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God's Chosen Vessel
Thursday, 27 May 2004
My Baby is so Sweet
I think about my relationship and I think about JaNiece(Pillows) and how much I Love her she is the apple of my eye I think about how God is moving in my relatioship, JaNiece has made me feel like heaven she makes me feel good and I thank God for her because any other girls would just get what they want and that, it but JaNiece is different she is pure and she cares for me the way that I care for her I think about my relationship and how we have grown in the Lord so JaNiece I love you and I want you to know that you don't have to be scared to show your emotions around me because I am going to be around for a long time and I don't want you to be scared to express your feelings around me and I love you and everything is going to be alright

Posted by ar3/antoimobl at 5:23 PM EDT
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Wednesday, 26 May 2004
Will Someone Please Stand Up
When will we stand, when we stop trying to please the group, and submit to God's Will for our life for he is so worthy of all the praise and Glory I think about how much God has done in my life and I think about when I was younger and I tried to please everyone that I come in contact with and not knowing that they didn't appreciate my efforts they just wanted to use me over and over again I think about how Jeremiah wanted to make a stand to say to they people of Jeruslem that God wasn't please with their action and their ways and I can think about what Jonah went through with the City of Ninveh and how they disobeyed God and how God sent Jonah to speak a word of Prophecy that God was going to destroy them in 40 days, and then I think about how God brought they three Hebrew boys out of the furnace to show man that you can not mess with a child of God, and to show the people God that man has no control over your life and I thank God for that because his word true and I thank bless it be the name of the Lord

Humbly Submitted By:

Prophet Antoine L. Mobley

Posted by ar3/antoimobl at 10:33 PM EDT
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