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Ancestors of Will E. Walker


Robert Payne of Ripley County, Missouri

List of Direct Surnames:

Bach, Capps, Cozart, Millianger, Morris, Myers, Payne, Stewart, Thompson, Vickery, Victory, Walker

List of Surnames:

Adkins, Amerman, Austin, Bach, Bainster, Binkley, Bracy, Brown, Capps, Chastain, Collins, Cozart, Crays, Crook, Decker, Ellis, Fagan, Flanigan, Gebhardt, Green, Greenlee, Griffie, Griffin, Halford, Hines, Hinds, Howard, Kimberlin, Leroux, Little, McDowell, McGee, McGonigal, McKinney, Miller, Millianger, Morris, Murray, Myers, Paine, Payne, Phillips, Richmond, Rowland, Steward, Stewart, Sullivan, Thompson, Turnbaugh, Vickery, Vickory, Victory, Walker, Yarbrough.

If you have any questions, additions, comments, or are a descendant of these people on this webpage and would like more info, please email me at the email address at the bottom of this page.
