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Admission V
Paradise Found - Part 3

By Aries

Monday 9:02 a.m.
Christmas Eve

Alex opened his eyes and blinked in the bright morning light. He didn’t have to look to his left to know that he was alone in the big bed. He stretched and lay there for a few seconds more, rubbing the sleep from his eyes. He stared up at the ceiling, listening for sound, but there was none, save for the swish of the ocean and the distant call of sea birds. Alex rolled out of bed and headed for the bathroom.

9:47 a.m.

The front door swung open and Scully entered, followed closely by Mulder.

"This is some place, Mulder. It’s so cool, having a beach to yourself..." She looked up at the figure descending the stairs. "Well, look who finally decided to wake up."

Alex reached the bottom of the stairs and approached. He touched Scully’s arm lightly. "Morning." Then he turned to the man standing a couple of feet away and cupped his chin. Their lips met briefly. "How long have you been up?"

"Since about seven-thirty."

"Did you have breakfast?"

"No, we were waiting for you."

"What if I didn’t get up until noon?"

"Oh, I was only giving you until ten-thirty, then I was going up to get you."

"Ah." Alex looked to Scully. "So what do you feel like?"

"Oh gee, I don’t know. Whatever."

"Okay, how about you?" He turned to face Mulder.

Wicked grin. "Where did we leave off with the bet?"

"Hey, you screwed that up. That bet is now null and void..."

"What bet?"

"Wait a minute, wait a minute. Who says it’s null and void?"

Scully looked from one man to the other. "What bet?"

Mulder placed a hand at her back and directed her toward the kitchen. "We went for a swim a few days ago and somebody bet me that he could beat me in a race..."

"Who wanted to race in the first place?"

Mulder looked from Alex to Scully. "Anyway...he lost. So, he owes me breakfast in bed."

"And that kind of got interrupted, didn’t it?"

"Okay, okay, I’ll tell you what. Wait till we get home. When we’re back on a time schedule, you can resume."

"Oh, can I? Let me tell you..."

"If you two don’t mind..." Both men turned toward Scully. "Argue about it later, okay? I’m starving, so somebody make a decision!"

Mulder moved toward the refrigerator, pushing Alex out of his way as he went. "I’ll make something."

Alex stared blankly. "You."

Mulder rested his hands low on his hips. "Yeah."

Alex raised both hands and seated himself at the table.

Scully looked from one man to the other. "Uh... Mulder? I’ll help you..."

Mulder grabbed a pitcher of orange juice and set it down on the table. "You’ve got about as much faith in me, Scully, as he does. That hurts."

"No... Mulder, I didn’t mean..."

"I know what you meant," he said softly, making the most of the moment. He retrieved the eggs and milk and turned his back to them, heaving a long sigh. Scully glanced at Alex, who sat with an amused smirk glued to his lips. No help there.

"Really, Mulder. I just thought...uh..." she tried to peer over his shoulder. "What are you making?"

"French toast."

"That’s ambitious," came a soft comment from the table.

"I’m ignoring you, Krycek."

"Mulder, have you ever made French toast before?"

"You know, just because you people have never seen me cook, doesn’t mean that I can’t. It’s not all take-out and restaurants, you know."

Alex spoke up. "Okay, in his defense, he does make some decent scrambled eggs."


"Thank you."

"Of course, there aren’t too many ways you can screw up scrambled eggs..."

"Get out, the both of you and don’t come back until I call you."



Alex rose to follow Scully to the door. "You sure you don’t want my help?"

Mulder kept his back to them. "I don’t need your help, thank you."

"Great," Scully whispered as they left the room. "Now even if he does need help, he won’t ask for it and we’re going to have to eat that, however it turns out."

Alex pressed his lips together and looked toward the door. "No, we’re not."

"Oh, no?"

"No, but..." he looked back toward Scully. "You may want to just stay out here." Slowly, he stalked back into the kitchen. When he reached Mulder, he slid his hands up the other man’s back.

Scully opened the door carefully and watched as the younger man seduced her partner.

"Lisa..." Alex trailed his palms across Mulder’s shoulders and down his arms.

Mulder answered without turning around. "What?"

"Let me help."

"No. Go find Scully, Alex. I can do this myself."

Alex rubbed his cheek against the curve of Mulder’s shoulder. "I know you can." He kissed the side of Mulder’s neck. "But Scully’s hungry and besides..." He threaded his hands through Mulder’s hair and massaged his scalp. "I don’t want to be out there. It’s too far away from you." Mulder’s neck arched slightly and his head rolled against his lover’s palm. The whisk he’d held clattered to the counter. "I want to be here where I can see you." His hand continued to travel through the golden-brown silk. His lips pressed close to Mulder’s ear. "I want to be where I can touch you." His other hand grasped Mulder’s shoulder and turned him so that their bodies were touching. His lips covered those in front of him.

Scully watched fascinated, as her partner fell completely and totally under Alex’s spell.

Shit. If he ever wanted to use that talent for evil...

Alex broke the kiss then dragged his mouth across the line of Mulder’s jaw. "Okay?"

Soft groan. "Okay."

As Alex started to move away, Mulder’s hand clenched in the front of his shirt, pulling him back for one more long kiss.

Once released, Alex straightened his shirt and cleared his throat. "Let’s get cooking," he breathed only inches from Fox’s lips.

"Just what I was thinking."

Alex displayed a flash of white teeth. "Uh, we’ve got a starving woman out there. Get your mind out of the gutter."

Mulder grinned back, rubbing the pad of his thumb across his lover’s bottom lip. "But then yours will be so lonely..."

Scully rolled her eyes and slipped quietly back into the living room.

God, I’m never going to eat.

11:08 a.m.

The kitchen door swung open and Alex smiled at Scully. "Breakfast in five minutes."

She studied him from the sofa, shaking her head. "You’re good, you know that?"

He let the door swing shut and walked toward her. "What do you mean?"

"I caught some of that, between you and Mulder." She gave him a thin smile. "The way you play him...I wish I had you with us on some of the cases that I wanted to drag him away from."

Alex hitched his hands low on his hips and looked toward the floor. "You realize don’t you, that it’s not at all one-sided." He looked back over at her. "He can and does do the same thing to me."

"Oh Alex, I hope you didn’t think I was being judgmental. I’m just amazed, that’s all. I’ve never seen Mulder so easily...tamed."

"Believe me Scully, when he wants to be stubborn about something, no amount of coaxing is going to change his mind. He’s still the same pigheaded pain in the ass that you’ve always known. I haven’t changed him. I wouldn’t want to."

"But you’ve definitely brought a side out of him I’ve never seen. I can see it whenever he looks at you. Soft. Open and completely unguarded. He’s so vulnerable."

"That’s not concern I hear in your voice, is it Scully?"

Scully smiled and lowered her head. "No... I’m just making an observation."

Mulder’s voice bellowed from the kitchen. "Let’s go, before this gets cold!"

Alex laughed and motioned to Scully. "We’d better get in there before the chef throws a tantrum."

Scully rose and as she passed Alex, he caught her gently by her arm. He looked down at her with earnest eyes. "I love him with my whole heart and soul and I’ll protect him to my dying breath."

Bright blue eyes met his. "I know."

Breakfast was a jovial event. Laughing and teasing. Light conversation. Talk of work and family kept to a bare minimum. When they were finished and the kitchen was again restored to its original pristine condition, the three set out for town. They returned hours later, both men exhausted and loaded down with bags containing Scully’s purchases.

"God, Scully." Mulder dropped the bags down onto the sofa. "Remind me to never go shopping with you, again."

Alex sank down, bags and all, to the floor and closed his eyes. Mulder peered at him from the sofa. "Look what you did to him, Scully. Alex? You okay?"

No answer.

"Alex?" Mulder burrowed from under the bags and dropped to the floor. He crawled over and dug Alex out of the pile and cradled his head in his lap. "You killed him, Scully. Are you happy?"

Scully started to gather up her bags from the sofa. "Oh, you two are such wusses. I’ll take this stuff upstairs myself. Wouldn’t want either of you to get a hangnail or something."

As Mulder watched her ascend the stairs, a hand came up around his neck and pulled him down for a long kiss. Alex released him after a few seconds and he gasped in mock surprise.

"He’s alive! Thank you, God!"

Alex laughed softly. "Barely. Jesus, Fox. How does she move so fast? She’s so....little."

"Don’t let her hear you say that. What do you say we help her get the rest of this stuff upstairs? She’s already called us a couple of wusses, God knows what else she’ll say if we let her take all these bags up by herself."

Alex rolled his eyes then raised himself off the floor and the comfortable cushion of Mulder’s lap. He held out his hand and helped the other man up. They gathered up the last of the bags and headed for the stairs.

11:45 p.m.

Mulder sat quietly with his back to the sofa. Alex lay on his back, by his lover’s hip, facing him, legs draped over the seat cushions. Their fingers intertwined. Alex pulled Mulder’s arm toward him and looked at his watch.

"Fifteen minutes."

Mulder gave a hint of a smile but said nothing.

"Scully had a good time today, huh?"

"Yeah. It’s no wonder she dropped off at ten. She didn’t stop moving for a minute, did she?"

Alex shook his head. "I don’t think so...most of the day was a blur." He stared intently. "I’m glad she went to bed early. I wanted to be alone with you at midnight." Mulder met his warm gaze and kissed his hand. Alex went on. "Our first Christmas together."


"Nine minutes."

Mulder closed one eye. "You were the type of kid who drove your parents crazy at Christmas, weren’t you?"

"What do you mean?"

"Looking in closets, under beds...begging them to let you open one gift on Christmas Eve... up at the crack of dawn on Christmas Day..."

Alex looked away and suppressed a grin. "And what if I was? You mean you weren’t?"


"You never got excited about Christmas?"

"I wouldn’t say that, it was just sort of a quiet excitement. And that was only till I was eleven. After that..." His voice trailed off and his eyes dropped to the floor.


He looked back at Alex.

"Good Christmases from now on."

The smile came back to Mulder’s eyes. He nodded and brought Alex’s hand to his cheek.

Tuesday, 12:00 a.m.

"Guess what?"


Alex drew himself up and came face to face with Mulder.

"It’s midnight." He touched the lightly stubbled chin with two fingers. "Merry Christmas, lisa."

A slow smile graced Fox’s lips as Alex moved in for a lingering kiss. They parted long enough for Alex to hear his lover’s whispered, "I love you." They kissed again. And once more, before Alex produced a small package from seemingly nowhere. Wrapped in a flat, rich gold paper and adorned with shimmering gold ribbons, it was so beautiful, Mulder almost hated the thought of opening it. He wanted to preserve this moment, this precise moment, forever. Freeze it. Suspend it in time and never let it go. Alex’s voice jerked him back into the here and now. "Before you open this, can I explain it to you?"

Mulder regarded his vaguely nervous expression. "Sure."

"I uh..." he twisted the little box around in his fingers repeatedly as he spoke. "I changed my mind about half a dozen times before I decided to go with my first instinct and get this. It’s not what it first looks like. Not actually, though it is a symbol of my love and commitment to you."

Mulder’s brow wrinkled in mild confusion.

"You know, it’s funny. I’d convinced myself that this was the thing to do and I was fine with it...right up until the second I pulled it from my pocket. Now all of a sudden, I don’t know." He looked up at Fox, then averted his eyes. "Maybe I should just shut up and let you open it...maybe I should take it back without you ever having seen it and get something else..."

"Alex. This is a gift from your heart. How can I not love it?"

Alex hesitated, then held the package out in the palm of his hand and let Mulder take it. His hand closed into a fist and dropped slowly to the floor.

Mulder carefully unwrapped the black velvet box and set the paper aside. He looked up at Alex, who sat looking more nervous than he’d ever seen him. He studied Alex for a moment, then smiled and opened the box. The smile fell slowly from his face and Alex’s heart sank.

"I’m sorry, Fox. I didn’t...I..."

Mulder looked up sharply. "Why would you be sorry?" he whispered. "Alex, it’s beautiful. I only wish I’d thought of it."

"You really wouldn’t mind wearing it?"

"I’d love to wear it."

Alex took the simple gold band from its resting place.

"It doesn’t, you know, go on your left hand. You wear it on the right."

Mulder nodded. "Well, that’ll save a lot of questions and odd looks..."

"Oh, and there’s one more thing." He tipped the ring to the light and directed Mulder to the inside of the band.

Mulder read the inscription silently at first, then closed his eyes and repeated it. "Only you. All my love, Alex." He opened his eyes and met those of his lover. He started to laugh softly.

Alex smiled. "What?"

Mulder lowered his head. "You’ll see...I love it, Alex. And I love you and it would make me happier than I can say to wear this."

"Really? I mean, really? I thought it might seem a little too possessive. I thought it might seem like I’m putting my brand on you."

"I don’t think there’s any doubt that it’s possessive." He stroked Alex’s chin. "But I am yours. And perfectly content to be so." He leaned forward and rested his forehead against the younger man’s. And I like the idea of being branded."

Alex smiled his relief. "God, I love you." He placed the band on Mulder’s right ring finger and kissed him deeply. "I wish I could find a way to express to you how much."

"You do, Alex. Every day." Mulder pulled a flat, silver wrapped box out from under the sofa and held it out. "Your turn."

Alex gingerly took the package from Mulder’s hand and tore the wrapping off. Mulder watched his hands as they opened the lid, then looked up to his face which had lit up with joy. Bright green eyes turned up to him.

"Is this what all that concern about my watch was?"

"I just found it sort of ironic."

Alex lifted the watch out of the box. "It’s beautiful!"

"And practical. You don’t have to save it just for dress occasions. It’s an everyday watch."

"Thank you, baby. I love it."

Mulder smirked. "And like you..." He turned the watch over in Alex’s palm.

Alex read the inscription, his voice catching halfway through. He turned glistening eyes up to Fox. His mouth opened then closed. He looked quickly back down to the watch, blinking rapidly. Mulder’s fingers brushed his cheekbone. That brief caress was enough to release the tears that Alex had fought so hard to suppress.


Alex met his gaze momentarily, then leaned forward into his chest. Mulder wrapped him in his arms and rocked him gently, kissing the top of his head and brushing the tears away as they silently fell.

"Sorry," Alex croaked when he’d composed himself, finally. "Hearing things like that is one thing, but I guess seeing it, really drove it home."

Mulder smiled and kissed one tear-stained cheek. "Gee, I don’t know if I should show you the rest, now."

"The...the rest?"

Mulder shrugged one shoulder. "That morning after the beach...while I was watching you sleep...these words started running through my head. I wrote them down later."

"I don’t think I understand."

"It’s kind of a...a poem." He touched his finger to the back of the watch. "That’s where this line came from."

"Really? There’s more?"


"I want to see it."

Mulder studied him for a moment, then picked up the box. He pulled the bed out and removed a piece of paper, folded in four. He handed it to Alex, who unfolded the paper and began to read.

"For my Alexei..." The glint returned to his eyes. He read the whole poem silently and when he was done, lowered his hand slowly to his lap and closed his eyes. Mulder strained to hear his words.

"This is for me?" Sparkling green eyes focused on purest amber.

Mulder nodded. "I used to write in college. The stuff was corny then...I don’t know. Probably still is."

"Are you kidding? This is exquisite, Fox. And you wrote it for me?"

"You really like it?"

Alex hesitated, trying to find the words. He lifted the watch to Mulder’s eyes. "I love this, lisa. I’ll treasure it always." Mulder took the watch from his hand and fastened it around his wrist as he spoke. "But would you understand if I told you that this," he held up the sheet of paper, "means more to me than any material gift you could give me?"

Mulder held on to Alex’s hand, rubbing his palm across his knuckles. A soft smile curved his lips. "Why?"

"Because... it’s... you. Your feelings... your love. You’ve given me your soul in this."

Mulder skimmed Alex’s lips with his fingertips. "I gave you my soul a long time ago, Alexei." Alex stared in silence. The older man grasped his upper arm and pulled, motioning at the same time with a flick of his head. "Come here."

Alex shifted and ended up on his knees, straddling Mulder’s thighs. Mulder slouched down, resting his head back against the seat cushions of the sofa. He reached up and caressed the length of his lover’s arms. Once his hands reached Alex’s shoulders, they stopped. His thumbs brushed back and forth against the light material of his shirt. Alex touched a fingertip to his cheek then drew it down and across his lower lip. Mulder fought against the desire that threatened to close his eyes. He wanted to lose himself in that incredible sea of green. He needed to.

Alex lowered himself onto Fox’s thighs, his legs folded under him. The long, slender fingers left his shoulders and reverently skimmed the planes and contours of his face. Traced the outline of his jaw. Slid down the column of his throat, until they reached the first button of his shirt.

12:40 a.m.

Scully rolled onto her back for the fourth time. As lovely as this place was and as comfortable as this bed was, it wasn’t her own. Happened every time they were away on a case, too. She’d wake up several times during the night and usually need at least three cups of coffee in the morning before she started to feel alive, again.

She sat up.

But there was a difference. In those cheap motels, she couldn’t just go on downstairs and get herself a glass of warm milk. For her, a sure-fire insomnia cure.

She slipped out of bed and padded quietly out of the room. As she approached the top of the stairs, she could see that it wasn’t entirely dark on the first floor. She listened for sound but could detect none. She advanced slowly down the stairs and stopped, frozen before she got halfway down. Quickly retreating up one step, she paused, waiting and wondering if they’d seen her.

No response from the living room.

Of course not.

Feeling deeply ashamed but unable to stop herself, she sat carefully on the stairs and peeked down at the two men below her.

The fifth button on Alex’s shirt gave and Fox’s hands slipped inside to stroke the heated skin. The younger man’s head tipped back slightly and a soft hiss escaped his parted lips. Knowing fingers found his nipples and gently teased them into tight buds.

Alex’s head rolled forward and he looked down at the man he loved more than life. Luminescent eyes stared up at him. Absurdly beautiful lips parted only enough to give him a small hint of gleaming white behind them. He needed that mouth on him. More than he needed to breathe. He slipped his hand under his lover’s head and leaned forward until their lips met. Softly. Tenderly. For tonight at least, each man leashed his feral instinct and gave himself up to the sweetness of loving and being loved.

Alex’s mouth moved against the other man’s at an excruciatingly slow pace. His tongue dipped into the warmth inside, tasting and teasing, drawing the softest of whimpers from the constricted throat. As he continued the sensual assault on his Fox’s mouth, his hands traveled down to the front of the older man’s shirt and undid the buttons. Having accomplished that, he slid the shirt from Fox’s shoulders. Reluctantly, he broke the kiss to finish removing the garment and his lover took the opportunity to reciprocate. When both shirts lay together on the floor, Alex returned to his previous activity.

Scully watched, frozen in the shadows. She knew she should leave. Turn quietly and go back the way she came, but try as she might, she could not get her legs to cooperate. Nor her eyes. They remained glued on the two below. The way they touched each other. The soft sounds they made. The graceful movement of their bodies. Beautiful. She couldn’t believe she was thinking it, but she was. They were...beautiful. And she was entranced.


Alex’s skin seared Mulder’s fingertips as they traveled over the younger man’s back


The muscles rippled under his hands with each caress. His hands stroked downward, passing over the various scars along the way. He’d never asked Alex about them. He guessed he was afraid to. It wasn’t like him, but he didn’t feel that he was strong enough to handle the painful explanations that would have accompanied each one. Maybe someday.

His hands reached the waistband of the olive-colored pants and he’d decided that there was just too damn much material between them. His hands moved to the front and with Alex’s mouth still teasing his, he undid the button and wrestled the zipper down. His palms slid up under the younger man’s ribs and pushed upward, silently instructing him to stand. Mulder rose to his knees in front of him.

The woman hidden away on the stairs, held her breath. Again, she willed herself to leave, but to no avail. She watched transfixed, as her partner slowly pulled his lover’s pants and underwear down and off.

Whoa. Very nice. Oh God, what the hell are you saying? Come on Dana, this isn’t right and you know it. Go!

She remained motionless, hand raised to her mouth as Mulder’s hands skimmed up the back of Alex’s legs and came to rest on the curved muscle of his buttocks. He moved forward slowly. Scully stifled a gasp as she saw his tongue inch out and graze the underside of the other man’s cock.

Alex’s hands clasped gently in Fox’s hair and his eyelids fluttered then closed. Mulder reached the head and lapped gingerly at the glistening tip, sending shudders through the grateful recipient of his attentions. His hands began to move, caressing and gently kneading the tight flesh beneath them, even as his mouth opened to receive the full length of Alex’s cock.

Scully felt a surge of electricity shoot through her body, ricocheting off every major organ and pooling low in her belly as she watched Mulder swallow what looked from her vantage point to be a pretty damned impressive erection.

Damn. Get a lot of practice, Mulder?

She heard the soft hiss of air as Alex inhaled sharply. Saw his face contort into a mask of pleasure as Mulder’s mouth slid back and forth along his glistening shaft. Felt the tingles increase in her own body.


Oh God, tingles of what?


Admittedly...yes. God.


Okay, yeah. That too.


No... he was her best friend. Closer to her than either of her brothers, for goodness sake. She was happy for him. He’d finally found what he’d been needing for a very long time and... shit. Yes, she was jealous. Not the ‘he should be mine, not yours’ kind of jealous. It was more the ‘Oh God, why can’t I find a man who’ll worship me like that’ kind of jealous.

Movement from down below, refocused her attention.

Mulder’s mouth had left Alex’s cock and he was being gently pushed back to the floor, against the sofa. Alex kneeled beside him and stripped him of the rest of his clothing. He stretched out in front of Mulder, between his parted thighs and unceremoniously sucked the rigid cock down his throat.

Mulder’s hips bucked up off the floor, pushing more of himself into the younger man’s mouth. Alex moaned softly and encouraged him to repeat the action. Soon, he was thrusting upward in a slow rhythm, making love to Alex’s mouth. His head rolled slowly, from side to side on the cushion and his fingers curled in the soft dark hair. There was no sound, but the woman watching from above was sure that he’d mouthed the word ‘baby’ at least twice in his obvious delirium. He began to thrust a little faster and Alex had to make the decision to pull away.

Fox lifted his head a fraction off the cushion as Alex pulled himself back into a sitting position, straddling his thighs. Alex looked down into his lover’s face. Desire burned in the dark depths of his eyes. His mouth, swollen and moist, begged to be kissed. Alex lowered his head and took his Fox’s lips gently, feasting on their sweetness and reveling in the soft moans that filled his mouth.

Fox’s hands skimmed his lover’s back as they kissed endlessly. He was drowning in pleasure and the thought that this night would sooner or later have to come to an end, as mind-shattering as that ending might be, slowed his movements.

Alex pulled away and looked down at him in mild confusion. Now green eyes, dilated to near blackness, stared back, asking for understanding. His hand rose to the younger man’s face, stroking the stubbled cheek, slowly. Alex took hold of the hand and pressed a kiss into the palm. His tongue inched out, tickling the sensitive skin. He carefully licked the underside of each finger, then took two of them into his mouth. Fox’s eyes slid closed and a soft sigh tumbled from his lips.

The undetected guest at the top of the stairs bit down gently on the tip of her baby finger. She pushed it into her mouth and ran her tongue over the surface of it. Nothing. What was so damn erotic about that? Had to be something, because Mulder looked like he was gone.

Probably feels a lot better if someone else is doing it to you...and you’re naked...

Alex released Fox’s fingers and again looked down at him. Fox’s eyelids fluttered and opened. He reached up and, wrapping his arms around the other man’s neck, pulled him down into a tender embrace. They stayed quietly entwined in each other’s arms for a few moments, then Mulder began to move, nuzzling Alex’s face, kissing and licking the roughened skin. He moved up to his ear, nipping gently at the lobe, delighting in the clink of the earring against his teeth.

Alex massaged Mulder’s back slowly, thoroughly enjoying the way the muscles bunched and relaxed under his touch. He smiled into the golden-brown hair. He couldn’t ever be thankful enough, he thought, for being allowed another chance at happiness with his beautiful Fox. He’d always...

He froze for a moment, prompting Mulder to release his ear and whisper into it.

"Sweetheart? What is it?"

He narrowed his eyes, squinting at the stairs. He could have sworn he saw movement, but now he wasn’t so sure.

"Nothing," he whispered back.

Mulder pulled back to look at him. "You tensed up."

"I know. I just... I thought I heard something."

"I didn’t hear anything."

"Yeah. Must’ve been my imagination."

Mulder nodded and planted a string of light kisses across his chest.


Mulder’s lips latched onto a nipple and sucked gently. Alex’s eyes closed.

"God, that’s good, baby..."

Scully was trapped. She couldn’t leave now, Alex would be more alert now, to sound and/or movement. All she could do was stay there and wait for her chance to escape. And hell, while she was waiting... she lowered her head a fraction and once more observed the men below.

I can’t believe I’m doing this, I can not believe I’m doing this...

Mulder flicked at the hard brown peak with his tongue, bringing a low moan from the man in his arms.

"Lisa," Alex whimpered. "Please..."

Mulder closed his teeth around the nipple and pulled gently.

"I’m begging you..."

"Aw, Alex. You know I can’t resist it when you beg," Fox whispered softly, as he lifted Alex a bit. He grasped his cock by the base and directed it between his lover’s rounded cheeks. Alex took it from there, lowering himself onto the hard shaft. When Fox was fully embedded in him, he placed a hand at either side of Alex’s hips and held him motionless. Alex understood and remained absolutely still. After a few seconds, Fox reached up and caressed his cheek.

"It’s an incredible feeling."

Alex nodded slowly. "Can I move?"

"Yeah. Easy, though."

Ever so carefully, Alex’s hips began to rock. His contracting muscles squeezed and caressed the presence inside him.

Fox threw his head back and moaned softly. "Easy, baby..."

Alex stopped, allowing Fox to regain some of his composure before continuing on. "Is that okay?" he asked, moving at a snail’s pace.

"Yeah," Mulder breathed. "Mmmmmmmm...perfect. Just like that, Alex. Just like...that."

Alex’s lips claimed Fox’s in a long, stunning kiss as he continued to move against him. The feel of his lover’s lips devouring his own, took Mulder right to the edge. He twisted away from Alex’s mouth, panting and grimacing.

"I know, lisa. I can’t wait any more, either. Please say it’s okay."

Fox closed and opened his eyes. Fixing a heavy-lidded stare on Alex, he dropped his hand to the younger man’s cock.

Alex swallowed a gasp and began to move faster, even as Fox’s hand established an identical rhythm.

A small squeak came from the direction of the stairs, but neither man heard it. The island could have slipped into the ocean and they never would have known. All that existed for them was this moment and each other.

Alex glided up and down on his lover’s cock, tightening his muscles on every upstroke. Mulder worked Alex’s straining erection, pulling moan after anguished moan from his partner.


"I know, baby...I know...let it go." His hand moved faster and his hips thrust upward, burying himself in Alex’s heat, time and again.

Their climax hit with hurricane force, pushing both men into that familiar realm of madness. Choking sobs emitted from both throats as they held tightly to each other, shivering with each aftershock, then finally settling into a sweet, purring silence.

Scully should have gone during all the noise, but she was glued to the spot in which she sat, witnessing the most profoundly erotic thing she’d ever seen. Still in a daze, she made her way slowly back up the steps and to her room.

Alex’s eyes drifted open. Just in time, as it turned out, to see that moving shadow again on the stairs. He stayed, draped over his lover’s shoulder, watching until it disappeared. He smiled softly and closed his eyes.

10:43 a.m.

"Thought you would have been up long before us." Mulder stood and gave Scully a bear hug. "Merry Christmas, Scully."

Scully’s lips trembled into a smile. She glanced away from Mulder’s face, rested her gaze briefly on Alex’s, then flitted away. "Merry Christmas, guys."

Alex sent her a secretive smile and nodded his acknowledgment.

Fox and Alex chattered all through breakfast, arguing about when and how they should prepare Christmas dinner. Having insisted on Marie taking a few days off, they had left themselves to deal with the cooking, which was fine, but with Mulder wanting to help, Alex had found himself wishing the housekeeper had insisted on staying.

Scully remained quiet, smiling occasionally at this remark or that, but contributed little or nothing overall, to the conversation. Alex observed her closely, more and more sure that she had been on the stairs this morning, watching them. He wouldn’t say anything, she was obviously embarrassed enough without ever having known that she’d been discovered. He guessed it was up to him somehow, to make her feel better without clueing her in.

They finished breakfast, then exchanged gifts. Scully brightened considerably when she’d opened her bracelet, then the earrings. After thanking Mulder profusely, she turned to Alex.

"These are beautiful," she said, trying to keep her eyes from falling away from his. "And such a surprise."

"We’ve come a long way, don’t you think?"

Scully nodded. "I’m glad we were able to become friends."

Mulder watched happily as the two people he loved most in the world, shared an embrace. Scully pulled away and cleared her throat.

"Well. Now. I’ve got something for you two." She moved away from Alex and produced a single package. "This is only one piece of a set. No sense in lugging it all here, just for you to have to lug it all back. Who wants to open it?"

Mulder nodded to Alex. "Go ahead. You’re closer."

Alex unwrapped the box containing the heavy stainless steel frying pan. He looked up at Scully and Mulder and laughed. "This is great! And it’s part of a set?"

"Yeah. Pans, cutlery, yadda yadda. I know that this guy has only got the bare minimum and now that there are the two of you, I figured you could use it."

"Yeah, we sure could. It’s not easy to cook with the stuff he’s got. Thanks, Scully." v Mulder stepped forward and gave her a hug. "Yeah, thank you. Hey, maybe now I’ll even take an interest in cooking."

Alex and Scully shot each other a look.

"Don’t look at each other like that. I can learn to cook. Wasn’t my French toast good?"

"Yeah Mulder, it was. But it was French toast...and Alex was there to keep it from turning into a disaster."

"Okay. Fine. "I’ll bet you that by Easter, I’ll have mastered at least ten different dishes."

Scully laughed. "Oh, I’ll have to take that bet."

Alex raised an eyebrow. "How are you going to learn ten dishes in the next three months?"

"You’re going to help me," Mulder said matter-of-factly.

"Ohhhh no, I’m not."

"Oh yes you are."

"Oh no, I’m not."

Mulder smiled and nodded as he sidled over to Alex.

"No," Alex insisted as he approached. "No, no, n...m-mmmm....."

Mulder draped his arms around the younger man’s shoulders and nuzzled his neck. "Alexei," he moaned into Alex’s ear.


A twinge of guilt ran through Scully as she watched her partner coax and tease his lover.


"Fox...come on, stop that...we’ll...we’ll end up wanting to k...kill each other..."

"No we won’t." Mulder closed his teeth on the silver hoop and pulled.

Scully drew a quick breath and backed into the sofa. She dropped onto it with a soft thud.

"Okay... ah... okay. I’ll help you. Now..." He grabbed a handful of hair and pulled Mulder away from his ear. "Behave yourself." He glanced pointedly over at Scully.

Mulder looked over at his partner whose face was almost as red as her hair. "Uh...sorry, Scully."

Scully waved at them. "No! Listen, it’s okay. You don’t have to worry about me. You guys have been through so much. It’s only natural I guess, that you can’t keep your hands off of each other. I’ll get used to it." She fidgeted under Alex’s intent stare, then looked away. "Well! I guess we’d better get this stuff picked up and start thinking about preparing dinner, huh?"

Mulder gave Alex a curious look. Receiving only a patient smile in return, he moved to help Scully clear the wrappings and boxes away.

"I’ll go and start getting things set up in the kitchen," Alex stated, then moved off in that direction.

When the two remaining had finished picking up the living room, Mulder came to stand in front of Scully.

"Can I ask you a question, Scully?"

"Hmm? Oh, sure."

"You made mention of Alex and me not being able to keep our hands off each other..."

She gave him an uneasy smile. "Yeah."

"You and I haven’t really discussed my condition. How did you know..."

"Oh! The first night I was here, Alex and I went out for a walk after you’d fallen asleep on the couch. We talked."

"I didn’t know that."

"You were dead to the world. We went for a walk down on the beach and I asked him to update me on your progress."

"Did he tell you what a miserable pain in the ass I’d been?"

Scully lowered her lashes and said nothing.

"It’s okay if he told you....I almost blew it completely, Scully."

"But you didn’t. And everything worked out for the best. And he loves you, you dummy. He’d never see you as a pain in the ass."

Mulder laughed softly. "Are you kidding? He’ll tell me right to my face."

Scully scowled at him.

"It’s okay, he means it affectionately. Scully, I hope that..." he flicked his hand back and forth in front of him, "what happened a little while ago, didn’t make you too uncomfortable. It’s just that...I have such a hard time being near him and not touching him."

"It’s okay, really. Don’t hold back on my account. He’s part of your life and I just have to get used to him being there. You can’t tip toe around me all the time. I wouldn’t want you to."

Mulder nodded. "Thanks, Scully."

"Come on, let’s go see what we can do to help him with dinner."

7:23 p.m.

Scully lounged in an oversized chaise on the first floor veranda. Mulder dropped into one a few feet away.

"I’m stuffed," she complained good-naturedly. "I couldn’t move if I wanted to." She looked up to the man who’d just appeared in the doorway with a bottle of wine and glasses. "Alex, that was delicious."

Alex shrugged and set the items down on a nearby table. "You guys helped."

"Yeah, we shagged for you and mixed and chopped, but you did all the real cooking."

Alex said nothing as he opened the bottle and poured, handing Scully the first glass. He picked up the last two glasses, handed one to Mulder, then moved to take a seat on the third of the four lounge chairs, but found his wrist shackled by Mulder’s hand. The older man spread his legs, planting one foot on the tiled floor and tugged gently, drawing Alex down onto his chaise. He pulled his lover back against his chest and wrapped one arm around him. Alex reclined, stiffly at first, but Fox’s caressing hand and gentle lips in his hair, soon relaxed him.

A tiny smile crossed Scully’s lips and she glanced hastily out to the water. "I’ve always found the sound of the ocean to be very soothing."

A dark glint became visible beneath Alex’s eyelashes. "Mmm hmm. Too bad we missed the sunset. It’s spectacular, huh, lisa?"

Mulder rubbed his cheek into the soft hair beneath him. "Yeah."

Scully looked back over to the men and did a double-take. "Hey. Is that your new watch?"

Alex shifted his head in Scully’s direction and raised his eyebrows.

"He called me and told me about it."

"Ah." Alex set his glass down on the table between them and stretched his arm across the short distance so Scully could inspect the watch.

"Very nice...and since I’m being nosy," she directed her conversation to Mulder. "What’d you get?"

Alex twined the fingers of his right hand with Mulder’s and pulled it toward her. Scully’s eyes grew wide then her composure was quickly back in place.

" what does...I mean...does it mean..." She didn’t know how to ask.

Mulder smiled indulgently and let Alex answer.

"It simply means that I love him madly," he raised Mulder’s hand to his lips, "I’m completely committed to him, and this a symbol of that."

She breathed a visible sigh of relief then laughed nervously. "Thank God. I thought for a minute there, you guys were going to want to take me shopping for a bridesmaid’s dress or something."

Alex threw his head back against Mulder’s chest and let out a loud bark of laughter.

Mulder turned to her. His tone never rose above that usual Mulder monotone but his eyes glinted with restrained humor. "Hey, do you think that Skinner would give me away?"

Alex nearly spit out his wine. Scully’s eyes widened in horror.

"Oh God, Mulder! Don’t even joke about that!"

Mulder smiled and shrugged then changed the subject. "Well. Who thinks I’ve beaten around the bush long enough?

Scully gave him a confused look. "Huh?"

"My mother. I haven’t called her yet today."

Alex tilted his head back so that their eyes met. "Well, if you’re going to, you’d better hurry up before it gets too late."

Mulder drew a deep breath and let it out. "Yeah... where’s the phone?"

"Inside. I’ll get it."

Scully watched Alex disappear into the house, then turned to Mulder. "You want a little privacy?"

"No. I expect it’ll be a very short conversation."

"Maybe not." Alex reappeared and handed the phone to Mulder. He perched on the edge of the chaise and rubbed Mulder’s shin.

Mulder looked at the phone for a full minute at least, before dialing. A few seconds later, he spoke into the mouthpiece.

"Mom? It’s me. Merry Christmas..........did...did you have a good day? .........that’s have you been? Good......y-yeah. I’ll...huh? Oh. Okay. Sorry, I didn’t mean to disturb you. Tell Aunt Greta I said hi. Okay, bye...." He flinched every so slightly at the soft click. "...Mom."

Alex and Scully glanced at each other, then Alex spoke.

"So, she’s got company."

Mulder stared down at the phone. "Yeah., she couldn’t talk. Didn’t want to be rude to my aunt." He raised and lowered his eyebrows and set the phone down on the table.

"Sorry, Mulder."

"I really didn’t expect much more." He looked at Scully, then glanced away and said softly, "She didn’t even ask how I was."

Alex lowered his head and his leg bounced up and down. Scully watched him closely. Mulder had been hurt and he was pissed.

It was easy with the guy who’d shot Mulder. Alex simply hunted the fucker down and killed him. But this was his mother. She’d coldly dismissed her only remaining child and there was nothing Alex could do... and Scully could see that it was eating the shit out of him.

Alex took a deep breath, pushed all his anger to one side, and looked up at Fox. "You okay?"

His eyes remained focused on the space between them. "Yeah...yeah. Fine."


Green eyes flecked with gold rose. Mulder pitched forward, and closing his fingers around Alex’s forearm, he pulled until the younger man was once again resting against him, wrapped in his arms. He buried his face in Alex’s hair and closed his eyes. Alex tugged on the sleeve of Mulder’s shirt.


Mulder didn’t answer. He merely turned his face to the side and rested his cheek on Alex’s head.

Scully wondered if Alex knew that right now, Mulder needed him there, needed his presence and his comfort, but was in no frame of mind to talk. She’d learned from her years with the man, that there was a time to talk and a time to just shut up and be there.

Alex knew. He turned onto his side and burrowed his face in Mulder’s shirt, letting the other man hold him tightly.

Mulder sat quietly, stroking Alex’s back, drawing on his warmth. Long minutes later, he turned his eyes to Scully. She felt his gaze on her and turned to meet it. He was coming back. The cloud was clearing from his eyes. He treated her to a tiny smile. She smiled back.


She’d never seen him snap out of a brooding session so quickly, especially if his mother had been the cause. All this time, it had been as simple as that. Too bad they’d both spent the last few years wanting to kill Alex. He could have made her life so much simpler.

Her smile turned into a wide grin, and she lowered her head.

Alex opened his eyes and looked up when Fox decided to speak.

"How about we take you out tomorrow night, Scully?"


Mulder tapped Alex’s back. "Want to take her to that club we went to the other night?"

"Sure." He directed his conversation at Scully. "Do you mind loud music?"

"Not if it’s good."

"Depends on what you call good."

"Just about anything except for country and heavy metal."

"You’ll like it, then."

"Okay, then. You got a date."

Two hours and the entire bottle of wine later, Scully stifled a yawn. "Well guys, I think it’s time I turned in." She rose from the chaise and looked down at the two still snuggled together. "You going to bed?"

Fox looked down, reading Alex’s eyes. "No, not just yet."

Scully felt a tingle go through her. She had a pretty good idea what that look meant. "O-okay, then. Goodnight."

Alex tried to disguise the smirk. "Goodnight, Scully."

When she was gone, Fox slipped a hand under Alex’s chin and lifted until he could see green. "What was that?"

"What was what?"

"That look."

Alex stretched up for a kiss. "I think she saw us."

Mulder’s brow wrinkled in confusion. "What are you talking about?"

"This morning," he whispered.

"This....nooo. Why do you say that?"

"Remember when you asked me what was wrong and I told you I thought I’d heard something?"

"Yeah. If you thought Scully had..."

Alex interrupted him. "What would you have done if I told you that Scully was watching us from the stairs?"

Mulder opened and closed his mouth without having answered.

"Right. That would have been the end of it. And there was no way in hell I was going to let you stop."

"But Alex....if she was watching us..."

"She’d been there for a while, Fox. I’d bet money on it."

Mulder shook his head. "I can’t believe that Scully would..."

"Why not?" He licked the underside of Mulder’s jaw. "I bet we’re real pretty to watch."

Soft moan. "Jesus, Alex."

White teeth clamped down gently on his lower lip then released. "Didn’t you notice that she was a little on edge this morning? She was feeling guilty as hell."

"I don’t know..."

"Face it, Fox. Your prim and proper little partner is a voyeur at heart."

Mulder fell silent.

"Does it bother you very much, knowing that we may have been watched?"

"I don’t...I..."

"Think about it," Alex coaxed. "Scully obviously got a thrill out of it, or she wouldn’t have stayed there and watched."

"I guess, but..."

Alex grinned, nuzzling Fox’s neck. "I know it’s probably a bit of a surprise. It’s something you never would have expected of your partner, but she could certainly say the same of you, about a lot of things."

Mulder laughed softly. "You’re right about that." He cupped the back of Alex’s head and swooped down for a hard kiss.

Alex could feel the familiar coiling in his stomach. The heaviness in his eyelids and limbs came immediately. Mulder pulled away and gave him a smoky stare.

"How about a walk?"

"On the beach?"


Alex ran a hand down his chest and skimmed lightly over the bulge at the front of his pants.

"Let’s go."

Wednesday, 7:34 p.m.

Alex stepped out of the shower and into the fluffy bath towel that was held out to him. Mulder kissed the back of his neck and began to rub the towel over his body.

"I can do this myself, you know," Alex said without much conviction.

"Humor me."

When he was dry, he was led to the sink where Mulder lathered his face and picked up a razor. He leaned back against the sink and let Mulder straddle his legs. He held perfectly still as the other man carefully shaved him.

Mulder smiled, feeling Alex’s cock hardening against his crotch.

"I’m just shaving you..."

"I know," the younger man moaned, "but it’s so damn erotic."

"Is there anything that you don’t find erotic?"

"If you’re even remotely involved? No."

Mulder grinned a particularly evil grin and drew the razor slowly down the right side of Alex’s cheek, along his jaw, then moved away to rinse. His hand came back, this time to the base of the younger man’s throat. The razor glided upward, followed by Mulder’s flicking tongue. Alex’s eyes closed and he moaned deep in his throat.

"Shhh. You gotta be still and quiet. You want me to cut you?"

Alex grasped his wrist and pulled his hand away. "How do you expect me to be quiet when you do things like that?"

"Have you no self control?"

"Not where you’re concerned, no."

Mulder’s other hand trailed up the towel-wrapped thigh. "Wish I could say that I was hold still, would you?"

"Get your hand off my cock and I’ll think about it."

"Huh? Oh, sorry. Just has a mind of its own, sometimes."

"Yeah. Now move it."

"You move it."


Mulder resumed his task. "What?"

Alex spoke through gritted teeth. "Your hand."

"Don’t be such a wuss." His hand stroked the bulge in the towel, gently as he drew the razor up Alex’s throat.

Alex’s eyes squeezed shut and he held his breath. His cock seemed to grow harder with every feathery touch.

"Relax...this’ll be a lot easier if you’re not so tense."

"This’ll be a lot easier if you’d just shave me."

"I am shaving you."

"Without the extras.

Mulder removed his hand from Alex’s crotch. "Can’t take the heat, huh Krycek?"

Alex gave him a mock glare. "I got your heat."

Mulder gave him a rather odd little smile, then resumed the shave.

"Head back."

Alex’s head tipped, responding to the light touch of fingers under his chin. Mulder continued to shave him slowly, stopping to tease him every so often.

Mission finally accomplished, they moved into the bedroom. As Alex pulled some clothes from the closet, Mulder’s hand appeared in front of his face. An all-too familiar object dangled from his fingers.

"Uh. What’s that?"

"You mean you don’t remember?"

Alex’s voice came out in a tiny squeak. "Remember what?"

Mulder swung the leather strapping in front of his eyes. "That it’s your turn."

"Oh. Uh. know, I...I would, but ummm....Scully! Uh, Scully’s coming with us and, you know..."

"No, I don’t know. So what, if she’s coming with us? It’s not like it’s something she’s going to see."

"Yeah, but she’ll know something’s up. I mean, look at what happened to you."

"What happened to me?"

"You got all....goofy."

Mulder quirked an eyebrow. "Goofy?"

"Well okay, that was a bad choice of words, but you know what I mean."

"Not a clue."

"You were all over me, Fox. The way you looked, the way you moved. Everything about you screamed, ‘fuck me.’"

He wouldn’t argue with that statement.

"So what makes you think you’ll be the same?"

"Because you and I are alike in as many ways as we are different. The same things excite me that do you, and wearing this thing all night....having you touch me and thinking about what you’re going to do to me when we get back here will drive me out of my mind. Tell me that isn’t what happened with you."

Fox smiled. "Can’t."


He wrapped his fingers around Alex’s half erect cock and pulled gently, bringing the still naked man closer. He began fastening the leather binding into place, securing it snugly.

Alex winced and moaned. "I guess your mind is pretty much made up..."


When Mulder had him bound in exactly the same way he had been just a few nights before, he allowed Alex to get dressed.

"Umm..." Alex squeezed his eyes shut and opened them. "I think I’m going to need a little help here. My brain seems to have turned to mush."

Mulder laughed. "Okay, so maybe you are going to react the same way I did."

He helped Alex get dressed with a minimum of teasing. He was saving that for later.

"Okay, handsome." Mulder finished buttoning Alex’s shirt and ran a hand lightly down the front of his pants. "Let’s not keep Scully waiting."

"Oh God," Alex sighed softly as he followed closely behind Mulder. "I’ve got this feeling..."

8:53 p.m.

"You look very nice." Mulder approached Scully, who was waiting for them downstairs.

"Thanks. I’m glad I packed something decent." She eyed the two men. "You two look very handsome."

Mulder smiled and held his hand out to Alex, who stepped forward to take it. Mulder pulled him tightly to his side and kissed his slightly down-turned head. He turned to Scully. "Ready?"

She glanced from one man to the other. "Yeah, I’m ready..." She followed them out the door, whispering to herself. "...I think."

9:48 p.m.

The limo ride to the club was an interesting event. Scully sat in the seat across from the two men, conversing with Mulder, who seemed very much at ease, while Alex gave a her distinctly different impression. Outwardly, he was very quiet, but the tension radiated from his body. She didn’t believe they’d argued, it wasn’t that kind of tension. When Mulder drew Alex closer to him, stroking and soothing the younger man, never missing a word of their conversation, Scully narrowed her eyes, wondering what exactly it was, that she was missing.

Upon arrival at the club, Mulder scanned the room and pointed to the corner. "Look, Alex, our table is empty." With one hand positioned high on Scully’s back and the other very low on Alex’s, he steered them through the maze of tables and people, toward their destination.

Scully slid in first, followed by Fox, then Alex. Once settled, Scully surveyed the large, multi-level room. "This is beautiful. And the music isn’t very loud."

For the first time since they’d left the house, Alex strung more than two words together. "It gets louder as the place fills up." His eyelids dropped suddenly, and the muscle in his jaw flexed as Mulder’s hand lowered unseen to his thigh and slowly stroked the length of it. He managed to compose himself, then opened his eyes and turned them to Scully. "Want a drink?"

"Sure. Uh, I don’t know...something tropical, I guess?"

Alex nodded. "Fox?" Softly, through gritted teeth.

Mulder shrugged, squeezing Alex’s thigh. "Mmmm... I think, something hard..." his hand rose higher but not high enough, "strong....Russian..." Alex’s head began to pound. "....Absolut."

Alex drew a deep, raspy breath. "Be right back."

As he started to slide out of the booth, Mulder’s hand around his arm, stopped him. "Hey."

He turned to look into smoky gold eyes.

Mulder repeatedly curled and uncurled his index finger. Alex slid back toward him and into a sizzling kiss.

Scully watched, deeply embarrassed but unable to tear her eyes away, as her partner nearly devoured his lover’s mouth. She heard Alex’s involuntary moan. Saw his tongue inch out to lap at Fox’s mouth when it withdrew. Frowned when Fox pulled away, allowing no more contact. Inwardly screamed in sympathy for Alex as he quietly removed his trembling body from the booth and walked toward the bar.

When the younger man was out of earshot, she turned on Mulder.

"What the hell was that?"

"What the hell was what?"

"What did you do to him?"

"What did I do to him?" he repeated, all wide-eyed innocence.


The pretense vanished. "Nothing he didn’t want me to do."

"You’re telling me he wants to be tormented like that?"

Mulder glanced down at the table drumming his fingers on the warm wood surface. "This might not be a conversation you want to get into, Scully."

"Well, I don’t want to pry, Mulder. Your personal life is your own."

"I don’t mind, Scully. I want you to understand Alex and me. As long as you don’t mind..."

"I find the two of you fascinating. Not in a detached, clinical sort of way...I mean from a human standpoint. It’s amazing how two people who could so easily have killed each other less than a year ago, could end up so completely devoted to each other."

Mulder nodded.

"And," she added, "I find it astounding that you, a man who’d only ever been with women and who claims to have never had a homosexual thought in his life, could be capable of what I’ve seen you do to Alex, tonight. What is the deal with that?"

Mulder smirked. "He did it to me, the other night. You know what they say about payback..."

"So this is like, a game?"

"I guess you could say that. He got me incredibly turned on, then took me out where there wasn’t a whole hell of a lot I could do about it. Then he really drove me up the walls. I warned him...tonight, it’s his turn."

"’s all a big act?"

"It may be a game, but it’s no act." He gave her a silky smile. "He’s suffering."

"And you’re enjoying it?"

"Like you wouldn’t believe."

"Doesn’t it seem just a bit cruel?"

"It’ll be worth the cruelty...and he knows it."

Scully started to smile, feeling much more relaxed about having this conversation. "Was it worth it for you?"

Mulder lowered his head and closed his eyes. "Oh, yeah. He did things to me..."

"Well... good evening."

Mulder’s head snapped up. His expression turned icy as he stared up at the man in front of them.

"Playing on the other side of the fence, are we?" he asked, tossing a careless glance in Scully’s direction.

"I thought I’d made it clear to you the other night that I was not interested."

"Oh, you did... then. But I see that you’re not with your handsome, albeit hot-tempered companion. I thought you may have had a falling out and were possibly more open to my suggestion."

Scully looked from one man to the other with interest.

Mulder smiled and replied smoothly. "Apparently, you’ve only just arrived."

"Oh, he’s here?"

"Yeah, he’s here. And I suggest you leave quickly before he comes back. You remember how upset he was the last time."

"Indeed, I do." He turned ice-blue eyes back to Scully. "Young lady, you’re very beautiful. I’m surprised that he’s allowed you to sit within a half mile of him." He nodded toward Mulder.

"Ignore him and he’ll go away." Mulder looked past the man and bolted from his seat. Scully peered around the man who stood partially blocking her view and saw Mulder, about eight feet away, palms flattened against an obviously infuriated Alex’s chest. He was talking to the younger man, trying to calm him. Scully’s eyes slid back up to the stranger, who was watching the proceedings with a satisfied smile on his face.

"Are you happy?"

He turned to face the seated woman.

"Happy?" he answered evenly. "I’m always happy."

"I don’t think you fully appreciate the seriousness of the situation you’re creating. That is not a man you really want to tick off."

He studied Scully for a moment. The angle of her head, the expression in her eyes. He decided to take her at her word. He bowed deeply and without another word, moved on. Scully watched him walk off, then turned her attention back to the two men who were now moving toward her. Mulder held tightly onto Alex’s hand as he bent over the table. Alex scanned the room with angry glittering eyes, paying no attention to what Mulder was saying to their female companion.

"Scully, will you be okay for about ten minutes? I gotta try and calm him down."

"Sure! Absolutely, don’t worry about me."

Mulder grabbed a passing waitress and ordered the drinks that Alex had left the bar without. He smiled at Scully. "Be back in a few, okay?"

"Good luck."

"Alex..." Mulder tugged at his hand. "Come on...come with me." He led his still fuming lover through the growing crowd and onto the dance floor. He pulled Alex into his arms and began to move slowly. "Relax, baby." He massaged the base of the younger man’s neck. "Look at me."

Alex’s eyes stopped darting around the room and came to rest on the tranquil hazel in front of him.

"Forget about it. The guy’s annoying but that’s all he is. He can’t touch us."

"Yeah, but..."

"But nothing. He’s a manipulative jerk who thinks that money can buy him everything he wants. You should feel sorry for him. He can surround himself with all the good-looking young men he wants and he’ll still be lonely. They won’t love him, they’ll only love his money. I..." he brushed Alex’s lips with his own, "love you."

Alex studied him for a moment, then dropped his head into the curve of his shoulder. Mulder rested his cheek against the dark head and closed his eyes as they continued to sway in time to the music.

"Now," Mulder said softly, his hand sweeping up and down Alex’s back, "can we get back to business?"


"Yeah." His tongue teased his lover’s ear. "Business."

Alex felt his cock leap back to life, straining against its bindings. Fox felt him too, hardening against his own erection. He slipped both hands inside Alex’s jacket, around his waist and down to his ass. He caressed the tight muscle and moaned against Alex’s cheek.

"That’s better."

Alex’s fingers curled into Mulder’s shirt and he rubbed against him.

"Much better." One hand inched up and began to toy with the chain beneath Alex’s shirt. "You know how I’d moan and squirm every time you pulled on this?"

Soft yes.

"I think it’s time you found out just what that felt like."

Alex’s body convulsed as Mulder pulled up on the chain and released it.

"God, Fox..."

"You want to come, don’t you?"


"You need to..."

Another pull.

Alex’s arms tightened around his tormentor’s neck and a harsh groan fell from his lips.

"But you can’t..."

He shook his head.

A gentle hand caressed his back.

"My poor baby. It’s torture, isn’t it?"

Another nod.


Alex lifted his head.

Shit, he was dizzy.

He tried to focus on Fox’s eyes. "I’m really in for it, aren’t I?"

"Oh yeah, you are."


"Scully’s presence isn’t going to save you. She and I started to have a little talk while you were at the bar. She understands. In fact, I think she was enjoying the conversation...till our friend showed up. I think you’re right, Alex. I think she was watching us." He leaned in and ran the tip of his tongue across Alex’s lower lip. "I think she’s watching us, now." He undid a button on Alex’s shirt and licked the exposed skin as they went on dancing. Another button.



"You’re undressing me..."

"Don’t overreact. It was only two buttons." He slipped a hand inside the shirt and teased an already rigid nipple.

Alex sucked in a breath. "Fox," he whispered, "please."

"Please what, baby?" Mulder ground their hips together. "Please undo another button? Please lick this nipple I’m playing with?"

Alex gasped.

"Please.....take you into the men’s room and let you suck me dry?"

The younger man shuddered against him.

"Would you?"

"Would I..."

"Let me take you into the men’s room..." Both hands were now back at his ass, pulling him into a rhythmic grind. " you can get down on your knees, and suck my cock."

"My God...Fox..."

"Would you?"

"It... it’s a public restroom."

"There are stalls with locks. Would you?"

His legs were starting to shake. "You know I would."

"Do you want to?"


"Then, come with me."

Mulder led him slowly through the crowd and off the dance floor. But when he should have turned left, he turned right and headed in the direction of their booth.

"What...where are you going?"

Mulder turned to him and smiled and they walked. "I changed my mind."

Fortunately, by the time what he’d just done sank in, they were at the table. Alex practically fell onto the seat, sprawling bonelessly. His head dropped back against the cushion and he fought to control his respiration.

"You okay?"

Deep shudders ran through Alex’s body. "No."

Scully stared at Alex for a moment, then looked to Mulder.

"What did you do to him?" she mouthed at him.

Mulder smirked at her and turned his attention back to Alex. "Scully thinks I’m torturing you." He brushed the back of his hand up and down the younger man’s crotch.

Alex’s body tightened. "He is," he ground out between clenched teeth.

"Mul-der! You’re terrible! Look at him!"

"I am looking at him." His hand left Alex’s crotch, traveling up to his face to tilt it in his direction. "He’s beautiful, isn’t he?"

Alex opened his eyes, meeting Mulder’s smoky gaze. Their mouths met in a searing kiss, electrifying both men and the woman who watched them.

Mulder broke the kiss off abruptly and reached for his drink. "Wanna dance, Scully?"

Alex groaned and rolled his head back to the right.

Scully shaded her eyes with one hand. "Mulder..."

"What? You don’t want to dance?"

"What about Alex?" she asked under her breath.

"Oh... well..." he nudged the tormented man to his right. "Baby, you want to dance with Scully?"

"That’s not what I meant!"

"Oh. Sorry. What did you mean?"

"You’re going to leave him here like this?"

"He’s okay. You okay, Alex?"

No answer.

"See, he’s okay. Come on."

He shooed Scully out of the booth and slid out behind her. Before they walked out to the dance floor, he leaned over Alex and brushed lips.

"I love you..."

Alex’s head lifted from the seat cushion, and he stretched up in search of something more. Mulder obliged, bringing his mouth down on the younger man’s, inflicting a punishing kiss on him and forcing his head back against the cushion. Alex reached up, cupping the back of Mulder’s neck, trying to hold him there but when the older man had decided that enough was enough, he abruptly broke off the assault and stood up.

"Be back in a few." He gave Alex a dazzling smile. "Behave yourself."

Alex moaned softly and fell over sideways onto the seat with a soft thud.

"Amazing," Scully shouted above the music as Mulder pulled her out onto the dance floor.

"What is?"

"That you can torture him horribly and he practically begs for more."

"Told you, he likes it." He drew Scully into his arms and began to move slowly.

"Unbelievable...who was that guy?"

Mulder shrugged nonchalantly. "Just some rich jerk who hit on me in the men’s room, the last time we were here."

"How do you know he’s rich?"

"He made it a point of letting us know. He was looking for a young playmate who would look good on his arm at parties and whatnot."

"And he wanted you?"

"Actually, he wanted us both. He hit on Alex first, at the bar. When he didn’t get anywhere with him, he came after me in the men’s room. I made the mistake of telling Alex about it. He lost his mind but I managed to get him out of here without any loss of life."

"And you think leaving him alone is a good idea, since you know that man is here again, tonight?"

"He won’t approach Alex again."

"And you don’t think that Alex will go after him if he sees him across the room or something?"

"I..." He opened and closed his mouth. "I don’t think so..."

Scully raised her eyebrows. "But you’re not sure."

"Well... no... but I can... I can see him from here."

"I don’t see him, Mulder."

Mulder laughed and peered over Scully’s head. "He’s still lying down. I see his foot hanging over the edge of the seat."

"Is it your intention to torture him like this all night long?"

A small twitch of his mouth was all the answer Scully got.

"I actually feel sorry for him."

"Just keep in mind that he put me through a similar hell a couple of nights ago and this is my retribution."

"I’d never have pegged you for the sadistic type, Mulder."

"You’d never have pegged me for the type who’d fall in love with another man, either."

"Very true."

They finished the dance and returned to the booth, where Alex was still stretched out on the seat. Mulder ran a hand back and forth from his knee to his hip.

"I’m baaaaack......"

Alex whimpered. "Scully, take him back for another dance."

Mulder grinned and patted his rear. "Forget it."

"Come on, Fox," Alex murmured so Scully wouldn’t hear. "The throbbing is just starting to subside."

"What? Oh, no no no. We can’t have that. Sit up."


Mulder supported his weight, placing one hand on the table and the other on the seat beside Alex’s head and bent over him. "Yes," he moaned against the flushed lips before covering them in a long, sensuous kiss. Using no contact other than that of his mouth, he pulled up slowly, bringing Alex with him and shooting whatever little progress the younger man had made, straight to hell. He broke the kiss and motioned for Alex to stand, sitting on the edge of the seat, when he did. He spread his thighs and pulled Alex between them. His eyes flicked down to Alex’s crotch, only a few inches in front of his face, then back up at the glassy eyes that watched him intently.

Alex’s body twitched and jerked involuntarily toward Mulder when his partner’s all-too tempting lips parted slightly and his tongue made a single upward licking motion, then disappeared back into his mouth.

Unable to see what was happening from where she was sitting, Scully could only guess at what new torture Mulder was inflicting on his lover.

Mulder gave Alex’s ass a hard squeeze then slid over, allowing him to sit. With the younger man now seated next to him, Mulder raised a hand to his face. His fingers moved in small circles over Alex’s cheek. Hazel eyes locked on purest green, promising, seducing. Blinding Alex to all but what was right in front of him.

"When we get back to the house," he began softly, "I want you to go straight upstairs and wait for me. Don’t undress. Lay down on the bed..." Alex closed his eyes, and swallowed hard. "Don’t touch yourself. Just lay there and wait...and wonder."

"W-where will you be?"

Mulder smiled a thoroughly evil smile and removed his hand from Alex’s face. He picked his glass up and drained the remaining contents. "Think I’ll have" Alex shook his head absently. Mulder turned toward Scully who had been watching them with an amused fascination. "Want another, Scully?"

"Yeah," she lifted her glass and took another sip. "This one is getting warm."

"Okay, be right back. Come on, Alex. You look like you could use a walk."

The two men moved off toward the bar, Mulder’s arm slung low around Alex’s waist. They reached the bar and stood at the far end. Mulder pulled Alex back against his chest, wrapping an arm across his shoulders. His mouth pressed against the rapidly pounding pulse in the younger man’s neck.

"Mmmm..." Alex’s hips thrust back, pressing intimately against his lover’s crotch. Mulder pushed forward, rocking gently against his lover and whispered into his ear.

"You know, Scully thinks I’m being terrible to you."

No answer.

"Turn around."

Alex did a slow spin and stopped when they were face to face. His fingers closed around the material at the front of Mulder’s sage green shirt and he blinked up at him through a veil of dark lashes. Mulder leaned forward and nuzzled that sensitive patch of skin, just beyond his chin.

"Do you?"

"Do I what?"

"Think I’m being terrible."


Mulder pulled away and met his eye.

"Don’t stop."

Mulder grinned and slid his hands down to Alex’s ass, pulling him tightly into the cradle of his hips. "Feel that?" He pressed his raging hard-on against his lover’s, feeling it strain against the strapping.

His name tumbled from Alex’s lips on a stuttering gasp.

A soft, moist mouth trailed the length of his throat. Stopped at the base. Nipped gently before moving down to kiss the exposed skin of his chest. Alex’s eyes rolled up into his head, lids drooping over them as his lover’s hand teased the chain hidden beneath his clothing.


His body jerked in response to the firm tug.



Again. Harder.

Alex clasped his arms around Fox’s neck and groaned into his shoulder. "Fox...I need...I...I need to..."

"How bad do you need it?"

"I’ll do any...anything. Anything, baby...please..."

Fox lifted Alex’s head off of his shoulder. "You will do anything..." he stroked the underside of the younger man’s chin. "...and everything I tell you to do. And I promise you...I’ll make you scream."

"Now, okay? Please? Can’t we just leave now?"

Mulder shook his head slowly.


"No, sweetheart," Fox cooed. "We promised Scully a night out, remember? We haven’t been here all that long. It wouldn’t be very fair to her, would it?"


"She’ll be gone tomorrow and we’ll be alone again...we’ll stay just a couple more hours, okay?"


"I’m going to make you feel so good, baby. You’re going to come harder than you ever thought you could."

Alex trembled at the thought. He lowered his head to Fox’s shoulder, and clung silently to him. The older man kept Alex pressed tightly to his body, continuously petting the soft hair, while he waited to place the drink order. Some minutes later, the two drinks were placed on the bar in front of him. The bartender smiled at the two men as she accepted payment.

"Enjoy the rest of your evenin’, gentlemen."

Mulder gave her a sincere smile as he released Alex to pick up the glasses. He motioned with a flick of his head, in the direction of their table. Alex followed closely, sliding into the booth right behind Mulder and molding himself to the older man’s side. He grasped the back of Mulder’s shirt and again rested his head against his shoulder.

"Here’s your drink, Scully." Mulder slid the glass toward her.

"Thanks. You were at the bar an awful long time," she said suspiciously.

"Yeah. There was a ton of people up there. They must be short on waitresses." He dipped two fingers into his drink, stirring slowly and turned his head slightly in Alex’s direction. "If you change your mind about the drink Alex, you can have some of mine."

Alex watched him through lowered lashes. He heaved a long, unsteady sigh.

Mulder raised his fingers to his own lips, sucking the liquid away. The fingers went back down to the drink. "Want some?"

By now, Alex’s mouth was practically watering. Mulder felt the nod against his shoulder. He lifted his fingers to Alex’s mouth. His tongue inched out, tentatively at first, lapping the heavy drops away, then bolder, licking at the underside of the two fingers. Then finally, his mouth opened wider and took the offering, desperately pulling and sucking. Mulder nuzzled the top of his head.

"Bet I know what you wish this was..."

Alex groaned and swirled his tongue around the fingers before drawing them deeper into his mouth.

Fox watched, heavy-lidded, and smiled. "Show me, baby," he whispered. "Show me what you’d do if this was my cock."

Alex obeyed the soft command, sliding up and down on Fox’s two fingers, his head bobbing slowly, in time to the music that flooded the club. He opened his mouth a bit and his tongue danced around the tips, tickling and teasing.

Mulder drew a deep breath and let it out slowly. "I love it when you do that." He pulled his fingers away and immersed them in the glass, then again held them up. Alex took them, suckling voraciously. "Just like that," Mulder breathed into Alex’s hair. "I want it just like that, later." He turned his attention back to Scully while still allowing Alex to feed on his fingers.

"So. What time is your plane leaving tomorrow?"

"Uh..." Scully forced herself to tear her eyes away from the man sucking on her partner’s fingers with such uninhibited lust. "Five thirty. I’m all packed and..." her eyes flitted back to Alex, then away, "ready to go. You guys still have about, what? Three weeks?"

"Yeah, about that."

"Bet it’s going to be rough to go back."

Mulder gently pulled his fingers away from Alex’s mouth, drawing a low moan from the younger man. "Yeah. I’m going to hate leaving here." He replaced his fingers with his mouth, kissing his lover deeply then withdrew. "This island is where I found something that I was scared to death, I’d lost forever." His eyes locked on Alex’s and held them for several seconds before the younger man curved an arm around his throat and snuggled against him.

An hour later, Scully made the suggestion that they call it a night. Alex could have kissed her.

Mulder called for the car and when it arrived, all three got in, Scully in the same seat she’d occupied earlier and the men in theirs. Mulder got in first, sitting sideways, back against the body of the car. He stretched his right leg out along the seat and motioned to Alex, who came to sit in the space between his legs and leaned into his embrace. They rode back to the house that way, Mulder and Scully chatting amiably and Alex quietly contemplating what his lover had in store for him, his cock swelling almost painfully, in reaction to the thoughts running through his head.

The car pulled up to the house, dropping it’s passengers at the door. Scully entered first, followed by Fox, then Alex.

"I could use some coffee, Scully. How about you?"

Both of his companions shot him a surprised look. Scully spoke up.

"Mulder, you never drink coffee after morning."

He shrugged. "I just feel like some coffee. Want some?"

"Yeah. Sure."

Alex closed his eyes and lowered his head. He opened his eyes, feeling Fox’s hand close around his. Raised them to his lover’s face. Read the intention. Allowed himself to be led to the foot of the stairs.

Fox raised Alex’s hand to his lips and planted a soft kiss in the palm then released. Alex looked from him to Scully, who was trying, unsuccessfully, to look nonchalant.

"Goodnight Scully," he said barely above a whisper.

"Goodnight Alex," she called, much too brightly. "See you in the morning."

Alex glanced once more at Fox, then ascended the stairs. The older man watched him until he was out of sight, then headed toward the kitchen. Scully followed close on his heels.

"Mulder, I know what you said about Alex enjoying this as much as you, but don’t you think enough is enough?"

Mulder pulled out the items he needed to brew the coffee.

"Not yet."

"Did you see the look on his face when you sent him upstairs alone?"

"He knew he was going up alone. I told him that at the club."

"Maybe he was hoping that you’d change your mind from there to here."

"I think he knows better than that."

Scully rolled her eyes and reached for two mugs.

"Just one."

"Huh? But you said..."

"Scully," he gave her a devious grin. "You know I never drink coffee at night..."

Thursday 1:33 a.m.

Alex entered the bedroom and closed the door softly behind him. He moved to the bed and lay down, actually grateful for the chance to relax his tightened muscles.

Come on, Alex. Chill. If you don’t, this’ll be over in nothing flat. He’ll walk in, unstrap this fucking torture device that you bought, stroke your cock once, and you’ll be all done. You don’t want it to happen like that. You’ve been waiting hours for this. You want it to last...

He took long, deep breaths in through his nose and let them out of his mouth.

That’s deep....deep....long, deep and out of your ass...warm hand up and down on your cock....oh, yeah.....oh....shit! No!

He gritted his teeth as the throbbing resumed.

Aw, fuck! You can’t go five fucking minutes without thinking of that? Well shit, how do you expect to when he’s driven you as insane as he has tonight?

He checked his watch and rolled onto his side. He drew his knees up and crossed his arms over his chest.

Please, baby. Please, please, please...

2:28 a.m.

Alex heard the door open softly and his heart began to pound double-time. He lay curled up on the bed, back to the door, trying to stop the tremors that coursed through his body. The carpeting absorbed the sound of the footsteps but he could feel Fox’s presence drawing nearer. The bed dipped slightly and the soft monotone drifted down to him.

"You’re not asleep, are you?"

He answered without turning around. "No."

"What have you been doing?"


Mulder ran a hand down his arm. "Nothing at all?"

"You told me not to do anything."

The hand left his arm and stroked his hair. "Good boy."

Alex felt him rise from the bed and while he was wondering where Fox was, he heard the CD player go on.


The voice came from across the room.


"Get up."

Alex unfolded himself and stood on the other side of the bed. He stared at the man who leaned against the wall, watching him.

"Strip for me."

Alex’s hands went to his shirt and started to undo the buttons.


He looked up.

"Not like that."

He cocked his head, not entirely sure he understood. Fox displayed a lascivious smirk.

"Strip for me."

Alex’s knees almost gave out on him. Jesus fucking Christ, he wanted him to do a striptease!

"Fox...come on..."

Mulder tilted his head, listening to the CD player. "Wrong kind of music?"

"No... it’s just don’t really want me to, do you?"

"Yeah, I really do."

Eyes that at the moment, were as green as his own, held him entranced. Willed him to obey.

Keeping the visual connection, Alex moved around the bed and stopped on the other side, now about six feet away from his one-man audience. Becoming one with the music, his body began to sway. He removed the jacket slowly, slithering out of it and letting it fall to the floor. Next, he undid the cuffs of his shirt, then moved to the buttons at the front. When he had four buttons undone, he slipped his hands inside, stroking his own chest, teasing his nipples as his hips rocked seductively. His back arched as he pinched one nipple and his gasp reached Fox’s ear.

The older man closed his eyes but only briefly. He didn’t want to miss a second of this.

The one hand continued to tease the painfully hard peak and the other ran through his hair, down the back of his neck and back to the front of his shirt. He finished with the buttons and turned his back to his lover. He shrugged out of the shirt, rolling one shoulder, then the other, until that garment too, fell to the floor.

Mulder watched, mesmerized, as the muscles of the younger man’s back rippled with every movement. The gold chain also became visible, reminding him, as if he needed reminding, of what was beneath the pants.

Alex spun back to face him. His hand dropped to his pants, unbuckling the belt and letting it hang free. His eyes closed and his hips made subtle grinding motions as he undid the button and drew the zipper down.

Mulder forced himself to remain where he stood. He ached to go to Alex and rip the remainder of his clothing off, but he refused to rush this. A muscle in his cheek jumped as his lover slid the pants down and off. He slipped his hands into his pockets and tightened them into fists as Alex stalked slowly toward him and draped one arm over his shoulder. He continued to move in time to the music, his body lightly brushing Fox’s as he slowly descended to his knees and looked up at his lover.

Eyes dilated to near-blackness, stared down at the kneeling man. Hands longed to reach out and touch but remained clenched, deeply entrenched in pockets.

Interpreting his lover’s silence as permission, he continued, rubbing his face gently against the rigid bulge, still hidden by black material. He smiled, feeling some small return of power with the jerking movements of the older man’s cock against his cheek. He rose slowly and began a seductive bump and grind against the clothed body. His eyes drifted shut as he immersed himself in his performance.

Enough was enough.

Scully’s words.

They rose suddenly to Fox’s mind and echoed.

Alex emitted a soft gasp of surprise as he was roughly jerked against his lover’s body. Feverish lips assaulted his throat while restless hand roamed the length of his back.

"God, Fox." His hand went to the older man’s shirt but before he could get one button undone, Fox’s hands left his back and clamped around his wrists.

"" Alex struggled half-heartedly. "Let me undress you."

Fox watched him silently.

"Come on..." He fought a little harder. "Fox, please."

No response. Quick...change of tactic.

"I need you, baby..." He writhed against Fox. "And I know you need me..." He licked the underside of the stubbled jaw. "I can feel how hard you are. I know you’ve been having fun torturing me, but you can’t stand there and tell me that you’re not torturing yourself as well..."

Almost unreadable eyes studied him. Still, the other said nothing.

"Come on," he whispered against the pouting lips. "Baby..."

Enough was definitely enough.

In a display of strength that neither man thought he’d yet possessed, Mulder suddenly bent and pushed his shoulder into Alex’s mid-section, forcing him to double over. He lifted and carried his lover on his shoulder to the bed and unceremoniously dumped him onto the mattress. Shocked green eyes stared up at him.

Fox practically ripped the clothes from his own body and fell onto Alex. The younger man’s arms immediately wound around his back.

"Get this thing off me," he pleaded.

Fox gave no indication that he’d heard. His mouth came down hard on Alex’s, pulling many a whimper from him before he withdrew.

"Fox," Alex panted. "Please..."

"Not yet."

So he had heard. And he’d...refused? No. Alex arched against his lover.



Okay, so he had heard right.

"Fox, I’m dying..."

"Remember what I told you at the club?"


"Remember when you were sucking on my fingers?"

Alex closed his eyes and drew a shaky breath.

"Sure, you remember. Suck me, Alex. And if you make it real good, I’ll think about unstrapping you."

He made Alex lay sideways and kneeled in front of his face. The younger man needed no prompting. He immediately dove for the solid erection that bobbed in front of him.

Fox’s eyes rolled up into his head as Alex sucked his entire length down his throat. That all-too familiar tightening in his stomach began almost instantly. This was going to be quick. Much too quick. Fox tried to relax. Tried to forget how incredibly wonderful it felt to have this man’s lips around him. Tried to breathe deeply and slow it down but Alex had been right, earlier. He’d tortured not only his lover, but himself and now, he was more than ready.

No. Ohhh, no. Not like this.

He pulled out of Alex’s mouth, eliciting a groan of protest from the abandoned lips.

"Shhh." He moved Alex back under his body and pulled the tube of lubricant out of the dresser drawer. Coating two fingers, he pulled his partner’s legs back and up and worked them both inside the tight opening.

Alex’s back arched and his head pressed into the pillows. His cock was ready to explode but the bindings held him in check. The thought that this is what it must have been like for Fox all those months, crossed his mind just before his lover’s fingers fluttered across that magic spot, obliterating any and all thoughts from his mind.

Fox smiled at the scream that tore from Alex’s throat.

"Fox! Jesus...oh, shit!" Alex sobbed into Fox’s shoulder. "Now...please, I can’t...I...can’t..."

"It’s okay, baby." Fox withdrew his fingers and positioned himself.

"Yeah...yeah..." Alex panted. "Do me, Fox."

Mulder paused to quickly lube his cock, taking care not to prolong contact with his hand. Alex squirmed beneath him.

", hurry....ahhh!"

The head of his lover’s cock stretched him, bringing brief discomfort then unimaginable pleasure. He twisted and dug his fingers into taut muscle, silently pleading with his Fox to complete their connection and crying out in relief when he did.

Now buried inside of his lover, Fox stopped to compose himself. As he closed his eyes and breathed deeply, Alex’s voice reached his ears.

"Fox...Fox...please...take this thing off of me..."

Alex’s hands went to the leather binding and began to work on the first buckle. Mulder opened his eyes and caught Alex’s hands before he could get it completely undone.

"No, you don’t," he rasped. I’ll take it off."

"So, do it!"

"I’ll do it when I’m ready to do it."

"You’re ready now!"

Mulder pulled his cock out almost to the tip, then pushed quickly back in. Alex gritted his teeth and choked back a groan.

"Last time I checked, this was still my party. I’ll tell you when I’m ready."

Sufficiently chastised, Alex abandoned his fleeting attempt at control. Mulder felt his body go slack and smiled, stroking his chest.

"That’s better."

He began to move slowly and steadily, grunting softly with each thrust. The man beneath him whimpered frantically as the pressure became unbearable.

"Fox," Alex whined, "please, I’m begging you..."

Mulder thrust harder. "Begging won’ you. Not tonight. Not..." The words died in his throat as he felt the unstoppable approach of his climax. He began to move faster and harder, slamming into his lover with all the strength he could muster. Seconds later, his hoarse cries filled the room.

He slumped in an exhausted heap and lay motionless on top of his yet unsatisfied lover. Alex’s mind raced frantically as he felt Fox begin to relax.

No. Oh, hell no. He’s not going to fall asleep on me. He wouldn’t...oh, God...oh, God..."

The world began to return in fuzzy blues and grays. Fox blinked sluggishly and finally opened his eyes. He picked his head up and looked down into a pair of dark, tormented eyes. He placed a tender kiss on Alex’s mouth and carefully stroked his hair.

"Your turn."

A breathless sob.

Slowly and oh so carefully, Fox began to remove the cock restraints, pausing a countless number of times to allow Alex to calm down. Finally, it was off and tossed to the floor.

"Thank you," Alex gasped. "Thank you..."

"Okay," Mulder crooned while finger-combing his hair. "Take it easy. Easy, love."

He was almost hyperventilating. "I can’t wait, Fox. I thought I could...I thought...I..."

"Listen to me, Alex....Alex, come on." Alex tried to focus on his lover’s reassuring smile. "You’ve waited so long. You don’t want it to be over in the blink of an eye, do you?"

"No, but I can’t wait anymore. I’m so close..."

"I know you are. But just try to relax. Take a few deep breaths. I want to make you feel good, baby. If I touch you right now, it’ll be over. Won’t it?"

Alex nodded, whimpering softly.

"All right, then. Just relax and trust me."

He stroked Alex’s face, massaged his shoulders. Whispered soothing, nonsensical words in his ear. Minutes later, the younger man’s respiration began to slow.

"There now," Fox nuzzled his jaw. "That’s much better."

Alex gazed dreamily up at him. "Mmmmm...."

Fox cupped his face and moved in toward his mouth. "I love you, Alex..."

Alex’s eyes slid shut as Fox’s lips slanted across his. He opened his mouth, willingly surrendering his moist heat to the man above him. His hands crawled up to his lover’s shoulders then wove through the golden brown hair, luxuriating in its silky softness. Fox twisted away from his lips and kissed a leisurely trail over his chin and down his neck. Alex’s pulse began to race almost immediately.

"Easy baby," Mulder warned softly, against his throat. He moved lower, now teasing the heated skin of Alex’s chest, purposely avoiding the sensitive nipples. For now. His tongue stroked through the light scattering of hair, flattening against the flesh, trying to gather as much of the man’s taste as he could in one swipe. He murmured against the moistened skin. "Have I ever told you how much I love the way you taste?"

"Tell me later."

He smiled faintly and returned to giving Alex his tongue bath. He finally moved to one side, licking heavily at one of the erect nipples.

Alex arched into his mouth, crying out sharply. Fuck, that hurt and it... felt... good and he wanted more. And more.

More came in the form of a tiny nip at the same nipple, sending a wave of pain through his body. But goddamn it, by the time that wave reached his cock it had somehow translated into shattering pleasure.

Fox released the reddened peak and worked his way down Alex’s chest, pausing to lavish equal attention on his stomach. He delighted in the way the muscles rippled under his slightest touch and the way Alex’s low moans vibrated through his body. Jesus, anyone would kill for a lover as responsive as his...

His. Beautiful, smart, loving and sexy as all get out. All his.

Alex twisted and turned, trying to get closer. He could feel Fox’s chin hovering just above the head of his throbbing cock. And if his chin was that close, his mouth couldn’t be too far behind...

No more waiting.

The flat surface of Fox’s tongue grazed the very tip of Alex’s cock, sending him into a thrashing fit. He grasped Alex’s hips to hold to him still, while he continued. His tongue swirled around the head and probed the small, weeping opening at the tip. The deliciously bitter flavor teased his palate with the promise of more. He felt his own cock rising for a second time, somewhat altering his plans. He swallowed the shaft to its base, lifting Alex’s body off the bed and pulling a long growl from his throat. One hard sucking pull and he released his prisoner.


Fox slid up Alex’s chest and kissed him briefly. "Slight change of plan."


"Hear me out, okay?"

Alex fell into an impatient silence.

"I want you to come in my mouth...and I want to come again in the same time."

Alex managed a pained grin. "I’d love that."

One long kiss and Fox positioned Alex lower on the bed, on his side, then turned himself in the opposite direction so that Alex’s engorged shaft lay temptingly in front of his face. He laid one hand on his lover’s hip slipping over and curving into the rounded flesh. Pulled him forward and enclosed the solid heat in his mouth.

Alex felt the world begin to crumble. So much sensation at once, he didn’t know what to concentrate on. Fox’s hand clenching in his ass, his mouth, damn, those lips were made for this...enveloping his cock. His own mouth, surrounding Fox’s velvety, hard length, sucking lightly as Fox thrust in and out, encouraging him to do the same...

Red. No, black. No... sort of a hazy red-blackness colored the void behind his closed eyelids. The haze brightened to a blinding shade as Fox worked a finger inside his ass. Up until that point, he’d been holding on to sanity by a fingernail. No more. He formed a painful grip on Fox’s ass, forcing the other man to thrust harder and faster, as he did the same.

The initial surprise of Alex’s action caught Fox off guard, choking him. He quickly regained control, directing his lover’s frantic movements, forcing them into a more fluid, steady rhythm. He added a second finger to the first, squeezing a strangled scream from Alex’s lips.

What a way to go.

Alex thrust himself back and forth between Fox’s mouth and his fingers. He’d had himself convinced that when he came, the force of it would kill him. He always thought a bullet or a bomb or some other violent, messy vehicle would figure prominently in his demise. Never did he think that he’d be fucked to death. And certainly not by this man. Goddamn, somebody up there really did like him. He never even thought they knew his name...

Fox felt Alex’s body tighten. Knew what it signaled. His own body gave him the same message. Screamed it, actually. There was no choice but to heed it. His pace quickened, prompting Alex to follow.

Satisfaction came an eye blink later. Each man held tightly to the other, refusing to let go until it was done. Their muffled cries filled the room then faded as peace descended. Long minutes passed as they lay, fighting for every breath.

Fox was the first to recover. A serene smile curved his lips as he nuzzled his lover and began to gently lick him clean. A soft moan sounded from the head of the bed and the favor was returned. For a long while they lay that way, cleaning each other with the lazy thoroughness of a couple of housecats lounging on a sunny windowsill.

Finally, Fox turned himself around and came up to meet the satisfied glow in his lover’s eyes. Alex kissed him, mingling their tastes.

"If you ever do that to me again, I’ll..."

Exhausted grin. "You’ll what?"

Alex moved closer and tucked his head under the heavily stubbled chin. Fox could hear the smile in his tone. "Become your sex slave for life."

"Thought you already were."

"Yeah okay, but it’s all I could come up with on such short notice."

Fox kissed the top of his head. "Did you enjoy tonight?"

"More than I can say...I know you did."

"Damn straight. I think Scully was even having a little fun."

"Jesus, how am I going to face her?"


"I was"


"Yeah... thanks."

"Don’t mention it."

Heavy sigh.

"If it’ll make you feel any better, she took your side in it. Said she felt sorry for you."

Alex snorted. "Oh, that’s nice. I just feel so much better now."

"You should. I remember her telling me once that she’d be civil to you for my sake, but she’d never makes friends with you. The fact that she actually took pity on you..."

"Okay, okay, I get the picture." Alex raised his head to look over Fox’s chest. "God, it’s late."

"Or early. Depends on how you look at it."

"If we’d slept, I’d call it early. But since we haven’t, it’s late. Good thing Scully doesn’t leave till afternoon."

Fox kissed Alex’s forehead while gently massaging his scalp. "Yeah, I know. We’d better get some sleep."

Alex nodded and stretched up toward Fox’s mouth. His lover met him halfway, sharing with him a long, tender kiss before both drifted into sleep.

12:31 p.m.

"Thanks for breakfast, Marie. Sorry I got up so late."

"That’s all right, darlin’. I haven’t seen our boys around yet. They still sleepin’?"

"I guess so."

"Late night?"


Later for them.

Scully finished her juice and thought back to early this morning. The sounds coming from just down the hall. They drove her insane. She could only imagine what was going on behind that door. God, and the things she was imagining. The urge to masturbate didn’t often hit her, but it did this morning. How could it not? She’d never really viewed her partner as a sexual entity before, but that had all changed in the last few months and most especially in the last few days. It was beyond amazing and one incredible turn-on. Not that she wanted him, it was just that...ah, shit. They were just so erotic to watch and hear. A person would have to be made of stone, not to be affected and contrary to popular belief, she was not.

She fell asleep as satisfied as she could be under the circumstances, and awoke at eleven this morning. Their door was still closed and she assumed that they were still asleep after the workout they’d surely gotten.

So now, here she sat, breakfast finished and still no Mulder or Alex. They’d have to wake up soon...

1:02 p.m.

Scully listened at the door belonging to the last room on the right. Not a sound came from inside. Maybe they weren’t in there, at all. Maybe they’d risen earlier than she did and went out for a walk until she awoke. They could’ve gone out without Marie knowing it...

She knocked softly at the door and called Mulder’s name. No answer.

Check outside.

Yeah, but I might as well check here first, right? I mean I’m standing here.

She turned the knob carefully and inched the door open.

The bright afternoon sun flooded the room and fell across the rumpled bed, bathing the occupants in white light.

Scully froze, gaping at the beauty of the two who still slept peacefully, curled around each other. The tanned skin of their completely naked bodies was a stunning contrast to the pale ivory of the sheets. Mulder lay on his back, propped against a stack of pillows, arms wrapped around Alex, one long leg draped over his hip. Alex’s head rested on his lover’s chest, arm tucked around his waist, lower body half covering the other’s. She flinched, ready for flight as Mulder stirred. He sighed softly and tightened an arm around Alex, who never moved an inch. She relaxed as Mulder went still again. She watched, unable to help herself from wondering if they’d awakened since that early hour of the morning when their passionate cries finally went silent. Wondered if they’d made love again. Or if they’d been soundly asleep, since.

She smiled, taking one last long look before closing the door.

They had one more hour, then she was coming in to get them...

1:23 p.m.

Dark lashes lifted and fell. His mind, still sluggish, pieced together fuzzy fragments of the night before. His lips flushed from sleep, curved into a half-smile and turned against the warm chest beneath his cheek.


No movement.



"Time to get up."

Fox reinforced his grip on the man in his arms and mumbled almost incoherently, "Don’t want to get up..."

"I know, but it’s almost one-thirty. Don’t you want to spend a little time with Scully before we take her to the airport?"

"All right, all right."

Alex kissed the underside of his chin and attempted to free himself from his lover’s embrace. "’re not cooperating."

Fox’s eyes opened and smiled up at Alex. "Don’t wanna let you go."

"That’s very sweet, but it’s the only way that we’re gonna get showered and dressed."

He sighed and reluctantly loosened his grasp. Alex ducked out from under the circle of his arms and drew himself up into a sitting position. "I’m going to go get in the shower. Don’t you go back to sleep."

"You want to make sure I don’t go back to sleep?"

Alex lifted one dark eyebrow waiting for him to finish.

"We could shower together."

"Bad idea."

Fox gave him an exaggerated hurt look. "Why?"

"You know why."

The older man cut his eyes away. "Fine."


"Go on, take your shower. I’ll just wait right here...alone...and lonely..."

"Jesus, Fox..."

"Don’t worry about me. You go on." He slung one arm over his head and brushed the fingertips of his other hand across his chest. "I’ll entertain myself somehow..."

"Fox...stop it..."

His fingers moved to a nipple and his eyes fluttered closed. "Stop what?"


He tugged gently on the nipple and arched his back. "This?" His hand drifted down to his hardening cock, skimming his palm over its surface. "Or this?"

The corner of Alex’s mouth twitched as he watched his lover. "You’re killin’ me."



Fox sat up and nuzzled Alex’s throat. "I don’t want to kill you, baby." His tongue inched out, tracing a moist line to up the younger man’s chin. I just want to shower with you. I’ll wash your back..."

"Really." Alex brushed a knuckle across his lips. "What else will you do for me?"

Fox licked his finger. "What do you want me to do for you?"

Alex grabbed his wrist and hauled him off the bed and toward the bathroom. "Oh, many things..."

2:10 p.m.

"Well, no kidding." Scully smirked at the two who’d just appeared on the veranda. "I was beginning to think that I’d just have to leave a note."

"Sorry," was Mulder’s only offering as he dropped into a chair at the table. Alex took up the slack.

"Guess we kinda overslept, huh?"

In a burst of boldness, Scully folded her arms across her chest and slouched in her seat, grinning slyly. "Well, if you’d gone right to sleep, you wouldn’t have."

Alex glared out of the corner of his eye at Mulder, who sat smirking down at his folded hands. Scully rolled her eyes.

"You two gonna have some breakfast? God knows you must be starving..."

The three sat together while Alex and Mulder wolfed down everything Marie set in front of them. Scully sipped at a third cup of coffee, watching them. Watched the croissant drop from Alex’s hand when she said, "I had a really good time last night. You two are certainly entertaining." She took it a step further. "Alex, I didn’t think you had a submissive bone in your body."

Alex tried to sound casual as Mulder snickered into his orange juice. "Uh...yeah...well..." he nodded in the other man’s direction and spoke confidentially to Scully, "it was for him... makes him feel good."

Mulder set his glass down. "What was that?"


"Uh huh."

Alex attempted to change the subject. "So, have you got someone picking you up in Washington?"

"Yeah. My mom."

"Be sure to tell her I said hi and happy holidays," Mulder instructed.

"I will. She was so happy to hear that you were much better. She worries about you."

Mulder’s lips twisted into a wry smile. "More than my own mother...uh, Scully? Does she..."

"I didn’t say a word to her. I’d never betray your confidence, Mulder."

Mulder looked over at Alex who was staring down into his juice. "It’s okay, Scully. You can tell her."

Alex’s head snapped up.

"Fox, what are you..."

"There’s no need to keep it from Mrs. Scully. She’s always been very good to me. I think..." he looked to Scully, "I think she’d understand."

Scully gave him a tiny smile. "I think she would."

Mulder turned back to a doubtful Alex. He grazed the length of the younger man’s arm. "There are certain people who for obvious reasons can’t know but...I don’t want to keep you a secret, Alex. No more than necessary."

Alex covered Fox’s hand with his own. "That’s admirable lisa, but..."

"It’ll be okay." He flashed his lover a wide grin. "Don’t worry."

Alex couldn’t help but return the smile. "If you say so."

"I do."

He leaned in and planted a soft kiss on Alex’s mouth. That kiss led to another. And yet another. Scully cleared her throat to get their attention.

"Uh," She checked her watch. "There’s still a couple of hours before we have to leave. You boys wanna take advantage of it?"

Mulder’s mouth reluctantly left his lover’s. "No..."

"You sure? I can go for a long walk on the beach or something."

"All right Scully, all right," Mulder chuckled. "We get the picture. How ‘bout we go for that walk together?" He turned his eyes back to Alex, letting the question hang in the air.

"Sure," Alex agreed. "I’m up for it."

Mulder gave him that miniscule Mulder-smirk and raised one eyebrow. Alex pointed at him and warned softly. "Don’t say it."

5:15 p.m.

"Well guys, it’s been fun. And an education." Scully wrapped her arms around Mulder’s neck. "See you in a few weeks."

"Safe trip, Scully. Call when you get in."

"I will." She backed away from her partner and moved to Alex. "Thank you. It was great to get away for a few days. I really enjoyed myself."

"I’m glad. Have a good flight." He held his arms out to her and she leaned into them, patting his back.

She stretched up on her toes and whispered into his ear. "I can’t ever thank you enough for that sparkle in his eyes."

Alex treated her to a full, beautiful smile. "Your friendship and acceptance are all the thanks I want."

"You got it."

Mulder moved toward Alex and slipped an arm around his waist as they watched Scully board the plane. They stood together in silence until the plane was in the air, then turned toward the waiting limo.

"So," Alex began as he slid into the seat beside Fox. "What do you want for dinner?"

"Don’t know. Hadn’t thought about it." He reached out and wove his fingers through Alex’s hair, drawing him close. "But whatever it is, let’s have it in our room."

Alex displayed a wide grin. "Why?"

Fox kissed him and murmured against his lips. "Can’t eat naked in the dining room..."

Monday, 9:12 p.m.
New Years Eve

The second rainfall in nearly six weeks. Plans for an outdoor dinner ruined but the two quickly adapted and overcame.

Again insisting that Marie take New Years Eve and Day off, they prepared dinner on their own. Alex lit the last candle just as Fox brought out the platter of vegetables. He set the platter down and perused the table.

"Not too shabby."

Alex blew out the match and smiled at him. So beautiful with that yellowish glow and thin wisps of smoke swirling around him. Fox’s heart stopped and started.

"Is that the last of it?"


They sat close together and shared a quiet dinner, mindful of the importance of the night. Each wrapped up in his own memories of the year soon to pass and thoughts of the one to come.

When dinner ended, they adjourned to their bedroom, taking a bottle of champagne and two glasses with them.

"Stopped raining," Fox called as he opened the double doors and looked out at the black sky.

"Figures," Alex said absently as he turned the CD player on.

"Still overcast, though."

"Oh well."

Fox turned quickly, the voice right behind his right ear, startling him. Alex ran his knuckles down his lover’s cheek. "A beautiful night would have been nice but it makes no difference, really. All I can see is you."

Fox spoke softly, never taking his eyes off Alex’s. "You sure know how to get to me."

"I’m not trying to get to you. I’m just telling you what I feel."

Fox froze, barely breathing, lost in the heat of Alex’s stare. His intoxicating smell.

Alex spoke again. Directly. In a tone that could never be mistaken or misinterpreted.

"I love you, Fox."

He’d heard Alex say it a hundred times. Two hundred. And it was always a wonderful feeling. But this time was...a surge shot through him, hot and hard and electrifying as the most intimate touch. If Alex had wanted him right now, right on this spot, he’d strip without a second thought and drop to the floor.

Alex had other plans. He pulled his Fox tightly against his body, clueing him in to the advanced stage of his arousal and learning that his lover was in the exact same position. They moved slowly, letting the music carry them into an easy rhythm. They danced endlessly it seemed, totally immersed in the feel of their bodies moving together in perfect unison. Alex’s hand swept firmly, slowly, up and down his lover’s silk-covered back. He rubbed his lightly-stubbled cheek against the one pressed to it, coaxing a shaky sigh past the lips that many would kill or die to possess but belonged to him alone.

"What time is it?" Alex asked, breaking the wordless silence.

Fox shook off the lethargy that had settled into his body and lifted his arm. "Eleven forty-eight."

Alex stopped their rocking motion and led him to the bed. Fox sat at his quiet urging and Alex moved to the table and plucked the bottle out of the bucket of ice and picked up the glasses. He handed the flutes to his lover and popped the bottle open. "Tell me what you wish for this coming year, lisa." He poured the champagne and set the bottle down. Fox handed him his glass and he stood in front of the seated man, leaning against the bed post.

"What I wish for?"


"I think I’ve already got everything I could ever wish for."

"There’s got to be something."

Fox stared at the carpet between them for a second, then raised his head. "I don’t know, I guess for starters, I’d wish for an end to what would seem to be a futile search for the truth about what happened to my sister..."

"No matter what that end would be?"

"Yeah. I just want to know," he said without much of the emotion Alex expected.

"Fox...I don’t know about your sister...I mean, that’s not included in the information I have, but...but maybe if I tell you what I do know...maybe somehow it’ll help lead to her."

Fox shook his head. "You can’t do that."

"But it could help you. What if she really is alive and she’s out there somewhere? Think what it would mean to your mother if you were to bring her home. Maybe you could piece your family back together..."

Fox stared up at him for long seconds before answering. "Listen to me, Alex. Nothing, do you hear me, nothing is worth you risking your life. My mother will always be my mother and because she is my mother, I’ll always love her. But family is in here." He thumped a hand over his heart. You’re my family. You and Scully. I can’t lose you. I won’t."

Alex reached down and ran a hand through Fox’s hair. His voice came out in a soft croak. "What else do you wish for?"

Fox grinned up at him. "A dog."


"A dog. I never had one. My mother was allergic to pet hair. And now, I live in an apartment that doesn’t allow animals. Did you ever have a dog?"

"One. When I was pretty young. It was a small, shaggy mutt that followed my father home one day and he just kinda stayed. After a few weeks, my father said I could name him." Alex lowered his head and laughed softly.

"So?" Fox prodded. "What did you name him?"

Alex looked up, amusement sparkling in his eyes. "Rat."

Fox doubled over with laughter. "Are you kidding me?"

Alex held up his free hand. "Swear to God."

Trying to shake off a few residual giggles, Fox raised his arm to check the time. "Hey, it’s eleven fifty-nine."

Alex looked at his own watch. "And forty-eight seconds."

They began the countdown at ten and at exactly midnight, touched glasses.

"Happy New Year, Alex."

"Happy New Year, lisa."

Each man took an obligatory sip then Alex quickly discarded the glasses. He leaned over Fox who still sat on the bed and rubbed the tips of their noses together before covering his mouth in a tender kiss. "Let’s kick this new year off right," he murmured against the older man’s lips.

"And how would we do that?"

Alex drew back just far enough to focus on the amber flecked eyes. "I want to make love to my beautiful Fox."

Golden-brown lashes drooped heavily at the whispered words. Fox pushed back and up against the pillows as Alex crawled over him, straddling the length of his body on hands and knees.

Open mouth met open mouth, tongues stroking, sharing the faint flavor of champagne. Hands impatient but gentle, tugged at clothing, efficiently discarding every item.

Alex lowered himself, resting the full length of his body along that of his lover. He caught Fox’s sigh in his mouth as his hands roamed freely over the heated skin.

"You’re so warm, lisa."

Fox’s closed eyes flew open as he felt Alex’s weight lift from him.

"What are you doing?"

He watched the younger man move gracefully toward the bottle of champagne. Alex lifted it from the table and carried it back to the bed. He stretched out alongside Fox and tipped the bottle carefully.

"Alex, what are you..."

Fox’s body jumped and he released a low growl as a small amount of icy liquid dribbled out over his chest.

"Just trying to cool you off, love." Alex’s head dipped and he began lapping at the champagne before it could roll off.

Fox’s head tipped back into the pillows, exposing the elegant line of his throat. It was too much to resist. Alex finished licking up the last of the champagne, then moved to cover the throbbing pulse, thinly camouflaged by the layer of sensitive skin.

Fox sucked in a sharp breath. Cold transferred from his chest to his neck. Delivered there by Alex’s talented mouth. His hands began to travel, wandering the expanse of the younger man’s back, squeezing and stroking in all the right places. His hips arched upward, pressing harder into the erection that rested so intimately against his own.

Alex winced as he bore down on his lover. "That what you want?"

Fox’s mouth dropped open on a loud gasp.

Never one to waste an opportunity, Alex closed in, plunging his tongue into the welcoming heat, stroking over smooth teeth and soft walls. Fox moaned into his lover’s mouth and returned the soft caresses with his own tongue.

Alex pulled away and again reached for the bottle. Eyes glued to Fox’s, he raised the bottle to his lips, taking a small drink. He bent over his reclining lover and brought their mouths together. Fox sucked the champagne from Alex’s mouth, the chilled liquid soothing his parched throat. Alex drew back, allowing the other man to lick the remnants of the liquid from his lips.

"More," Fox demanded impatiently.

Alex shot him a grin. Devious. Arrogant. So typically Alex. He draped a leg across Fox’s thighs and pressed his cock against the slim hip. "I thought you wanted this.

"I want both."

"Oh," he whispered, bringing the bottle to his mouth.

Fox stretched up, anxiously anticipating his lover’s mouth. The moment it came down on his, he began to drink, moaning softly with every swallow.

Alex thrust slowly against Fox’s thigh as the older man drank from him.

"I may never use another glass," Fox gasped after swallowing the last drop.

Alex smiled but said nothing. He set the bottle down on the nightstand and returned for another kiss. Fox threaded his fingers through the dark hair, holding Alex’s head where it was. He pressed his thigh against his lover’s rigid cock and murmured against his lips, "Now, this."

Alex released a long sigh into Fox’s mouth. "How do you want it?"

Fox licked his partner’s lips. "First in my mouth." He pulled back and looked into a turbulent ocean of green. "Then deep in my ass."

A fresh surge of desire shot through Alex, hardening him to impossible levels of discomfort. He propped a few pillows against the headboard of the bed, then directed Fox to them. He kneeled before the partially reclining man, straddling his torso. He stroked the golden-brown hair away from his lover’s face, watching the glazed hazel eyes follow the intermittent jerk of his cock.

"Take it."

No more needed to be said. Fox slipped his mouth over the flared head, flicking his tongue over the tip. Alex’s hands clenched in his hair but made no attempt to force more into his mouth. He kept a tight rein on his control, letting Fox lead.

He looked down through the dark veil of his lashes at his Fox, so gorgeous, eyes closed, drenched in ecstasy as he teased and tormented his lover’s aching cock. The sight of it nearly drove him out of his mind. He closed his eyes and tipped his head back, trying to rid his mind of the image. An impossibility, when he could still feel the wet warmth of Fox’s mouth around him.

Suddenly, the movement ceased and he looked down just as the other was looking up. It was almost frightening that they could read and understand each other with nothing more than a touch or a glance. Alex gripped the headboard with one hand, placing the other one at the back of the golden-brown head and began to pump slowly, in and out of Fox’s mouth.

Fox sucked him gently, making it that much more difficult for Alex to stop when he knew he should. He tightened his grip on the headboard and thrust faster. A fine sheen of sweat appeared on his face and chest as he moved and a low rumble broke from his lips. Fox grasped his hips to stop him, eliciting a groan of protest, then gently pushed him away. Never breaking eye contact, the older man slid down until he was lying flat. He opened himself to Alex, issuing a silent invitation.

Alex slid over him, licking and biting at his nipples, before claiming his mouth for a deep, wet kiss. Fox pulled away, rattled and out of breath.

"Now, Alex."

Alex positioned his lover beneath him and began to work one finger into his ass. Fox twisted and bucked away from his hand.

"No. I want your cock. Give it to me." His eyes blazed a bright green. "Give it to me, Alex."

Alex struggled to control his breathing as he grasped his cock by the base and pushed the head slowly inside, past the clenching ring of muscle. Fox arched his back and pushed down, trying to impale himself further. Alex gave him what he wanted, quickly establishing a smooth rhythm.

"Ohhhhh, yeahhhhh. Oh God, Alex...Jesus, you’re incredible." He reached up and pulled at both of his partner’s hardened nipples, sending a deep shudder rippling through his body.

Alex moaned through gritted teeth and wrapped a hand around his lover’s cock. Fox jerked up into the closed fist, whimpering hysterically.

"Harder. Please, baby. Harder..."

Alex obeyed the sobbing command and doubled the strength of his thrusts, pushing Fox into the pillows again and again. His hand worked faster, keeping time with his hips, bringing them both closer and closer to that mind-shattering rapture that they never failed to achieve.

Fox’s eyes squeezed shut and a loud, choking cry escaped his lips. Alex was right behind him. He threw his head back and let out a long, harsh growl. Unable to hold himself up any longer, he collapsed on top of his exhausted lover and moaned softly as he slipped out of him.

They lay together, too weak to move, for neither knew how long. Finally, Alex lifted his head and kissed Fox’s chin. "You alive?"


He started to lift himself from the warm cushion of his lover’s body but Fox’s arms encircled him and pulled him back down.

"Don’t. Stay here."

"I’m too heavy, lisa."

"No you’re not. I love the feel of you on top of me." He held Alex’s head to his chest, petting the soft, damp hair. "Close your eyes."

"I’ll fall asleep if I do that," he protested even as his eyes wafted shut.

"I know...Alex?"


"You didn’t tell me what you wish for this year." He could feel the smile against his skin.


"Funny. Come on, really. What do you wish for."

"Same thing I’ll wish for every New Year...hell, every day for the rest of my life."


"To wake up every morning and go to sleep every night, next to you."

Fox hugged him close. No need to elaborate, that said it all.

He closed his eyes and followed Alex into sleep.

Wednesday, 10:13 a.m.
Three weeks later

They walked slowly, in silence, to the river they’d frequented during the last two months. As much as they loved the beach for walking and that intoxicating feeling of freedom, this place was their favorite. With its lush overgrown greenery and small waterfall, it was their own little slice of heaven. Paradise within a paradise.

Alex spoke first.

"We uh...we gotta keep track of the time."

"I know," Fox said softly.

"Two months felt like two days, didn’t it?"


"God, I’m going to miss this place. Not just because it’s beautiful and peaceful. I’ll miss it because here, you were all mine." Fox turned to face him. "I didn’t have to share you with anyone. I didn’t have to hide how I feel about you. Is that selfish?"

"I don’t know if it is. But I do know that I feel the same. The thought of going back to the shit, isn’t nearly as appealing as I thought it would be after eight weeks off."

Alex released a heavy sigh. "How about it? One last swim?"

"I didn’t think we’d be swimming. I didn’t wear my..."

Alex smirked at him. "And your point would be what?"

Fox peeled off his shirt and reached for the button of his pants. "I had a point?"

10:45 a.m.

Alex looked at his watch. "We should probably think about getting back, soon."

Fox stroked through the water toward Alex, stopping when their bodies touched. He wrapped his arms around his lover’s neck and planted a thorough kiss on his lips.

"In a while, okay? There’s one more thing I want to do."

"What’s that?"

Fox lowered his head, almost timidly. "I’ve wanted to do it since the first time we came here..."

"What is it?"

"You won’t laugh at me?"

"Fox, would you just tell me?"

He spit the words out before he changed his mind.

"I want to make love under the waterfall."

Alex stared silently.

"I know, corny, right? Never mind..."

Alex slid a curled finger under his chin and lifted. "Not corny." He moved backward in the water, pulling Fox along with him, until he felt the water begin to beat against his back. He stopped, caressing his lover’s wet face. "It’s your fantasy, baby. How do you want me?"

Fox hesitated for a moment, searching Alex’s eyes, then he backed him against the rocks. The water pounded them both as he found his lover’s waiting mouth. The roar of the falls drowned out the moans as he lowered his head to the younger man’s chest, licking and sucking at the nipples already made hard by the cool, splashing water. His hand dropped between them and grasped the solid erection, still hot through the surface chill. He used long, firm strokes, bringing his lover along quickly. When Alex began to pant and writhe, he removed his hand and, grasping the younger man by the shoulders, spun him around and pressed him into the rocks.

Alex clung as tightly as he could to the unyielding surface of the stone, as Fox’s hands wandered over his skin, tracing lines of muscle and bone, dancing through the curves and hollows. He groaned ineffectually as his lover’s mouth took the place of the pounding water against the sensitive back of his neck. Winced at the hot sting of teeth...melted into the loving caress of a soft tongue.

Fox moved lower, licking and nipping down Alex’s back, sinking slowly toward the smooth, hard muscles of his ass. His teeth clenched delicately in the right cheek, feeling more than hearing the low moan. He coaxed Alex’s legs apart, at the same time spreading his ass with his hands.

Alex jerked against the rocks at the first feel of his lover’s tongue moving gently up the crevice between his cheeks. His loud cry cut through the roar of the falling water as he felt the soft probe at the opening. The second thrust gained access and Alex’s body trembled violently in response.

Fox reached around and gently closed his fingers on Alex’s cock while he continued to tongue his ass. The younger man’s desperate cry rose above the sound of the water, the word "please," bouncing off the rocks and disappearing into the surrounding bushes and trees. Fox unwrapped his fingers, withdrew his tongue and licked his way back up to Alex’s neck.


Whispered...or spoken clearly. No matter, it could not be heard. But Fox read it plainly on his trembling lips.

"Okay baby," he mouthed into Alex’s neck and guided his cock to the place his lover begged for it to be.

Alex’s head dropped forward. His lips stretched into a grimace, baring gritted teeth, as his lover’s cock penetrated the small opening. He pushed back, wanting it all. Wanted it hard...deep. And he wanted it, right now.

Fox gave it to him. He curved one hand on Alex’s hip and the other around his cock and began a driving rhythm that dragged a ragged scream from his lover’s throat.


Alex bounced between Fox’s hand and hips.


Fox buried his head into his lover’s back as the first wave hit.

The sudden, piercing screams startled a small group of birds into flight. The two men thrashed wildly against each other until every ounce of strength was gone. Both fell forward onto the rocks, panting heavily, struggling against the pounding water, to remain standing.

Slowly, they made it to the shore and collapsed in a wet, satisfied heap, next to their clothing.

"My God," Alex whispered breathlessly. "Are you ever going to stop surprising me?"

Fox’s answer came in the form of an exhausted smile. He wearily raised a hand to Alex’s face and stroked his cheek.

Alex’s eyes widened and he grabbed the other man’s wrist. "Fox...your hand."

"Yeah, it’s my hand..."

"It’s bleeding."

"Huh?" He inspected the hand and found that indeed, it was bleeding. "Guess I scraped it against the rocks while I was jerking you off," he said matter-of-factly.

"Looks like more than a scrape. Looks like the skin came right off."

"It’ll be fine. It was well worth a little skin, to hear you scream like that."

Alex smiled and kissed the wound. His eyes lifted to his lover’s, then back down to his hand. His tongue inched out and began to lap daintily at the blood.

Fox watched him, completely entranced.

Alex’s mouth covered the area and gently sucked away the remaining blood. He looked up and gave Fox a sweet smile.

"It’s time to go."

"I don’t want to."

"I know, lisa. God, I know. But it really is time." He kissed the hand again. "Besides, we gotta go get this cleaned up. Come on."

They dressed and, taking one more look around, walked back up to the house.

3:23 p.m.

Alex stared out the window, as the plane carried them away from their island paradise, his expression so pensive, that Fox hesitated to speak to him. Finally, he’d had enough of the silence.


No response. He touched the other man’s arm lightly.


Alex snapped out of his trance with a start. "Huh? What?"

Fox leaned in, resting his chin on his lover’s shoulder. "Talk to me."

Alex gave him a half smile and kissed his forehead. "I’m sorry. Guess I was kinda deep in thought."

"Can you tell me what you were thinking about?"

"Just....stuff. You know..."


Another kiss. "Like how much I love you. How sorry I am that we’re leaving..." His expression grew distant. "How sorry I am about what brought us here in the first place."


"You asked."

"Yeah, I did."

"I’m not going to get morose about it, don’t worry...I was just reviewing."

Fox shifted the balance from his chin to his cheek. "What else?"


"What about it?"

"How much it’s going to affect us...mostly you. My life has changed for the better and I was wondering if you could say the same."

Fox lifted his head quickly and stared at him. "Alex, I can’t believe you just said that..."

Alex cupped his cheek. "I just...I just meant the sense that, you’ve added a full time relationship to your already very busy life. I don’t want to distract you from what you need to do."

"Alex, lots and lots of people balance careers and full time relationships. I see no reason why I can’t."

"Yeah. People like accountants, doctors, bank managers....not people like you. You don’t have a career, you have a mission. Twenty four hours a day, seven days a week...the phone rings and you’re gone. Off halfway across the world on an hour’s notice. Can you be sure that having me around won’t hamper that?"

"I’m still going to do what I need to do, Alex." He stroked the younger man’s arm. "But now, when I drag home in the middle of the night after a horrific nine hour flight, it won’t be to a cold, lonely apartment. You’ll be there...unless you get tired of me being gone so much and decide you can’t deal with it."

Alex shook his head. "Never worry about me leaving, Fox."

"You won’t get bored?"

"I’ve done and seen so much shit in the last few years...awful, ugly...believe me, bored would be blessed relief. But I hardly think I’d have time to be bored. As long as you’re in the field, you’ll be in danger. And while you’re protected under the deal I made with our friends, there’ll always be new threats. And with the chances that you take, watching that beautiful backside of yours is a full time job in itself."

"No, it’s not."

"I bet Scully would disagree with you."

Fox smirked at him. "Oh, I didn’t mean that it wasn’t tough keeping up with me. I meant no, my backside isn’t beautiful."

Soft laughter. "You haven’t seen it from all the angles that I have, my love."

"Very true. And listen, I’ll make a promise to you. I won’t take dangerous chances any more."

"Really? And why should now be different than before?"

"I had no reason to care before, whether I lived or died. Now I do."

"Thank you, lisa."

Brief flash of white teeth. "So...what else?"

"We never talked about living arrangements. You know,’re much more settled in your apartment than I was in mine, so..."

Fox nodded.

Alex continued. "But...and speak up if you don’t agree,’s so dark and small and..."

"You want to find a bigger place?"

"What do you think?"

Fox smiled. "Someplace airy and sunny...a house maybe, rather than an apartment?"

Alex brightened. "I was thinking that, but I didn’t know if you’d go for it."

"I’d love to live in a house. Something that was mine." He lifted his head from Alex’s shoulder. "Ours."

Excitement prickled the back of Alex’s neck. "I want a yard. A big one. With lots of trees for privacy...and a gourmet know...for all those meals you say you’re going to learn to make..."

Fox laughed. "I’m gonna, I’m gonna. I’ll show you and Scully. We’ll have a big dinner, invite her and the Gunmen over and I’ll cook it all myself..."

Alex’s smile faded. His gazed dropped to his lap. Fox’s smile disappeared as well.

"Hey. What is it?"

"Listen to us."

"I am listening. It sounds great."

"It does. But is it reality?"

"Why not?"

"I don’t...I don’t know, it’s..." he struggled for the words, "...we’re going back. Back to real life. The fantasy is over."

Fox stared at him for a moment. "So are you saying that you think we can’t be the same people we were for the last two months, once we get home?"

"How can we be? Back there, we were carefree. We could relax and enjoy each other. We had nothing to worry about. Nothing to do but exactly what we wanted to do. We opened ourselves to each other completely. We learned to trust and love without reservation. We found each other. That place was magic for us."

"The magic was us, Alex. It is us. We didn’t leave any of it behind. We packed it up and we’re taking it home with us. Being there simply gave us the time and privacy to do those things. But it wouldn’t have happened if it wasn’t in us to begin with." He grasped Alex’s hands and squeezed them together in his. "We’ll go home. I’ll go back to work..." he grinned, "you and Scully will keep me out of trouble, we’ll find the perfect house, pack up, fight about how much of my stuff is moving with us and how much is going into the trash, move in, and grow old and gray together."

Alex’s eyes glowed with renewed hope. "You make it sound so easy. Like it just might be possible."

"It’s more than possible." He melted Alex with his smile. It’s reality. And it’ll all happen just the way I said."

"And what makes you so sure?"

Fox’s eyes sparkled a brilliant amber. "It’s my world, remember?"


Go back to Part 2 of Paradise Found



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