaving Alex alone again in the darkness.


