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My Rave Page

This is my little page about Raves. There will be reviews of the ones i've been to, future parties, and pictures from the ones i've been to. Raves are so awesome! The environment is great because no matter what you look like or act like, nobody judges you. It's all about the PLUR baby! Peace, Love, Unity and Respect. Raves, honestly, bring people together and let you make new friends each time you go. It's awesome!!! I love it!!!!!!

Pics of DJ's

  • VIBE
  • Return Of The High Command
  • Back To The Future Now
  • Infinity
  • MOVE
  • Balance
  • Subsonic Invasion
  • BANG
  • Respect
  • Joy For Toys
  • JOY
  • Digital Detour
  • A Dance Odyssey
  • Pure
  • Higher Energy
  • Vibe 2
  • My Main Page
