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Welcome to ManDa's PlaCe oN the WeB

Hey whats up people!! Well its been a year since I have updated my place on the web SO I thought that I would start to update now. Bare with it this will be a kinda slow process BUT it will get done & be better than ever.

I am 19 y/o I live in Dardanelle, Arkansas a little place w/a pop. of 3000 or so. I am 5'11 Brown hair (w/highlights), and blue eyes... What more can you ask for? ;-) (j/k) I am a photographer, I like to ride horses, play fastpitch, travel, go to clubs, party (no that doesnt mean i am a drunk! If you cant go to a party SOBER and have fun... YOU! SHOULDNT! BE! THERE!!!), and I just like to hang out w/friends.

My friends mean the world to me. I dont have many friends for some reason not many girls like me & I just get along w/guys better anyways but I choose to keep the 'inner circle' to a a select few... friends are always in & out but I dont like to waste my time on someone who is just there for the moment....
To see a few of my friends click below

My favorite quote...

"Getting married for sex is like buying a 747 for the free peanuts."

Leave me some LoVe people & sign my GuestBooK!!!! *muah* ~manDa
