I don't think this website really demonstrates who I am any more, so I have decided to take it down. Here is a link to my blog and here is a link to my memoir which describes my experience with cancer. I plan on expanding on it and publishing it some day.

If anyone still comes to this website:

1.) I'm shocked.

2.) Email me if you'd like to stay in touch, or you'd like a copy of some of the material that was on the website (articles, the memoir, or something else). In case you forgot, my name is Ethan Helm, and my email is my last name and then my first name @gmail.com. (No spaces or characters, just lastnamefirstname@gmail.com).

Likewise, if you are a current cancer patient, and you'd like to talk to someone, or read a bit about what I went through with cancer, please send me an email. I'd love to be of any service that I can.

Thanks a lot!

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