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392. Matilda MULLINS (1194) was born on Apr 6 1849 in Beefhide Creek, Kentucky.(1195) (1196) The year before Matilda was born, a treaty was made with Mexico in which Mexico ceded to the United States claims to Texas, California, Arizona, New Mexico, Nevada, Utah and part of Colorado.

Gold was discovered in that year in California, and in 1849, 80,000 prospectors left for the gold fields.

Matilda spent her childhood and early young womanhood on Beefhide Creek, Kentucky where she was born.

She was a quiet, kind, gentle person. She died in Jun 1924. (1197) She was ill with cancer in 1943. (1198) She was in a member of the Old Regular Baptist Church.. (1199) She was buried in Cline Cemetery; Kentucky.(1200) Matilda could not read or write.

She was married to King Solomon AKERS (son of Daniel AKERS and Arty [AKERS]) in 1875. (1201) This marriage was not recorded, but subsequent records prove the marriage.

Written by Marie Justice:
" It is said that Akers, who had an average education for his day, could read and write, was a quiet person, not overly sociable, liked to read, did not smoke or even drink coffee. Grandmother, on the other hand, was a very sociable person. She could not read or write, but loved people, liked to visit and talk. In her old days she smoked a pipe." She was divorced from King Solomon AKERS in 1899 in Kentucky.(1202) Written by Marie Justice:
"Grandmother was divorced from King Akers and they came to Pikeville to live. By that time Aunt Julie and Aunt Mary were married. Grandmother was not afraid to work, trusted in the Lord and had lots of friends.

She washed and ironed for people in Pikeville. Some of the people she worked for were Sam Wright, who owned the Big Sandy Hotel on the corner of Grace Avenue and 2nd St. Dixie George, who prepared a noon meal for working people in Pikeville and Judge Joel Childers' wife, Kate, who had a large family.

Uncle Charlie was a young man by this time. He stayed part of the time with Grandmother and part time with King Akers and his second wife. Later he joined the army and went to the Philippine Islands to fight in the Spanish American War." King Solomon AKERS (1203) was born in 1849 in Montgomery County, Virginia. (1204) 1880 Census of Pike County, Kentucky:
House #4
King Akers 30 born Kentucky, Matilda Akers 30, Julie Akers 5, Mary Akers 3, Charles Akers 1.

1900 Census of Pike County, Kentucky:
King Akers 50, Josephine Akers 40, Charley Akers 20 Son. Matilda MULLINS and King Solomon AKERS had the following children:

child+775 i. Julie AKERS.
child+776 ii. Mary AKERS.
child+777 iii. Charlie AKERS.
child+778 iv. Mattie AKERS.

She was married to Phillip KOEPER after 1900.(1205) Pike County Marriage Records, Book 33, page 109:
Groom, Phil Koeper, tinner from Cleveland, Ohio, age 49. Groom's father from Germany; Groom's mother from Bavaria. Second marriage of the bride.

Date was December 18th. Year was not noted.