Amy's Page

Hi!! Im Amy and this is my page!! I guess I should start like everyone else does and tell you a little bit about myself. I am 21 years old and I like to write poetry and short stories. (some of which I will include on the next few pages) I have been playing the violin for almost 9 years now and while in highschool I played soccer and softball. My favorite color is orange (must be pronounced ORANCH). I live with my fiance, Dustin, and our 6 furbabies (his 3 redbones~~Dixie, Bonnie, & Clyde, my 2 Husky puppies~~Rasha and Slim, and our poodle~~Milo, who rides with us in the Big Truck during the week). My cousin, Jessi, might be moving in with us. I will be posting new pics soon, so come back. I guess thats about all you need to know. Have Fun! and sign the guestbook on your way out!

Latest News: Dustin proposed May 18 and we're getting married September 6, 2003!!!!!! read about it in my new poem on Dustin's page:)

"meaningless art is simply tolerated vandalism...
...we are the vandals."

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