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Admission XI
Part 3

By Aries

"Fox sipped at his water and watched the comings and goings of the restaurant's patrons. His eyes only stopped moving when they fixed on the couple who'd just come through the door. He glanced quickly at the petite redhead then lifted his gaze to her tall, dark companion. One corner of his mouth rose into a hint of a smile, and his pulse quickened at the sight of his fiancé now walking toward him.

Scully reached the table first, followed immediately by Alex, and as she took her seat, the two men locked eyes.

A hundred unspoken words passed between them in one look, and Scully lowered her eyes, smiling. Cupping the back of his lover's head, Alex leaned down and brushed a tender kiss across Fox's lips.

"You meet in the parking lot?" Fox asked as Alex moved away and took his seat.


Reaching over to take Alex's hand, Fox brought it up to his lips. Alex closed his fingers around his lover's, stroking gently as he looked across the table at Scully, who had since opened up her menu.

"Know what you want?"

"Think I'll have the jumbo bacon cheeseburger and onion rings."

Grinning, Fox shook his head then turned to Alex.

"What about you?"

Still caressing Fox's hand, Alex turned a warm gaze on the older man and said nothing.

"Later," Fox whispered, reading Alex's expression exactly.

Slowly lowering their hands to his lap, Alex drew Fox's palm over the growing bulge in his pants.

"I gotta hold on to that until later?"

Just as Fox opened his mouth to respond, Scully's exasperated voice sounded from across the table.

"Oh God, don't you two start." All she received was a faint moan from Alex and a trace of a smirk from Fox. "I'm serious, Mulder. Get your hand out of his lap, right now."

"You're no fun, Scully," Fox said as his hand reappeared above the table.

Alex whimpered his disapproval and dropped his head to Fox's shoulder, nuzzling the navy blue material of his lover's suit.

"Sorry, babe, Scully's being a prude."

"Why? Because I want you to stop groping your boyfriend..."


"God. Okay, because I want you to stop groping your fiancé in the middle of a busy restaurant?"

"I wasn't groping," Fox corrected softly, petting the head resting on his shoulder. "I was caressing."

"Oh. I see. Sorry for the misunderstanding."

Fox grinned at Scully, and Alex lifted his head as the waiter approached. The three ordered lunch then discussed not much more than the wedding for the next hour. When lunch was finished, Fox paid the tab, and the three walked together out to the parking lot.

"See you at home," Fox murmured, pulling Alex to him and laying a long, hungry kiss on his mouth.

"Don't work overtime," Alex growled, nipping at his lover's lower lip as they broke the kiss.

"What, and leave you like this?" Fox asked coyly, rubbing his crotch against Alex's.

"Okay," Scully cut in just as Alex's hands slipped down over Fox's ass, "playtime's over. Mulder, get into your car and get your ass back to work. Alex, you go back to doing whatever the hell it was you were doing before lunch, and save the bump and grind for later."

"I'm going, I'm going." Fox moved closer to Alex and whispered against his mouth, "Will you miss me?" Before Alex could answer, Fox grunted as he was jerked backward.

Alex stood laughing as Scully hauled her partner by the back of his jacket to his car and shoved him inside. He waved to Fox, who waved back and glared at Scully before starting his car and pulling out of the lot. Only a few minutes after he left, his cell phone rang. Checking the number, he smiled and answered.

"I promise I won't jerk off until you come home." His voice lowered to a soft, sexy purr. "Then I'll give you a show."


"Oh." He stopped the giggle that bubbled up. "Scully. Thought it might have been Fox."

"Liar. Don't you two ever quit?"

"We'll stop when we're dead," Alex countered good-naturedly. "What'd you call me for?"

"You going back to my place?"


"Okay, do me a favor. There's a package of chicken wings in the freezer. I forgot to take it out this morning. Just put it in the sink, okay?"

"'Kay. Anything else?"

"No, that's it. Thanks."

"All right. I'll only be there for about an hour or so, then I gotta get home and get dinner started." Alex grinned into his phone. "Then I can get Fox started."

"Oh, for...goodbye, Alex."

Laughing softly, Alex hung up and continued on to Scully's apartment.

"Okay. Thirty-five feet from the house. That's how far Mr. Scott said the dog's kennel was. And it was mid-afternoon when he heard a commotion, looked out the window and saw three, small gray figures approximately the size of ten year olds enter the...Mulder." Scully set the file down and crossed her arms over her chest, staring at her distracted partner. "Mulder, go home."

Fox blinked up at Scully. "What? I'm listening to you."

"You are, huh. Okay, what did I just say?"

"You were saying that this Mr. Scott's ten year old dog was..."

"Cut. Stop. Hold it right there." Scully emitted a long breath. "You're a million miles away."

"Am not." Fox looked down at his desk, grinning sheepishly then shrugged. "I was just thinking."

"Yeah, I know what you were thinking about."

"No, you don't. What I was thinking has nothing to do with Alex. Well, it does, but it doesn't involve sex. Well, it does, but..."

"Good God. Get out of here, Mulder. And take your libido with you."

She didn't have to tell him a third time.

Twenty minutes later, Fox was on the beltway, digging into the inside pocket of his jacket for his phone. Locating it, he called home. Two rings later, the sound of gasping and moaning met his ear.

"Alex, I'll kick your ass."

Laughter replaced the gasping.

"Hi honey."

"Yeah, hi. What're you doing?"

"What'd it sound like I was doing?"

"You were not jerking off."

"I wasn't?"


"How d'you know?"

"Because you're waiting for me." Fox's voice lowered. "Aren't you?"

Alex's tone matched his lover's. "Yeah, I'm waiting for you. When'll you be home?"


"How soon?"

"Soon enough."

The abrupt click of the phone surprised Alex, and its ominous implication made his cock twitch. Stretching sinuously, his hand wandered down to his crotch, caressing lightly before moving away.

Don't touch. That's for Fox.

Alex closed his eyes and smiled as he imagined Fox's hand wrapped around him, expertly stroking him before kneeling to take him in his mouth...

"Mmmmmmh. I hope your soon and my soon are the same thing, lisa."

Forcing himself to get up, Alex set about getting dinner ready.

The garage door rose, and the Lincoln rolled quietly to a stop. Cutting the engine, Fox stepped out of the car and entered the house, wondering why Clyde wasn't there to greet him. Figuring that the dog was either in the yard or out walking with Alex, he moved toward the kitchen. The sounds of utensils clanging confirmed his first thought, and he entered the room to find Alex just lowering the flame on a pot of boiling water. The younger man heard him come in, and just before he could turn around, Fox wound an arm around him, jerking him back into the heated cradle of his body.

"Undo your pants," he rumbled against Alex's cheek, pushing his wool-covered erection into the other's ass.

Alex obeyed, and as soon as the way was clear, Fox shoved his hand inside, grasping his lover's warm cock and squeezing. Alex winced and moaned softly, rubbing his face against Fox's.

"You been hard since we talked?"

"Since lunch," Alex gasped.

"Yeah?" Fox removed his hand, and before Alex could issue any type of protest, he shoved the younger man up against the counter. With two hard pulls, he forced Alex's jeans down past his knees then undid his own trousers. "Get the lube."

Alex pulled open the drawer by his hip, withdrawing a slim tube and handing it back to Fox. Quickly, Fox slathered a generous amount of the cool gel onto his cock then tossed the tube onto the counter. The hollow sound prompted Alex to recall the last time they'd done it in the kitchen, and his comment to Fox that he needed to replenish their stock. He made a mental note to try and remember to do it this time. The pressure of Fox's cock pushing its way into his ass dissolved the thought, and he cried out his fiancé's pet name as he bucked against the overwhelming presence inside of him.


Grasping the back of Alex's neck, Fox pushed him down until his chest was resting on the counter top. Then without further hesitation, he gripped the other man's hips and began to slam into him.

"Ahgod!" Alex yelled, clawing the counter. Fox answered with a hard grunt and increased the strength of his thrusts, forcing a tortured sob from his lover.

"This what you were waiting for?" Fox breathed shakily, keeping the relentless pace he had set.

Alex nodded frantically, reaching for one of Fox's hands and guiding it to his cock. When Fox made no effort to jerk him off, he lifted his head from the counter and, letting out a frustrated growl, tried to make the older man do what he wanted.

Fox pulled his hand away, not without a struggle, then he withdrew his handcuffs from his back pocket and wrestled Alex's hands behind his back. Efficiently snapping the cuffs on, he picked up where he left off, uninterrupted.

Whimpering into the counter, Alex shuddered with every hard stroke. His cock, swollen and neglected bobbed in sync to Fox's thrusts, and he prayed for contact, any contact with it. But Fox kept the lower half of his body far enough away from the counter that he couldn't rub up against it.

Beautiful, sadistic bastard.

Breaths coming now in broken gasps, Fox drove erratically into Alex, pushing himself quickly toward release. Well aware of the signs of his lover's impending explosion, Alex contracted his muscles, milking the other man's cock and helping him straight over the edge.

"Fuck...oh, shhhh..." Fox clenched his teeth, groaning loudly as he lost what was left of his control, and he collapsed on top of Alex, shuddering violently and emptying himself into his lover. When he finished, he stood there, joined to Alex, purring softly as he nuzzled the sable head.

Hands still cuffed behind his back, and the weight of Fox's upper body on his, Alex squirmed slightly, whining his lover's name.

Fox opened his eyes then closed them again briefly and smiled. Gently, he pulled out of Alex's rear and kissed the back of the younger man's neck before turning him around and meeting pleading emerald eyes. His gaze drifted down to the younger man's rigid erection, and then he looked back up, smirking.

"Looks like you could use a little attention," he murmured, voice rough with spent passion.

"Please," Alex whispered, leaning in to brush his lips over Fox's. Nipping gently at his lover's generous lower lip, he followed with a slow, teasing pass of his tongue. Fox moaned at the caress and slid his hands up under Alex's shirt to his chest, stroking the hot skin. His fingers wandered over the tight brown nipples, pausing to flick and lightly pinch them, and Alex jerked, groaning with pleasure.

Engaging Alex in a deep kiss, Fox teased his nipples for a few seconds longer then pushed his shirt up as far as the younger man's restrained arms would let him.

Alex's head fell back, and a stuttering gasp escaped his lips as Fox's head dipped to his chest, and the older man began to suck at his nipples. His bound hands clutched at the edge of the counter top, and his back arched, pushing against the tongue that was now flicking back and forth, in turn over each rigid peak.

"Fox," he gasped. "lisa..."

Golden-brown lashes lifted, and amber flecked eyes gazed up at Alex. Fox gave the younger man a wicked smile then closed his teeth around the nipple he was closest to.

"Fuck!" Alex grated deep in his throat as Fox pulled, scraping the hard flesh with his teeth. "Unlock the cuffs," he demanded. "Let...let me go."

Nipple still between his teeth, Fox shook his head, pulling another loud groan from the other man.

"Bastard. God, you fuckin' son of a..."

Alex's tirade ended on a breathless sob as Fox unceremoniously dropped to his knees and sucked his cock into his mouth.

"Baby," he whispered, having a complete change of heart. "Oooooh, yeah. Thank you. Jesus, thank you..."

Slowly, Fox worked his lover's cock in and out of his mouth, his tongue tracing every ridge and vein. His hands wandered idly over the front of Alex's body, caressing and lightly scratching at the heated skin, and every increasingly desperate sound that Alex made warmed his blood another degree. He sucked harder, producing a loud sob from the younger man, and a plea for mercy, roughly uttered in Russian.

In the last few years Fox had learned quite a bit of Alex's second language, and the two often purposely irritated Scully, indulging in brief conversations in her presence. In private it was usually used in a sexual context, initiated in foreplay and carried through to the last contented whisperings just before sleep. Now Fox pulled away, gently grasping the head of Alex's cock between his teeth before letting go and telling him in flawless Russian to be patient for just a bit longer. Slowly he sucked Alex back in, teasing the younger man for a few minutes more before finally finishing him.

Alex's head dropped back, his eyes squeezing shut as endless waves of intense pleasure crashed down on him. His mouth fell open, a hard sob tumbling out as he came down Fox's throat. His legs now weak from the force of his orgasm, he leaned heavily against the counter as the older man gently licked him clean. When Fox was finished, he rose to his feet, pulling Alex's pants up as he stood, and took his drained lover into his arms.

"You okay, babe?"

Alex nodded against Fox's shoulder then lifted his head, fixing a glazed stare on the other man.


Fox grinned. "Oh." Taking the key from his pocket, he gently turned Alex around and unlocked the bracelets. Turning him back, Fox planted a tender kiss on the tip of his nose. "Better?"

Alex nodded and again relaxed into his lover's arms.

"Gotta finish dinner."

"I'll help."

"No." Alex lifted his head from Fox's shoulder and gave the older man a soft smile. "You go change. I'm almost done. By the time you come back, it'll be on the table."

Fox claimed a thorough kiss then backed away, leaving Alex to finish cooking. Walking straight up to their bedroom, he pulled a pair of faded jeans and a stretched out t-shirt then went in to shower. Twenty minutes later, he re-appeared in the kitchen to find Alex preparing to serve the meal.

Alex smiled as Fox came up behind him and dropped a noisy kiss on the back of his neck.

"Wanna get the salads out of the fridge?"

Giving his lover a gentle slap on the rear, Fox turned to the refrigerator and removed two plates. Joining Alex at the table, he set one plate in front of the younger man and carried the other to his place.

"How was the rest of your day?" Alex asked, watching as Fox dug into his salad.

"Okay." Fox shrugged then grinned at Alex. "Had a bit of a hard time concentrating on work."

"Yeah? How come?"

"All I could think about was getting my hands on you."

"That right?" Alex murmured in that low, smoky voice.

Fox put his fork down and changed the subject.

"Well, I did give one more thing a tiny bit of thought."

Alex cocked his head. "What?"

We gotta send out invitations within what? The next few weeks?"

"Yeah," Alex answered. Three, four at the most. Although it's just a formality. We know who's going."

"We don't know about everybody."

Alex sighed heavily and picked at his food.

"Send them an invitation, babe," Fox instructed softly. "If they come, great. If they don''s their loss."

"I guess," Alex mumbled, spearing a slice of chicken.

"Uh...what about your father?"

Alex stopped chewing for a moment then continued and swallowed.

"What about him?"

"You promised me before we went to Vermont that you'd think about talking to him."

Alex shrugged and said nothing.

"Okay," Fox murmured, reaching across the table to rub his lover's hand. "I'll leave you alone."

The two ate in silence for a while, then Alex cleared his throat and spoke.

"We haven't heard anything from Maria."

Fox nodded. "It's only been a few days."

"I know, but..." Alex wrinkled his nose. "I don't think we're going to."

"You don't know," Fox offered, hoping Alex heard the optimism in his tone. "You might be surprised."

"Yeah, I sure would be."

"Just send an invitation. You'll hear from her."

Alex sighed softly. "Uh huh. Probably to tell me that she doesn't want anything to do with me."


"Well, can you blame her? I haven't exactly been a boy scout, you know?"

"Don't be so hard on yourself," Fox murmured, wanting more and more to tell Alex what he knew. "Maria isn't blind. She can see who you are now."

"Maybe it won't matter. Maybe she thinks that who I was was so bad that..."

"Would you cut it out?" Fox broke in, reaching across the table and taking Alex's hand firmly in his. "She doesn't think you're a rotten person. Send her an invitation and you'll see."

"I don't think I'll be seeing much of anything. All we've got is Victor's address, remember?"

"You know we can get hers if we really want to," Fox said, and Alex fell silent, knowing that his lover spoke the truth. That settled, the two finished dinner and spent the rest of the night quietly, reviewing their plans. They turned in early, Alex falling asleep much more easily than Fox would have guessed.

His lover nestled against him, Fox slowly rubbed Alex's back as he reviewed their dinner conversation. The look on the younger man's face as they discussed his family spoke to his sadness, and Fox felt his pain. He sure as hell couldn't let this go on. He'd get Maria's number from Scully in the morning and give her a call. He'd ask for her address then tell Alex that he had the Gunmen get it for him. They'd mail her an invitation immediately, and he'd ask her to call Alex the minute she got it. She didn't have to tell him about the rest of his family, but he was sure that Alex would feel worlds better just knowing that Maria didn't hold anything against him and would be attending their wedding.

His mind now a bit more at ease, Fox closed his eyes and went to sleep.

"Morning, Mulder."


Scully watched her partner hang his jacket up, waiting until he turned around to speak again.

"Where's my coffee?"


"It was your turn to bring the coffee," Scully reminded him. "Unless you're going to pull two cups out of your pants pockets, I'd say you forgot."

"Damn," Fox said a little above a whisper. "Sorry. I did forget."

Scully leaned back in her chair and studied him.

"Something else on your mind?"

"Yeah, kinda. I need to call Maria."

Scully nodded, digging Alex's cousin's phone number out of her purse.

"'Kay." She found the slip of paper and handed it to Fox. "What for?"

Alex and I were talking about his family yesterday. He's so sure that Maria's decided that she wants nothing to do with him. I want to get her address and mail her an invitation so she can call him. She doesn't have to tell him anything about the rest of the family; I just want her to tell him that she'll be at the wedding. It'll make him feel better."

"Ah. Yeah, he's wound up enough about the wedding itself. It wouldn't do for him to have to be worrying about his family too. Uh...what about Victor?"

"It'll probably be a pretty good thing if he doesn't show," Fox said, dialing the number. "He and Alex together in the same room are definite trouble....damn. Machine. Hi, Maria. This is Fox Mulder. I need to talk to you about something. I don't want Alex to know that I've talked to you, so please call me at work or call Scully if it's after six. Here are both numbers..."

Scully listened to her partner rattle off both numbers and smiled at him as he hung up.

"I was just thinking about how surprised he's going to be when he sees so many of his family there." She broke into laughter. "Good God, what are we doing? Getting a bunch of Kryceks together in one spot. Even without Victor there, the results could be catastrophic."

Fox grinned at the prediction and took his chair.

"Could be fun."

Scully grunted and got up.

"Where're you going?" Fox asked, watching his partner move toward the door.

"To find some coffee."

"Get me a cup," he called after her.

"Like hell!"

Fox was about to shout back when the phone rang. Jerking it up to his ear, he murmured his usual into the mouthpiece.


"Hi...Fox? It's Maria."

"Hi," Fox smiled into the phone. "Didn't expect you to call me back so soon."

"I had run out for a few minutes. Now I'm back home for about half an hour before I leave for work. How are you?"

"I'm good. You?"

"Fine. How was Vermont?"

"We got a lot done. Alex might survive after all."

"Is he nervous?"

"About something not going exactly the way he wants? Yes. He's really anal about certain things."

"Well, do you really think it's a good idea for us to spring the family on him at the wedding then?" Maria asked warily. "I don't want to do anything that's going to upset him."

"Don't worry about it," Fox assured Alex's cousin. "That's one surprise he's going to love."

"God, I hope so. This thought of all hell breaking loose just before you guys take your vows won't leave my mind."

"That's not going to happen. Neither Victor nor Alex's father is going, am I right?"


"Then don't worry. Anyway...the reason I called was to get your address. We're going to send you an invitation. When you get it, do me a favor and call us, okay? Alex is afraid that you've probably decided that you don't want anything to do with him. If you call and talk to him, it'll put his mind at ease."

"Of course," Maria answered. "Umm...did Dana tell you about Raiza?"

"Your daughter? Yeah. I'm looking forward to meeting her."


"Maria, I understand why you didn't say anything about her to us. Your first priority is protecting your child. You're obviously a good mother."

"Thank you, Fox."

"So, you're okay with having her there? Does she understand about couples like Alex and me?"

"Yes, she does. She's grown up around her Uncle Victor, and he'd had a relationship with one man for a while, so..."

"So he is gay," Fox exclaimed, and Maria laughed.

"You guessed?"

"Alex and I did have a hunch. So, yeah, your daughter does know..."

"That sometimes boys love other boys. And she's very cool about that. Sometimes I seriously wonder if she's not some forty-year-old midget that someone replaced my baby with."

"Can't wait to meet her. And the rest of your family."

"Will you have any family there?"

"My cousin and his wife. Scully."

"Oh. I...Fox, I hope you don't mind, but Dana told me about your mother. I'm sorry she won't be there."

"Thanks," Fox said softly. "She and Alex's dad would get along great, I think."

"Sad to say, but I think you're right. Oh, well. It's their loss, you know."

"I know."

"Well, I'd better get out of here. Thanks so much for calling, Fox. I'll be looking for my invitation."

"Great. Talk to you again soon."

Fox disconnected and leaned back in his chair. Staring at the phone for a few seconds, he began to smile.

"What's with the dopey grin?"

A frown replaced the smile as Fox looked up at his partner.


Scully chuckled, setting her partner's coffee down on his desk.

"Okay, how's goofy?"

Fox grunted and picked up his cup.

"Maria called back."

"Oh, yeah? Did you have a nice talk?"

"Yep. And she'll call as soon as she gets the invitation."

"Good. I'm sure it'll be a load off of Alex's mind."

"Yeah." Fox took a sip and put the cup down. "I don't want him to worry about stuff."

"I know. Dealing with Alex when he's worked up about something isn't much fun."

Fox shrugged and gave Scully a knowing smile. Returning the smile, Scully turned and strolled back to her desk, and the two finally got down to work.

Almost a week later

Alex burst through the back door, Clyde romping in ahead of him. He ran to the ringing phone and uttered a breathless hello. The voice on the other end almost made him drop the phone.

"Hello, Alex."

"Hi. Uh...hi."

"It's Maria."

"I know, I..." Alex pulled a chair away from the table and dropped into it. "Hi," he said again, not knowing what else to say.

Maria smiled, hearing the shock in her cousin's voice.

"I got your invitation today."

"Yeah. I...uh...w-we...Fox and I thought we'd send you one, but uh," Alex stammered, "if you don't..."

"Alex," Maria interrupted, hoping to put the poor man out of his misery quickly. "I'm going."


"Yes. You're all I thought about from the time Victor and I left your house that night. I went over and over everything you'd told me, and while I don't think I'll ever fully understand all of it, I think that I do understand how dearly you've paid for your sins. No one's got the right to hold anything against you. It's over. You've got a wonderful life, Alex. With a man who clearly adores you. Anyone can see how happy you are now. I'd like to share in that happiness." She could hear the hiss of relieved breath on the other end.

"I'm glad," Alex murmured, looking up and giving Fox a soft smile as the other man entered the kitchen. "We'll be so happy to have you there. Uh. I can see about making reservations for you at..."

"Oh, no, that's fine," Maria said, cutting Alex off. You've got enough to do. I'll take care of my accommodations."

"Are...are you sure?"

"Absolutely. Don't worry about it."

"All right."

Loosening his tie, Fox walked over to his smiling lover, kissing the top of his head.

"So, how are the plans going?" Maria asked brightly.

"Everything's pretty much set right now," Alex answered, feeling more at ease. "All we have to do now is wait."

"No pre-wedding jitters?" Maria teased. "No cold feet?"

"The only thing I'm jittery about is a glitch in any of the plans. As far as actually getting married goes..." Alex paused, giving his lover and adoring glance. "I'm great. Fox is all I've ever wanted. He's the center of my world, and marrying him couldn't be more right."

The statement earned Alex another kiss, this one aimed directly at his mouth. He met Fox's lips, pulling his lover down onto his lap. As Fox snuggled against him, he listened to Maria speak.

"I knew that the night we went to your house. I could feel the bond between you. was amazing."

Alex smiled but it faded quickly.

"I don't suppose Victor feels that way."

"'Fraid not. I'm sorry, Alex. I'd hoped that after all these years he'd stop being such a horse's ass and get over his jealousy of you. I think he was secretly hoping to find you in a less uh...cozy situation."

Alex grunted softly. "Sounds like Victor." Gently stroking Fox's back, he relaxed further. "To hell with him."

His head resting comfortably on Alex's shoulder, Fox waved at the phone.

"Fox says hi."

"Tell him I said hello, and I'll look forward to seeing you both again in August."

"I'll do that. Maria...thank you."

"Don't thank me. I've got as much to gain as you do. You guys take care, and if there's anything I can do to help, please don't hesitate to call."

"Thanks, we will."

The cousins said goodbye, and when Alex hung up, Fox lifted his head from his shoulder.

"You look happy."

Alex beamed up at the other man.

"She's coming."

"Yeah, I got that impression. See? Concerned for nothing."

Alex nodded and kissed his lover.

"So...since she's coming, you wanna ask her to be one of our witnesses?"

A light came into Alex's eyes for a moment then it faded.

"I...Fox, we already asked Scully and Bobby."

"Bobby'll understand."

"No, I...we can't do that. It wouldn't be right."

Fox cocked his head and looked into Alex's eyes.

"You'd like to have her, wouldn't you?"

"Yeah, but..."

"Let me talk to Bobby."

"No," Alex breathed, shaking his head. "Don't, Fox. It's okay. I'd feel awful pulling Bobby, and besides, don't you think we're being just a little presumptuous thinking that Maria'd even want to..."

"No, I don't think that. She's your family. I think she'd be honored to stand up for you. And I think Bobby would be more than happy to stand aside for her. But if you really feel that things are better left as they are, I won't push."

Alex's uncertain silence prompted a comforting hug from the other man.

"It's okay, babe," Fox whispered. "Forget I mentioned it."

He knew Alex wouldn't forget. And he knew as sure as his name was Fox, that Alex would so love to have his cousin involved in their wedding.

"Victor's still being an asshole."

Fox smiled at the soft attempt to change the subject. "So screw him."

Smirking, Alex leaned forward, nipping at Fox's lower lip.

"No thanks. You on the other hand..."

Fox chuckled as Alex bucked against him.

"What's that?"

Alex pushed the older man to his feet then rose and took his hand, tugging him into the other room.

"Come with me, little boy, and I'll show you..."

July 23

Fox caught Clyde, throwing a big towel around him as the wet dog romped into the kitchen. Alex appeared through the door, hot on the Clyde's heels, cursing.

"Shit! The sky just opened up! We were just a couple of blocks from home and then..." He made a loud swishing sound between clenched teeth.

"Told you it looked like rain," Fox informed the younger man, trying to hold on to the wiggling dog with one hand while he tossed Alex a towel with the other. "Clyde, would ya hold still for two minutes? Alex, talk to your son."

"Clyde, keep still," Alex murmured absently, more interested in drying himself than Fox's problems with the Shepherd.

"Skinner called while you were out."

"Skinner. What'd he want?"

"Wanted to know if we were all set."

"All set?"

"Yeah. If there was anything we needed, if there was any way he could help us..."


"Uh huh."


"He's definitely coming around," Fox said, finally settling Clyde down long enough to dry him.

"Never thought he would," Alex answered, shaking his head. The sudden rumble of thunder drew his attention away from their conversation.

"Looks like you made it in just in time," Fox said, getting to his feet and taking Alex's used towel.

"You watched the weather report this morning," Alex called, following his lover into the laundry room. "Did they say anything about a thunder storm?"

"Nope." Fox lifted the washing machine lid and dropped the towels in. He turned to the other man, taking him in his arms. As he did, another rumble sounded, this one a bit louder than the first. "Wanna go out and play in the rain?"

"Didn't I just come in from the rain?"

"Yeah, but you were out there with Clyde. Getting wet with me will be a lot more fun."

Alex emitted a low chuckle as Fox captured his lower lip between his teeth and pulled gently.

"C'mon," Fox coaxed in that soft purr that never failed to get Alex up. "It's dark enough. No one will see."

Not waiting for an answer, he grabbed and handful of Alex's damp shirt and pulled him back through the kitchen and out the door. The rain hit both men in a steady shower, soaking them almost instantly. Hand still clenched in Alex's shirt, Fox jerked the younger man against him and initiated a hard kiss, which Alex immediately surrendered to. As he pulled away, lightning lit up the yard, and Alex looked up at the sky.

"It'd be a hell of a thing for us to get struck by lightning just a few weeks before our wedding," he murmured, his words almost drowned out by the following thunder.

"Turning chicken in your old age, Krycek?" Fox asked, reaching down to unfasten the younger man's jeans. "Is this the same man who fucked me against his car in a dark alley just a few months ago?"

Alex laughed as another brilliant flash accompanied by a violent crack of thunder came. Fox answered with a grin, shoving Alex back against the house then pulling down his waterlogged jeans. He undid his own pants and withdrew his cock, letting the cool rain run over his heated flesh. He said nothing, holding Alex's gaze with his own.

The smile faded from Alex's face, and his hand slid down to his own erection. Curling his fingers around the swollen shaft, he began to gently pump it. Fox watched, captivated by the sight of his lover, soaked clothing clinging to his body, flashes of lightning illuminating him as he masturbated for his pleasure. Sable lashes, heavy with moisture lowered over Alex's eyes as he reached down with his other hand to fondle his balls briefly before closing around his cock, just above his other hand.

Fox's breath caught in his throat as he watched Alex begin to jerk himself with two hands. He moved forward, slowly stalking the man against the house, and when he reached touching distance, he extended one hand, carefully caressing up Alex's side to his chest. He leaned in, meeting Alex's parted lips with his own and plunged his tongue into the moist warmth of his lover's mouth as he began to undo the drenched shirt.

Alex moaned into Fox's mouth, his tongue tangling with the older man's. Fox pushed his shirt aside, warm hands skimming his chest before circling his back and pulling him closer. "Harder," Fox groaned against his mouth while pressing his own cock against Alex's hands.

Alex obeyed, tightening his hands and tugging more vigorously. Still touching Fox's, his mouth fell open, hard gasps pushing past his constricting throat. As his knees began to weaken, and he slid lower against the side of the house, Fox's hands went down to his ass, clenching in the hard muscle and pulling him upright.

"C'mon," Fox grated, biting at Alex's jaw then his neck. "Faster." He bucked rhythmically against Alex's quickly moving hands. "Faster."

Teeth gritted, Alex released a series of sobbing grunts then let go, coming all over his hands and his lover's cock. Fox's hands, still gripping his rear, continued to hold him up, but the other man stopped pressing against him. His lashes fluttered madly for a number of seconds, then he opened his eyes and trained a fuzzy stare on Fox.

"Finish me," was all Fox said, and Alex slid to his knees in the soggy grass, taking his lover's still rigid cock into his mouth. He tasted of rain and semen, and Alex sucked hungrily, knowing that mere seconds would be all it took to make him come.

The thunder and lightning came almost continuously, now accompanied by an increasingly strong wind, but Fox noticed none of it. All that mattered to him at the moment was the hot, wet mouth wrapped around him, relentlessly driving him toward a blinding finish. It came in an instant, and his head snapped back, mouth open, his roars of completion joining those of the strengthening storm.

Alex swallowed all that his lover pumped down his throat, and when it was done, he licked Fox clean and rose to his feet. Chuckling weakly, Fox wrapped his arms around him.

"My legs feel like rubber."

Embracing the older man, Alex held him up and moved as quickly as the wet pants around their knees would allow.

"Hell of a dignified picture this would make," Alex called above the thunder, grinning as they reached the door, and he let them in. Fox shooed the dog away as he trotted up to greet them, then he leaned up against the counter and proceeded to remove his saturated pants.

"See? Wasn't that fun?"

"Of course," Alex answered, peeling off his shirt. "I've got more fun for you."

"Yeah?" Fox asked, leering at the younger man as he unbuttoned his own shirt.

"I just washed the floor this morning." Alex looked pointedly down at the quickly forming puddles. "It's your turn."

"Well..." Fox followed Alex's gaze. "It's just water, right? It's not like it's dirty or anything."

"It's not just water," Alex argued, removing the last of his clothing. "We tracked mud in here, or don't you see that?"

"Where?" Fox asked, looking around. "Oh. Okay. There's a little by the door."

"Not just by the door."

Fox sighed heavily as he eyed the naked form of his lover. "Then let's go put some dry clothes on. If you think I'm going to wash the floor while you stand there like that..."

"Why?" Alex asked, smirking. "Is it that distracting?"

Fox snorted and approached slowly. Reaching out to caress Alex's back then his rear, he let his tongue drift across the younger man's lips.

"Just a little," he whispered then firmly tapped one cheek. "Let's go."


Low groan.

Another ring.

Alex's head popped up, and he frowned sleepily in the direction of the shrilling phone. Beside him, Fox stirred as the phone rang a third time. Before he could turn over, Alex was stretching over him, grabbing for the receiver.


"It's me. Your lights on?"

"No," Alex murmured.

"When did they go out?" Scully's hushed voice asked.

"When Fox turned them off about two hours ago."

"What...that's not what I meant, you dope!"

"You call my house at almost one in the morning and call me names?"

"Alex, do you have electricity or not?"

"I suppose so, since the alarm clock is working."

"Who's that?" Fox mumbled, turning face down into his pillow.

"Scully. Her electricity's off, I guess." Alex turned his attention back to the caller. "Is it?"

"Yeah," Scully breathed. "My phone is out too. I'm using my cell. I wonder why all my stuff is out and yours isn't."

"Don't know," Alex sighed, stifling a yawn.

"That was some storm, huh? I think it's finally moved on."

"Mmm hmm."

Fox picked his head up. "She's still talking?" He felt Alex nod in the darkness. "Give me that."

Alex let Fox take the phone then fell back to the pillows, closing his eyes.

"Scully, what's up?"

"Nothing, phone and electricity have been out for a while, and I wanted to know if yours was."

Fox chuckled softly. "That storm scare you?"

"Scare...what? Me? Of course not."

"I never knew you were afraid of thunder storms."

"That wasn't a thunder storm," Scully muttered. "It was more like...God, it was violent. I think I was a kid the last time I remembered one like that."

"I know. We've got a few big branches down in the yard that we know of. We'll have to wait until morning to see about any other damage."

"Hmm...oh. Oh. My lights just came on."

"Feel better?"

"Yeah, I guess. A little."

"Good," Fox deadpanned. "Now you can shut them off and go to sleep."

Scully grunted softly. "Tell Alex I said goodnight."

"He's gone back to sleep already," Fox answered, listening to the soft sounds of his lover's slumber. "G'night, Scully."

"'Night, Mulder. Sorry I woke you guys."

"Sure you are."

Smiling, Fox hung up then nestled down into the warm sheets, arm tucked securely around Alex. Within minutes, he too was asleep.

"Another gift."

Alex looked up from the final list of music selections to the man just entering the house.

"Met the mailman at the door." Fox walked into the living room and leaned over to give Alex a greeting kiss.

"Did we not tell these people that we didn't want any gifts?"


"They listen about as well as you do. So, who's this one from?"

As Fox sat down, preparing to detach the card from the box, the phone rang. Alex picked it up, his eyes on his lover.

"Hello? ...Alex Krycek...hi, Joan, how are you? ...What?"

The edge in Alex's voice drew Fox's attention away from the package.

"...What?!? ...Oh, you have..." Alex closed his eyes and took two long, deep breaths. "Was anyone hurt?"

Fox sat up, full attention now on Alex.

"...Good. That's...that's good. How much damage is there? ...Christ. Ah, damn..."

"Alex?" Fox called, coming to sit beside his distraught lover. "Babe, what's wrong?"

"Fire," Alex spoke in disjointed sentences. "Damned storm. Son of a bitch..."

Shaking his head, Fox grasped the phone. "Let me talk to her." Gently, he pulled the receiver from Alex's grip and drew it to his ear.

"Joan? It's Fox Mulder. What's going on? Alex has just gone about three shades're kidding." Fox closed his eyes and tipped his head back. He opened his eyes as Alex leapt to his feet and began to pace. "How much damage was there?...I see. God. We're uh...we're glad no one was, don't...don't worry about us. You've got enough on your plate right now. We'll figure something out. Thanks for calling. We'll get back to you soon. You take care...all right. Bye."

Fox hung up and sat watching Alex prowl back and forth in front of him. Everything he thought to say died in his throat before he could get it out. He was pretty sure Alex wouldn't hear anything, anyway. He ran his fingers through his hair, unconsciously mimicking the younger man's hectic movements, and he rose to his feet.

"What're we gonna do?" Alex asked as Fox came up behind him. "We don't have time to find any place else."

"Well," Fox began, his voice weak. " was just basically the arbor that was destroyed and a little damage to the reception room. The rest of the house is fine, Joan said..."

"We weren't getting married in the rest of the house," Alex snapped. He continued to pace while Fox stood by helplessly.

"Shit. Shit, shit, fuck! I can't...I can't even believe this shit! It''s like somebody somewhere reeeeally doesn't want this to happen."

A few seconds more, and he looked up to find Fox standing by the sofa with his head down. He reached out and brushed the other man's hand with his fingertips. "M'sorry, lisa," he murmured, instantly repentant. "But we are so screwed." He stepped forward and wrapped his arms around Fox, resting his head on his shoulder. "What the hell are we gonna do?" he whispered.

Fox heaved a short, hard sigh and hugged Alex to him. "I don't know, I don't...but we gotta think of something. We're not going to stand by and get our asses kicked like a couple of weak-ass punks, are we?"

Smiling slightly, Alex tightened his hold on the older man and slowly shook his head.

"Okay, then. Here it is. We're gonna stay at the inn. Like I had started to say, the rest of the place is fine."

Alex waited, desperately hoping that Fox could pull some brilliant idea out of thin air.


He lifted his head from Fox's shoulder, staring hopefully into almost brown eyes.


Another panic attack was about to overtake him when Fox's breath caught, jolting him back from the edge.

"We'll have the ceremony by the lake. At sunset, like you'd talked about before. It'll be great."

"Unless it rains. That's why we'd reserved the inside room in the first place, remember?"

"Yeah. So, we'll rent a tent. A huge one. We'll call Joan back, get the names of some rental places and book one."

"A few weeks before? What if..."

"We'll get what we need if we have to have it flown in," Fox interrupted, trying to quell Alex's concern. "Then we'll call the florist and tell him we'll need more flowers than we'd thought. I'm sure he won't object to making more money."

Alex closed his eyes and sighed. "We umm...we'll need tables and chairs too. And some method of lighting, and..." He stopped and tilted his head back. "Oh, God, Fox."

"It's all right, it's all right," Fox soothed, rubbing his lover's back. "We'll get it done."

Alex once again focused his gaze on the older man.

"Thank you."

"What for?" Fox asked curiously.

"For staying calm. I know I'm freaking out here. If you freaked out too, we wouldn't get anywhere."

Fox smiled and kissed the younger man soundly.

"Let's get Scully in on this. She can help us make those calls."

Four hours later, Alex lay sprawled on the sofa as Fox kneeled over him, pressing a cold cloth to his forehead.

"We'll make some more calls in the morning," Fox assured the motionless man. "There's gotta be somebody somewhere who can help us."

As if on cue, the phone rang, and Fox snatched it up as the piercing shrill aggravated Alex's already pounding headache.


"Mulder. It's Skinner."

Fox clasped his hand to the back of his neck and rolled his head.

"Hi. Uh...what can I do for you?"

"Actually, I think I'm in a position to do something for you."


"Both of you." Skinner explained. "I spoke to Scully a little over half an hour ago and she told me about your problem."

"I see. And you think you can help?"

"Yes. You see, my ex-wife's sister is a party planner in Lexington. Nothing cheesy, very upscale. I called her, and she might have what you're looking for. She'll ship what you need to Vermont. Workers, supplies... and they'll set everything up. I'm sure, though, that she'll soak you for it. But if you're really stuck..."

"We really are."

"If you want her number, I'll give it to you. She said you can call her tonight."

Fox let out a long, semi-relieved breath.

"Yeah. Yeah, that'd be...Walt, how do we thank you?"

"Save the gratitude until after she hits you with a price."

Fox smiled into the phone. "At this point, cost is the least of our worries."

Hearing Fox's end of the conversation, Alex removed the cloth from his head and slowly sat up, listening intently.

"Yeah," Fox said, reaching down for a pen. He flipped the page on the notebook Alex kept all the wedding information in and began to scribble something. "Got it. I'll call you back."

The moment Fox hung up, Alex spoke.

"What's that about?"

The older man lifted smiling eyes to his fiancé.

"Skinner of all people may have just saved our asses."

"How's that?"

Fox looked down at the number he'd written and began punching them in to the phone.

"His ex-sister-in-law is a party planner in Lexington. He spoke to her. She thinks she can help."

Alex's lips parted but no sound came out. Not even a breath slipped past as Fox waited for someone to pick up.

"Hello, is this Michelle? I'm Fox Mulder. Walter Skinner spoke to you about...right. I hear you may be able to help us out of a tough spot...yeah. Did he explain what happened? ...Yeah, that's the long and the short of it."

Fox explained their needs to the woman, and his widening grin told Alex that they were back in business.

"Great. That's...that's wonderful. We're on, then. Right. We'll take care of it. Thank you. Thank you so much."

Fox hung up and dropped down on the couch, pulling Alex against him and planting a noisy kiss on his cheek.

"Are we really all set?"

"Completely." Fox blew out a hard breath. "And to think it was Skinner who came to our rescue."

Alex began to smile then let it fade.

"It sounds good? Like what we really want?"

"Better." Fox pulled back and caressed the side of his lover's face. "Thank you for trusting me to make the arrangements myself." He laughed softly. "All through that conversation I fully expected you to snatch the phone from me and take over."

"Have I been that much of a control freak?"

Fox smoothed the pout from Alex's lips with his thumb.


The pout returned.

"It's okay," Fox whispered. "I love it when you take control."

"That's not what I was talking about."

"No?" Fox crooned, leaning in and dragging his tongue across Alex's lips.

"Don't you start," Alex warned, even as he grasped a handful of Fox's hair and nipped at the older man's chin. "We still have things to do."

"Like?" Fox asked, his hands wandering over Alex's shoulders and back.

"I want to hear all about this stuff you just booked. We haven't opened the package that came. You gotta call Skinner back..."

"Oh yeah. I did tell him I'd call him, didn't I?"

"Mmm hmm."

Fox filled Alex in on all the details as he knew them, opened the gift that turned out to be from Maggie Scully, then called Skinner, thanking him profusely for the help while Alex slowly undid his shirt and pants. As soon as he hung up, Alex rose to his feet and pulled him up by the edges of his shirt. He shut the lamp off on the table by the sofa and let himself be led up to bed.

August 7

"How long's it going to take you to pack that bag?" Fox asked, walking into the bedroom to find Alex carefully arranging the contents of his suitcase. "It took me ten minutes to pack mine."

"Yeah, I know. Get it out of the closet."


"So I can repack it."

"What d'you mean?"

"Who packs your bag when you go away on a case?"


"Who does the packing when we go on a trip together?"


"And why is that?"

Frowning, Fox shrugged. "I don't know. 'Cause you just do."

"Because you can't pack worth a damn."

"What?" Fox asked, planting his hands on his hips. "What's wrong with the way I pack?"

Alex shut his suitcase and walked over to the closet, pulling Fox's bag out. He hefted it onto the bed and opened it up, gesturing to the contents.

"Yeah?" Fox looked inside. "I don't see any problem with the way this is packed."

Alex patted the other man on the shoulder and gave him a condescending smile.

"Of course not, sweetheart."

Pulling almost everything out, he began to refold Fox's clothes.

"I was trying to give you one less thing to do," Fox explained, brooding as Alex worked.

"And I appreciate it, lisa." Alex straightened up, kissed Fox lightly then turned back to the packing. When he finished, he put the bag away and walked over to where Fox stood, slouched against the wall.

"Still pouting?"

Fox gave a half-hearted shrug and said nothing. Smirking, Alex slipped his arms around the older man's waist.

"What'sa matter, baby?"

"I don't know if I can marry a man who can't trust me to pack my own suitcase."

Alex let out a loud bark of laughter and pulled Fox more tightly against him.

"Awww. Did I hurt your feelings?"

Fox nodded.

Playing along, Alex guided Fox's head down to his shoulder.

"I'm sorry, lisa. Let me do something to make it up to you."

Fox struggled to conceal a grin. "Like what?"

"Whatever you want," Alex purred, pressing his crotch to his lover's.

The smile came then, full and uninhibited, and Fox lifted his head.

"Think I'll save it for the honeymoon."

Alex returned his smile. "You mean you don't want to do anything about that?" he asked, gently grinding against Fox's growing erection with his own.

"I didn't say that."

As Fox's hand rounded the curve of Alex's ass, his cell phone rang.

"Scully," Alex droned. "Right on time."

Fox groaned and dug into his pocket for the phone.

"Mulder...yeah, Scully..."

"How does she do that?" Alex whispered more to himself than to Fox then quieted as he watched the expression on his lover's face go from irritated to concerned.

"What...well...can't you say anything to me about it? ...It's that important? All right, all right. Yeah, we'll be there."

Fox disconnected and looked to the puzzled man.

"I don't know," he said in answer to the unspoken question. "She just said that she's got something I'll want to hear, but she can't say it over the phone. She needs to see me, and she suggested that I bring you. She doesn't want to meet at her place, so we're going to the pub on fifteenth."

Alex sighed heavily. "Well, I," he began, scratching the back of his head. "I guess it's gotta be pretty big if she'd bother us with it now."

"That's what I'm thinking."

Groaning, Alex backed away from the other man.

"Well, let's go see what our latest obstacle is going to be."

Scully sat looking anxiously from her watch to the door.

"Where the hell are they?"

She'd been waiting for almost half an hour now, and though it wasn't an unreasonably long wait, she was beginning to grow impatient.

Just as she was about to call Fox to see where he was, the door opened and two tall figures made their way into the restaurant.

"'Bout damn time."

A brief search was all it took for the men to find her, and they made their way toward her table.

"Okay, Scully," Fox said as the two drew up close to the redhead, "what's going on?"

"Not here," Scully said, looking around. "In the back."

The men looked at each other then followed Scully. The woman looked around again then opened a door at the back of the pub and led the way into darkness.

"What the hell...Scully," Alex called, peering around at the deeply shadowed objects in the room they were now in. "What's with all the cloak and dagger..."

Before he could finish, the lights were switched on and their friends jumped out from behind their hiding places, yelling the obligatory 'surprise'.

Alex stood open-mouthed, staring at all the smiling faces, and Fox responded with a softly uttered, "Holy crap."

A grinning Scully approached the stationary men, poking both gently in the chest.

"Gotcha," she whispered before they were overrun with well-wishers.

"Did you do this?" Fox asked Scully, above the music that had just started to play.

"Couldn't let my best friends get married without a party," Scully replied. "And since we didn't know who got the bridal shower and who got the bachelor party, we thought we'd just have one party for everybody."

Shaking his head, Alex came to Scully, wrapping her in a tight embrace.

"I don't know what to say."

"Don't say anything," Scully replied, knowing that she caught Alex emotionally off guard. "Just enjoy your party." She released Alex just in time for Maggie to swoop in and gather Alex into her arms. Scully turned to her partner, giving him an expectant look

"Very sneaky," Fox said in his low monotone, a smile playing at his lips. "You got us good."

A self-satisfied grin spread across the woman's face as she accepted her partner's gratitude.

"Thank you, Scully. This is..." Fox shook his head, looking around at all the pastel balloons and streamers and paper wedding bells. "...hideous." He smirked down at the woman. "Alex is going to hate these decorations when he finally notices them."

"I know!" Scully giggled. "I couldn't be completely nice. I had to have a little fun with him. Look, I even got you guys a nice cake with doves and pretty powder blue frosting flowers all over it."

Fox dissolved into laughter when he followed Scully's direction to the three-tier cake.

"Oh God, that's priceless. Nice touch with the two grooms on top."

"I thought so," Scully said proudly. "Now, go on." She slapped Fox on the back. "Go greet your guests."

Over an hour later, Fox finally found his way to Alex, who stood gaping at the cake.

"Isn't it nice?" he asked, trying to keep the laughter out of his voice.

Alex spun to face the older man.

"Did she put Chuck and Vicki in charge of decorations?"

The laughter came as Alex's shocked expression met Fox.

"It was uh...sort of an extra special little gift just for you from Scully."

"Yeah?" Alex looked around and found Scully standing with Langly and Skinner in the far corner of the room. He caught her eye, and she waved, smiling sweetly. He mouthed the words, 'I'll get you' then turned back to Fox.

"At least the music's good. Wanna dance?"

Smiling, Fox let Alex lead him out into the center of the room, and the two fell into a graceful rhythm, drifting together alone on the dance floor.

"Awwww," Vicki cooed, linking her arm through Chuck's and lowering her head to his shoulder. "Isn't that sweet?"

Chuck stopped his conversation with Fox's cousin Bobby, and the two men watched the guests of honor.

"I'm glad Fox has got someone who really loves him," Bobby said, his voice low. "He'd been so unhappy for so long."

"I know he hasn't had it easy," Chuck answered, stroking his wife's back. "I guess Alex hasn't either. They're both very lucky, I'd say."

Over in the corner, Scully had stopped speaking and watched her best friends for a moment before turning to her mother.

"Disgustingly sweet, aren't they?"

Laughing softly, Maggie shook her head. "Says their biggest fan."

Scully smiled at the older woman said nothing. Her attention was drawn up to the man standing beside them momentarily then went back to the dance floor when Skinner didn't meet her gaze.

Ever alert, Maggie nudged Skinner from behind.

"Why don't you two go join them?"

Skinner's mouth fell open and a clipped sound came out as he looked from Maggie Scully to her daughter and back again.

"Mom," Scully whispered under her breath then turned to Skinner to apologize. "Sorry, mother...sometimes she just..."



"We're not at work," Skinner surprised himself by saying. "There's no reason we can't use first names. And umm..." He looked out at the two men then back to Scully. "If you'd like to, I certainly wouldn't mind..."

Scully cocked her head, listening to the A.D., an incredulous look on her face.

Skinner took a fortifying breath and continued. "I can't remember the last time I danced, but if you're feeling brave..."

"Oh, for goodness sake," Maggie broke in, shoving them toward the dance floor. "Go on."

The two stumbled forward, then Skinner gave Scully what passed for a tight-lipped smile and held his hand out to her. Cutting a look at her mother, Scully carefully took the extended hand and accompanied Skinner out onto the floor.

"Are you kidding me?"

Cheek pressed to his lover's, Fox moaned softly.

"Hmm. What?"

"You're not going to believe it. Look who's out here."

Fox opened his eyes and looked in the direction in which Alex's head was turned, and he gasped softly.


"Who d'you think asked who to dance?" Alex asked, amused by the clear discomfort of the two who had joined them on the floor.

"Don't know," Fox answered, "but we're probably not helping by staring at them."

"Yeah, I guess." He motioned to the other couples to come out and dance, hoping that more people on the floor would put Skinner and Scully more at ease. It seemed to work, and he again relaxed against Fox, smiling.

"There. Okay? We did our part for budding romance."

"Budding..." Fox broke into laughter. "I'm sure they'd love to hear that."

Meanwhile, Skinner moved silently around the floor leading an equally quiet Scully. Finally, he cleared his throat and spoke.

"I'm sorry if I'm a bit clumsy. It's been a very long time since I've done this."

"Oh, no!" Scully answered quickly. "You dance very well."

Skinner nodded and fell into silence again.

Scully gave him a bit of a smile then looked around the room. Her eyes lit on Fox and Alex, moving effortlessly together, and her smile grew. She looked back to the A.D. and found him staring down at her. Immediately uncomfortable, he turned his gaze away.

"I'm glad you were able to come today."

"Yeah. Yeah,me too. It's a nice party. Nice people."

"They are. A bit odd, some of them, but what would you expect from friends of Mulder?"

Scully heard a sound that might have been a short laugh, and she looked up again to meet Skinner's eyes.

"Odd or not, it's nice to have friends."

"The guys are happy that they can consider you their friend."

Skinner stole a glance at the two men wrapped blissfully around each other.

"I never thought I'd ever feel anything for Krycek but hatred and distrust."

"I know. No one ever would have guessed we'd all be where we are today." Scully followed Skinner's gaze. "They love each other so much."

"That's clear." Changing the subject, Skinner asked, "What's the word on Krycek's cousins?"

"Victor is a lost cause it seems, but Maria's going to the wedding. And, keep this to yourself, but she's bringing some more of Alex's family with her."


"Yeah. Aunts and uncles. Maria's small daughter, and Alex's stepmother."

"Really. And Krycek doesn't know?"

"Nope. He's going to be so surprised. Too bad his father refuses to go. Apparently the man is just as bad as Mulder's mother."

"Yeah, I've noticed that she hasn't been part of anything."

"She's completely against them. She had a bad relationship with Mulder anyway because of the situation with his father and sister, but his being in love with another man has made things a million times worse."

"I take it there's no reasoning with her."

"None. I've tried very recently, and she won't budge."

"That's too bad. I wonder if some parents realize the damage that they do when they reject their the children and to themselves."

"If these two parents know, they apparently don't care."

"It really is a shame."

"Yes, it is."

The song ended, and the two left the dance floor, relieved at having found something to fill the awkward silence that certainly would have lingered between them for the duration of the dance.

"Aww, why'd you stop?" Maggie prodded as the two approached her and two of the Gunmen. "Another slow song is playing." She beamed at her daughter. "You looked so nice up there together."

While Scully searched for something to say that would appease her mother and not embarrass either herself or Skinner, Frohike interrupted. She could have kissed him. Almost.

"Never mind that, go pry your partner away his boyfriend there, and make them eat something. Nobody'll eat until they do, and I'm starved."

"Pry is a good word," Skinner mumbled looking for even a crack of daylight between the two men. "Anybody got a crowbar?"

"Yeah, once they're stuck together like that, it's pretty hard to separate them," Scully said, smoothing her blouse and starting out toward the dance floor.

"Mulder," she called, tapping her partner on the shoulder once she reached them. "You guys wanna break it up for a little while? Everybody's getting hungry."

"So, tell 'em to go ahead and eat," Fox murmured, nuzzling Alex's jaw.

"They won't eat until you do." Scully sighed loudly when she received no answer. "Alex." She tried tapping the other man. "Alex, come on."

Alex lifted his head and opened his eyes, focusing a tranquil gaze on Scully. His eyes lingered on her for a moment, then he pulled slightly away from Fox.

"C'mon, lisa. Let's eat before everybody keels over from starvation."

Taking Fox's hand, Alex led him over to the buffet and checked out the offerings. "Looks good," he said, picking up a plate and handing it to Fox.

"Who'd you get to cater?" Fox asked, digging into a mound of potato salad.

"No one in particular. Everybody pitched in and brought something. Most of it, I believe, is homemade."

"Yeah, dude," Langly chimed in as he and Frohike shoved at each other, fighting for a place right behind Alex. "I made the stuffed mushrooms."

"You did?" Fox grinned, looking from Langly to Alex, who had just uncovered the mushrooms. "You mean you've been holding out on us, Langly?"

Alex peered into the aluminum pan, making no effort to conceal the look of apprehension on his face.

"He'd been doing us a favor until now. Langly, what the hell is in this?"

"Onions, butter, sauerkraut, chopped walnuts..."


"Well, the recipe called for blue cheese, but somebody didn't pay attention to the shopping list."

"Don't blame me," Frohike huffed. "You had time to go out and get some last night, but you were too lazy!"

Langly gave Alex and Fox an uneasy smile, shaking his head.

"So you decided to substitute with sauerkraut?" Alex asked, not sure why he was so surprised. "How is sauerkraut even remotely like blue cheese?"

"It might be good," Fox said, trying to rescue Langly.

"Well, be my guest," Alex said, spooning out one of the big portabella mushrooms and dropping it in Fox's plate.

"Think I won't?" Fox asked, picking up a fork. "You know I'll try anything once."

"Sometimes twice," Alex murmured, getting a knowing smirk from his lover.

Fox cut off a piece and lifted it to his nose. His eyes closed, and he made a face, but he tasted it anyway.

Alex watched silently, brow crinkled as Fox chewed and swallowed. The older man opened his eyes and looked to Langly.


Alex didn't wait for the rest. He recovered the pan and took it out of the sight of unsuspecting guests.

"All right, all right," Langly moaned. "But you can't say I didn't try."

"To kill us?" Alex asked, returning and slipping an arm around Fox's waist.

"Thanks anyway," Fox said, patting Langly's shoulder as Alex directed his attention back to the buffet.

"Ha," Frohike whispered, cutting in front of Langly and grabbing for a plate.

Langly discreetly flipped the shorter man off and got in line.

The rest of the guests fell in behind him, and a short while later everyone was seated with a full plate.

"So, Fox," Susan called to her husband's cousin from the next table. "You guys got your vows written?"

"I have, though I don't know if vows is exactly the word for it," Fox answered.

Susan smiled and looked expectantly at the man beside Fox.

"I got it covered," was all Alex said then shoveled the last of the potato salad into his mouth.

"Can't wait to hear them," Susan commented, smiling. "I'm sure it's going to be so..."

"Sickening," Frohike cut in. "I never would have guessed Mulder was so sappy. And over him, for God's sake."

Alex glared at Frohike over his glass, and the other man pushed closer to Byers.

"Kidding, man. Just kidding."

"Would you back off, please?" Byers asked, trying to squirm away from his friend. "I'm trying to eat."

"Food is more important than one of your closest friends getting killed?"

"When said close friend is an idiot? Yes."

Frohike cast an uneasy glance in Alex's direction and breathed a sigh of relief when he found that the other man had redirected his attention back to his fiancé.

"You didn't get any of Vicki's Swedish meatballs," Alex noted, checking out the contents of Fox's plate.

"Didn't really feel like meatballs," Fox answered, peering into Alex's plate. "Are they good?"

"Pretty good." Alex speared a meatball and held it up to Fox's mouth. The older man took a bite, leaving half of the meatball on the fork. Alex popped the remainder into his own mouth.

"Yeah, that is good," Fox said, stealing another meatball from Alex's plate.

Alex watched Fox devour the second meatball, smirking as the older man dove in for another.

"Guess you feel like it now, huh?"

Fork halfway to his mouth, Fox lowered his lashes, looking up at his lover through them.


"Like hell you are." Alex got up and, taking his plate with him, he walked back over to the buffet. Loading up on more meatballs, he returned to the table and placed the plate between Fox and himself.

Cheek resting in the palm of her hand, Scully watched Alex plant a kiss on Fox's temple then proceed to feed the other man another meatball.

"It would appear that Mulder is very uh..."

"Spoiled," Scully said, finishing Skinner's sentence as the A.D. made his observation. "Alex lives to indulge him."

Skinner watched the two, shaking his head slightly.

"It's still hard to believe sometimes."

"You haven't spent that much time with them," Scully answered. "You'll get used to it."

Skinner looked back to the two men.

"They really are in love."

"Like most other people only dream about."

Skinner's gaze drifted from the men to Scully and stayed there until the woman's attention was drawn to his face. He looked down quickly, feigning interest in his food until he was sure that Scully had looked away. All of this did not go unnoticed by Bobby's wife Susan, who drew Scully away when everyone had finished eating.

"Nice party. The guys were really surprised."

"Yeah," Scully agreed as the two women began picking up a bit at the buffet table. "I couldn't see them getting married without a party."

"So, and your boss looked very cozy earlier."

Scully's head snapped around.


"When you were dancing. You make a very attractive couple."

"He's my boss," Scully said, doing her best to sound unruffled. "That's all."

Susan laughed softly. "The way I saw him looking at you at little while ago? I get the distinct feeling he'd like to be more."

Scully opened her mouth to respond but nothing would come out.

"You too."

Scully's shock increased, and she forced herself to say something.

"Me. I..."

"Come on, Dana, there's definitely something cooking there."

"There's nothing cooking."

"You'll forgive me if I don't believe you."

"Don't believe her about what?" Margaret Scully asked, joining her daughter and the other woman.

"This thing happening between she and Mr. Skinner that neither one of them is willing to admit."

Margaret smiled at her daughter.

"I heard the conversation between you a little while ago. I also saw the way he looked at you when he thought you weren't watching."


"We just call 'em like we see 'em," Susan said, grinning.

"Would it be so terrible?" Maggie asked. "Wouldn't it be nice to have a man in your life?" She turned to Susan. "I thought she and Fox would get together, but that was blown out of the water a few years ago."

"Mom. Jeez."

"Well, it's true. I've gotten over it, and though I never thought I would, I do think he and Alex make a very sweet couple. And now it appears that Mr. Skinner has taken an interest in you, Dana." Maggie raised her eyebrows. "He's very attractive. Strong and intelligent. I'm sure he's very dependable. You could do a lot worse."

"Scully and Skinner kissing in a tree..."

Scully whirled around to find Alex standing behind her wearing a Cheshire grin.

"Shut up."

"Make me," Alex teased.

Scully took the opportunity to break away from her mother and Susan. Grabbing Alex by his sleeve, she pulled him away and into a more private conversation.

"There is nothing between Skinner and I," she whispered. "Don't go getting my mother all worked up about something that doesn't exist."

Alex laughed. "I'll give it a month at the most."

"What'll you give a month?"

"This denial stuff. I'll give it a month at the most to run its course."

"And then?"

"And and Wally..." Alex made soft kissing noises.

"You're crazy."

"I've heard. But I'm right."


"Come on, Scully, what's the big deal? You're hot for Skinner, he's hot for you. Do something about it!"

"Oh my God..."

"How long has it been since you've had any?"

"Any what?"

"Sex, Scully. In all the years I've known you, you've never had a boyfriend. You must be some kind of frustrated, girl."

Scully rolled her eyes.

"I'm fine."

Alex shook his head. "Y'know, Scully, while toys can greatly enhance sexual relations between two people, it gets awfully tiresome when that's all you have."

"Thank you, Doctor Ruth," Scully huffed, looking around. "Now shut up, would you? What if my mother had heard that?"

"She'd tell you I was right, I'll bet."

"Mulder," Scully called to Fox, who was just passing by. "Come get this pain in the ass of yours before I have to kill him."

Smiling curiously, Fox came forward.

"What's the matter, Scully?" he asked, clearly amused. "Your face is all red." He looked from the embarrassed woman to his lover. "Alex, what are you up to?"

"Nothing," Alex said as innocently as was possible when he was up to no good.

"Bullshit. He's harassing me."

"About what?"

"Never mind."

"I'm not harassing her," Alex said, insisting on continuing the conversation. "I simply told her that I think she and Skinner would make a nice couple."

Fox chuckled. "Yeah, I'll bet that's how you said it to her." He slipped an arm around the younger man's waist and pulled him away. "Come on, troublemaker. Let's dance."

Clearly relieved, Scully turned around and came face to face with Frohike.

"How 'bout a dance, big red?"

Scully's mouth fell open, a dozen excuses immediately crowding her brain, but when she couldn't pick one plausible one, she sighed softly and let Frohike lead the way to the dance floor.

"Sure. What the hell?"

Fox slouched as far down in his seat as the small compartment of the Porsche would allow him to, smiling.

"That was a nice surprise, wasn't it?"

Alex pulled himself out of his thoughts and glanced over at his lover.

"Hmm? Oh. Yeah. Tacky decorations and killer mushrooms not withstanding."

Fox smiled. "Well, you got her back. She did not appreciate being teased about Skinner."

"Maybe I could have been a little more delicate," Alex smirked, "but nothing I said to her was a lie. When's the last time you remember her having a date?"

Fox blew out a soft puff of breath. "God. Years ago."

"That's not exactly normal, Fox. She's a young, attractive woman. She should have more men than she knows what to do with. Why the hell doesn't she?"

Fox shrugged. "She's picky?"

"I'm sure she is, but come on." Alex shook his head as he took their exit. "For a few years it was because she was so wrapped up with you and the X-files. Now I think she's just gone so long without a man that she doesn't know how to have a relationship with one. Skinner's just as bad." He grinned over at Fox. "Maybe they can stumble and sputter into a relationship together."

Fox chuckled softly. "They'd be fun to watch, wouldn't they?"

Alex nodded his agreement then grinned over at the other man. "I know something more fun to watch, though." A soft chuckle reached his ears.

"Yeah? What?"

Alex cast a lascivious glance his way, sweeping over the relaxed body.

"I'll tell you when we get home."

August 9

Alex popped the trunk of the Lincoln and began loading the bags in, all the while mumbling to himself.

"Fridge stocked, numbers by phone..." He looked up at Fox, who walked up to the car, carrying the last bag.

"Did we leave instructions for Scully about Clyde's food?"

"Yes, we did."

"You sure?"

Alex, you typed out explicit triplicate. And then you told her what to give him."

"Just want to be sure."

Alex shut the trunk and pulled a folded piece of paper out of his pocket.

"Let's see here..."

Fox watched, shaking his head.

"How many times have you checked that thing?"

"I just don't want to forget anything."

"You haven't. I promise."

Alex rested his hands on his hips and looked around. "Can't help thinking that we have."

Fox's eyes rolled up into his head, and he let out a loud sigh.

"Alex. Babe. If we don't get going, we're going to miss the plane. How much are you going to love that?"

"Okay, okay."

The two men got into the car and pulled out of the driveway. Halfway down the street, the car stopped then backed up. Alex pulled back into the driveway, glaring at Fox, who gave his lover a sheepish grin before sprinting back into the house. Seconds later, he ran out with Clyde in hot pursuit. The two jumped into the car, and Alex peeled back out of the driveway and headed for the airport.


"Hi, Maria."

"Hi, Dana. How's everything going? The guys get off okay?"

"Yeah. They should be landing soon."

"Good. We'll be leaving here in about an hour. How are they doing? Everything all set? Well, I guess it'd better be, huh?"

"Yes, it had. Your cousin would be catatonic if there was one tiny thing wrong at this late date. So, everybody still going?"

"Yep. They're all set."

"Victor and Alex's father are still dead set against going, I assume."


"Too bad, but I supposed it's for the best."

"Yeah, it is. Hey, whatever. The rest of us will have a much better time without them."

"Right. Well, I guess I'd better get moving. My mother, Skinner and the Gunmen are waiting for me."

"All right then. I'll give you a call when we get to our hotel."

"Good. I'll wait to hear from you."

Scully said goodbye then picked up her bag and rushed out to meet the rest of her group.

Fox pulled up to the inn and parked. He looked at the house for a few seconds then turned to Alex, who was still staring straight ahead.

"We're here." He cocked his head, smiling at the silent man. "Alex?"

It was then that Alex turned to Fox, his eyes softly glowing.

"Yeah. This time tomorrow, we'll be getting ready to get married."

Fox's smile turned into a wide grin. "You still want to go through with it?"

Alex let out a soft breath.


Fox moved closer, and Alex threaded his fingers through the older man's hair, pulling him in for a tender kiss. Before it could blossom into anything more, a wet nose nudged its way between them.


At the sound of his name, the Shepherd began waving his tail and whining as he attempted to give his masters a thorough tongue bath.

"All right. Out." Alex gave Fox another quick peck then got out of the car, spinning to open the back door. The dog bounded out, immediately beginning to sniff around at his new surroundings.

"Uh...Alex," Fox called, looking up the path that wound around behind the house. "Maybe you'd better put him on the leash."

Alex followed Fox's gaze and saw Cujo lumbering down the path toward them.

"Shit. Forgot about him. Clyde, here."

Having not yet caught sight of the inn's official greeter, Clyde obeyed the command, and Alex quickly snapped the leather leash on his collar. Keeping the dog on a loose lead, he watched warily as Cujo approached. Clyde was also now aware of the other dog's presence, and he stood his ground, alert and quiet, watching the Saint Bernard's advance. When Cujo reached them, the sniffing began, and tails swung slowly in greeting.

"Hmm." Alex looked to Fox, eyebrows raised.

"That's a good sign," Fox commented softly. "I guess.


Both men looked up to find Joan heading toward them.

"Don't worry, he's never met another dog that he didn't like."

"How 'bout you, Clyde?" Alex asked his own dog. "He okay with you?"

Clyde looked up at Alex for only a second before returning his attention back to the larger dog.

"Well, fellas," Joan said as she reached the new arrivals, "this is it, huh?"

"Yeah," Fox breathed, popping the trunk and removing one of the four bags. "How's everything here?"

"Pretty good. We're all cleaned up from the fire, and we'll start construction in a couple of weeks. There's no smell of smoke anywhere, so don't worry about that. Oh, and the tent is here. Arrived this morning. They've started setting up."

"Great," Alex said, relieved at the news. "Thanks, Joan."

The woman beamed at her guests. "Come on. Let's get you settled."

The men removed their garment bags from the back seat then headed up to the house, Cujo following closely and sniffing after his new friend. Joan stopped him at the front door when they entered.

"No, you don't. Let him get settled first, then you can continue the sniff-fest."

They continued up to the bedroom, and as Clyde checked things out, the men hung their garment bags in the closet and placed the bag on the bed.

"I'll leave you boys alone now," Joan said from the doorway. "Come down when you're ready, and we'll go over the food, and you can check things out at the lake."

"Thanks, Joan. We'll be down in a while."

As soon as the woman was gone, Alex walked over to Fox, taking him in his arms. Both men stared at each other for long minutes, saying nothing, then Alex leaned forward and took Fox's mouth in a slow, tender kiss. When they parted, he gave his lover a hint of a smile.

"Know what?"

"What?" Fox asked almost too softly to be heard.

Alex reached up and stroked the side of Fox's head. "I love you."

Fox lowered his eyes for a moment then lifted a glistening gaze to the other. "I love you." He smiled. "Christ, we're sappy."

Alex nodded, happy to agree. "You wanna get this stuff unpacked then go downstairs?"


The kitchen was buzzing with activity. Everywhere people were chopping, slicing and kneading. Joan looked up as Fox and Alex wandered into the room, and she grinned.

"Well, guys," she said, waving her arm in a semi-circle, "this is all for you. Care to make an inspection?"

Unlacing his fingers from Fox's, Alex moved slowly around the kitchen, taking everything in. While he did so, Joan sidled up to Fox, nudging his arm.

"Don't you want to check things out?"

"That's Alex's bag," Fox said, looking around. "I don't hear any screaming, no pots are boiling over, there's nothing burning." He shrugged, smiling down at the woman. "I'm happy."

Joan chuckled and patted Fox's shoulder. "I like your attitude." She turned her attention to the other man, who was very intently observing the preparations. "What d'you think, Alex?"

Alex lifted his head long enough to nod then returned his focus to a couple of nervous-looking women, who were rolling pastry crust.

"Alex," Fox called, noting the look on the women's faces. "C'mon, babe. Everything seems pretty well under control here. Let's go down to the lake."

"'Kay," Alex mumbled without moving. "In a sec."

"Stickler for details, isn't he?" Joan asked, genuinely amused at Alex's interest.

"I'm amazed he's made it to this day without cracking up," Fox answered. "I thought he was going to lose it for sure when you called to tell us that the arbor got fried."

"I still feel so bad about that," Joan said, absently scratching the top of Clyde's head.

"You can't control the weather," Fox comforted. "Don't worry about it."

"I know, but I still feel terrible. You were both so happy with it."

"A tent by the lake will be just as nice, I'm sure. I..." Fox stopped talking as he glanced over at Alex to find the younger man now speaking to the two women, who were eyeing him warily. "Joan, excuse me. I gotta go get him before you start losing kitchen help."

Fox left Joan and headed quickly in Alex's direction. Within earshot in seconds, he heard what was mostly a one-way conversation.

"...french butter. Otherwise, you have to use a vegetable shortening to..."


The look of relief that washed over the women's faces was clear as Fox came to their rescue.


"Are you trying to tell these nice ladies how to do their jobs?"

"I'm just explaining the intricacies of puff pastry. It can get too heavy if you don't..."

"I'm sure they know that, babe." Fox smiled at the women. "And I'm sure it'll be delicious." He wound his arm through Alex's and towed the younger man away. He mouthed a quick 'sorry' to the women, who each in turn gave him a grateful smile and returned to their work.

"You think I was being a pest?" Alex asked as Fox led him out of the house and into the warm August sunshine.

"I know you were," Fox answered smirking.

"Well, forgive me for wanting our wedding to be perfect."

"It will be," Fox promised. "Even with heavy puff pastry."

Alex cut the older man a dirty look but only for a moment. A smile replaced it soon enough, and he started to chuckle.

"They probably wanted to kill me, huh?"

"Probably." Fox slipped an arm around the other man's waist and pulled him close as they walked. "Relax, Alex. We've got nothing more to do but enjoy ourselves."

"You're right," Alex admitted. "We made it. Everything's done and...hey!"

Fox followed Alex's horrified gaze to the tent, which had now come into their sights.

"What? What's wrong?"

"It's facing the wrong way!"

"It..." Fox looked from Alex to the tent and back again. "You can see that from here?"

"It's supposed to be facing the lake, not running parallel to it!"

Alex broke from Fox's side and trotted down to the site, Clyde loping along beside him. Groaning softly, Fox looked skyward in silent prayer then followed in the other man's wake.

"What the hell are you doing?" Alex yelled more than asked as he approached the work crew, who thought that they were almost finished.

"We're putting a tent up," one man said, stepping forward.

"No shit." Alex pointed at the huge structure. "It's wrong."

"Who're you? Tent inspector?"

"I'm the guy who's paying your salary today," Alex rumbled, "and I gave specific instructions that it was supposed to be facing the damn water!"

The man looked at his clipboard. "There were no...oh."

"Oh? Oh?"

"Yeah, okay. We goofed. But only by ninety degrees."

"Fix it."

"Fix..." The man looked at the tent then back to Alex. "How?"

"How do you think?"

"Mister, do you know how long it took to put this thing up? If we gotta take it down again, we're gonna be here all freakin' day."

"I don't care if you're here all freakin' day and night!" Alex said, stepping into the man's personal space. "Fix. It."

"Umm," Fox said softly, stepping forward and placing a gentle hand on Alex's arm. "Look..." He paused, waiting for a name.


"Dave. Look, Dave. You had written instructions. You messed up. It's your responsibility to fix your mistake, don't you think?"

"I don't care if he thinks so or not," Alex broke in. "He's gonna fix it."

Dave cut an impatient look at Alex and pulled a cell phone out of his pocket. "I gotta call my boss."

Alex snatched the phone from the man. "I'm your boss. I'm your boss's boss. Now take the goddamn tent down and put it back up the way I told you to!"

"Y'know what?" Dave said, folding his arms across his chest and glaring at Alex. "I don't think I like your attitude."

Fox closed his eyes. "Ah, shit."

"Oh," Alex said softly. "You don't like my attitude."

"No. I don't. The tent's a stinkin' ninety degrees off, and you're gonna come down here yelling and screaming and make my crew take this whole stupid thing down and put it back up again? I don't..." The words died on a tight gasp as Alex caught him around the throat in a one-handed grip.

"Alex," Fox whispered, looking around. "Babe, let him go."

"You don't what?" Alex asked, getting nothing more than a soft wheeze as an answer.

"Alex, come on. They'll take it down, and they'll fix it right." Fox looked at the man, whose eyes were now bulging. "Won't you?"

There was a slight nod of agreement.

"See? Come on, sweetheart. Let him go."

Alex waited a few seconds more then released the man and stood watching as he coughed and struggled to drag the air back into his lungs.

"Sorry," Fox mumbled, relieved that the color was now coming back to Dave's face. "He's just really wound up." He reached out and stroked the back of Alex's head. "Nervous groom, you know. No hard feelings?"

Dave looked from one man to the other.

Nervous groom. Babe...sweetheart.

Ah, Christ.

"No. Uh...n-no. We'll get it fixed."

"There," Fox smiled. "See? Everything's cool. Alex," He called, demanding his lover's attention.

"Yeah," Alex rasped, glaring at the man. "Just see that it stays cool. I'll be back to check on you later."

Without another word, he walked away with Fox and Clyde in tow. Dave stood watching their retreat then looked around to see if anyone had witnessed their exchange. If anyone knew that he'd just got spanked by some gay guy, he'd never live it down. Fortunately the crew seemed to have disappeared. Probably further down the lake stuffing their faces, thinking they were done.

Wait until he got down there and told them that they weren't.

Fox walked in silence beside Alex for a while, waiting for the younger man to cool off a bit before saying anything to him. Then finally, several minutes later, he softly cleared his throat.

"Look at the water. It'll be a beautiful backdrop tomorrow with the sun setting on it."

"It'll probably rain."

"It will not. We listened to the forecast a zillion times on every local station we could find. Everybody's calling for a gorgeous day."

Alex snorted and said nothing.

Fox stopped walking and hooked his arm through Alex's, bringing his brooding lover to a halt as well.


"C'mere." Fox drew Alex into his arms and fixed a steady gaze on him. "Are you going to be smiling by tomorrow at least?"

"I'd be smiling today if people weren't such incompetents."

"Who was incompetent?"

Alex raised his eyebrows and gave Fox a disbelieving stare.

"Okay, yeah. Dave is no rocket scientist. But those women in the kitchen were fine. You're just too wound up, Alex. I don't know why I keep telling you this because it doesn't do much good for long, but you've got to chill out. Tomorrow is our day, and it's going to be memorable for all the wrong reasons unless you relax and just enjoy it."

Alex said nothing.

"Please, Alexei?" Fox dropped his head to Alex's shoulder and nuzzled the side of his neck. "For me?"

Alex released a long, conciliatory sigh and wrapped his arms around the older man.

"I'm sorry, lisa. I know I keep telling you that, but I really am. I love you baby, and I want so much for everything to be perfect. You don't deserve anything less."

"We could be standing in a six by eight cubicle in the town hall with Cancerman and my mother as our witnesses, and it'd be perfect," Fox insisted, lifting his head. "Because I'm marrying you."

A tiny smile graced Alex's lips.

"How sappy was that?"

Fox returned the smile, and the two shared a lingering kiss before continuing their walk.

The rented minivan pulled up to the inn, and Skinner shifted into park. Scully slouched back in her seat beside the driver's, smiling.

"It's beautiful."

"Very romantic," Maggie agreed from the first seat behind her daughter.

"Yeah. Sweet," Frohike grunted, moving to open the side door. Let's get out of this thing; my back is killing me."

Scully rolled her eyes and opened her door, stepping out onto the pebbled driveway. After the air- conditioned interior of the van, the sun felt good on her chilled skin. She waited for everyone to exit the vehicle, then she started to help Skinner and Byers unload.

"I wonder where the guys are," she said to Skinner, who had just shoved a bag at Langly.

"I'm sure they're around here somewhere. That looks like a rental," he said, pointing at the car they'd pulled up beside.

Scully nodded. "I hope Maria and the others make it to their inn okay."

"She said she'd call you when they got there, right?"


"Well, I'm sure she will."


The group turned in the direction of the cheerful voice, and found a woman approaching, followed by a huge Saint Bernard.

"Hi!" Scully called, returning the woman's sunny smile. "We're..."

"You gotta be part of the Mulder-Krycek wedding party," Joan interrupted. "Welcome. I'm Joan, and this is Cujo."

"Crap," Frohike whispered, inching closer to his companions. "We got devil dog, hound of hell, and now friggin' Cujo."

Scully ignored the remark and shook the woman's hand.

"I'm Dana Scully." She pointed to the others, announcing each in turn. "Walter Skinner, my mother Maggie, John Byers, Melvin Frohike, and Ringo Langly. There are a few more, but they didn't travel with us. They should be here in the next hour or two, though."

"Great. Well, if you all will follow me, I'll show you to your rooms."

As the group followed Joan, Scully spoke up again.

"Are the guys around?"

"They checked on things in the kitchen then headed out to see how the tent was coming along. That was ohhh, I'd say...about an hour and a half ago. They haven't been back yet."

"If I know them, Scully mumbled to Byers, "they're in some secluded spot, making like bunny rabbits."

Byers' face turned a dull red, and he said nothing in response.

As they reached the door, Scully's phone rang.


"Dana? It's Maria."

"Hi Maria! Where are you?"

"Airport. We're picking up our rental now, and we'll be on our way to our inn."

"Excellent. Call me again when you get there, and we'll talk some more, okay? We're just about to go up to our rooms."

"All right. Talk to you soon."

Maria hung up and smiled down at her daughter.

"Okay, kiddo. Let's go."

Hiking her doll up closer to her shoulder, Raiza took her mother's hand and followed the others out to the parking lot.

Alex stretched then sat up, brushing the leaves and needles from his hair.

"Mmmmmmm. I needed that."

"I know," Fox murmured, shifting to lie flat on his back. He reached up and slipped his hand up beneath Alex's loosened shirt, stroking the other man's side. "Feel better?"

Smiling contentedly, Alex lowered himself to his lover's chest, nuzzling the underside of his jaw. "Yeah," he whispered then chuckled softly. "What a mouth."

Fox grinned and closed his eyes.

"Much as I'd love to stay for another round," Alex said, looking at his watch, "we should get back. "Scully and her group should be here, and I suppose we really should go greet them."

Moaning softly, Fox sat up, taking Alex with him.

"I know you're right." He got to his feet and helped Alex up. As he straightened his clothing, he began to laugh.

"Something funny?" Alex asked, brushing debris off of the back of his jeans.

"Funny? No. I just had a thought. This might have been our last fling as single people."

"Fox, we haven't been single for years."

"Technically, I mean."

"And what makes you think this is our last one today?" Alex finished tucking his shirt in and approached the older man. "It's still early, you know."

"Yeah, but..." Smirking, Fox wrapped his arms around his intended. "Don't you think it might be better to wait?"

"For what?" Alex asked, genuinely unaware of what Fox was suggesting.

"Until our honeymoon."

Alex broke into laughter. "What's waiting until then going to do?"

Fox shrugged, still smiling. "Let the anticipation build a little."

"lisa, you know damn well that you can drive me crazy less than two hours after making me come so hard that I think the top of my head's going to come off. Do you really think we can stand any more anticipation?" He groaned at the small pout Fox displayed then let out a long sigh. "You really want to wait now until we get to Andros?"

The pout remained and Fox gave him a slight shrug.

"Wonderful." Alex lifted Fox's chin with one finger. "I should be dead by then, you know."

"No, you won't. It'll be so good," Fox promised, pressing himself closer.

"It's always so good," Alex whispered, delicately licking at his lover's lips.

"Better," Fox sighed then pulled away. "Okay?"

Alex shook his head then lowered it. "Okay." He lifted his head and looked into amber-flecked eyes. "You want one of us should bunk in with Scully and her mother tonight? Better yet, how 'bout Skinner?"

"I don't think Skinner or Maggie would be any too thrilled about having either of us for a roomie. Guess we'll have to keep sleeping arrangements as they are and just behave ourselves."

"Oh. Okay." Alex snapped his fingers. Piece of cake."

"I never said it was going to be easy," Fox said, caressing Alex's back. "But we can do it."

"You have more faith in our willpower than I do, then." Alex gave the older man a chaste peck on the lips. "Okay, let's get back. Oh, but first...we gotta go back and check on that tent."

Rolling his eyes, Fox followed the younger man back toward the lake.

"Isn't this lovely?"

Aunt Irene walked around the lobby, investigating while Maria checked everyone in.

"Very nice," Maria's mother agreed. "I wonder what the other place looks like."

"We'll see it tomorrow," her husband reminded her, standing patiently while Raiza ran her fingers the wrong way through his hair.

"Raiza," her grandmother clucked. "Look at what you're doing to Grandpa."

The little girl giggled, finishing her task then raking the silver strands in another direction.

Maria finished checking in then came over to join her family.

"Okay. Let's go get settled in our rooms."

The small group made their way up to the second floor, each finding their own room and promising to meet back downstairs in two hours for a light dinner. As Raiza helped Natalie unpack, Maria pulled her cell phone out and punched in Scully's number.

"Hi, Dana. It's Maria again. We're in our rooms...yeah. Oh, it's very nice. Rustic and comfortable."

"That's great," Scully breathed, relieved that Alex's family had arrived safely. "We're just waiting for four more, and then everyone will be here."

"I'm so excited. I really hope that this is going to be as wonderful for Alex as it is for us."

"It will be," Scully promised, peeking out her bedroom window. "What are you all going to do tonight?"

"We're going to have dinner together in a couple of hours then probably just relax for the rest of the night."

"Sounds good. I think we're going to do the same thing here." Squinting, Scully stared out at the three figures that had now appeared on the path. "I think I see Mulder and Alex heading this way, so I'd better get downstairs now."

"All right. You all have a good night, and we'll see you tomorrow evening."

"Very good. Tell your family we're all looking forward to meeting them...yeah. Good night, Maria."

Scully hung up then looked back out the window at the men, who were closer now.

"Going to go down and meet them?" Maggie asked, storing her underwear in a small drawer.

"Yeah." Scully moved away from the window and headed to the door. "I'll be back in a little bit." Trotting down to the first floor, Scully came face to face with the men as they came through the front door.

"Scully!" Alex's mouth stretched wide in a huge grin as they met up with their best friend. "When'd you get here?"

"Little while ago. Hi, Clyde," Scully grunted as the dog tackled her, practically knocking her against the door. "God...Alex, get this brute off of me."

"C'mon, Clyde. Off."

The dog dropped down to the floor, and Fox stepped forward, hugging his partner.

"You made it."

"Did you think I wouldn't?"

"No, I..." Fox gave the woman a lopsided grin. "Everybody else here?"

"Everybody but Bobby and Susan and..."

"We're here."

The trio turned and watched the last four of their group entered from the kitchen behind Joan. After a round of greeting, the new arrivals were shown up to their rooms, leaving Fox and Alex alone again with Scully.

"So. You guys all ready?"

"Yeah," Alex croaked, wrapping his arms around Fox. "It's gonna be a long night."

Scully laughed softly. "Rarin' to go, huh? No second thoughts?" she teased. "No cold feet? It's not too late to back out, you know."

"Never," Fox answered, pressing closer to Alex.

"We should have done this a long, long time ago," Alex murmured, planting a line of soft kisses along his lover's jaw before claiming a tender kiss.

"All right, break it up. I don't want to have to explain to anyone why you two are crawling all over each other, half dressed at the foot of the stairs."

"Don't worry," Fox said, pulling out of the kiss. "We're going to behave ourselves tonight."

"You're..." Scully cocked her head, not sure she understood. "You're going to what?"

Alex rolled his eyes. "Your partner's idea. No bonking until we get to Andros."

"Are you..." Scully broke into hearty laughter. "Who the hell are you trying to kid? There's no way you two can keep your hands off each other for that long."

"Can too," Fox frowned.

Scully laughed harder. "Is he serious?"

"Yeah, he is," Alex answered in a low, rather exasperated tone.

"Let me get this straight. You're going to sleep together tonight and not do anything. Is that possible? Have you ever done that before?"

"Jeez, Scully, we're not at it every night."

"No," Alex agreed, now smirking. "Sometimes we do it in the morning." He leaned in, moaning in Fox's ear. "Remember how you woke me up yesterday?"

Scully smiled, shaking her head. "Oh, yeah. You're going to hold off until you get to Andros. Sure. I believe you."

Alex sighed and shrugged. "Hey, I'm not really thrilled about the idea of keeping it in our pants for the next couple of nights, but..."

"I know, I know. Anything Fox baby wants... it's disgusting."

Fox smiled, resting his head on Alex's shoulder.


"Actually, yes," Scully deadpanned. So anyway...we doing dinner together or what?"

"Sure," Alex answered, taking the time first to brush a soft kiss into his lover's hair. "Why not? It's probably a good idea that we do."

"Less time alone?" Scully asked sweetly. "What's the matter, Krycek? You that weak?"

"Never thought I'd be proud to make such an admission, but yes. Yes, I am."

"God. Okay, well, what time do you want to eat?"

Alex shrugged and turned to Fox. "I don't know. Seven?"

"Sounds good." Fox glanced down at his watch. "That gives Alex time to make all his phone calls."

Alex turned an innocent stare on Fox.

"Phone calls?" Scully asked.

"Yeah. To the florist, the band, the..."

Alex's chuckle interrupted Fox's list. "What makes you think I'm going to call any of those people?"

Fox turned and stared blankly at the younger man.

"Admit it, Alex, and move on," Scully advised.

"Okay, I might have thought about giving them a quick ring..."

"Uh huh."

"Just for confirmation."


Fox wound his arm around the younger man's waist and aimed a soft kiss at his cheek.

"It's okay, babe. Let's go make your calls."

Smirking at Scully, Fox led Alex to the steps.

"I'm not going to harass them, you know."

"I know."

Scully watched the two ascend the stairs, shaking her head.

"I just want to make sure everything's okay."

"I understand."

"I mean, do you think that's such a bad thing?"

"Of course not, sweetheart..."

The bell rang a second time as the old man made his way to the front door. He swung it open without bothering to ask who was on the other side. When his nephew came into view, he looked at the younger man for all of two seconds before giving a slight nod and turning from the door.

Victor followed Iliia into the house, closing the door softly behind him.

"How are you, Uncle?"

"My wife has deserted me, and I must see to my own meals. How should I be?"

Victor tailed the old man into the kitchen and watched as he rummaged in the refrigerator, pulling out a covered dish. He placed his prepared meal in the microwave and squinted at the contraption for so long that Victor stepped forward to help.

"Sit down, Uncle. I'll heat it up."

Without a word of thanks, Iliia turned and shuffled over to the table. Victor turned the microwave on then leaned against the counter, watching his uncle.

"What are you doing here?"

"Hmm? Oh. Nothing, really. I...just figured that you and I were on our own this weekend, so maybe we could spend some time together. You know...stag night." His smile faded in the answering silence. The microwave beeped, and he removed the plate from the sparkling white compartment and placed it in front of the older man. The silence continued for a few minutes more, then Iliia spoke.

"So, your impression of my son is not as positive as your cousin's."

Victor shrugged. "No."

"You never have cared much for him."


"You were a jealous bully of a boy."

Victor wasn't surprised by his uncle's candor, yet the statement caught him off guard.

"What are your reasons now?"

"He..." Victor hesitated then shrugged and plunged on. "Alex disappeared without a word. In those years he was gone, he did some terrible things. Now he pops back up, sins washed away, living like a respectable member of society in a beautiful house with a big yard..."

"So, you're still jealous."

"I'm not jealous, I'm just saying..."

"That Alex has everything you want. He's happy and it isn't fair."

"It isn't fair that he's done all the things he has and has gotten away virtually scott free."

"From what I understand he's paid heavily for all he's done. But you would see him in jail. Or living on the streets. That would be fair. That would make you happy."

Victor responded defensively.

"You're not too thrilled with him either. That's why you're not in Vermont."

"My issues with my son are my own concern."

"Well, whatever they are, it's obvious that Aunt Natalie doesn't agree."

Dead silence.

"For what it's worth, you were right not to go. Why the rest of them would want to attend the wedding of a man who has ignored their existence for the last several years is beyond me."

"Thank you for your approval," Iliia murmured. "But I have no need of it."

"Of course you don't. I was simply saying that I agree with you."

Iliia switched gears.

"I know what Maria thinks of this other one, this Fox. What is your opinion of him?"

"Aside from the fact that he's obviously some kind of crackpot..."


"I'm sure Maria's told you that he's an FBI agent. But I'll bet she didn't tell you that he investigates UFO's and ghosts."

One silver eyebrow lifted, but the older man said nothing.

"Yeah. And...I don't know if this is to his credit or his detriment, but he's...he seems fiercely devoted to Alex. But then Alex has always been able to wrap people around his little finger with very little effort, so..." Victor sighed softly. "He sure was able to charm anything out of Babushka."

"Especially her money?"

"That wasn't right," Victor murmured. "She had other grandchildren."

"As I recall, Alexei tried to share his inheritance with you and Maria."

"From Grandmother, it would have been a gift. From Alex, it was charity. I'm no charity case."

"You refused his offer," Iliia said. You shouldn't be angry at him for it."

"His mother died in an accident. You shouldn't be angry at him for that."

Old as he was, Iliia could still make his family back down with nothing more than an icy stare. Victor fell silent and looked down at his shoes.

"I've had enough of this conversation. You can go now."

Finding no room for argument, Victor straightened up and nodded.

"Call me if you need anything."

Iliia gave no answer, and Victor made his exit, leaving the old man alone with his thoughts.

Barely touching his dinner, he sat at the table, staring down at the plate but seeing his family, smiling and happy, gathered around the one who'd been absent from his life for more years than he remembered, and celebrating his marriage.

Iliia shoved his plate away, frowning. another man. What was the boy thinking?

He shook his head slowly.

Even if he could get past all the rest, how could he accept this?

It doesn't really matter if you accept it or not. Your paths will never cross again.

Slowly, he rose from the table and walked over to the window. Drawing the curtain aside, he stared out into the waning daylight.

"What're you looking at?"

Alex turned his face from the window and gave Fox a soft smile.

"Nothing. Sun's going down."

Fox crossed over to where his lover stood and peered out at the horizon.

"Mmm hmm. Going to have to go down to dinner soon."

"Yeah." Alex reached out and stroked the underside of Fox's chin. "What d'you say? Quick shower and change before we go?"

Fox nodded and gave Alex a sly grin.

"No funny stuff."

Alex groaned and turned Fox in the direction of the bathroom.

"Damn. You still on that?"

Scully sat looking around the spacious room, smiling.

"The guys couldn't have picked a nicer place."

"I know," Margaret agreed. It's so cozy and romantic. Don't you think, Mr. Skinner?"

"Walter, please." Skinner gave Scully's mother a hint of a smile. "And yes, it's a very nice inn." He looked up and found Bobby and Susan heading toward them. The group exchanged greetings, and the couple took their seats.

"Guess we're just waiting for the grooms," Bobby observed, noting that the rest of their party was present.

"Scully, if they're not down in about ten minutes, maybe you ought to go knock on their door," Langly suggested. "God knows what they're probably up there doing."

"They'll be down soon," Scully assured Langly then laughed at the snort of disbelief. Minutes later, they proved her right.

"Howdy boys," Frohike said as Fox then Alex sat down. "Glad to see you remembered your dinner companions were waiting for you."

"Why wouldn't we remember...damn." Alex stopped and turned wide eyes to Fox. "Maria. I wonder if she got in okay. I should call her; see how far she is from us. Maybe she could join us."

"Oh." Fox looked from Alex to Scully then back again. "Uh...yeah. Yeah, maybe." He whipped out his phone before Alex could reach his, and he hit the speed dial number. "...Maria. Hey, it's Fox. Great, how are you? Uh...Alex was just thinking that we should call and check on you...ask you to join us for dinner if you're close by...oh. Well, that's...yeah, he'll understand." Fox looked at Alex, recognizing the worry in his expression. "Why don't you say hello to him? He's sitting right here." He handed the phone to Alex and gave Scully a relieved look.

"Maria? Hi. Did you make it okay? Oh, you are? Good. Yeah,, can't hold dinner up that long, I guess. I feel bad about you spending the night alone, though...yeah. Well, you're right about that. Uh huh. Okay, well, that makes me feel a little better. All right...we'll see you tomorrow, then...okay...uh...Maria?" Alex's tone softened further. "Thank you...we'll try. Goodnight."

Fox took his phone and rubbed the younger man's back.



"Where is she?" Scully asked as innocently as she could.

"She just got to the airport. She's gotta get a car, drive to where she's staying..." Alex turned to Fox. "I wish she would have let us take care of her arrangements. It's not right that she's by herself and we're all here together."

"I know, babe," Fox said, leaning over to press a kiss to the other man's jaw. "But she insisted on making her own reservations. We had to respect that, right?"

Alex nodded.


Alex looked up and into an ocean of tranquil green and gold.

"She's here. She's coming to our wedding." Fox smiled at the younger man. "You're going to have family at our wedding."

Alex returned the smile. "Never thought it'd turn out like this."

Fox rested his forehead against the other man's.

"You happy, baby?"

Alex nodded and closed his eyes as Fox moved in for a tender kiss.

"Awww," Vicky cooed, taking Chuck's hand. "They're sooo sweet."

"Adorable," Frohike said flatly, watching a young woman approach. "C'mon, kids, someone's here to take our order."

Alex broke the kiss only to initiate another brief one, then he looked up at the girl standing to his left.

"Hey! Look, Fox, it's our friend Kerry."

"Hello," Kerry said, smiling politely down at the couple. "Big day finally here?"

"Tomorrow," Alex answered, slipping an arm around Fox and kissing the side of the older man's head.

"Wow. Congratulations."


" everybody hungry?"

After much hassling and changing of minds, everyone got their orders straight, and Kerry left with another courteous smile. As the chatter came up, Bobby drew Fox and Alex's attention.



"I've been thinking and...I'm very honored that you asked me to stand up with Dana for you, but...Alex, wouldn't you like to have your cousin do it? You know, since you've been estranged for so many years and now she's here..."

Alex looked from Bobby to Fox.

"I didn't say anything to him, I swear," Fox said, raising his hands in defense.

Alex turned back to Fox's cousin.

"Bob, I..."

"It's okay. Really. I know you'd asked me before you found out that she was coming. Now that she's here, I'm sure you'd love to have her."

"We couldn't...we can't..."

Bobby interrupted Alex's sputtering.

"I insist. Think of it as a wedding gift."

"You already gave us a gift," Fox reminded the other man. "You know, after we specifically told all of you not to send gifts."

"And you think we'd actually listen to you?" Susan asked. "Go on and ask your cousin, Alex."


"Listen," Susan broke in, "this weekend isn't about any of us. It's about you two and your happiness. Ask your cousin. If she refuses, and I can't imagine that she will, then Bobby is still here."

Fox and Alex looked at each other, then Alex lowered his eyes to the table.

"I don't know what to say."

"Say you'll call her."

Alex looked up at the couple, chewing on his lower lip.

"Boy, you know you've been together too long when you start picking up each other's habits."

Fox gave Scully a curious look. "Hmm?"

"He's doing that thing that you do with your mouth," Scully pointed out.

Grinning, Fox looked at Alex.

"Yeah, you are."

"I am? Never even realized." Alex returned the smile and tapped the older man under his chin with two fingers. "I'm sure it's cuter on you."

"Look, don't you start again," Scully warned as Alex leaned in to kiss Fox. "Alex, call your cousin."

Cutting Scully a dirty look, Alex pulled away from the tempting mouth, thanked Bobby, then pulled out his phone and called Maria.

Maria picked up her phone and checked the incoming number. Holding her finger up to her lips to quiet Natalie and Raiza, she answered.

"Hello? Hi again, Alex. What's up? ...What's that? want me to...but you must have two people by now." She listened to Alex's explanation then struggled to respond.

"I...I don' really want me? I mean, is Fox sure that he doesn't mind having me instead of his cousin? Especially since you'd already asked him...uh huh. That's...that's very generous of him. Are you sure he doesn't mind? ...All right, yeah. I'd love to. there any rehearsal? Okay. All right, I'll be there. I'm so...Alex, I can't tell you how honored I feel...all right, I'll see you both tomorrow. Goodnight."

Maria hung up and stood quietly, hand over her mouth.

"What is it, Maria?" Natalie asked, approaching her step-niece.

The younger woman smiled and turned sparkling eyes to her.

"Alex asked me to stand up for them tomorrow."

"Really? Oh, honey, isn't that wonderful?"

"Yeah, I sure didn't expect that."

Watching from the bed, Raiza rose to her knees and drew the women's attention.

"Why do you have to stand up, Mummy?" The little girl frowned. "Why can't you sit down?"

"No, Raiza," Maria laughed softly, sitting beside her daughter. "I don't have to...well, actually, I will be standing up, but what it means is that I'll be a witness to their marriage. You know, kind of like a bridesmaid."

"Ohhh." And as easily as that, Raiza dropped the subject, finding more interest in brushing her mother's hair with a tiny doll's comb.

"So, is there a rehearsal?"

"Yeah. I have to be there a couple of hours before the ceremony."

Natalie nodded. "I'm so looking forward to tomorrow."

"It'll be here soon enough," Maria said, looking down at her watch. "Let's get downstairs and get some food into us so we can turn in early."

The women gathered up their purses, Raiza and her doll, and headed down to the dining room.

"That was good." Alex fell onto the bed and stretched out groaning as he covered his stomach with one hand. "I ate way too much."

"You look like you're ready to pass out," Fox commented, smiling as he found Clyde's leash and attached it to the wiggling dog's collar. "I'll take Clyde down for a quick walk, then I'll be back."

"I'll go with you," Alex offered, beginning to rise from the bed, but Fox's voice stopped him.

"No, babe, it's okay. You stay here. I won't be long."

"You sure?"

"Yeah. Get undressed and relax. You'll probably be out before I get back."

"Yeah, maybe," Alex said, giving Fox a tantalizing pout. "Since I really don't have anything to stay awake for."

"Aww, poor baby."

Settling back against the pillows and closing his eyes, Alex flipped Fox off, and the older man chuckled softly as he and Clyde left the room.

Once he heard the door shut, Alex opened his eyes and lay there for a couple of minutes before getting up and fishing through his bag. Pulling out a folded sheet of paper, he leaned against the desk and began to read. A pensive look washed his features, and by the time he'd finished reading, it was replaced with a troubled frown. He let the hand holding the paper drop to his side, and his other hand came up to rub and massage the back of his neck. He lifted the paper and read again. Before he got to the end, he quickly crumbled the sheet and tossed it into wastepaper basket beside the desk.

So now what you going to do?

Hands slowly scrubbing at his face, he walked over to the bed and sat down.

I don't know.

You better know. In case you forgot, this is happening tomorrow.

Groaning, Alex fell back to the mattress and closed his eyes.

Fox walked the path slowly, letting Clyde thoroughly investigate his surroundings. Night had fallen, and all was quiet but for the soft chirping of some crickets. Suddenly he wished that he had let Alex come along, even if it was only for a fifteen-minute stroll. His thoughts were interrupted by the sound of a low, feminine voice.

"Shouldn't you and Alex be snuggled up together in your room, purring and cooing at each other?"

Fox turned around, grinning at his partner.

"What are you doing out here?"

"Such a beautiful night, I thought I'd get a little air before I turned in. You?"

"Just taking Clyde for his walk."

"So, where's Alex?"

"In the room. He got sleepy after all the food he ate earlier."


The two began to walk together.

"So. You all ready for tomorrow?"


"Who knew four years ago that it'd have come to this?"

Fox shook his head, looking down at the ground as they walked.

"Been through a lot of crazy stuff," Scully said softly.

"I'd do most of it again to be where we are now."

"Most of it."

"I'd do anything to go back and undo what happened to Alex."

"I know you would. And I know Alex would do the same if he could go back and keep you from being shot." Scully smirked up at her partner. "But you'd go through the rest of that hellish torment again and again if you had to, just to be marrying your one true love tomorrow," Scully breathed in an exaggerated tone.

"That's right, Scarlet," Fox deadpanned, stopping when Clyde stopped.

"I don't blame you," Scully conceded as Clyde finished sniffing, and they moved on. "If I had someone who loved me like that, I'd go through hell and high water with them too."

"Speaking of which," Fox grinned, "how are things with you and Skinner?"

"Not you too," Scully groaned. "Ever since Alex started teasing me about it, my mother's been driving me nuts. There is nothing going on."

"Why not?" Fox asked. "You admitted once that you thought he was attractive."

"So? There are lots of people I think are attractive. Doesn't mean I have any romantic inclinations toward them."

"Come on, Scully. This is different and you know it."


"Because he's interested in you too!"

Scully grunted and looked away.

"Everybody sees it."

"Everybody needs glasses."

"Why are you being so stubborn about this?"

"I'm not being stubborn, Mulder, I'm just being realistic."

"I don't think so."

Scully opened her mouth to rebut, but another voice stopped her.

"Sorry, am I interrupting?"

Fox turned and grinned.

"No!" He looked to his glaring partner, still smirking. "Not at all. You out for a little moonlight stroll too?"

Skinner shrugged and looked from Fox to Scully then quickly back again. "Yeah, it uh...seemed like a nice night, so..."

"It is! It's a beautiful night." Fox inhaled deeply then let it out quickly. "Well, that's enough air for me. Guess I'll get back upstairs and see what Alex is up to. You kids have a nice walk."

Before either Scully or Skinner could say a word, Fox was off, whistling as he and Clyde made their way back to the house.

Scully stared after her hastily retreating partner, silently plotting her revenge then turned and gave Skinner and uneasy smile.

"So. Guess we should walk. You know, since that's what we're both out here for."

"If you'd rather be alone," Skinner offered quickly, "I can just..."

"No. No," Scully said more softly the second time. " That's fine. You're here. I'm here. No reason we shouldn't walk together, right?"

Skinner nodded, and the two started off down the path together.

Alex watched the bedroom door swing open, and Fox enter with Clyde.

"Thought you'd be asleep by now."

Alex gave Fox a lazy smile and shook his head.

Fox unsnapped the leash and dropped it down on the chair by the door.

"Waiting for me?"

"Yeah," Alex breathed, holding out his hand.

Fox approached the bed and, taking his lover's hand, sat down on the edge of the mattress. Alex kissed his hand then drew it to his chest, letting it rest over the steady beat of his heart.

"This time tomorrow we'll be married."

Fox merely smiled at his lover's words.

Alex stared up at the older man, thumb traveling slowly, back and forth over the back of the hand in his grasp.


Fox lowered himself to the mattress, sighing as he was gently gathered into Alex's arms.

"I love you so much," Alex whispered, his voice thick with emotion. "Sometimes I still can't believe that this is my life."

Remaining silent, Fox wedged his hands beneath Alex's back and hugged the younger man tightly. Alex kissed the crown of Fox's head and lay quietly for a while, stroking his lover's back until his eyes became heavy and slipped shut. Several minutes later he awoke with a soft grunt. Realizing that Fox was asleep, and that he was also still fully dressed, Alex gently roused him.



"We need to get you undressed."

Fox lifted his head a fraction from Alex's chest.


"You're asleep, and you've still got all your clothes on."

Sighing softly, Fox levered himself up and, eyes still closed, he began to unbutton his shirt.

Smiling, Alex sat up and helped his sleepy lover undress. When Fox was stripped down to his underwear, both men sank back into bed, curling around each other, limbs entwined as Alex tenderly petted the golden-brown head nestled against his shoulder. He waited a few minutes then called to the other man.



"Wanna fool around?"

"Married yet?"


Eyes still closed, Fox felt around his ring finger with his thumb.


"Damn," Alex whispered softly.

"'Night, you," Fox mumbled before drifting into sleep.

Alex heaved a defeated sigh and dropped a kiss on Fox's head.

"Love you pain in my ass."

Alex awoke slowly, emitting a long sigh as he stretched. Head resting in his hand, Fox watched as sinfully luxurious eyelashes fluttered open and hazy green eyes tried to focus on the ceiling.

"Thought you were going to sleep the whole morning away."

Alex shifted his gaze to his lover's smiling face then to the clock beside the bed.

"It's only seven-thirty. How long have you been up?"

"'Bout an hour and a half."

"How come?"

Fox shrugged. "Woke up and couldn't go back to sleep."

Alex glanced around the room then looked back to Fox.

"Where's Clyde?"

"Bugging Scully." Fox grinned mischievously down at the younger man. "I took him out then let him into her room about half an hour ago."

"She's gonna kill us before we can say 'I do'."

"Nah. She's supposed to be babysitting anyway."

"Yeah, but not until tomorrow."

Still smiling, Fox shrugged.

Alex stared up at the man who, at the end of this day would become his husband. Slowly, he lifted a hand and grazed Fox's cheek with his knuckles.

"So anyway...if your partner doesn't kill us first, maybe we can have a nap later. Gonna be a long day."

"You really see that happening once we get up and get going, Mr. have to check on everything eight times, show the help how to do it right, control freak?"

"I'm not going to do any of that today," Alex insisted in a tone that almost convinced Fox. "I'm just going to relax and enjoy our day."

"Mmm hmm."

"Don't believe me," Alex muttered, pulling Fox down to him. "I'll show you."

"You're gonna have to," Fox grinned before planting a soft kiss on Alex's lips. "Hey. Know what I was thinking?"

Alex squinted at the older man suspiciously. "What?"

"We never discussed which of us is going to change his last name."

"No, we never did."

"You want to be Alex Mulder?"

The look on Alex's face answered that question. Fox chuckled softly. "So, what? I gotta be Fox Krycek?"

"I don't think we have to go so far as to change our names, babe."

"Oh, sure," Fox answered. "That way, when you're sick of me, it'll be much easier to break free, right?"

"Please," Alex snorted. "I'm chained to you for life, and you know it."

"Chained," Fox said, giving his lover a mock frown. "As in 'the old ball and...'?"

"Yep," Alex smirked. "All I need now is the black and white striped jumpsuit."

The frown deepened.

"C'mon, babe," Alex murmured, stroking Fox's back. "You can play the cruel, sadistic chain gang know, with the mirrored sunglasses...shot gun...and the really big billy club..."

Fox began to chuckle softly. "Kinky bastard." He lowered his head to Alex's, brushing his mouth against the younger man's. "I love you."

Alex engaged his lover in a long, bone-melting kiss then pushed him up and off.

"We gotta get up right now or I'm not going to last until tomorrow."

Fox looked down at the erection tenting Alex's underwear then at his own, and he grinned.

"I guess showering together is out."

"Unless you want to kill me before Scully does, yeah, I'd say that's a pretty bad idea."

Fox stuck his lower lip out in an exaggerated pout then leaned in and kissed Alex once before turning and heading toward the bathroom.

Groaning softly, Alex turned toward the closet and opened the door. Quietly, he stared at the clothing that he and Fox would be wearing at the ceremony, then he ran his hand down the sleeve of Fox's jacket. He smiled, remembering the day that the older man had walked out of the dressing room wearing the ensemble they'd chosen together.

"That's it," he'd murmured, drinking in the stunning image of Fox in the camel Armani and chocolate silk shirt.

"Yeah?" Fox had asked, turning toward the mirror, looking for what Alex had obviously seen.

Alex had risen from his seat and approached from behind. "Yeah, he'd said softly, skimming Fox's shoulder and arm with one hand. "It brings out the gold in your hair and your eyes." He'd taken a steadying breath and removed his hand, backing up a few steps to again take in the total picture. "You look sexy as hell."

Fox had given him that smoky stare that never failed to get his blood racing.

"Am I supposed to look sexy while getting married?"

"Why not?" Alex had answered in what had amounted to a low rumble. "Works for me."

He'd had to fight to keep himself from following Fox into the dressing room, but once they'd arrived back home, he'd chucked every last shred of control and spent the next several hours bringing them both to three screaming orgasms. The last thing he'd remembered before passing out sometime just before two-thirty was hearing Fox's voice, soft and hoarse, saying, well, if that's how he'd felt about him wearing those colors, he'd be sure to do it more often...

"Please don't tell me you've decided you don't like the clothes."

"Hmm?" Alex looked up at Fox as he entered the room, wearing jeans and a t-shirt and running a towel over his wet head. "No, of course not. I was just looking at them."

Fox nodded and draped the used towel over Alex's shoulder. "Bathroom's yours."

With a quick kiss aimed at Fox's jaw, Alex headed into the bathroom. Less than three minutes later he was back at the door, a stricken look on his face.


Fox spun around, startled.





"Alex, speak in full sentences, would you?"

"We've got flowers for Scully but not for Maria!"



"Okay. I'm sure that one more little bouquet won't be any big deal. You go get in the shower, and I'll call Harry. Oh. Wait." Fox looked at the clock, noting that it was still early. "He's probably not even in the shop yet. We'll call him at nine, okay?"

"Okay. Don't let me forget, all right?"

Alex disappeared into the bathroom, and Fox turned toward the window, inhaling the late summer air as he looked out over the sun-drenched field. A beautiful day, just as the various weather reports had predicted.

Fox smiled.

Perfect. Maybe Alex would finally relax now...

Alex tested the water and stepped into the shower, almost tripping over the edge of the tub as he did.


And it wasn't until just then that he realized that his legs were shaking.

"Christ," he breathed, stepping under the warm spray and willing himself to relax. "Cut it out. There's nothing to worry about. Everything's fine," he chanted. "Everything's done."

Well, except for that one little thing...

He closed his eyes and thought about the paper he'd thrown away last night.

You really want to wing it? What if you freeze? What if nothing comes to you?

Well, then I can fall back on what I'd written. I've got it memorized, so...

But you don't like what you wrote. In about eleven hours, you're going to have to look Fox in the eye and say some profound, romantic stuff, and what've you got? Jack.

He locked his knees to ward off the increased tremors he felt beginning.

Don't worry about it. Just let it come. How can you look into those beautiful eyes and not be able to tell him what you feel?

But every detail has been planned and re-planned. Checked and double checked. How can you leave this to chance?

Alex finished washing then stepped out of the shower and dried himself. Slowly, he completed the rest of his bathroom rituals then rejoined Fox in the bedroom.

"Ready for breakfast?" Fox asked, wrapping his arms around the other man. "I'm staving."

"Sure." Alex gave him only a trace of a smile. "Let's go."

As Alex began to move, Fox tightened his hold on him. He studied the younger man intently for a number of seconds then asked, "Are you okay?"

"Yeah, I...of course I'm okay. Why would you ask?"

"I don't know, it's like...just a feeling I got."

"I'm fine," Alex insisted. "Now, don't you start worrying."

Fox tilted his head a fraction to the right and stared.

"You sure?"

"Yes. Let's go have some breakfast."

The small group sat at the table reserved for their party, talking quietly.

"I wonder how they slept."

"They probably didn't. I know I couldn't sleep a wink the night before."

"Yeah, well, if they weren't sleeping, I seriously doubt they spent the whole time being nervous."

The small ripple of laughter faded into greeting smiles as the men in question approached the table.

"Which one of you clowns let that beast into my room this morning?" Scully asked accusingly as Fox and Alex reached them.

Alex immediately pointed to Fox, who batted his hand away and grinned down at Scully.

"Didn't he behave himself?"

"He was a very good boy," Maggie said, interrupting her daughter's coming tirade. "And so sweet."

"Isn't he?" Alex purred as he took a seat beside Fox and thanked the young woman, who had just coming to pour some juice for the new arrivals.

"I'd shoot you both, but I can't think of any better punishment than to saddle you with each other for the rest of your lives."

"Yeah, it's gonna be hell," Fox murmured, watching as Alex reached for his juice with a slightly trembling hand. He chose to ignore it for the time being and looked around the large table. "Where's everybody else?"

"We spoke to Chuck and Vicki just before we came down. They should be with us soon," Bobby said. "Don't know about the others."

"You hear from anyone else, Scully?" Alex asked, checking his watch.


"Not even Skinner?"

Scully glared at her partner.

"Look, Mulder..."

"How was your walk last night?"

Alex and Mrs. Scully looked to the blushing redhead and said in unison, "Walk?"


"Was it romantic?"

Scully looked to Fox's grinning lover. "Shut him up, Alex, or you're going to be marrying an unconscious man tonight."

Alex shrugged. "Okay." Threading his fingers through Fox's hair, he pulled the older man forward. "C'mere, big mouth. I gotta shut you up."

"Ah, crap!" Langly complained as he and his friends approached the table and found Fox and Alex engaged in a deep kiss. "Do you have to do that before breakfast?"

Alex broke the kiss with a soft groan and looked up at Langly.

"Would you like to know what we usually do before breakfast?"

"No!" Langly and Frohike shouted together, and the three took their seats.

"So, that just leaves Mr. Skinner," Maggie said, looking toward the door. "Dana, why don't check on him?"

Scully turned quickly toward her mother, giving the woman a shocked look.

"Why me? Why can't one of the guys do it?"

"Because none of us want to be standing there if he comes to the door in his skivvies," Frohike answered then looked at Fox and Alex. "Well, they might."

"And what makes you think that I do?" Scully asked, cutting Fox off as he prepared respond to Frohike's statement.

"C'mon, Scully," Langly teased. "You know you'd love to..."

"Shut up," Scully hissed as the subject of their discussion strode into the room. "Here he comes."

"Good morning Mr. Skinner," Maggie chirped, beaming up at the last of their group. "How was your night?"

"Very restful, thank you," Skinner said, taking his chair and murmuring a greeting to everyone else.

"I don't see how anyone can help but rest well in this place," Susan observed. "It's so cozy. Although, I suppose if you're a nervous groom, it might not matter." She looked meaningfully at Fox then Alex. "How did you boys sleep?"

"Like babies," Alex answered, taking another sip of his juice. "Right, lisa?"

"Yep." Fox looked at his watch. "It's after nine, babe."

"Oh." Alex whipped out his phone and dialed the florist. Several seconds went by, and he began to get a little anxious, but then someone picked up.

"....Harry? It's Alex Krycek...yeah. Good. Great. I have a tiny little problem, though. You know the small bouquet that you did for our female witness? Well, we've got another. It was really last minute...yeah. I was wondering if you think you might be able to...yeah? Okay, great. Thanks a lot, Harry. Just add it to the credit card charge. Thanks. See you this afternoon. Bye."

"No problem?" Fox asked as Alex folded up his phone and put it away.


Fox smiled and kissed his lover's temple. "Now we're all set."

Alex smiled and nodded, casting his gaze down to the table.

"Well," Chuck said, drumming softly on the table, "in just a few hours you guys are going to be husband and uh...." He frowned. "How exactly does that work?"

"When you figure it out, let us know," Fox said, rubbing his hand over Alex's back. "We're gonna be married. The rest is just formality."

Alex lifted his eyes to Fox's, and the two shared a tender look before moving together for another kiss.

A few groans sounded but the two didn't separate until they were ready.

"How long?" Fox whispered, rubbing the tip of his nose against Alex's. The younger man looked down at his watch then back up into sparkling green and gold eyes.

"Nine and a half hours," Alex murmured back. Another kiss, and the two turned their attention back to their guests.

"How was your walk last night?" Fox asked Skinner, and Scully glared at him. Before Skinner could get more than two words out, Maggie broke in, her voice hopeful.

"Were you and Dana out walking together last night?"

"Well...she was out, I was out, so..." Skinner looked around the table at a majority of smiling faces then finished helplessly. "It was a nice night."

"Well, I guess it was," Susan said, raising an eyebrow at Scully, who was sitting with her forehead resting against her folded hands. Susan decided to come to her rescue.

"So, I know where you guys are going on your honeymoon, but how'd you think of it? I mean, it's so out of the way, so...non commercial."

"You just said it," Alex answered. "We don't want to really do the tourist thing. There's plenty to do and see if we want to, but..." He took Fox's hand and kissed the back of it. "We want to be alone. And Andros gives us that privacy."

"Sounds like you know something about the island."

"We spent two months there a few years ago," Fox answered.

"I didn't know that," Bobby said, sitting a little straighter in his seat. "A few years ago?"

"Yeah. It's a long story, but...I needed a long rest, and Alex took me there. Turned out to be the best thing in the world for me." He squeezed Alex's hand. "For us." He smiled at his cousin. "Alex has arranged for us to stay in the same house he'd booked before."

"Oooooh, romantic." Susan moaned. You're going to have a wonderful time."

Breakfast arrived, and everyone dug in except for Alex, who only seemed to be picking at his food.

"Not hungry?" Fox asked, watching Alex play with his eggs.

"No, not really."

Fox lifted a hand to the back of his lover's head, stroking his hair. "You feel okay, baby?"

"Fine," Alex answered a little too quickly. "Just..." he shrugged. "Not hungry."

Fox's brow furrowed as he studied the younger man.

"C'mon, eat," Alex encouraged cheerily. "I know you were hungry."

"You sure nothing's wrong?"

"What could be wrong?" Alex asked, nuzzling Fox's cheek. "Eat."

Almost an hour later, breakfast was finished and everyone went their separate ways. Alex checked in once more with the kitchen, and he and Fox headed down to the lake.

Hand in hand, the two walked slowly, neither man speaking. Even when they reached the lake, they toured the site where they would be married, in silence. When Alex stopped at the water's edge, looking out over the tranquil surface, Fox stood quietly watching him, trying to see into his thoughts. Finally, he turned his head and stared into the eyes that were already trained on him.

"Alex..." Fox stopped, not knowing how to phrase the question he wanted to ask.

Alex waited for Fox to give voice to the concern he saw swirling in his lover's eyes.

"I...I feel like something's wrong. I know you've told me that there isn't, but..." Fox stopped again, took a quick breath then asked, "Are you sure you want to do this?"

Alex blinked, clearly taken aback by the question.

"Fox, why would you ask me that?"

Fox shrugged and looked down at the ground.

"You seem a little...your hand was shaking this morning, and you have no appetite and..."

"lisa." Alex pulled Fox toward him, gathering the older man into his arms. "It's just a...a little bit of know? I'm not having any second thoughts." He hugged Fox tightly. "How could I?"

Fox laid his head on Alex's shoulder, absorbing his lover's heat.

"I didn't know what to think, I...maybe nerves are getting the better of me too, huh?"

"Maybe," Alex said, rubbing Fox's back. "You just know that there's nothing I want more than to marry you today." He drew back to look into the other man's eyes. "You got it?"

Fox nodded and melted into Alex's kiss, forgetting all but the feel of his lover's lips on his, the tongue that so sweetly invaded his mouth, and the rush of desire that washed over him.

Alex pulled Fox more tightly against him, deepening the kiss and letting the older man know the extent of his arousal. Fox writhed against the hardness pressed so firmly against his own growing erection, and just as Alex's hand slipped down over his rear, the sound of approaching voices drew them apart.

The crew had arrived to set up inside the tent, and right behind them strolled the photographer, snapping off quick pictures of the area.

"Well, my goodness, here they are. The happy couple." The man stopped in front the pair, eyes glued on Fox. "I had some free time, and I thought I'd come down and have a look around...take a few 'before' shots."

Fox nodded and tightened his arm around Alex, whose body had stiffened immediately.

"That's nice. Thank you."

"Sure. Hey. I have a thought. Since I'm here, and you're here, how about we take a few now? I think it'd be fabulous to get some informal shots of you before tonight."

Fox shrugged.

"I don't know...what d'you think, Alex?"

"Why not?" Alex said, holding Fox close to him and eyeing the photographer. "We've got some time."

"Great." The man tore his gaze from Fox and smiled at Alex. "Okay, let's get started."

Over an hour later, they wrapped up, and photographer packed his equipment.

"We got some very special shots here, I think," he said, his gaze sliding over Fox as he threw his bag over his shoulder. "I'm gonna rush these back and see if I can't get some developed before I come back later. See you at the rehearsal."

Arm wrapped possessively around Fox, Alex watched the man stroll away.

"Have I mentioned that I really don't like that guy?"

"Yeah, I believe you have," Fox answered, laying his head on Alex's shoulder. "But the pictures are going to be beautiful, and you know it."

"Yeah, yeah." He grinned and walked Fox back toward the inn. "Think he'll manage somehow to cut me out of all of them?"

"Ready to go?"

Maria picked up her cell phone and garment bag, looking around to make sure she didn't forget anything.

"Yeah, I think so."

"All right then, we'll see you there at six-thirty," Natalie said, opening the door.

"You've got the directions, right?"

"You've asked me that three times already, Maria. I've got a copy and your father has a copy."

"Good. Okay, then." Maria turned to her daughter, pointing at the little girl. "Raiza, you behave yourself, okay?"

"Uh-huh," Raiza answered absently as she dressed her doll.

"She'll be fine. Now go."

One more check and Maria left for the inn, making the short drive easily. She pulled into the driveway and pulled her belongings out of the back seat. Looking around, she made her way up to the house and entered. There wasn't a soul in sight, and the place was quiet but for the muffled sound of voices coming from what she assumed to be the back of the house. Heading in that direction, the sound became louder until the kitchen door swung open, and a pair of women bustled through it, startling Maria and themselves.

"Hi!" one of the women said. "Can I help you?"

"Yeah. name is Maria Orlov. I'm here for the wedding rehearsal."

"Oh! So, you must be Alex's cousin. I'm Joan. This is my place."

"Oh," Maria smiled. "Nice to meet you."

"I sure am sorry I didn't have the room to put and your family up, but well, you know how it goes."

"Yeah. But we're very close by, so it wasn't a problem, really. And this way, Alex will really be surprised. he around?"

"Upstairs, probably. Miss Scully asked me to take you up to her room when you got here. You can leave your stuff in there."

"Great. Thanks."

"C'mon, I'll take you up."

As Joan led Maria upstairs, a door opened on the second floor, and the sound of male voices drifted down to them.

"Sounds like they're beginning to stir," Joan said as they made their way up to the landing.

Sure enough, Fox and Alex met them at the top of the stairs, and a smile lit Alex's face.

"You're here!"

Maria opened her arms wide, and the cousins embraced.

"Yeah, here I am. On time, I hope."

"Yeah, yeah," Alex breathed as he released the woman. Beaming, he stepped aside so that Fox could get his hug in.

"It's great to see you, Maria. I can't tell you how glad we are that you're here."

"Thank you," Maria said, releasing Fox and looking at the two men. "You both look so happy."

"We are," Fox answered then looked back at Scully's door. "We were just heading downstairs to wait for Scully. Were you going to her room?"

"Yeah. I guess that's where I'm going to get ready."

Alex nodded. "Okay, well, we won't hold you up." Another hug, and he and Fox slipped past the women and headed down the stairs. "Tell Scully to hurry the hell up, okay?"

Scully's door opened just then, and the redhead peeked out. "If you two would stop calling me, I'd be ready!" She grinned at Maria, who had just reached her door. "Hi! Come on in. I'm glad you're here. Now they'll have someone else to harass." Scully thanked Joan for seeing Maria up then waved the other woman in and closed the door.

"Are they being that difficult? Hi, Clyde!"

"Difficult is a very nice word to use," Scully said as Maria patted the wiggling Shepherd. "They snuck this beast into my room very early this morning, and he's been here ever since. They've called me a million times today for what amounts to no reason, and I'm about to kill them both."

Maria laughed as Scully relieved her of her bags.

"Sounds like you've been having fun."

"I can't tell you," Scully droned. "Well, unless you'd like to freshen up or something, we should get going before they call me again."

"I'm ready."

"Okay." Scully picked up Clyde's leash, and the dog began bounding around her. "Look, dog, I don't have time to play games with you. Sit."

Clyde sat, tail sweeping wildly as Scully reached down to attach his leash. She almost had it clipped when the door opened and Maggie walked in. Immediately, Clyde leapt up to greet her, and Scully cursed softly to herself.

"My goodness, Clyde, I was only gone for fifteen minutes." Maggie scratched the top of the dog's head and smiled at the new arrival. "Well, good! Hello, Maria. Nice to see you again."

"Hello, Mrs. Scully. Nice to see you too."

"I'm so happy you decided to come. And your family too! Alex is going to be so surprised."

"That's what we're hoping."

"Oh, there's no doubt. I..."

Maggie's words were interrupted by Scully's ringing phone.

"God, it's them again. Clyde, get over here."

The dog came, and Scully quickly clipped the leash on. "We're going to the rehearsal, Mom. We'll be back soon."

Maggie waved goodbye as the two women headed for the door, and Scully answered her phone.

"I'm coming, I'm coming!"

"All right, let's run through it, shall we?" The minister walked to his place and smiled at the two women. "Okay, the music starts, you ladies wait a few beats then start down the path." He motioned to Scully and Maria, and they walked together toward him, Clyde heeling at Scully's side. Separating, each took her place and looked to the place from which they had just come. Seconds later, Fox and Alex started toward them, hands linked.

From their point of contact, Fox felt the tremors running through Alex, and he squeezed the younger man's hand gently, receiving an answering squeeze and a smile. They made it to the minister, and he began.

"All right. I'll start with dearly beloved, we are gathered here in the sight of God and this company, yadda, yadda, yadda. I'll say a few words about when two people come together in love, blah, blah, blah, and then I'll do the if anyone here has any reason bit, and then you two will exchange your vows. You got 'em written down?"

"Memorized," Fox answered confidently, and the minister turned to Alex.

"Yeah. Uh...all set."

"All right then..."

As the minister continued with his review of the ceremony, Scully watched Alex closely. While he showed no outward signs, something in his eyes told her that something was odd. She waited until the rehearsal was over then discreetly asked Maria to draw Fox away so that she might talk for a minute with Alex. As Maria linked her arm through Fox's and walked up ahead with him, Scully grabbed the back of Alex's shirt and slowed him down.

"What's up?"


"I said, what's up?"

Alex took Clyde's leash as the two walked slowly.

"Why are you asking me that?"

"Mulder isn't the only one who's learned to read you over the last few years, Alex. What's bugging you?"

Alex sighed softly. "I don't know what I'm going to say."

"Say? Say when?"

"Our vows, Scully," Alex whispered. "I had it all written out. Then I went and read it and decided that I hated it. So I threw it away."

"And now you've got nothing?"

Alex nodded.

"Umm...Alex? The ceremony is less than two hours away. What're you gonna do?"

Alex gave Scully a nervous smile. "Wing it?"


"You're not making me feel any better."

"Sorry. I know Mulder says you're very eloquent when you want to be, but, you think that this is any time to be taking such a big risk?"

"No, I don't. But when I read those vows over, I...they didn't express what I wanted them to."

"Okay, but something is better than nothing at all, don't you think?"


"Okay. I'm sorry. I don't mean to make this worse for you. You'll come up with something. I know you will. And...and Mulder will love it."

"Now you're trying to pacify me."

"Hey, it's one or the other. Which would you prefer?"

Alex sighed heavily, and Scully gave him a comforting smile.

"It will be fine. I think you're a dope for throwing away what you wrote, but it'll work out. You're gonna come up with some brilliantly, sappy romantic crud, Mulder will eat it up, you'll be married, and you'll go off on your honeymoon...for two weeks...leaving me with this...animal."

"He's not that much trouble."

"Nooo, he's no long as I do everything he wants." It was then that she was hit with a revelation. "God, he's just like Mulder!" The statement got a smile from Alex. "Speaking of trouble," Scully grumbled, making Alex's grin grow wider, "when the hell are you going to get that thing out of my apartment?"

"Well, unless you want to move it yourself, I guess it'll have to wait until we get back. Besides, you're staying at our house. It's not like it'll be in your way or anything."

"Yeah, but it'd be nice to have it gone when I get back home."

"I got an idea," Alex said, his grin turning sly. "Why don't you call Wally over to move it? And maybe you can thank him with a candle lit dinner."


"Soft music."


"Nice see-through, low cut blouse..."


"Poor Scully. We really ought to stop teasing her."

"Nah. She loves it."

"I don't think so," Fox countered, falling on his back on the bed as Alex shut the door behind them. "She's really touchy about this Skinner thing."

"That's only because she's not sure about how he feels. Hey," Alex spun around, smirking. "Maybe we should have a talk with him. Tell him to stop being so wishy-washy."

Fox laughed out loud from his position on the bed. "You tell him to stop being wishy-washy." As Alex opened his mouth to speak, Fox held up his hand. "On second thought, don't. He's just starting to get over his aversion to being around us."

"Why should our efforts to get a couple of nice kids together be construed as anything but helpful?"

"I don't know," Fox smiled, closing his eyes. "But what I want to know is, when did you become Mr. Matchmaker?"

Alex shrugged and approached the bed. "I don't know..." He lay down on top of Fox, nuzzling the curve between the older man's neck and shoulder. "Guess I just want everybody to be happy like we are."

Fox smiled, hugging Alex to him. "Awww. That's sweet. I still think you just enjoy stirring things up, though."

Alex grinned against Fox's skin. "Maybe a little."

"Uh huh."

All was quiet for a moment, then Alex lifted his head and looked down into Fox's eyes.

"We should start getting ready soon."

Fox nodded silently and waited for Alex to rise, but instead the other man remained where he was, staring intently at him.

Slowly, Alex raised his hand, gently brushing the hair back from his lover's face. Fox stared back, mesmerized, drowning in the forest green depths of his eyes. There were no words, but volumes were said in that shared look. Knowing that a kiss would lead to far more than they'd planned, Alex lifted himself away from Fox and, drawing an unsteady breath, turned and walked into the bathroom.

Eyes closed, Fox lay motionless for long minutes later, then he stretched and opened his eyes. Staring up at the ceiling, his thoughts began to wander.

It'd been a long journey. A long way from that first day in the bullpen. So many twists and turns. So much pain. So many joys. And it all had come to this. In a very short while, he and Alex would be standing side by side in front of a minister and their friends and family, pledging their lives to each other. And Alex would go from being his lover to his husband.

His eyes closed again, and he allowed the blissful tremors to pass through his body.

Soon. Very soon.

God, not soon enough...


Golden-brown lashes rose, and eyes that glowed with amber light stared up at the half naked man hovering above.

"Were you asleep?"

Fox shook his head. "Just thinking."

Alex recognized the soft dreamy tone, and he smiled. "What're you thinking about?" he murmured, letting his thumb drift across the swell of Fox's lower lip.

"Everything," Fox whispered. "Everything that brought us to today." He lifted a hand to Alex's arm, his hand stroking back and forth over the warm skin.

"Been a wild ride."

Fox nodded.

"Would you do it all again?"

"Scully and I talked about this," Fox said. "Just about." He sobered a bit. "But the one thing I absolutely would not do if it was within my power would be to let you go through the hell you went through with Saint James." Fox shook his head. "Never. I'd die myself before letting anything happen to you."

"I understand that feeling," Alex said softly. "But do you remember when I came back after you'd been shot? Do you remember saying that you'd rather be shot again than go through the pain you went through after I'd left? I could never allow that, but it's how I feel about what happened to me. I'd go through it again if that was the only way we'd get to this day." Alex smiled down at Fox. "I guess it just means we're a couple of hopeless saps, desperately in love."

"Guess so, "Fox murmured, gazing adoringly into his lover's eyes.

"So," Alex whispered, kissing the tip of Fox's nose. "Why don't you get up, get ready, and then we'll go get married."

Fox rose up far enough to place himself within kissing distance of Alex's mouth. "Yes sir," he said softly, allowing his breath to flow over the younger man's lips, and then he was off into the bathroom, leaving Alex to deal with a quickly rising erection. He looked down at the bulge in his towel then at the bathroom door.

"If he thinks this is waiting until tomorrow, he's out of his mind."

"This must be the place," Karlo announced, pulling up the inn.

"Looks like a postcard," Natalie breathed, opening her door. "What time is it?"

"Time to get to where we're supposed to be," Irene said, looking at her watch.

Following Scully's directions, they made their way down to the lake, where they found Maria and a redheaded woman talking to an oddball trio of men.

"Oh, they're here!" Maria held out her hand to her Raiza, who bounded forward to be with her mother. "Did you have any trouble finding it?"

"No, the directions were very good," Karlo answered, smiling at the woman by Maria's side. "Are you the one we have to thank?"

Scully nodded. "I'm Dana Scully. I can't tell you how happy I am that you all wanted to be here today."

"The pleasure is ours."

"Well, let me do the rounds, here," Maria said, starting with the Gunmen. "This is Langly, Byers and Frohike. Dana Scully you just met. This," she said, squeezing her child's hand, "is my daughter Raiza. My aunt and uncle, Ivan and Irene, my parents, Karlo and Georgia, and this is Alex's stepmother, Natalie."

Everyone said their hellos, and Scully bent to offer Raiza a special greeting.

"Hello, Raiza. You have a very beautiful name."

Raiza smiled, instantly taken with Scully.

"You have the same color hair as Annie."


Raiza held up her doll. "See?"

"Ohh. Yes, I see."

"And Mummy bought her a new dress, too."

"It's very nice."

"Is that a new dress?"

"It sure is."

"Do you know my new uncles?"

"Your new uncles?" Scully smiled. "Oh, yes. They're my best friends."

"Sandy Truman is my best friend."

"Okay, chatterbox, let's save the rest for later, huh? Sorry," Maria said to Scully. "Once she gets going it's hard to stop her."

"That's all right," Scully laughed. "Shows she's intelligent. Besides, I adore children."

"How 'bout you?" Raiza asked Frohike, who happened to be the one nearest the child. "You like kids?"

Frohike peered down over his glasses at the little girl. "Love 'em."

Scully and Maria introduced her family to the rest of the group and then showed them to their seats.

"Mulder and Alex should be leaving the house at any time."

"Mulder?" Ivan asked. "You call your best friend by his last name?"

Scully chuckled and nodded. "It's a carryover from work. Now it's like this...term of affection."

"I see. Do you call Alex 'Krycek'?"

"No. Well...I used to but somehow, somewhere, it changed to Alex." Scully stared off in space. "He calls me Scully, though. Guess it comes from living with Mulder." She smiled sweetly at Alex's family. "I'm so glad he's going to have you all back in his life. Now there'll be more people for him and Mulder to drive insane."

Alex checked his appearance again, smoothing the non-existent wrinkles in his jacket then stepped back for a wider view.

A stunning picture if he did say so himself.

The suit was a few shades lighter than Fox's, and the sage green shirt emphasized the deep green of his eyes. A smug smile twitched at the corner of his mouth.

Damn, they were a gorgeous couple.

The smirk faded.

Yeah. Gorgeous with no vows.

Don't start. It'll come to you. You'll look at him, and the words'll just come.

But not right now. Fox walked into the room, adjusting his watch, and Alex froze.

"It feels tighter for some reason. I don't know..." Fox looked up, and his words trailed off as he met Alex's eyes. A tiny smile curved his generous lips, and he breathed a soft, "Wow."

"That's what I was going to say," Alex murmured, walking toward the older man. "I know I've seen you in this at Armani, but not since before all the tailoring and pressing and..."

Fox nodded and looked Alex up and down. "I know. God, you're beautiful. How incredibly lucky can one guy get?"

"As incredibly lucky as the other guy," Alex purred, lightly encircling Fox's waist. "So...what d'you say we go get married?"

Fox gave him a wide grin.

"Sure, what the hell? You know, since we're all dressed up and everything..."

Scully stood quietly, watching the rays of the setting sun dance on the gently moving water.

It was going to be a beautiful night. Perfect.

Good. Mulder and Alex deserved a perfect night.

Scully neither heard nor felt Skinner's approach as he came up slowly behind her.

"Beautiful scenery."

Scully spun quickly, clearly startled.

"Sorry. I didn't know you didn't hear me coming."

"It's okay. I guess I was pretty far away. Yeah, it is beautiful. Romantic. I can see the guys getting married here."

Skinner scanned the water, looking for the nerve to say something more personal than 'nice scenery'. Before he could actually find the words, Byers trotted down to meet them, calling Scully's name.

"The minister is here, and Mulder and Krycek are coming."

Scully heaved a loud breath.

"Okay. Let's get this show on the road."

Skinner and Byers took their seats, and Scully walked down to the end of the flower-strewn path to meet Maria. From their places, both women watched, unable to wipe the smiles from their faces as the couple reached them.

"You fellas are gorgeous," Maria said, kissing one man then the other.

"Thank you," Alex murmured. "And thank you both again for being here with us."

"There's no place else I'd be today," Scully said, taking her turn. She hugged Alex then Fox, then stepped back, admiring the pair. "Maria's right. You're gorgeous. Not that we need to tell you that."

Alex shrugged and gave Scully a hint of a grin.

Scully rolled her eyes and nodded to Bobby, who had gone to get Clyde from his shady spot beneath a group of trees. He stepped forward, handing the leash to Scully, and she spoke softly to the dog as she removed the collar he was wearing and attached the flower-adorned collar she'd been carrying with her bouquet.

"You'd better be on your best behavior, you hear me?"

Clyde sat, quietly wagging his tail as if he understood exactly what Scully had said to him.

"I can't believe you guys wanted to have this beast in your wedding."

"He's part of our family. It wouldn't be right without him," Fox said, then stopped speaking when he noticed the direction of Alex's confused stare.

"Uh..." Alex began, stopped, then started again, trying to identify the backs of the strange heads. "Fox...does it seem like there are more people here than there should be?"

"Oh. Yeah. Well..."

The music started and, grinning like fools, Maria and Scully assumed their positions.

"Wait a minute," Alex called softly. "Who are those..."

"Shut up would you, Alex? It's time for you guys to get married."

Fox took the confused man's hand and winked at him, offering a small bit of comfort, and Maria, Scully and Clyde started down the path. As all heads turned to watch their approach, Alex recognized the face of the woman sitting in the fourth chair on the left side. He took a second look at the rest of the people, and his breath caught in his throat. He cast a panicked look at Fox, who squeezed his hand.

"Maria talked to them, and they wanted to be here," Fox said softly. "We couldn't resist surprising you."

Alex looked from Fox to his family then back again, too shocked to speak.

"Close your mouth, babe; we gotta get moving."

Scully watched Alex move slowly up the path, clinging to Fox's hand as though his life depended on it. As they passed his family, he blinked dazedly at their smiling faces, and it occurred to her in a flash.

Shit. Ah, shit.

He was already having trouble trying to find something to say to Fox. What if this little surprise of theirs shocked him so much that his mind went completely blank?

Before she could dwell on it for too long, the minister began to speak.

"Dearly beloved, we are gathered here today in the sight of God and this company to join the hearts and souls of Fox and Alex in the bonds of love. Love is a precious commodity...abused and taken for granted far too often. Sadly, we see it every day. What we don't see every day is love like the love these two men share. Now, I don't know Fox and Alex but for the couple of brief conversations we've had, but I've spoken to their friends to try and get a better feel for who they are, and they've given me an earful..."

Raising one eyebrow, Fox glanced at the congregation, hearing a few snickers amongst them.

Alex heard nothing except for the minister's words and the dull roar in his own head.

When the hell had all this happened? And how?

He focused on Fox.

However and whenever, Fox was involved. And since he knew that Fox would never do anything to bring him any pain, the presence of his relatives must be a very good, very positive thing.

Now all he had to do was convince his quaking body of that...

"...and many times the terms nuts and psychopaths came up..."

More laughter.

"But directly following that, I'd hear words like...fiercely devoted, hopelessly in love, and made for each other. And the sincerity of the people I spoke to warmed my heart. I also know, though in no great detail, that the road to this day has been a long, extremely difficult one for these men. Which, of course, makes their wedding day all the sweeter..."

Alex stood facing Fox, still holding the other man's hand, his intense gaze trained on the beautiful sea of green and gold before him, and everything else began to fade into the background.

"...And now, all that said, is there anyone here who objects to the union of these two men?"

Dead silence.

The minister nodded his approval.

"Very well, then I leave this next part to Fox and Alex."

Fox acknowledged the minister's cue, and he turned his attention back to Alex.

"You know," he began, taking both of Alex's hands in his, "I don't remember exactly when, but sometime after I had become a man, I started thinking as most men do, I suppose, about the day I'd settle down...get married..." He looked from Alex to Clyde and Scully and back again. "Have a family. This is not what I'd envisioned back then. Not at all what I'd seen in my mind. Now, several years later, Alex, you're all I can see. You're all I want.

"I spent years alone. Wrapped up in hopeless quests, obsessed with pointless pursuits, convincing probably no one but myself that these things were worth me expending every ounce of my life. It wasn't until that night over four years ago that I'd even had a clue. And even as I was fighting against what my mind tried to tell me was wrong, the rest of me already knew that I had to be with you. From the day I finally admitted that to myself and to you, there was nothing else for me. No other path to follow. I felt then as I feel now. Everything I am, everything I have is yours. My heart, my life..."

Mesmerized by the light in Fox's eyes and the sound of his voice, Alex stood motionless, absorbing every word and basking in the glow of his love's unabashed adoration.

"...There were times during these past four years when I was pretty impossible to love. But you managed it. The endless patience you showed me was nothing less than extraordinary. You took care of me and loved me when anyone else would have long since written me off." He shook his head in genuine wonder. "I don't know if I'll ever completely understand why you love me like you do, but this much I get. It's the only one true miracle I'll ever know. And I'll never let it go."

Scully blinked back the mist that clouded her eyes, faring far better than a good portion of the rest of the women, who had armed themselves with tissue even before Fox had begun to speak. Her gaze met Maria's, and she found that the other woman, despite a valiant effort had lost her battle with the tears that had just broken loose and were falling for the ends of he lashes to the ground. The two smiled at each other and returned their attention to Fox.

"I love you, Alexei." Fox's voice cracked just enough for those closest to hear. "More than any words can ever express."

Thirty full seconds passed before Alex had managed to reign in his emotions and get his trembling lower lip under control. And then he spoke.

"How do I follow that?"

Lowering his gaze, he softly cleared his throat, then he looked back up into Fox's eyes.

"Moy lisa..."

Scully held her breath, praying that the words would come.

"My beautiful, impossible dream. For such a long time, that's what you were." Hands still wrapped around Fox's, he drew them to his chest and held them there. "I still fear that I'm dreaming sometimes." He sighed softly.

"I chose a hard life after I graduated from the Academy. It didn't include anything good. No falling in love, no being wasn't in the deal.

"The first time I saw you, I was floored. You'd never spoken a word to me, our paths had never actually crossed, but I couldn't stop thinking about you. The way you looked...the way you moved...every physical detail was automatically burned into my brain. The day we started working together, all bets were off. I wanted you so much, the rush...the implications of it terrified me. But I couldn't stop. I tried, and it was impossible. I didn't think I could be in a worse hell than the one I had already gotten myself into, but I was wrong. Day after day, unable to get you out of my mind, wanting but never being able to have you made that painfully clear.

"When lightning struck a couple of years later, and we ended up together, I couldn't believe it. You'd been in my blood for so long. To find out that you wanted me too was...there are no words for how I felt. We've had a few rough times since then. Some of them a direct result of some screw up of mine. Yet, you stayed. And you gave me what someone like me should never have had the right to even hope for. With you I have acceptance. Self-worth. I've got a purpose. And I've got more love than any ten people I know.

"I can't for the life of me imagine what good I did to be given my heart's desire, but I've got it. I've got you, and I'll do anything to make sure that you always look at me the way you are right now. I exist for you, Fox. Simply put, without you there is no me."

All at once the guests pitched forward, straining to hear as Alex rested his forehead against Fox's and whispered something to him.

"Ask me."

The two familiar words closed Fox's eyes. He opened them against seconds later, trying to focus on the misty image of his love.

"Who do you belong to?"

Alex paused for a beat, letting Fox read the answer in his eyes before he spoke it.


Maria sent Scully a curious look, to which the other woman shrugged and shook her head.

"What are they saying?" Frohike asked softly. "What the hell are they saying?"

"Don't know," Skinner murmured through his teeth. "I'd say it wasn't meant for us to hear."

The two men stood quietly for a few seconds before reluctantly parting. Alex drew Fox's hands to his lips for a soft kiss, then both men looked to the smiling minister.

"All right then. Who has the rings?"

Scully rolled her eyes and bent to take the rings from the ribbons hanging from Clyde's collar. Placing them in the minister's palm, she caught Alex's eye and mouthed the words, 'good job'." He lowered his eyes for a fraction of a second then raised them again to the cleric's face.

"A ring is a perfect circle. Without beginning or end. May the union formed here today have no end."

The minister prayed softly over the rings then held his hand out to Fox.

Taking Alex's ring, Fox slipped it onto his left hand then waited. Alex took the remaining ring and did the same, then the minister continued.

"Two hearts. Two souls. One love. May it endure long after this ceremony is nothing more than a fond memory." He cleared his throat and, grinning, he proclaimed, "By the power given to me by the state of Vermont, I do pronounce you partners in life." Chuckling, he leaned in closer to the men. "That means you're married, guys. Have at it."

Nudged out of the haze they'd been lost in, both men simultaneously reached for each other, sinking into a deep kiss. A burst of applause erupted from the guests, and they rushed forward to congratulate the newly wed pair. Congratulations had to wait, however, until they decided to end the kiss.

Tenderly, Alex fed on Fox's lush mouth, having no intention of rushing their first kiss as a married couple. Fingers buried in Fox's hair, he held the other man to him, refusing to let go.

"Oh God," Langly groaned good-naturedly. "All right, already!"

"Yeah, come on guys," Chuck added. "You got starving people here who'd like to congratulate you and eat."

Breaking the kiss in their own good time, the two shared an adoring gaze, and Alex brushed away the dampness that clung to Fox's lashes. "Guess what?" he whispered, and Fox broke into soft laughter.


"We just got married."

Still smiling, Fox nodded and they again fell into each other's arms.

Politely, Alex's family hung back, watching as his friends began heckling him and Fox again.

"For God's sake, somebody get the hose."

"Are you kidding? Getting wet'll probably just turn 'em on."

Fox smiled at the comment, and he lifted his head from Alex's shoulder.

"Ordinarily that would be true, but these clothes cost us a fortune." He glanced from his cousin to the people standing in the background, and he took Alex's hand, squeezing gently. "We do have some special guests to greet, though."

After a quick round of congratulations from their friends, Fox took Alex's hand and coaxed him toward his relatives. When they finally reached the small group, he offered a welcoming smile to them then let go of Alex's hand and took half a step back, standing next to Maria.

Natalie was the first to come forward, hands clasped together in front of her.

"Hello, Alex."

Alex's eyes skittered around the small group then came back to rest on his stepmother.

"Hello. I uh..." He moistened suddenly dry lips then shook his head slowly. "I don't know what to say."

"We understand that you're shocked. Just tell us that you're happy to see us so that we know we're welcome, and we'll take it from there."

Alex opened and closed his mouth several times before he could get his voice to work.

"I...I am. I'm happy you're here. It's just's been so long, and I didn't know if...I wanted to contact you but..."

"It's all right," Natalie said in the soothing voice that Alex remembered from the short time he'd known her before. "We know how difficult things had been for you. Maria explained all that she knew. We're not here to pass judgment. We're here to support you and to welcome you back into the family if that's what you want."

Apprehension was replaced with a wary kind of hope, and Alex nodded slightly. Natalie stepped closer and held her arms out.

A wide grin spread across Fox's face as Alex hugged his stepmother.

"Welcome back, Alex. And congratulations."

"Thank you," Alex whispered. "Thank you so much."

Natalie released him, and one by one the rest of the family stepped up to greet him with hugs and kisses and slaps on the back. Just as he greeted Aunt Irene, a small voice called out, demanding to be heard.

"What about me?"

Alex released the teary-eyed woman and looked down at the little peanut, who was trying to wedge herself between them.

Grinning down at the little girl, he asked, "Who're you?"

"I'm Raiza!"

"Uh, yeah," Maria said, finally leaving her place beside Fox. "Alex, this is my daughter, Raiza."

"You didn't tell us you had a daughter," Alex said, surprised.

"I know. I needed to wait a while, you know?"

Alex nodded his understanding then squatted in front of the little girl.

"Hi Raiza. I'm your cousin Alex."

"I know. Mummy told me. But I can call you Uncle Alex like I do Uncle Victor, right?"

Alex's smile grew wider. "Sure. If you'd like."

Eyes shining, Alex looked up at Fox and held out his hand, pulling him forward. "This is Fox."

"Hi!" Raiza chirped. "You just got married, so you're my uncle too."

Fox burst into laughter. "Absolutely."

"That your dog?" she asked, indicating Clyde, standing a few feet away with Scully.


"He's big."

"Yeah, but he's really nice."

"Will he like me?"

"I'm sure he will."

"Matt Robinson has a dog like that. He said he used to be a police dog but nobody believes him."

"Okay, Raiza, okay. Sorry," Maria felt obliged to say. "She's a little uh..."

"Chatty," her grandfather cut in, casting a doting look on the little girl. "And bossy."

"You and Scully'll get along great," Fox observed, still grinning. He squatted beside Alex and looked the child in the eyes. "So. You got a hug for your Uncle Fox?"

Without hesitation, Raiza threw her arms around Fox's neck, squeezing as tightly as she could. Beaming, Fox hugged the little girl then released her. She immediately turned to Alex, who scooped her into his arms.

Scully sidled up to Maria and watched the scene for a few seconds before turning and giving the other woman a discreet high five.

Carrying Raiza with him, Alex rose to his feet, followed by Fox and began formal introductions.

"Baby, I'd like you to meet my stepmother Natalie. Natalie, this is Fox."

"I've been anxious to meet you," Natalie said, then offered Fox a hug. "Thank you for allowing us to be here."

"I've been just as anxious to meet you," Fox said, bending to embrace the woman. "You're Alex's family. We're very happy to have you."

"You're very gracious. And every bit as handsome as Maria said you were."

Fox threw a grin Maria's way. "She said that? I knew I liked her."

"All right, Natalie, you've had him long enough. Let me at him."

Laughing, Natalie released Fox, and the stout, gray-haired woman take her place. Fox grunted softly as she wrapped him in an enthusiastic hug.

"This is Aunt Georgia and Uncle Karlo," Alex announced as the woman pulled Fox back far enough to kiss him on each cheek.

"He is handsome," she said, confirming Natalie's observation, "but too thin." She wagged her finger at Alex. "You too. Do neither of you boys cook?"

"Alex feeds me well," Fox promised. "We're just very active."

Scully rolled her eyes at the vague comment.

"Ignore her," Karlo instructed, shaking Fox's hand. "If you can zip your pants without sucking in your gut first, according to her, you're too thin."

"Be happy you guys don't live near us," Maria said. "If you did, my mother'd have you both weighing three-hundred pounds inside of six months."

Georgia snorted and stepped aside to allow Alex to introduce Ivan and Irene, who had yet to fully stop crying since the ceremony.

"I'm sorry," Irene sniffed, stepping forward to give Fox a hug. "I always cry at weddings. And this is an extra special occasion..."

"You don't need to apologize," Fox assured the woman. "We're a little emotional ourselves."

Ivan, the only family member yet to greet Alex, tilted his head, studying Fox for a while, then he stuck out his hand.

"So. I'm to understand that you turned my nephew's life around?"

"I might have provided some motivation," Fox said, shaking the man's hand, "but Alex made all his own decisions."

Ivan nodded his understanding then changed the subject. "Well. The family has become very modern over the years but we still do some things in the old way. I don't speak for your father, Alex, as I would never presume to put words in his mouth. But, as Iliia's brother and the next oldest, I stand in his place as the head of the family. I welcome you back to your family, nephew, and I extend that welcome to you, Fox. May your life together be a long and happy one."

"Thank you Uncle," Alex murmured hoarsely. Handing Raiza to her grandfather, he stepped toward his uncle and into a heartfelt embrace.

"I'm sorry your father didn't come," Ivan whispered to Alex.

Alex pulled away, nodding.

"It's all right. I didn't expect him to." He smiled. "I didn't expect any of you aside from Maria. This is amazing."

"Yeah. Great. Wonderful. Now let's eat!"

Everyone turned to find the rest of the guests approaching.

"Did you not have lunch, Frohike?" Scully asked. "In fact, did you not have your lunch and most of Susan's?"

"She said she was finished..."

"It's okay," Fox laughed. "I'm sure no one will mind taking the reunion into the tent. C'mon, babe," he called, reaching for Alex's hand. "Let's go get the party started."

Fingers intertwining with Fox's, Alex laid a soft kiss on his temple and started toward the tent.

"So," Fox breathed as they walked. "Happy?"

Alex sent the older man a brilliant smile. "I can't believe it. In the course of just one hour, I've married the love of my life and regained a good portion of my family. So, how much did you have to do with this?"

"Less than you'd think. It was mostly Maria and Scully. I just made some phone calls, kept a few secrets..."

"Sneaky," Alex said, the word dripping with affection. He looked back at his family, following at a brief distance. "God, I can't believe they're here. I...damn. Fox..."

"What'sa matter, babe?" Fox asked, noting the tone of panic in Alex's voice.

"Did Joan know they were coming? What about dinner? Oh, shit..."

"What, you think you're the only one with any kind of organizational skills?" Fox laughed. "They've been planned for. Quit worrying."

Alex let out a heavy breath and entered with Fox into the tent.

"Ohhh," Maggie Scully breathed, looking around as she followed her daughter inside. "It's beautiful!"

"Who knew a tent could be so elegant," Vicki said, looking around at the tiny, twinkling lights, silk-covered chairs and exquisitely set tables.

"Look at all the flowers!" Raiza shouted, squirming out of her grandfather's arms.

"Don't touch anything," Maria called as the child ran to investigate the overflowing arrangements more closely. "If I don't tell her that," she confided in Alex, "she'll have an armful of flowers within the next fifteen minutes."

"She's not going to do any harm if she picks a few out," Fox said, reaching over to unclip Clyde's leash.

The minute the dog was loose, he trotted over to Raiza, tail swinging happily.

"He's okay with kids?" Georgia asked, immediately wary of the dog's proximity to her granddaughter.

"He loves kids," Alex promised the nervous woman as he watched Raiza forget the flowers momentarily to pet Clyde.

"You're sure?" Georgia cringed as Clyde washed Raiza's face with his tongue. "He's so...big."

"Breathe, Mom," Maria instructed. "It's okay."

"But they can be unpredictable. You know that. What...oh, my goodness," she gasped. "What's he doing?"

All eyes went to the child and the dog, and Alex began to laugh.

"He's herding her away from the buffet table. Those chafing dishes are hot."

"Seriously?" Karlo asked. "He's that smart?"

"Yes, he is," Alex said, turning to give Fox a smug look, to which the other man just shook his head.

"Well, I guess he's okay," Georgia said, giving in, then nudged her husband. "Just keep an eye on them."

"If you are concerned," Fox said to Maria in confidence, "don't try and be polite. Let us know, and we can put him in a corner."

"Absolutely not," Maria answered. "I don't want Raiza growing up with the same fear of dogs that my mother and Victor have."

Smiling, Fox nodded then encouraged everyone to visit the buffet.

"Okay, all you starving people. Let's eat."

The chatter came up as friends and family mingled. Food piled high in front of them, Fox and Alex sat back, watching, happier than they could have imagined.

"Remember not all that long ago when you were sure we wouldn't have but four or five people at our wedding?" Fox asked, bumping Alex with his shoulder.

"Yeah," Alex said softly. "It's almost a crowd now." He loaded his fork and held it up to Fox's mouth. As the older man's lips parted to take the food, a snapping sound drew their attention.

"Candid shots are always best," the photographer said smiling, his eyes lingering on Fox's mouth a little too long for Alex's liking. "This is going to be a nice one."

"Yeah. Look here, Flash..."

Fox cut in before Alex could finish his sentence.

"I'm sure they'll all be nice. Do us a favor and get plenty of shots of the guests too? We want to make sure nobody gets left out."

"Of course!" the man said brightly. "Anything you want."

"I'll bet," Alex said as the photographer sashayed away.

"Aleeex," Fox called in a mock-stern voice. "Behave yourself."

"Believe me, I am."

Chuckling softly, Fox leaned in for a kiss. Alex's moan vibrated against his lips, and they parted in invitation. Just as Alex's tongue slipped inside his mouth, a clinking glass interrupted them.

"Knock it off, you two," Scully commanded sternly. "I got a toast to make."

"And you had to pick right now to do it, huh?" Alex huffed, glaring at the redhead.

"Just shut up and listen." Scully rose from her seat and picked her wine glass up. "Everybody, I'd like to propose a toast and tell you a little story." She thought a second. "Not necessarily in that order.

"I was assigned to work with Fox Mulder many years ago. I remember thinking from the first day I walked into his office that he was a serious nut case, but very soon his enthusiasm and dedication to his work infected me, and I found myself very much involved in his cases and actually listening to his weird, far out ideas. We became best friends, and I came to love him like a brother. So, when he got it into his head a few years later that he had this thing for Alex Krycek of all people, I flipped. To my mind that idea had to be the most insane by far that he'd ever had. He insisted, I dug in my heels, and the war was on.

"I didn't like Alex...okay, I hated him. I didn't trust him as far as I could throw him, and I was sure that Mulder was making the biggest mistake in the history of the world." Scully looked down at the couple with unadulterated affection. "Clearly, I was wrong. Alex turned out to be someone who was simply...amazing. He still is. He's the other half of Mulder. His soul mate. His lover, and his protector...his friend and everything else imaginable. They can read each other like no two people I've ever known, and the love they share is nothing less than incredible. No one who spends any amount of time around them can help being caught up in their energy. Together they're..." She paused, looking for the right word. "...dazzling. Anyone who knows me knows that I'm not given to fits of exaggeration, but what I just said is no overstatement. And everyone here who knows them knows how true it is." She lifted her arm. "Please, raise your glasses and help me toast the grooms. To Mulder and Alex. May your extraordinary radiance never dim. And may your eternal devotion to each other serve as an example to us all."

As everyone raised their glasses and drank, the couple got up to thank Scully.

"That was nice," Fox murmured, giving his partner a heartfelt hug. He pulled back, grinning. "You like us. You reeeeally like us."

Scully gave Fox and gentle shove then stepped into Alex's embrace.

"Thanks, Scully. I guess that makes up for the interruption."

"Gosh, thanks."

"Really," Alex said, his tone becoming serious. "We can never thank you enough for the friend you've been to us. You've come to our rescue more times than we can count."

"He's right," Fox said, slipping his arm around the younger man's waist. "You've been there with us through everything, and there's been plenty. You've kicked our asses whenever we've needed it, and you've kept us in line. He squeezed Alex to him. "Or you try to."

"It ain't no easy job, believe me," Scully murmured, her eyes twinkling.

The two men simultaneously wrapped an arm around her and the three formed a tight circle. "We might not have made it without you," Fox said

"Yeah, you would've," Scully argued softly, hugging both of her friends at once. "It might have been a lot tougher...might have taken a little longer, but you would've done it. You guys can't breathe without each other. There's no way you could live apart. Now let's eat, dammit. I'm starving."

"Okay, but," Alex began, "there's one more thing. You had a big hand in helping to bring my family here. I don't know how to thank you for that."

"Please," Scully sighed. "The look on your face was thanks enough. I hope the photographer got some good shots of it."

"I doubt it," Alex droned. "He was probably too busy taking pictures of Fox's..."

"Don't you start that again," Fox cut in, giving Alex's rear an affectionate swat.

"Okay, fine. We'll just wait and see how many pictures of you he took."

Scully laughed softly. "I did notice him mooning over Mulder earlier."


"Just behave yourself, Alex," she warned. "There's no law against him looking."

"Sure there is," Fox murmured, smirking.

"Yeah, I forgot," Scully said. "Alex Krycek is a law unto himself."

Alex glared as the partners laughed.

"I find nothing amusing about a man drooling over my husband, right in front of me, on our wedding day."

"Ah, shut up and let's eat," Scully commanded, and the three took their seats.

Fox smiled adoringly as Alex as the younger man sat beside him.

"Say it again."

"Say what again?"

Still smiling, Fox laid his head on Alex's shoulder. "The last thing you said to Scully."

Alex thought a minute then began to smile as well.

"You mean when I was talking about that jerk drooling over my husband?"

Fox's grin grew wider.

"You like that?"

Fox nodded.

Alex wrapped his arms around the other man.

"Me too."

"They're so sweet," Maria sighed, watching Alex and Fox alternately kiss and feed each other. "Alex really lucked out."

"I think you're right," Georgia said then turned her attention to her granddaughter, who was busily feeding her new best friend.

"Raiza, don't you think you should be eating some of that?"

"I am," the little girl said absently. "Look, grandma! I can make him do a trick! Shake hands, Clyde."

The dog lifted his paw and dropped it in Raiza's tiny hand, making the child squeal in delight.

"Good boy! Can you catch?"

Clyde popped up, snatching the morsel out of the air as Raiza tossed it up.

"Maria, talk to your child. She's feeding that animal all of her food!"

"Raiza," Maria scolded softly. "You had hardly any lunch. Now stop feeding Clyde and eat."

Casting an apologetic glance at the dog, Raiza obeyed her mother.

"Thank you."

"She reminds me of Dana when she was that age. So lively and bright."

Maria turned to face Maggie Scully.

"I haven't had much of a chance to mingle with you and your family," the older woman said. "May I join you?"

"Of course!" Maria answered and showed Maggie to an empty seat. Immediately, Maggie and the women began chatting.

"So, your daughter and Fox are partners, right?" Irene asked.

"Right. For several years." Maggie displayed a distant smile. "They spent so much time together on cases. Traveling...they became very close. I had my hopes..."

"You thought they'd get together?" Natalie asked, looking over at Fox, who was blissfully eating a strawberry from Alex's fingers, and back to Maggie.

"As I said, I'd hoped. Dana had kept telling me that they were nothing more than friends, but you know how we mothers are. Anyway, one day Dana came and told me about Alex." Maggie cast her eyes in the direction of the couple and said nothing more.

"Were you surprised?"

Maggie turned her attention to Irene and laughed. "Shocked is more the word. I never had a clue. I was pretty shook up at first, but Dana kept after me, telling me that I had to meet Alex and spend some time with them, and then I'd understand. I finally gave in. Dana was right. They're as made for each other as any two people can be. They can be a bit quirky, but..."

Karlo raised his eyebrows. "Quirky?"

"It's the best description I can come up with." Maggie looked back at the couple, her eyes brimming with affection. "It's part of their charm."

"We've heard several people describe them in similar ways in the past couple of hours. Just what is it about them that makes them so...quirky?" Karlo pressed curiously.

"They're nut jobs."

All eyes turned to Frohike as he approached the table and sat down with a heaping plate.

"Melvin Frohike. We met earlier."

Everyone uttered a second hello, staring warily at the strange little man.

"Melvin, they're not nut jobs," Maggie scolded softly.

"C'mon, Mrs. S, tell it like it is. Here you got an alien chasing, ghost hunting believer in government conspiracies, not that I don't agree with his agenda, and he's hooked up with an ex- triple-agent assassin who can now give Martha Stewart a run for her money. Some kind of trouble finds 'em at least every six months, and they've got Lucifer's demon dog for a pet."

Georgia perked up at that.

"Has he ever been vicious?"

"Not that I've seen," Frohike said confidentially. "But you should see the way he looks at me. And he can move around real quiet like."

Maggie rolled her eyes.

"Don't listen to him. He's the only one who says those things about Clyde. He's a big, sweet baby."

Frohike grunted. "Anyway, it's good to see that Krycek comes from a nice, normal family. We had our doubts."

Natalie cocked her head. "Doubts?"

"Yeah. Some of us were sure he wasn't even born to humans..."

"All right, Frohike, that's enough." Scully walked up behind Frohike and, hearing his last comment, grabbed the man by the back of his blue plaid jacket and hauled him up out of his chair. "Why don't you go harass the others for a while?"

"Ooooh, I like it when you get rough, red," Frohike growled, giving Scully a lascivious grin.

She waved the little man off then joined her mother and the Krycek family.

"How's the food?"

"Excellent," Georgia said immediately. "Did they have an outside caterer or did the inn prepare everything?"

"It was the inn."

"Very good," Georgia repeated.

"Clyde likes it."

Scully smiled across the table at Raiza. "Does he?"

"Yeah," Maria said apologetically. "Hope that's not a problem."

Scully laughed. "Hey, as long as your cousin can't yell at me for feeding him junk, I don't care."

"Uh oh. Does he not allow table food?"

"Only if he cooks something especially for Clyde. Mainly he's got him on a raw diet."

"Oh. Okay, Raiza, no more treats for Clyde. We don't want to get him sick or anything." Maria turned back to Scully. "What a beautiful ceremony. I loved what the guys said to each other. It was so sweet."

"Yeah. I knew Mulder had written something romantic and profound, but Alex had me nervous. Between the fact that he'd thrown away what he'd written and his shock at your family being here, I didn't know if he'd be able to speak, let alone come up with something so moving. He came through, though."

"Wait. He threw away what he'd written?"

"Yeah. Your fruitcake cousin decided when? Last night, that he didn't like it. It didn't say what he wanted it to, so he chucked it."

"Good Lord!" Maggie had been listening and couldn't help the exclamation. "Thank goodness he was able to do as well as he did."

"I'd say he hit a grand slam," Maria said, amazed. "Were you watching Fox's face? He was completely enraptured."

Scully nodded, smiling softly.

"I'd sure like to know they were saying to each other at the end, there," Maria sighed. "Whatever it was, it looked to be pretty emotional for both of them."

"I know. We'll probably never find out, though," Scully answered.

"I loved your toast too, by the way."

Georgia heard and concurred. "It was a wonderful toast. Your love for them just shines in your eyes."

"They drive me insane at times, and I want to bang their heads together, but it's hard not to love them," Scully said, looking back at her two best friends and smiling. "Things are never dull with them in my life, that's for sure."


"Mmmm." Fox put his fork down and leaned back, closing his eyes. "I'm so glad we let Joan cater. Everything is delicious."

"Everything," Alex murmured, moving close enough to Fox to kiss then lick the corner of the older man's mouth.

Laughing softly, Fox turned toward Alex's tongue, meeting it with his own. Drawing back after only a brief caress, he kissed the tip of his complaining husband's nose.

"Don't want to get carried away. We've got a little one present."

"Frohike's seen us make out before."

Fox laughed softly. "I'm talking about Raiza. Plus, you should go spend some time with your family."

"What d'you mean. I?"

"You," Fox whispered, kissing Alex gently. "Alone. Go take some time to catch up with them. I'll go socialize with the rest of our guests for a while, then we can spend time with everybody together, later."

"All right, but not too long, okay? I don't want too much time to miss you."

The couple got up from their table and walked hand in hand for a few feet then separated with a lingering kiss.

"See you soon," Alex murmured against Fox's mouth then reluctantly released his lover. Taking a cleansing breath, he walked toward his family's table. Stepping up behind Scully, he placed his hands on the woman's shoulders and massaged gently.

"How's everybody doing? Dinner okay?"

"Wonderful," Irene answered for everyone.

"Did you eat well?" Georgia asked, the question making Maria shake her head.

"Plenty," Alex answered then leaned down and whispered to Scully.

"Thanks for making them feel welcome."

"No problem," Scully said, patting one of Alex's hands. "Where's Mulder?"

"He's with the others. "He wants me to have some time alone with my family."

Scully smiled and nodded. "Well, he's right." She got up and waved to the vacated seat. "Sit down. You all have a nice visit." She looked over at her mother and motioned for Maggie to follow her.

Now alone with his family, Alex looked down at the table.

"I still can't believe that you're all here." He lifted his head. "I'm so sorry I didn't stay in contact with anyone. But my situation..."

"We understand that it wasn't ideal," Natalie said, not wanting Alex to rehash anything upsetting on his wedding day. "All we need to know for the time being is that you really would have liked to communicate with us."

"I really would have. I was alone for so long. All the things I was involved in...I had no choice but to stay away. And after Fox and I got together, and I started getting my act together, I..." Alex chewed on the corner of his lip. "...there was no way I could face you. Not with my past. And the more time that passed, the more difficult it became. I'd resigned myself to the fact that I'd never see any of you again."

Maria covered Alex's hand with her own.

"It's all right cousin. We know that Fox is number one in your life, but we want you to know that we're here for you. And when you're ready to tell us the entire story, we'll still be here. We want to be your family...and Fox's."

A light mist covered Alex's eyes, and he leaned forward to take his cousin into his arms.

"Thank you. I wish I could tell you how much that means to me."

Sniffing, Alex released the younger woman and found Raiza now standing beside him, watching curiously.

"Why are you crying?"

Maria chuckled softly, dabbing at her eyes with a napkin.

"We're just happy, honey. People cry sometimes when they're happy."

The child looked from her mother to Alex and then, apparently satisfied with Maria's answer, changed the subject.

"Clyde likes to eat."

Alex turned a one-eyed squint on the dog, who was sitting a couple of feet behind the little girl.

"He sure does. Clyde, what have you been eating?"

"He shared my dinner with me."

"I'll bet he did."

"He ate most of it," Maria corrected. "Sorry. Dana said that you've got him on a natural diet."

"It's okay," Alex sighed. "It's a special occasion."

"He's not gonna get sick, is he?" Raiza asked. "I didn't mean to get him sick."

"No, don't worry about it. He's got a cast iron stomach."

Happy that she wasn't in any trouble, Raiza climbed up into Alex's lap.


"It's okay," Alex assured his cousin, shifting the child so that she rested comfortably in the crook of his arm. Clearly smitten, he kissed the crown of the dark head.

"Another one bites the dust," Karlo chuckled. "She wraps people around her finger faster than anyone I know."

"Gotta be a Krycek trait," Natalie said. "They're all very charming when they want to be. So, Alex," she said, changing the subject, "where's that handsome man of yours?"

"He's with the others," Alex replied, taking the doll that Raiza had just shoved into his hand. "He wanted to give us some time alone."

"Very thoughtful thing to do on his wedding day."

"Fox understands. He's got so little of his own family."

"We heard briefly about his mother," Irene said in a hushed voice. "Heartbreaking. How could any mother do that to her child?"

Alex shrugged. "How could any father?" he said almost inaudibly.

The group fell silent. Alex lifted his chin a fraction and took a fast, deep breath. "This isn't the day to talk about that, though."

"Right," Irene brightened. "Tell us more about this man you just married. "Besides being gorgeous and very understanding, what other interesting facts do you have for us?"

"I don't know, I..." Alex smiled softly. "He's a memory like an elephant...not much of a cook, but he tries. He's got this really flaky sense of humor...he was a fashion disaster before I got my hands on him." Alex grinned. "I should show you some of his old ties sometime." His eyes took on a dreamy haze, and he took a deep breath, exhaling slowly. "He loves me. And he makes me happy. He's my whole world."

Irene misted up again. Blotting at her cheeks, she sniffed noisily.

"It's so sweet. Alex, I'm so happy for you."

"And he chases aliens and ghosts?" Ivan cut in before Alex could speak.

"Yeah, uh...long story," Alex said. "We'll have to sit down and talk when we get back from our honeymoon."

"I think that's a very good idea," Ivan answered. "The bits and pieces I've heard have got me very curious."

"Yeah, well..." Alex scratched the back of his head then smoothed the disturbed strands of hair back down. "Just make sure you set aside plenty of time. It's a really long story."

"Come on, Mulder. Why won't you tell us?"

"Because it was private, Langly," Fox explained for the third time.

"So you're going to leave your wedding guests, people who've traveled over state lines to witness your marriage, eaten up with curiosity."


Langly heaved an exasperated sigh and plowed his fork into his third helping.

Chuck shook his head and grinned at Fox.

"Some people, huh?"

Fox nodded in agreement.

The other man leaned in and spoke to his friend in confidence.

"You're gonna tell me later, right?"

"Tell you what?"

"What you guys were saying!"

"You're worse than the women, you know that?" Fox asked, amazed. "What Alex and I said to each other is going to stay just between us. Live with it."

"Speaking of Alex," Susan said, smirking at Fox, who had turned momentarily to watch as the band set up. "How long do you think it'll be before you start going into withdrawal?"

Fox cocked his head in question.

"You've been apart for how long now? Half an hour or so?"

"I know," Fox moaned. "But it's been a lot of years since he's seen his family. After tonight he won't see them again for a few weeks at least, and I wanted him to have some time alone with them."

The soft, recorded dinner music faded and the band took over, the leader opening with his congratulations to the newly married couple. He invited the guests to come out and dance, and they started with one of the scores of songs handpicked by Alex.

The two married couples at the table got up to dance, and the rest remained seated, talking amongst themselves.

"So. Feel any different?" Scully asked.


"Yeah. Not married. Married. Any difference?"

Fox smiled and looked down at his ring.

"I look married now."

"Uh huh. Anything else?"

"I'm so happy I could explode. I...I wish I could explain the feeling to you better than that, but I can't."

"Mr. Articulate can't describe something? I'm shocked."

Skinner, who had remained quiet until now, spoke up.

"It's hard when you feel something so strongly to put it into words."

"Do tell, Mr. Skinner," Maggie said, picking up on the man's words right away.

Skinner shrugged, immediately looking uncomfortable.

"I just meant that I understand what Mulder means."

Maggie wasn't letting go. "Have you ever had such strong feelings?"

The square jaw worked convulsively for a number of seconds.

"I...I'm sure we all have at one time or another."

Fox decided to come to the poor man's rescue.

"I knew that Alex and I were forever," he said, drawing the attention of those at the table. "There wasn't ever a doubt in my mind. But there's something so...profound about standing up in front of a group of people and saying the words. Bobby and Susan and Chuck and Vicki know what I mean."

"I know too, Fox," Maggie said, blinking the gleam from her eye. "People say a marriage certificate is just a piece of paper. And maybe it is. But to the couple it belongs to, it's much more."

Fox nodded, taking the woman's hand.

"God willing, you'll know someday, sweetheart," Maggie said, casting her glance from Fox to Skinner then over to her daughter.

Sparing Scully more embarrassment, the other two couples made their way back to the table and sat down.

"Great music," Bobby said, lifting his wife's hand to his lips. "You picked an excellent band."

"Yeah, they're good," Scully said, shifting her gaze to the low-rise stage and found Alex talking to the leader. "Alex picked out all the music, right, Mulder?"

"He did," Fox answered, not following the direction of his partner's stare.

"Is there anything he didn't have complete control over?" Byers asked, swatting at Frohike as the other man tried to swipe some of the food off of his plate.

Fox's eyes sparkled with humor. "Not if he could help it."

"Well, his penchant for being a control freak obviously paid off," Scully said. "Everything is perfect."

"Yeah," Fox whispered, reverently stroking the ring that now rested on his left hand. "Perfect."

Would you dance if I asked you to dance? 
Would you run and never look back? 
Would you cry if you saw me crying? 
Would you save my soul, tonight?

Would you tremble if I touched your lips? 
Would you laugh? Oh please tell me this. 
Now would you die for the one you loved? 
Hold me in your arms, tonight.

I can be your hero, baby. 
I can kiss away the pain. 
I will stand by you forever. 
You can take my breath away.

Would you swear that you'll always be mine? 
Or would you lie? would you run and hide?
 Am I in too deep? Have I lost my mind? 
I don't care... You're here tonight.

I can be your hero, baby. 
I can kiss away the pain. 
I will stand by you forever. 
You can take my breath away.

I just want to hold you. 
I just want to hold you. 
Am I in too deep? 
Have I lost my mind? 
I don't care... You're here tonight.

I can be your hero, baby. 
I can kiss away the pain. 
I will stand by your forever. 
You can take my breath away.

I can be your hero. 
I can kiss away the pain. 
And I will stand by you forever. 
You can take my breath away. 
You can take my breath away.

I can be your hero. 
Enrique Iglesias

"...And then he got Alex to cook the whole meal."

"Come on now, Scully. You're going to make my new in-laws think that I'm..."

"Spoiled ridiculously rotten?" Scully looked to Karlo and Georgia, who had wandered over to their table with Maria and Raiza. "He is."

"Mummy says that Grandma and Grandpa spoil me rotten," Raiza piped up, shifting in Fox's lap to look at him.

"I guess you and I got something in common, then," Fox said, holding his hand up so that the little girl could measure hers against it.

"Yup. Hi, Uncle Alex."

"Hey, kiddo."

Fox looked up to the man, who had approached from behind and was now standing over him. The thought to ask Alex where he'd been faded from his mind as their eyes met and held.

In the silence that followed, Maria pulled Raiza from Fox's lap and smiled as her cousin held his hand out to the seated man.

"Dance with me, lisa."

Still staring into Alex's eyes, Fox took the younger man's hand and rose from his seat. As they walked out onto the floor, the few couples there cleared out. Alex nodded to the band, and they stopped the song they'd been playing and started another. Gently, he pulled Fox into his arms and began to move in time to the poignant ballad.

The guests gathered together to watch as the two swayed smoothly, wrapped around each other.

"God, they're beautiful," Susan sighed, taking her husband's hand.

"Yeah, they are," Vicki nodded. "And that's like, the perfect song."

"Yeah, I guess they're kinda cute," Langly mumbled then fell silent, trying to hide the beginnings of a smile as he watched his friends drift slowly around the floor.

Eyes closed, Alex tenderly petted the head resting on his shoulder. A tiny smile curved his lips as he felt Fox's arms tighten around him.

He hadn't blown it, he thought, feeling his Fox's gentle, contented purr. He'd done everything right, and this night would be one that they'd both remember for the rest of their lives...

There was no sound except for the music and the soft snap of the photographer's camera. Even Raiza and Clyde seemed to know that now was a time for quiet.

A few more minutes passed, and the song ended. The men glided to a stop, and Fox lifted his head from Alex's shoulder, staring into glazed, emerald eyes.

"I love you," he whispered, lips brushing Alex's. "I wish I could tell you how much."

Alex shook his head slowly then covered Fox's mouth in a deep kiss.

"Ooh." Georgia fanned herself with a napkin. "That's passionate."

You have no idea, Scully thought, watching the couple part finally.

Another song began, and Alex motioned to the group.

"Come on," he said just loudly enough to be heard. "Join us."

All the married couples immediately complied with the request, leaving the rest to watch.

"Everybody," Fox called, waving at the stragglers.

Skinner looked at Scully, his gaze skittering away when she looked back.

"Uh. Dana, would you like to dance?" he asked, not completely sure that she'd say yes.

Scully gave the A.D. a brief smile.

"Sure," she said, trying to ignore her mother's less than discreet thumbs up.

"How 'bout it, Mrs. S?" Langly asked Margaret as she happily watched her daughter move toward the dance floor with Skinner.

"You can dance, Ringo?" Mrs. Scully asked, more than a little surprised.

"Yes, I can dance," Langly said, a touch of annoyance lacing his tone. "You think 'cause I look like this I can't dance?"

"Okay, sorry," Maggie said in her most placating voice. "Let's go."


Langly tangoed his way to the floor behind Maggie, leaving Byers, Frohike, Maria and Raiza.

"Let's dance, Mummy!"

"Whoa, whoa. Hang on just a second there," Frohike said, holding a hand up. "I ain't dancin' with him." He jerked a thumb at Byers. "Let's go, chickie. Byers, you get the kid."

Shaking his head as Frohike led a less than willing Maria away, he turned to Raiza and bowed at the waist.

"May I have this dance, little lady?"

Raiza giggled and took Byer's hand, skipping out onto the dance floor.

Over the course of several more songs, everyone changed partners, talking and getting acquainted.

Natalie smiled up at Fox as her new step son-in-law waltzed her around the floor.

"You're a very good dancer," she commented. "So is Alex. So graceful. His father used to dance beautifully too."

"Used to?"

"His legs won't allow him to anymore. He even walks very slowly."

"Is he not well?"

"He's not drastically ill but age is catching up with him," Natalie sighed. "And the older he gets, the crankier he gets."

Fox was quiet for a moment then asked.


"Yes, dear?"

"Why did he not come?"

"I don't know for sure, Fox. I think it may be a combination of things. Fear similar to Alex's. Pride...stubbornness...the Krycek men hate to admit when they're wrong, and they hate even more to apologize."

Fox smiled absently. "Alex can get like that sometimes."

"I only just met you today, and I know very little about you and Alex, but I can't imagine him giving you a hard time about anything. His looks at you with his heart in his eyes. And when he was talking about you goodness."

Fox grinned down at the woman. "Well, it depends on the situation. He isn't generally afraid to apologize, and he does usually give in to me, but there are times when I can't budge him." He shrugged. "He's usually right at those times, and I'm the one apologizing." The grin faded. "Do you think there's any chance of Alex's father coming around?"

"I don't know," Natalie said. "Iliia created this rift between him and Alex after Alex's mother died. It just grew and grew from there, and somehow he'd convinced himself that Alex's failure to contact him for all those years is the reason why he's angry with his son now." She shook her head. "I use the word angry for lack of a better word. I don't know exactly what his feelings are. Iliia can close himself off to others faster than anyone I know."

"Oh boy, Alex is his son all right."

"He puts up walls too?"

"Yeah. But the last one he put up resulted in near-disaster for us. It was a tough...we fought constantly, but I wouldn't let go. I kept on him...we struggled through it, and I think he learned a very valuable if painful lesson about burying his feelings."

"I'm glad Alex came around. I don't think getting locked into an ongoing struggle with Iliia will get us anywhere, though. He's too old and set in his ways."

"I'm sorry to hear that. It would be nice for Alex to have a relationship with his father. My relationship with my parents after the age of twelve was strained at best. My father's gone now, and since finding out about Alex and me, my mother has washed her hands of me."

"I'm so sorry for that, Fox."

Fox shrugged. "It's the way she wants it, and I don't think there's any hope of her changing her mind. But if there's some tiny chance for Alex and his father..."

"I'll keep trying," Natalie promised. "But I can't make any guarantees. I'm just so afraid that Iliia is going to go to his grave without ever having reconciled with his only child. It would be a hurtful thing for them both."

"I agree," Fox said. "And I don't want Alex to go through any more hurt than he already has."

"Well, I'll be sure to keep you updated on any progress."

"Thank you, Natalie. I appreciate that."

A couple of songs later, Alex rejoined Fox, and the two clung together, almost alone on the dance floor as others wandered off, gathering in small groups for drinks or conversation.

"Look who's still here," Alex said to Fox, lifting his head for a moment to look around and finding only one other couple still dancing.

"Don't they look cozy," Fox murmured then turned his gaze from Scully and Skinner and smiled at Alex. "If some kind of relationship doesn't come of this, I'll be shocked."

"I think they're on their way," Alex said, sneaking a glance back at the other couple. "It'd be nice for Scully to have somebody...and I guess Skinner's not such a bad choice."

"No, he's not. I think they'd make a nice couple."

Alex nodded in agreement then threaded his fingers through Fox's hair. Pulling him in for a long, tender kiss, he felt Fox's soft moan vibrating against his mouth. He broke the kiss eventually, but the two remained close, lips brushing softly.

"Think we can sneak away for a while?"

Fox smiled and nipped at Alex's lower lip.

"What for?"

"You have to ask?"


"Whaaaat?" he whined, knowing that tone.

"Thought we were going to wait?"

Alex pressed his lower body to Fox's.

"You feel that?"

Fox inhaled sharply, his hips instinctively grinding into Alex's.

"You think that can wait?"

Fox closed his eyes and said nothing.

"I want you, lisa," Alex moaned. "Don't make me wait."

"Afraid you're gonna have to, stud."

Both men turned in the direction of the amused voice and found Bobby standing there.

"Cake's coming out."

Alex groaned in frustration then turned back to Fox.

"Whose dumb idea was it to have a cake?"

"Yours, I believe," Fox said softly, kissing the corner of Alex's mouth.


Taking Fox's hand, Alex moved toward the table, admiring the elegantly simple, three-tiered cake.

"Nice job, huh lisa?" He picked up the knife, and as the guests gathered around and the photographer snapped away, he and Fox cut into the first layer.

"Okay suckers, last chance," Langly whispered to the men. "Wanna up the ante?"

Chuck eyed the two men and shook his head.

"Nope. Ain't gonna happen."

"My money's still on Krycek," Frohike mumbled, watching Fox take over, lifting a small slice away from the cake.

"I can't believe you people actually bet on this," Skinner said between his teeth.

"Believe it," Byers said. "These weasels will bet on anything."

Bobby grinned, watching Fox lift the cake to his husband's mouth.

"C'mon, cuz," he whispered. "I got twenty ridin' on you..."


Alex took a bite then gently fed Fox the remaining piece to a round of female 'awww's'.

"Damn," all three men grated at once, handing their money over to Chuck.

"Serves you right for betting," Susan said in scolding tone. "What makes you think they'd be so juvenile? "

"It's not juvenile," Bobby argued. "It's tradition."

"That's the same stupid excuse you handed me at our reception. I didn't buy it then, I'm not buying it now."

"Women," Bobby mumbled to Skinner. "No sense of humor."

"I don't know that I'd be thrilled about having cake smashed in my face," Skinner responded, gaining an approving glance from Scully.

"Never would have taken you for the sensitive type," Bobby said, nudging the A.D.'s arm, then he lowered his voice. "Or are you just trying to impress the lady?"

Skinner firmed his jaw and looked away, choosing not to answer.

"Here. Stuff some cake in your mouth before you say something else you shouldn't."

Shrugging, Bobby took the plate that Susan handed him and dug in.

Alex cut the last few pieces and handed them off to the women who'd stepped forward to help, then he picked up his own plate and Fox's, and the two joined his family for a while.

"So, where are you boys going on your honeymoon?" Irene asked, blushing pale pink as she said the word.

"We're leaving tomorrow for Andros," Fox answered, his hand resting on Alex's knee as the other man slipped an arm around his shoulder. "We're going to spend two weeks there."

Karlo shrugged. "Where's that?"

"It's one of the smaller islands in the Bahamas," Alex said. "Quiet. Private."

"Ever been there?"

"Yeah. A few years ago, Fox was in serious need of some rest, and we spent two months there."

Karlo grimaced. "Must have cost a fortune."

Georgia sighed and rolled her eyes.

"What? It must have!"

"But you don't talk about it," Georgia scolded. "Sorry, boys. Everything with him is money."

"It's okay," Alex laughed. "You know, I just had this memory of Uncle Karlo's old, broken down Buick." He turned to Fox. "He'd had it for fifteen years. There was more rust on it than paint, the horn sounded like a dying moose, and you could hear it coming from six blocks away, but he refused to buy a new car because he didn't want to spend the money."

"That's not why," Karlo argued. "It had sentimental meaning."

"I understand that," Fox said. "I didn't want to trade my Ford in for the same reason, but somebody," he said, pointing at Alex, "made me."

"What meaning did that car have for you?" Alex asked.

Fox shrugged. "I just...I'd had it for a long time. That car had seen a lot of wild stuff."

"It didn't see anything," Alex argued.

"You know what I mean."

"And anyway," the younger man went on, "it was dull and clunky didn't match you at all."

"Sounds like a compliment," Natalie sang softly, nudging Fox.

Fox smiled and returned the focus to Karlo.

"So, did you finally get rid of the car?"

"About three years ago."

"Three years," Alex gasped. "That means it was..."

"Around far longer than it should have been," Georgia cut in. "When parts started falling off while he was driving, he gave in and bought a new car. But let's get back to you two. Two months on a tropical island. How wonderful."

"It did so much good. We thought it'd be nice to go back to the place where our life together really began."

"So romantic," Maria sighed. "I know you'll have a fabulous time. Are you staying at a hotel?"

"No, we've rented the same house we stayed in before. It was beautiful, and most importantly, it gave us the one thing we really needed." He pulled Fox a little closer and planted a kiss on his temple. "Privacy."

"You're going to spend all the time you're there cloistered away?" Natalie asked.

"No," Fox answered. "There's a lot to do if we want to, but we do like our..." He stopped speaking as all eyes shifted to the man who had just walked up behind him and Alex.

"S'cuse me. Sorry if I interrupted," the photographer said, smiling down at Fox, "but if we're going to take some formal shots..."

"Yeah, I guess we should get that done." The couple rose from their seats, and Fox spoke again. "You wanna take the shots with everybody first?"

"Sure, babe." Alex laced his fingers with Fox's and drew them up to his lips, all the while giving the photographer an evil glare.

They gathered everyone together, and the photographer quickly and professionally snapped off all the pictures he needed. When that was done, the guests wandered away to do more dancing and socializing.

"Okay, now. What would you like? Traditional? Casual? Sensuous? All of the above?"

Fox grinned at Alex. "Probably some of each. You know, stuff we can show the family, and some shots for just a select few."

"Oooh. Gotcha. All righty, let's start off with the sweet stuff. How about one by the trees over there?" He moved the pair over to the indicated area. "Great. Now Fox, why don't you stand like..." he placed one hand on Fox's back and the other on his arm, turning and placing him while Alex growled softly. "And Alfonse, you just..."


"Hmm? Oh. Sorry. stand here behind him and drape your arms around him...yeah. Now let your heads rest together. Just like that." He backed up and began snapping. "Beautiful. Okay, now face to face."

Fox turned into Alex's arms and their eyes met. There was no posing to do.

"God, don't move. That's perfect."

Shot after shot was taken, then the photographer stopped to change lenses.

"All right. Now for some of the more personal pictures. Why don't you take your jackets off and...Alex...sit there. Fox in front. And just...put your arms around him. Talk to him. Whisper something in his ear."

Alex wrapped Fox in his arms and brought his mouth to the older man's ear.

"I hate the way he says your name."

Fox closed his eyes and grinned as Alex's voice hummed in his ear.

"How does he say it?"

"Like he's getting ready to strip you naked."

"Well," Fox teased. "He's already got my jacket off."

"These pictures are going to be fabulous," The photographer breathed, taking frame after frame. "God, you're gorgeous."

Alex raised his head slightly, sending the other man a heated stare.

"Oh, that's nice. Hold it."

Two more shots.

"Why don't you...undo a few buttons on his shirt and just sort of slip your hand inside."

"Why do I feel like we're in a porn movie?" Alex asked softly, unbuttoning Fox's shirt the requisite few buttons.

Rubbing his head against the underside of Alex's chin, Fox closed his eyes and emitted a low purr.

"You're enjoying yourself, aren't you?" he murmured, pressing himself to Fox's back. "You know how hard I am right now?"

"I was pretty sure you hadn't stuffed your gun down the front of your pants," Fox answered, moaning softly as Alex slipped his hand inside his shirt and lightly brushed his nipple.

"Sizzling! Now look at me."

The men ceased conversation for the moment and followed instructions, and the photographer groaned.

"Breathtaking." He shifted around, taking the shot from different angles.

For more than half an hour they took picture after picture, and by the end of the session both men were ready to tear each other's clothes off.

"I can't go back in there and be sociable in this condition," Alex said, biting into the soft flesh of Fox's earlobe as he rubbed against the other man. "C'mon, let's find someplace private and..."

"There you are!"

"Son of a..."

"We saw the photographer come back in," Scully said, grinning as she reached her friends. "Oh. I'm...I'm sorry. Did I interrupt something?" she asked sweetly.

"Don't you always?" Alex threw back in an equally syrupy tone.

"Look, Krycek, I know what's on your mind. Forget it. You got guests."

"Fifteen minutes," Alex said, almost whining. "They'll never miss us."

Scully opened her mouth to respond, but Fox cut her off.

"She's right, babe. It wouldn't be very polite of us to sneak off to..."

"Screw polite," Alex rumbled. "I'm about ready to blow."

"I know," Fox whispered. "Me too. I must have been nuts to think we could wait until tomorrow. But we can hold on just a little while longer, can't we?" he asked in his most persuasive tone.

"Yes, you were nuts, and no, we can't wait," Alex said stubbornly, pulling Fox against him. "I want you now."

Scully rolled her eyes and cleared her throat.


Alex's eyes shifted from Fox to the woman.

"You still here?"

"Yes, and I 'm not leaving. I've played hostess for you two long enough. Now, tie it in a knot and get back into that tent."

"Look, woman..."

"You've got family in there you haven't seen in ages," Scully broke in. "When this reception is over, you're not going to see them again for a few weeks at least."

"I know that," Alex said through his teeth. But I'm only asking for fifteen minutes. You don't understand what it's like to be turned on for hours and hours at a time, do you? It's painful," he whispered harshly through his teeth, thrusting his face to within inches of Scully's.

She gave Alex a bland stare and said nothing.


Blue eyes darted from Alex to Fox.


"Five minutes, okay?"

One corner of Scully's mouth slanted upward, and she backed up two steps before turning and heading back toward the tent.


Fox smothered Alex's coming rant with a hard kiss. He backed the younger man into the shelter of the nearest group of trees, deftly undoing his belt and pants as they moved. Quickly, he yanked Alex's pants and underwear down then squatted in front of the panting man. Without an instant's hesitation, he sucked his lover's cock into his mouth.

"Ah, shhhhh." Alex gritted his teeth, his fingers tangling in Fox's hair. The sucking heat increased relentlessly, the vibration of Fox's moans traveling the length of his embedded cock, and he shook with the intensity of the sensation.

"Baby," he whispered breathlessly. "Oh, God, lisa..."

Fingers curved into the hard muscles of Alex's ass, Fox squeezed gently as his head bobbed up and down on the rigid shaft. Within seconds he felt Alex stiffen, and the younger man made a weak attempt to muffle his cries as he came. Fox swallowed all of the semen being pumped down his throat, taking the utmost care to keep both suits clean.

Alex slumped against the tree he was backed into, moaning wearily as Fox licked him clean.


When all traces of Alex's orgasm were washed away, Fox pulled his underwear and pants back up, tucking and smoothing, and once he was all straightened up, the older man wrapped him in his arms.


"Mmmm." Alex lifted his head from Fox's shoulder, giving his husband a dopey grin. "What about you?"

"You owe me," Fox rumbled, his tongue swiping the expanse of Alex's lower lip. "But right now, we gotta get back. Can you walk?"

"Just barely," Alex breathed, straightening up and moving slowly toward the tent. "My legs feel like spaghetti."

They made it to the tent, stopping just inside the entrance and looking around.

"Do you believe it?" Alex said almost inaudibly as he watched their friends interacting with his family. All around the tent, people were dancing and eating, talking and laughing.

"Everybody's getting along pretty well," Fox observed, encircling Alex's waist with his arms and planting a kiss on his cheek. "This all worked out better than we could have imagined, huh?"

Alex nodded, his gaze falling on one of the dancing couples.

"Not only for us."

Fox followed the line of Alex's stare and smiled.

"I think something's really going to happen between them."

"Yeah," Alex said. "If Wally ever finds his balls and makes it happen."

"I haven't heard this song in ages."

The words cut through the silence between the dancing couple.

Sharp brown eyes peered down into bright blue, then Skinner looked up as if he could see the lyrics floating over Scully's head.

"I don't think I've ever heard it."

"Guess it depends on the kind of music you listen to. What do you like?"

Skinner thought a minute then shrugged. "I...I don't know. I listen to news, mostly."

Scully cocked her head, frowning. "You don't own a stereo?"

"I do. But I think the last time I used it, records were still considered high tech."

Scully smiled and shook her head. "You need to get out more."

"Maybe so."

The response hung in the air for a while, suspended by a delicate thread. When there was no answer from Scully one way or the other, Skinner moved to a safer subject.

"Krycek's family is very nice."

"Yes, they are."

"Would you think it unkind of me to say that I was taken by surprise?"

"Surprised that his family is nice...or even normal?" Scully asked smiling. "Or that they're human? I've heard that one."

"It isn't fair, I know."

"I understand, though. You haven't spent much time around them at all. You don't know the Alex I know."

"It's true. I've seen bits and pieces of him through the years, and more in the last couple of months. He doesn't seem at all like the man I remember."

"Loving Mulder has changed him in so many ways. It's really amazing."

Skinner shrugged. "I hear love can work miracles."

"Mulder and Alex are proof of that."

"You almost sound envious," Skinner said, noting the wistful tone.

"I am," Scully answered honestly. "I mean, I'm happier than I can say for them, but..."

"But you'd like a life that extends beyond the one you've got now. You'd like someone to come home to. Someone you can love and who'll love you."

Scully stared silently up at the A.D., observing the distant expression. He came around seconds later, almost visibly shaking himself, then he squared his jaw and met her eyes.

"I think that's a dream most people have. Mulder and Krycek are fortunate enough to be living it."

"They are. They've been through holy hell together...fought long, hard and often for it. They deserve it."

Skinner fell into a thoughtful silence for a while then spoke again.

"You don't have to go through hell to deserve a good life."

More innuendo. At least it sounded that way to Scully. She wanted to tell him to spit it the hell out, but what if she was wrong? What if it was simply conversation? What if the spirit of the day had just bowled her over and...

The song ended, and Skinner released her, jarring her back into the moment.

"Would you like a drink? I'm a bit thirsty."

Scully nodded and accompanied Skinner to the bar. Passing within a few feet of Fox and Alex, she glared at the two, who stood waving and making kissy faces at her.

"She's gonna kill us," Fox said softly to Alex even as he continued to tease his partner.

"I know," Alex chuckled as Scully discreetly waved a fist at them. "Let's hope she gets laid before we come back from Andros. That should soften her up a bit."

"God. I just got a picture in my mind of Scully and Skinner between the sheets, getting all hot and sweaty."

Alex's nose wrinkled, and he shuddered.

"Ah geez, Fox, did you have to?"

"You started it," Fox accused, poking Alex's arm.

"I'm sorry I did. Gah." Alex shook his head vigorously. "I need something to change this image I've got now."

"You didn't dance with me yet, Uncle Alex."

"Ask and you shall receive," Fox murmured, looking from Alex to the child, who had just arrived and was staring up at the men, little hands planted on her hips.

"I haven't?" Alex asked, grinning down at Raiza. "What was I thinking?"

"You either," Raiza said, turning a reproachful eye on Fox.

"I'm sorry," Fox said thumping a hand over his chest. "I'll be right here waiting for you when you two are done, okay?"

"Okay," the child said, satisfied, then she took Alex's hand, tugging him out onto the dance floor.

"I think he's in love," a soft voice said seconds after Alex lifted Raiza into his arms and began moving around the floor.

Fox shifted his attention to Maggie Scully, who had come to stand beside him.

"Aren't they cute?" he smiled. "I've never seem him interact with a child before. Well, except for the neighborhood kids, but that's not real personal, and it's only a few minutes at a time, you know?"

"He looks like he's really enjoying himself."


Maggie studied the man beside her. "You look a little smitten yourself."

"Hard not to be." He smirked down at the woman. "She's like a little Scully."

Maggie laughed at the comment. "It's wonderful, isn't it?" She asked. "In the course of one afternoon you've gained an entire family. You know," she added, bumping Fox's arm with her own. "In addition to the one you've got."

Fox slipped an arm around Maggie's shoulders and heaved a satisfied sigh as he returned his attention to Alex and Raiza.

The song ended a few minutes later, and Raiza switched Alex for Fox, talking his ear off until the dance was over. They returned to Alex and Maria, who had just joined him, Fox wearing a wide grin.

"Never at a loss for things to say, is she?"

"Never," Maria confirmed. "And the later it gets, the chattier she gets." She looked at her watch. "Oh, yeah. She should be shifting into high gear any time now."

She wasn't kidding. The hour grew later, and Raiza rattled on and on, finally only stopping when she drifted off to sleep on Fox's lap at about midnight.

"You want me to take her?" Maria asked.

"No, don't disturb her," Fox answered, looking down at the child.

"She drools sometimes when she's asleep," Maria cautioned. "Your suit..."

"Yeah?" Fox smirked, not concerned in the least for his clothing. "So does Alex!"

"I do not," Alex shot back, his tone full of indignation

"Do too."



"Play nice kiddies, or you'll both go to bed with no nookie," Bobby warned, drawing a laugh from the others at the table.

"Yeah, that'll happen," Langly snorted.

"What do you people think of us?" Fox asked. "Do you think we're a couple of uncontrollable, undisciplined freaks who can't stay out of the sack for more than half a day?"

"Yes," the chorus of voices answered emphatically.

He turned to Alex. "You believe that?"

"We into self-delusion today, babe?" Alex asked blandly, incurring more snickers.

"What's that mean?"

"Means they're right," he said, smirking as Fox scowled at him. He leaned over, bringing his lips to the other man's ear and began whispering something into it. Only seconds passed before Fox's eyes closed and he began to moan very softly. When Alex finally pulled away, his eyes drifted open, and he focused a cloudy gaze on the other.


Alex nodded once, eyes never leaving Fox's face.

"Uh...Mulder," Scully called in a low, amused tone. "You were saying?"

"I don't know," Fox breathed, moving in to brush his lips against Alex's before submitting to a slow, teasing kiss. The change in his position roused Raiza, and the child shifted and opened her eyes.


Fox pulled away from Alex's mouth and followed Scully's gaze to the flushed little face. Dark eyes looked around and, seeing the faces she'd become familiar with over the course of the evening, she reached for her doll, which was lying on the table in front of her. Hugging Annie close, she snuggled back against Fox and again closed her eyes.

"I should probably think about getting her back and into bed," Maria said, smiling softly as Fox gently rocked her daughter back and forth. Her gaze shifted to Alex, and the smile turned to a knowing smirk. "I'm sure you're thinking about doing the same."

Alex reached out and caressed the golden-brown head of the man beside him.

"Been thinking about it for a couple of hours now." Fox's eyes met his, and he raised his eyebrows in question. "How 'bout it lisa? Think it's time to make our exit?"

Fox looked around, taking in his surroundings, observing the guests, still enjoying themselves, and he smiled.

"Think they'll miss us?"

"I'm sure they'll understand."

Fox turned and stared longingly into luminous green eyes.

"Let's say goodnight, then."

Smiling, Maria took Raiza from Fox, and he got to his feet, followed by Alex. Hand in hand they walked to the stage, and Alex asked the band to stop playing for a moment. The couple stepped up on the platform, and he took the mike.

"Hey, everybody."

All conversation ceased, and the guests shifted their attention to Alex.

"First of all, Fox and I want to thank each of you for being here to share our day. It means more to us than we can say. But now it's time for us to say goodnight. We've got a plane to catch tomorrow morning. There's still plenty of food and drinks, and the band is here for a while longer, so we hope you'll stay and enjoy yourselves."

The guests approached in small groups to say goodbye and wish the couple a wonderful trip. Scully, Skinner and Maggie were first among them.

"Everything was beautiful," Maggie said, hugging first Fox then Alex. "And goodness knows you'll have enough pictures to remember the day. I think that photographer's only stopped shooting long enough to change rolls."

Alex looked over at the man standing a few feet away, snapping continuously.

"Yeah, we will. And we're so glad you enjoyed it. Everything turned out so much better than we thought."

"We?" Fox snorted. "I knew everything would be fine. You're the one who thought it was all going to get shot to hell."

"All right, all right," Alex said, waving Fox off as Scully stepped forward to hug him.

"I'll kill you when you get back. In the meantime, have a great honeymoon."

Chuckling, Alex wrapped the petite woman in a bear hug.

"I'll start shaking in my boots in two weeks." He released her. "As usual, we have so much to thank you for."

"One day I'm going to make you pay up," she said with gruff affection then turned to Fox.

"You look so happy," she said, hugging her partner tightly. "Not that you don't usually. It's just...I guess this is a term usually reserved for women, but I don't know how else to say're glowing."

"I didn't think I could get any happier," Fox replied. "But this is..." He smiled, his eyes sparkling with amber light. "...I wish I could adequately describe how I feel."

"You don't have to," Scully said softly. "I can read it all over your face. You guys have a wonderful time, and don't worry about anything."

"We won't." Fox looked at Alex and grinned. "Well, I won't." Ignoring the younger man's sneer, he let Scully go and stooped to pet Clyde.

"You behave yourself, you hear?" he asked the Shepherd as the dog wiggled and woofed. "Don't give Scully a hard time, and maybe we'll bring you back something nice."

As Alex bent to talk to Clyde, Fox stood up and took Skinner's offered hand.

"I'm very glad I came," Skinner said. "Thank you for the invitation."

"We need to thank you," Fox answered, shaking and releasing the A.D.'s hand. "If it weren't for you we might not have had this." He looked around at the elegantly decorated tent. "And we're honored to have you here."

Saying nothing, Skinner nodded and waited for Alex to rise.

"...And don't break anything." Alex kissed the top of the dog's head and straightened up, facing Skinner.

"Krycek." He extended his hand. "Congratulations again." He looked from one man to the other and back again. "We've all come a long way."

Alex took the offered hand. "I think we have. Thank you for your support. It really does mean a lot to us."

Another nod and Skinner backed away, allowing more guests to say their farewells. Alex's family waited until all of the other well-wishers had stepped aside, then they moved in, flocking around the two men.

"You boys have a lovely time," Irene said above the sudden riot of voices. "Send us a postcard from the Bahamas if you find the time."

"We will," Alex promised, shaking Karlo's hand before being pulled into a hug.

"And call when you get home."

Fox nodded as Natalie pulled him sideways for a kiss on his cheek.

"Yeah, we'll..."

"We'd love for you to come up for a visit soon," Georgia added, pulling Fox in the other direction even as Karlo released Alex's hand to grab his.

"Uh..." Alex stopped to accept a hug and kiss from Irene. "W...we'll see..."

Maria sensed Alex's immediate discomfort and jumped in to save him.

"Okay, okay. Let's leave them some skin, huh? Make a break for it guys, or they'll have you here all night." She handed her still sleeping daughter to Karlo and stepped into Fox's arms for a heartfelt hug.

"Thank you for everything," Fox murmured. "You put a very big smile on Alex's face today."

"I'm glad he's happy about us all being here, Fox," Maria said, "but you're the cause of that very big smile. It's impossible to not know how much he loves you."

Alex came up behind Fox, wrapping his arms around the older man's waist. "Actually, he's just sort of a bad habit," he murmured, kissing the back of Fox's neck.

"Uh huh. Well, we're gonna let you go now, so you can get your fix."

Alex let Fox go and gave his cousin a gentle hug.

"Thank you, Maria. For giving me a chance. For bringing everybody with you. I never thought I'd see any of you again, let alone have you at my wedding."

"We're every bit as happy as you to have you back in the family." She reached for Fox's hand. "And now we've got two for the price of one." Releasing both men, she inhaled deeply and let it out. "Well. You take off now before I start getting misty. Have fun the next two weeks, and we'll see you soon."

Alex nodded and backed away, enfolding Fox's hand in his. Neither man had noticed the sudden appearance of tiny bags until they turned to leave and found themselves pelted with the traditional rice. Laughing, they jogged away, their family and friends following behind for a short distance. When they were finally free, they slowed to a leisurely walk. Hand in hand they headed toward the inn, Fox shaking grains of rice from his hair.

"So tell me," he said to Alex, who was busily brushing rice from his suit, "did it really turn out as well as you'd wanted it to?"

"God, better," Alex answered, turning glowing eyes up to Fox. "The ceremony went off without a hitch, the tent and the flowers were beautiful, the food was exceptional...Jesus, my family was here..." He stopped a moment then went on in a softer tone. "And even if all of that stuff had been screwed up royally and only Frohike showed up..." He lifted Fox's hand to his mouth and placed a soft kiss on the knuckles. "I just married the one man in the world I'll ever love. It still would have been perfect."

Fox gave him a doubtful smirk.

"I know how anal I've been about everything," Alex murmured. "But at the end of it all, I knew what really mattered. Us." He squeezed Fox's hand. "Just us."

Fox responded with a smile, and the two continued on toward the house.

"They were adorable, weren't they?"

"Oh, yes. So handsome. And so sweet."

"Yeah. And the way they look at each other. It's breathtaking."

"All right, aaaaaall right," Frohike moaned, interrupting the women. "They're sweet, they're adorable. We got it. Can we stop with all the sentimental, gooshy stuff now? I'm starting to get a toothache."

"Couldn't have anything to do with the four pieces of cake you ate, could it?" Byers asked flatly.

Frohike blew the comment off and leaned back in his chair.

"So. Now that they're gone, tell us, cuz," he said, directing his gaze at Maria. "What's up with the other one? What's his name? Victor?"

Maria looked over her shoulder, making sure that her parents and aunt and uncle were still dancing before answering.

"You saw a little of what he was like at dinner that day. He was always very jealous of Alex, even a kids. Apparently a lot of that animosity is still there."

"What do his parents think of his attitude?" Scully asked.

"Well, obviously they don't agree with it, but he's so stubborn. He doesn't listen much to anything they say, especially if it's in contrast to what he thinks."

"Sounds like he and Krycek's father and Mulder's mother could form their own little club," Skinner said, tapping into Scully's thoughts.

"Yeah," Maria answered, rocking her sleeping daughter. "It's too bad, but there's nothing anyone can do about them. People like them rarely change their way of thinking, and if they do, it's usually way too late. I hate thinking that Uncle Iliia will go to his grave without ever having made up with his only child, but it looks like that's the way things are headed." She looked to Scully. "How do you think it's affected Alex?"

"The honest truth is, Maria, that Alex had closed off that part of his life. He had never talked about his family to me, and rarely even to Mulder, so it was impossible to know what his actual feelings were."

"Ah. The Krycek wall."

"Right. I mean, I can't imagine that he wouldn't welcome a relationship with his father, but I don't know that he'd ever initiate an attempt."

"Probably not. If he feels as unwanted by Uncle Iliia as I'm sure he does, he's not going to chance a second rejection."

"That's for sure."

"And I sure wouldn't push a meeting," Maria sighed. "It could be a disaster."

"No, that wouldn't be good," Scully agreed. "Not at all. I guess there's nothing that can really be done. It's such a shame. Two men with one parent each, and they may as well have none at all."

"Good thing they've got you," Maria said. Scully looked across the table at her and smiled.

"Good thing they've got us."

The house was dark and quiet when the couple entered. Silently they ascended the stairs, Alex never releasing his hold on Fox's hand. When they made it to their room, he leaned against the door and drew the older man into his arms.

"It's late," he whispered.

Fox nodded in agreement.

"So, what d'you think?" Alex asked, lightly teasing Fox's mouth with his own. "Maybe we should just go right to sleep, huh?"

Moaning softly, Fox shook his head.



One corner of Alex's mouth slanted slightly upward, and he cupped Fox's ass with one hand, pulling the other man more firmly against him.

"You know I couldn't just go to sleep." He reached behind his back, turning the knob and pushing the door open. "Come to bed, lisa, and let me make love to you."

One thirty-eight.

The old man shifted in his bed and closed his eyes but sleep, it seemed, was beyond his reach.

Grunting, Iliia pulled himself into a sitting position and reached for the television remote.

If Natalie were there, she would be up now, heating up a glass of milk for him.

But she wasn't. She was in Vermont. At the "wedding" of the son he hadn't seen in more years than he could recall.

He sat quietly for a few minutes more, staring at the remote then dropped it and got out of bed, shuffling across the room to the closet. Turning on the light, he searched the shelves until he found what he was looking for. He carried the photo album back to the bed and sat down, running his fingers over the binding. Finally, he opened the book and flipped slowly through the pages. He stopped on a picture of a dark haired woman, holding a baby. The black and white picture was starting to degrade just a bit, and he sighed, thinking that maybe he should see if he could have it restored before it got too bad. He studied the picture just a few minutes more, looking on the woman with a soft gaze.

She was beautiful. Everyone said that Alex looked like him, but Iliia saw plenty of his mother in him.

Finally he turned the page, coming to several more pictures, amongst which was a grade school photo of an eight-year-old Alex. Big green eyes fringed with dark lashes stared out from a lightly freckled face, and the front tooth that he had lost just two weeks before stood out prominently in the wide smile.

Alex had been proud of that lost tooth, Iliia recalled. It had been loose for weeks, but not loose enough to be removed. Then, one day, a fight with Victor over a G.I. Joe took care of it. He'd cried and bled and cried some more, but a later look at Victor's bruised and swelled eye filled him with satisfaction, and from that day on, he proudly showed the tooth to all of his friends and told them the story of the first time he'd given his cousin the jerk a black eye.

Iliia shook his head and turned a few more pages.

Alex as a gangly teenager with two of his friends in front of Karlo's Buick.

Iliia squinted as he concentrated on the boy to the left of Alex. That one was dead, he believed. Committed suicide many years ago. No one ever found out why, if he recalled.

Too bad. Good kid.

Another couple of pages, and he stopped again on a photo of Alex in his cap and gown. Iliia frowned and stared at the picture.

For a boy who had graduated with highest honors and would soon be off to college, he should have been smiling and happy, but this picture of him portrayed no such emotion. It was unclear what he was looking at, but the expression in his eyes was one of a sad, troubled young man. Iliia wondered why it wasn't until just now that he'd really noticed that.

He stared at the picture for a long while, taking stock of the handsome young face. Wondering how the years and the life Alex had lived had changed it. Maria said he hadn't changed much, but how much was not much? Had he any wrinkles or lines in his face? Any gray hairs? She said he was very happy now, but for how long was he not? How had the recent assault on his body affected his mind? Had it had any permanent effects on him? He knew something about posttraumatic stress. Would this Fox really stand by him should he have any type of emotional breakdown years later?

Iliia's hand gently skimmed the picture, then it stiffened and moved away.

It wasn't his problem. Not any more. Alex had relieved him of that burden when he chose to remove himself from his life.

He closed the book and returned it to its place in the closet then got back into bed, lying awake for what would be many more hours.

Fox stood in the pale moonlight, looking out over the field as he slowly undid his shirt. A warm presence at his back brought a soft smile, and Alex's hands gently moved his away, taking over his task.

"They're still out there," Fox murmured.

"Yeah," Alex agreed, undoing button after button. "I think I still hear music."

"They really had a good time, didn't they?"

When the last button gave, Alex stroked his hands up Fox's chest to his shoulders, smoothing the edges of the material away.

"They did."

Fox assisted Alex, shrugging out of the shirt, then the younger man's hands went to work on his pants while his mouth wandered over the back of Fox's neck and shoulders. Golden-brown lashes drifted downward as one hand stole inside the now open zipper and lovingly caressed the growing bulge.

"I love you, moy lisa," Alex whispered into his ear, sending delicious shivers down Fox's spine. "I never thought it would be possible to be happier than I was but..." His other hand grasped Fox's, intertwining their fingers, then he held both hands up together before their eyes. "I wish I could describe the feeling I got when the minister said that we were married."

"I know," Fox said, rubbing his head against Alex's then looked at the rings, which now adorned their left hands. "I knew I wanted it, but I had no idea that it would feel..." He took a deep breath and let it out. " this."

Alex nodded, nuzzling Fox's cheek and stroking his cock through his underwear. "I love this feeling."

A dreamy sigh was Fox's only response.

"Fox," Alex whispered ever so softly. "My beautiful Fox. I'll never get over that you belong to me."

Fox shuddered in Alex's arms, rubbing his cheek against the younger man's. "Forever," he whispered back, moaning as the younger man's hand squeezed his cock gently.

"Let me show you how much I love you, lisa," Alex pleaded in that low, smoky-sweet voice that turned Fox's insides to hot liquid. "Let me."

Eyes closed, breaths coming in shallow pants, Fox could do nothing more than nod. In minutes, his remaining clothing was stripped from him, and Alex was backing him to the bed and laying him back against the pillows. Only then did the younger man begin to remove his own clothing.

Fox watched through barely open eyes as Alex slipped out of his jacket then slowly removed his cuff links. He held his breath as button after undone button revealed the familiar, smooth skin of his lover's chest. He ached to touch but remained where Alex had laid him, obeying the unspoken request that he not move.

Alex's shirt joined his on the chair, and his gaze dropped to the younger man's waistband, staring intently as if he could will the fastenings apart. Soon enough, Alex's hands were there, pulling an unzipping, and the pants slid to the floor. After he removed his shoes and socks, the pants came all the way off, leaving him clad only in a pair of black silk boxers. The solid outline of his cock was clearly visible behind the soft material, and Fox's own erection jumped at the sight.

In one fluid movement, Alex was up on the bed, crawling toward Fox. He stopped beside the other man, bringing his face to within millimeters of Fox's. The older man leaned forward, meeting him the rest of the way, engaging him in a deep kiss.

As his tongue thoroughly probed the interior of Fox's mouth, Alex's cock throbbed within the loose confines of his underwear, aching to be buried in the tight heat of his lover's body. Gently, he broke the kiss, for a short while staying close enough for Fox to lick and tease his mouth. When he finally backed away, his hands slipped inside the waistband of his shorts, and he slid them down over his hips.

Fox watched as Alex moved into a sitting position, completely ridding himself of the remainder of his clothing. The instant that was done, Alex returned to him, straddling his body and again offering his mouth, which Fox took without hesitation. For long minutes, he remained over the older man, feeding gently on his lips until impatience got the better of Fox.

Fingers sliding through Alex's hair, Fox got a good grip with one hand as the other went to his back, attempting to pull him down as he slid fully onto his back.

"What is it, lisa?" Alex whispered against his husband's mouth. "What do you want?"

"To feel you," Fox whispered back, arching up toward Alex. "Please, Alex."

Gently, Alex lowered himself to the other man, covering the warm body with his own. He watched Fox's eyes roll up in his head and the generous lips part on a long sigh, and a shiver tingled its way up and down his spine.

"I haven't even really touched you yet," he teased softly, nuzzling Fox's jaw.

"You know there's very little you need to do," Fox breathed.

"You're so good for my ego," Alex rasped, letting one hand drift down Fox's side to his hip then back up.

"Is that all I'm good for?" Fox asked, his palms cupping the rounded muscles of Alex's rear and squeezing gently.

Shaking his head, Alex came in for a deep kiss.

Fox responded hungrily, his tongue probing the warm interior of Alex's mouth. His cock throbbed at the contact, and his hips bucked slightly, pushing the solid shaft against Alex's thigh.

"Mmmmh." Alex pulled away from his lover's insistent mouth, nipping at the full lower lip before licking his way down Fox's throat. "You're so hard," he whispered against the wildly pounding pulse. "So hot. I have to taste you, lisa," he said as he continued to move lower. "Do you want to be in my mouth?"

Whimpering softly, Fox nodded. A hard gasp followed as Alex sucked one nipple into his mouth and flicked his tongue quickly across the tip. His hands moved restlessly over the younger man's back and shoulders, finally threading through his hair, stroking and clutching at the sable strands.

"Alex..." His words slipped out on an impassioned breath. ", God."

Alex's teeth closed around the pebbled flesh and pulled gently, and his cock twitched at the sounds his action elicited.

"You like that, baby?" he asked, releasing Fox's nipple then dragging his tongue roughly across the sensitive nub.

Fox moaned, unable now to string more than two words together intelligently. The thought of making love with Alex had consumed him for the better part of the day, and when he'd earlier led Alex into the shelter of the trees to take care of his husband's need, his own desire had tripled. He'd held it in check and had done a pretty good job until just a little while ago. He needed Alex desperately now, and every touch, every stroke of the other man's tongue drove him closer to the madness he craved.

Just when Fox was sure that he'd pass out from the torturous pleasure, Alex moved on, licking and nipping at the heated skin of his abdomen. Slowly, he followed the downy line of golden hair that extended from his navel on down to darker patch at the juncture of his thighs, and Fox writhed under the mere heat of his breath.

"Easy," Alex sighed, stroking one hand over Fox's stomach as his mouth drew nearer to the older man's flushed cock. He tenderly brushed his lips over the velvety surface, and Fox released a choked sob. His tongue followed in a feathery caress, circling the flared head then gently probing the moist slit at the tip, and Fox bucked violently, gasping out a stream of unintelligible words.

He knew he couldn't drag it out much longer. Fox was ready to explode, and he wasn't very far behind. But he had to taste...had to feel the full length of his lover's cock sliding down his throat, even if just for a few seconds.

Fox arched up off of the bed and groaned loudly from behind clenched teeth. The heat that had just enveloped his cock touched off a cascade of sensation throughout his entire body, and every nerve vibrated with ecstatic intensity. A gentle, sucking pressure joined the heat, and he thought the explosion of painful pleasure would break him in two if it was not relieved soon. A tear of frustration welled up, burning one closed eyelid, and as Alex slowly pulled away, it escaped, making a scalding path down his cheek.

"lisa," Alex whispered, drawing himself up to lie over the other man's trembling body. "You're so beautiful." He licked the tear away then kissed Fox, sharing the salty flavor. Without breaking the kiss, he reached over to the table by the bed and groped for the tube he'd placed there while unpacking. Finding the lubricant, he held the tube in his palm and unscrewed the cap with his thumb and forefinger. There was a small clatter as the cap hit the hardwood floor, but it went unnoticed by the two, who were currently attempting to devour each other whole.

Fox felt Alex's hand slip between them, the younger man's knuckles brushing his cock as he applied the lube to himself, and then Alex was pulling away, breaking the kiss.

"Open your eyes, sweetheart," Alex pleaded on a soft breath. When Fox obeyed, he gazed down into glittering green eyes splashed with brilliant gold. "Look at me." He lifted Fox's legs, coaxing the other man to wrap them around his waist, then he grasped his cock by the base, working the slick head into the tight opening.

Drowning in an ocean of turbulent green, Fox sighed at the gentle invasion and pushed upward, silently asking for more.

"Tell me," Alex demanded, his respiration becoming more unsteady. "Tell me, lisa."

"Deeper," Fox choked. All of you. Now."

"Anything you want, baby."

Gritting his teeth, Alex held his breath and drove into Fox. A hard cry rose from both men, and Fox clutched Alex tightly, urging him to move.

Obeying his lover's need and the demands of his own body, Alex began to thrust, establishing a slow, teasing rhythm. He knew that the pace he'd just set couldn't last for long, but it felt so good. Being inside his Fox was always such an incredible feeling, he never wanted it to end. It was an unreasonable, impossible desire as the fast coming explosion would prove, but he would hold on for as long as he could, offering Fox as much pleasure as either of them could take.

Fox struggled to keep his eyes from closing as Alex pushed him closer and closer to the edge of shattering ecstasy. His hands wandered restlessly over Alex's back, traveling down to stroke the taut muscles of the younger man's ass as low whimpers rolled in his throat. Every nerve in his body tingled; every muscle trembled with anticipation of the sweet explosion that would leave them clinging to each other, exhausted and blissfully content.

He wanted that. God, he needed it so much, yet he craved all that came before...the feel of Alex's mouth on him, all over him...his hands, stroking and squeezing. His cock...pushing hard, filling him with its heat.

Fox renewed his effort to concentrate on Alex's eyes and found them growing ever darker...a sure sign of his impending orgasm. Shuddering, moaning Alex was a beautiful sight to behold, and the thought of it sent Fox's blood pressure ratcheting up another few notches. An abrupt cry broke past his constricted throat, and he clutched at Alex, moving more restlessly against the younger man.

Alex picked up on Fox's increasingly precarious condition and, feeling his own body reach its limits, he began to strengthen his thrusts, uttering broken words of encouragement to his lover.

"Soon...yes, lisa...God...oh, God..."

Sobbing Alex's name, Fox rose up to meet him, offering all he had to give and begging that Alex take it.

"C'mon, baby." Alex panted, pushing harder. Fox arched, yowling loudly as Alex grasped his cock and began to quickly stroke it. "There. Yeah...there it is..."

The hot rush of semen filled Fox even as he came in a great torrent over Alex's hand and his own belly. His loud cries joined Alex's and filled the room for long seconds then died away as both men collapsed into each other's arms.

Alex lay motionless in his husband's embrace, a soft moan rumbling in his chest. A long while passed, and then he felt Fox's hand moving slowly over his back, traveling through the sheen of perspiration. The movement roused him slightly, and he lifted his head, focusing a moist stare on the man beneath him.

Fox's hands stopped their journey, and he stared back at Alex through half-lowered lashes, seeing profound adoration shining in the depths of his love's eyes. Alex raised one hand to his face, drawing a crooked finger down the bridge of his nose before coming in for a tender kiss. As he drew away, Fox cupped his cheek, letting his thumb stroke slowly over the lightly stubbled surface.

"And you wanted to wait."

Fox laughed softly and pulled Alex in for a kiss. When they parted, Alex lowered his head, resting it against the older man's shoulder.

"We need to get to sleep. It's really late."

"I know," Fox sighed, gently ruffling Alex's hair. "But you don't think you can, do you?"

Alex shook his head. "There are so many things crashing around in my head right now, I don't know what to do with them." Alex hugged the older man tightly. "We're married, babe. And my family was here to see it. They don't hate me...they want in their lives. It's wild how radically things can change in the course of just a few hours."

"Yeah, it is." Fox went quiet for a few minutes then asked, "You're not upset that we didn't tell you about them, right?"

"No," Alex whispered, pressing a kiss to Fox's throat. "I know you wanted to surprise me." He smiled. "And you did. I was so shocked at first, I didn't know what to do or what to think. But I knew that if they were here it had to be okay. You'd never have allowed it otherwise."

"'Course not," Fox croaked, kissing the top of Alex's head.

"They like you."

Fox chuckled softly. "Wait until they get to know me a little better."

"I know you better, and I still like you."

"Well, you know what our friends say about us."

Alex grinned and snuggled against Fox's chest. "I'd like to say that they're wrong, but...hey. How 'bout Raiza? Isn't she cute?"

"Oh, yeah. She's a character. Notice how Clyde rarely left her side?"

"I think he was happy to finally have someone to play with who was more at his eye level."

"I hope the photographer got plenty of pictures of them."

"Yeah, know, I just had a thought. Remember he said this afternoon that he was going to try and rush a few pictures to show us tonight?"

"Oh, yeah," Fox said. "He did say that, didn't he? Hmm. Guess he didn't get around to it."

"That or he screwed them up," Alex replied, agitation evident in his tone. "Either way, he should have said something to us about it."

"Easy, killer," Fox cautioned, clearly amused. "There was a lot going on tonight, and I'm sure there's a reasonable explanation for why he didn't say anything to us."

"All right," Alex relented. "I'll give him the benefit of the doubt. "But when we get back, he's the first person I call. And he'd better have all of those proofs ready."

"I'm sure he will...if he knows what's good for him," Fox finished with a low mumble.

Alex emitted a haughty snort but easily settled down as Fox began to stroke his back.

"You think you're going to be able to get to sleep sometime tonight?"

"Maybe," Alex yawned, concluding it on a soft moan. "That feels good."

"If you get some sleep tonight, maybe you won't pass out on the plane tomorrow, and we can play." Fox's hand stroked a little lower. "Remember what you promised me at the reception?"

"I remember," Alex mumbled, almost unintelligibly.

"Okay, then. Go to sleep."

"Mmm hmm."

Fox smiled and closed his eyes. A few more minutes, and Alex would be out. He lay quietly, drawing his hand up and down the younger man's back, listening to his breathing even out and slow, and once Alex was indeed asleep, he closed his eyes and, smiling softly, joined his husband in oblivion.

The band had packed up, most of the other guests had left, and a very small group sat at one table in the middle of the floor, talking quietly.

"Well...they couldn't have asked for a nicer wedding."

"You're right. Everything went so well...and Alex's family showing up was the icing on the cake."

Skinner sat quietly, only half listening to the conversation. His attention was focused mostly on the younger woman. The way her eyes sparkled in the candlelight. The soft shimmer of her hair...pale, creamy skin...

"Mr. Skinner?"

Skinner blinked and squinted at Mrs. Scully.


Maggie smiled knowingly. "I was just saying that it was wonderful of you to help out with the tent. You really came to the boys' rescue."

"I was happy to help."

"They're very grateful," Scully said softly. She looked to her mother and smiled. "Well, I guess we should get out of here. Mom, you look like you're ready to drop."

"I am feeling a bit weary, but please," Maggie said, patting her daughter's arm. "Don't turn in on my account. You two stay and talk or...go for a nice walk. I'm sure it's beautiful along the lake."

"I can't let you go back to the inn alone," Scully argued.

"What alone? I'll take Clyde with me." Maggie got up, and Skinner stood to help her out of her chair. "You kids enjoy the night a little longer."

Before Scully could say anything more, Maggie had called to Clyde, and the two started up toward the inn.

"You think we should walk her up anyway?" Skinner asked, watching as Maggie disappeared from the tent.

"She couldn't have a better escort," Scully answered, paused then spoke again. "Unless you want to go. Are you tired?"

"No," Skinner answered a little too quickly. "No, it's...I'm fine. You?"

"No. No, I'm okay. It is a beautiful night."

Skinner turned his attention to the woman seated across the table. "Yes, it is." He drew in a deep breath then let it out slowly. "Want to take that walk?"

A small smile curved Scully's lips, and she picked up her bouquet. Skinner helped her out of her chair, and the two walked out, leaving only the small cleanup crew behind.

Fox handed the last bag to the porter and walked over to Alex, who had been speaking with a crewmember of the jet that they were taking to Andros.

"Ready to go?"

"Yep," Fox murmured, slipping his arms around the other man. "All set." He drew Alex in for a brief but passionate kiss, his hand wandering down over his ass. The crewman discreetly took his leave, giving them as much privacy as was possible in an open area, crawling with airport personnel.

"I didn't forget," Alex said, incurring a soft growl. "But by the time we get there, you'd better be ready."

Fox chuckled, sliding his hand inside the waistband of Alex's pants and toying lightly with the gold chain.

"For what?"

"I'll just let you wonder about that," Alex moaned, nipping at Fox's lower lip.

"Might I remind you, my love, that you're the one wearing that thing." He pulled sharply on the chain, drawing a loud gasp from Alex. "And I'm the one in control."

"For now," Alex breathed, drawing his tongue across the flesh he'd just bitten. "Enjoy yourself."

"I will," Fox grinned as he released Alex, and the two walked slowly toward the plane. "And so will you."


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