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the reversing rhetoricomatose project

Requirements for joining...

Ok Ill make this as simple as possible to understand. I have screwed up many times tring to get on to a webring, b/c someone didnt really explain how to do it. -step one(1) Fill out the form (easy enough... After you submit the form you will be given a ID number, This is very important so write it down along with your password! After youve done that,Click on the link to come back to the reversing rhetoricomatose project homepage. When you get back click again on "join" and scroll through until you get to -step two (2) This is the HTML page. Highlight all of the HTML code and right click on it, select "copy". "Paste" the HTML code to your page, again by right clicking in the area you want to paste. Replace with your information where it says "YOUR NAME" "YOUR EMAIL" and "YOUR ID" which you should have written down. Well thats it! Your all set...Easy huh.. Believe me it's easier than it sounds.

Go back to the main page
Go on to step one and fill out the form