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Trading Hints for New Collectors

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#1, Variations. When asking someone about cars always mention what variation you are asking about. Some cars may be very common with one type wheel or color or window, but then may be very rare and expensive with a different wheel, window or color.
I will give you an example:
Steel Stamp `57 Chevy, blue window & interior with 5spoke wheel =$5
Steel Stamp `57 Chevy, smoked window & black interior with 5sp wheel =$50
Always state what one you are looking for or have for trade.

#2, Post Variations. When posting what you have for trade or are looking for ALWAYS mention what wheels, color, int, window, base, anything you can. There are people that collect variations. If you post a car with just a number : ie. #213 `57 Chevy. That means nothing. It could be the teal one on the all blue card, with or w/o the side tampo. Could be the new one on the blue & white card with 5 spoke wheels, with a blue int or the hard to find black int. See what I mean? Too many times I see a post on a car that I might need but just get sick of writing someone to ask about the variation. This is when I might have found what I needed and they might have gotten what they wanted for the car. But we both miss out because they didn`t write what it was.

#3, Buy extras. This way you will have something to trade. Don`t think that someone is going to call you a scalper or hoarder. You are getting extras of a lot of stuff, not just the good cars. When stores have a sale, ie...3/$1 you will make out.

#4, Hard Variations. Always keep an eye out for what people are looking for, you know, stuff that are real hard to find.
Some things are regional. Some variations are only in certain parts of the country. So always see what variations everyone is after and see if there are a lot of them in your area.

#5, References. If you are new to the boards, it is best that you make a deal with someone who is a regular first. Make a deal and send your stuff first. I know you don`t know this person either, but all you have to do is ask for a reference on them from the board and you will get many responses. This will make you feel safe in sending your stuff out first. After you have built up a repour with a few people, then you will be able to have good references and get stuff sent the same day you send yours, it is always best to have a home address, and try to get phone numbers. It is alot easier if you have to trace someone down for your stuff if you need to.

#6, Pay attention to what cars are going for. It is always good to be well informed about what you are looking for or have to sell or trade. Notice what things are going for, ie…You would not post that you are looking for a `95 Camaro Treasure Hunt and are willing to trade a #264 Lexus for it. Pay attention to what things are trading for.
A thing I see a lot is someone looking for a car and 2 posts back someone has that car for sale or trade. The posts are there to read. Don`t just pick and chose the ones you think are good. Read them all, you might learn something or better yet, get something you are looking for.

Good Luck

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