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{Vel} While soaking away my tension about being left at the hotel by the girls...I was thinking.....I sure hope Ms. Pokey don't let Unk mess around in the kitchen....

{Barb} Carolyn and I finally made it back to get Vel. I had fell under the spell of Vince Gill's blue eyes! OMGosh, just look at him! I could hardly tear myself away from him, but we had Pokey waiting on us!

{Barb} Not quite sure what Carolyn did, but we finally picked Vel up and got back on the road. We were anxious after our "rest" to get on to North Carolina! We knew Unk would be pacing, waiting for us, or trying to track us down over the Web! :-)) We also knew by then that NASCAR race was over and those guys would be on their way also. We stopped to call and talk to Pokey, and Betty had already made it there with her 3 Cats and the old dog that rode in the back of her Pick Up! Betty and Pokey were staying busy getting alot of talking done and a little cooking! LOL I talked to Unk for a minute, and he said Betty was also trying to take over his Webbie!! ....:-))

{Vel} Boy, the weather is sure getting warmer as we go further south...It was cold when I left home. Unk is probably pacing the drive way cause Betty brought all of those animals....LOL....I sure hope Pokey lets me soak in that nice big tub she has. Barb will probably help Betty cook us some of that good southern cooking...I think we're going to stop and do a little sight seeing, but Barb is driving so I'm not sure what we'll stop and see...Oh, I'm so excited to be on this trip...

{Jean} Well the race is over and Tony is our Champion, so now I can get on the road to meet the rest of the gang at Unk's and Pokey's. I will be so nice to finally meet them all. I am sure AJ and Grandy are on their way, but it will take them longer to get there than me. I can't wait. Hey Pokey, don't let Unk touch that turkey!!!!

{Suzie} Jean,your not too far from Unk and Pokey's are you? Maybe Grandy and I can pick you up on the way and AJ can meet us at your house too...that way it would be even, 2 TS fans and 2 JG fans...

{Jean} That would be great Suzie. I hate traveling by myself. Even thought it is only about a 3 hour drive....

{Barb} Okay Vel and Carolyn, let's stop and sight see a little at Washington D.C. Visit the Arlington Cemetary where the Tomb of the Unknown Soldiers is, President Kennedy's grave, and tour the Capital Bldg and White House. Awwwwww, I am glad I didn't have to ride with Betty in that old pickum up truck with the cats, litter box, and hound-dog! But I know Pokey loves animals! :-)) This Cadilac is a nice ride! I am so glad we came in your, um Tim's car Carolyn! And you let me drive...I love to drive. We will have to hurry through this sight-seeing, cause I know Unk will want to try my famous Biscuits! LOL And the NASCAR fans are now on their way there also.....

{Suzie} Ok, what's on the menu and what do you want me to bring? Bread stuffing? I hope....

{Pokey} As you can see the turkey is almost done and just waiting for my friends to get here.

{Pokey} I have banded Unk from the kitchen, don't want him to touch any food as I remember how he cooked a turkey in the service. Betty & I are taking our time as we know that Barb and Vel and Carolyn are just looking for those cowboys, I hope they invite them too. We are so jealous that they got to meet Tim, Vince, & Willie. Boy does the house smell good with this turkey cooking. Lucky can't wait to meet you all, he is sitting on the back on the sofa looking out the window for everyone. Betty's cats and him are getting along real good, matter of fact they are sitting along side of him in the window. The sun is out and it looks like we are going to have a beautiful day, especially when everyone gets here. Unk has to go out and rake some leaves to clear a path for you to get to the porch. It also is giving him something to do, to keep him out of Betty's and My hair. LOL.

{Pokey} The music is playing and I just saw a car drive up, I wonder who it is. Hi Jean, AJ, Suzie, and Indy Sue! I am so glad you all made it safe and sound. We also invited Froggy, I wonder if he will make it here. He said his flight would be in a little late, but we can hold dinner for him as Barb, Vel and Carolyn must be still sight seeing. Hey are going by the airport on your way here,can you check to see if Froggy's flight is on time and maybe you can pick him up...

{Barb} Oh so Jean made it!! The 4 NASCAR fans were riding together. AJ, Indy Sue, Suzie, and Jean. I hope they got along okay on the trip!! LOL AJ-Tony fan! Jean-Tony fan! IndySue-Jeff fan! Suzie-Jeff fan! HA! HA! HA! Bet that has been a fun trip for them. I bet NASCAR wasn't even brought up on the ride!!! LOL

{Barb} Yes, Carolyn, Vel, and I will check on Froggy at the Airport. Hope he doesn't mind riding the rest of the way with us 3 gals! :-)) We are in this for a good time! And anxious to meet everyone!! How will we know to recognize Frog King at the Airport. Oh I forgot, he will have his Crown on. And I do hope his Lady Frog can make it too! We have plenty of room in Carolyn's Caddy!!!..... We have now seen the Sites at the Capitol and waiting on Vel to take a potty break at a Rest Stop area, then we wlll be on our way once again!!

{Barb} Mmmmmm Pokey, my mouth is watering from thinking how good that Turkey will be. We have baked some goodies and have them in the trunk of the car! And here is just a few things!......