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Jason 'LINK' Millen - Official Roleplay

........Let's give 'em all somethin' to talk about!

........The scene opens up at the Wrestling Hall of Fame in Calgary, Alberta. This is the place that sets apart the good wrestlers from the bad one's. After a 4 year separation from the wrestling world, Jason ‘LINK' Millen is seen walking hand in hand with Lana G., his still-spicy female counterpart. Walking slowly past such wrestlers as Busta BYRD, Brent Kersh, C-FU, Jimmy Harmon and nodding his head in amazement. These wrestlers may not be known to some of you, but to fill you in...they were legends, title holders and great story tellers in the FWF. The FWF is the organization that ‘LINK' used to be affiliated with before parting his ways and retiring. ‘LINK' comes up to the section of the "fame" that is dedicated to Owen Hart, he looks up at the roof of the building and gives a slight grin to memorialize the life of such a spectacular athelete in and out of the ring. After they give their praise, the couple moves on to the next exhibit, but...all of a sudden...Lana G. stops and turns to ‘LINK' and tells him what has been on her mind.

Lana G.: Jason, You know I love you baby...but you said you were gonna return to wrestling soon. Four years later, and you haven't even put forth and effort to strap on the boots and tights, or even hit the gym. When are you gonna give-in hun? Or have you completely retired? You just never share your feelings to me Jason. Tell me!

‘LINK': ...Seeing all of these wrestlers that I have had a chance to work in the ring with and knowing that my name could one day be etched in the walls of this hall of fame has given me the strength to relive the days that I had way back when. I just don't believe that there is a organization that eases up on screw-jobs. That is the reason why I retired. Besides...even IF I did come back, your right...I have not worked out since I left the ring... but odds are I am still better then three-quarters of the entire wrestling world. People obviously don't know my history.

Lana G.: Maybe you should fill them in?

‘LINK': Bah...I've done enough of that in the past. I mean... Being the FWF Intercontinental and Big Mouth champion is nothing to brag about right?

Lana G.: Right baby, what about that group you were in?

‘LINK': Who? The Underdawgs? Yea... It was great while it lasted.

Lana G.: And...What about the Top-20?

‘LINK': Pardon? Top-20? What are you talking about?

Lana G.: You know...The FWF's Top-20 Wrestlers of all time? You were 16th, tied with Badgerman and KRUNCH...That was quite the feat at such a young age Jason.... makes me kinda hot when I think about it!

‘LINK': You just calm down. We can save some of that "hotness" for later, alright? Anyways let's get out of here, I'm about ready to leave.

........LINK and Lana G. are shown walking out of the Wrestling Hall of Fame. Just as they exit through the rotating doors, a man dressed in a white business suit approaches the two and grabs LINK by the hand. LINK turns around, grabs the man's hand, throws it off him and speaks....

‘LINK': Just what do you think your doing?

Business Man: I mean no harm, I just came up to you to tell you that you have been acquired by the Outsiders Wrestling Federation.

‘LINK': WHAT!? How is this possible? I wasn't even in the market to joining a new wrestling organization. This just doesn't make any sense!

Lana G.: Uh....Jason. I have to tell you something.

‘LINK': What's that?

Lana G.: Well....I was going through your mail the other night and I seen offers from all of these wrestling federations including this "OWF" place. So like they do in sports, I put you on waivers for any wrestling organization to sign you and the offer that the OWF was throwing at us was just non-refusable, the contract was in the 7-digit range. So I did what any other respectful manager...accomplice would do.

‘LINK': Lemme guess. (The business man begins to leave tip-toe'ing out of harms way)

Lana G.: You betcha... I forged your name on the contract and we are due to arrive at the OWF offices first thing Thursday morning.

‘LINK': What tha...F&#%. You mean I'm wrestling again? I know it was bound to happen but you did it without me knowing...that hurts.

Lana G.: I know it hurts, but think about it... 7-digits. As in 10 million dollars or more. You were the hottest free agent on the market and that's the price that they offered under the table and I took it. Now let's go, we have a lot of work to do before you can get back in the ring.

‘LINK': Woah Lana, I have to think about this dramatic turn of events first before I make any decisions. I'm not even sure if wrestling is what I want to do right now, but if it involves that much cash flow then SHIT YEAH you can put me down for a bakers dozen 'cause I'm in. Like...If I gave up on an oppurtunity like this then I'd have to kick my OWN ass and F.Y.I. that is the ONLY way that my ass is getting kicked, I NEVER lose. You see Lana. They may not know what I've been through but I know that I will show them why I'm the self-proclaimed Wrestling Legend. Look at my resume, I am a former title holder and I retired with the belt, so what does that tell you?

Lana G.: That you can never be beat?

‘LINK': Your damn RIGHT!

........Lana G. accompanies LINK out of the building and into his new H2 Hummer (with 26's on the rims, he keeps ‘em clean). LINK revs the engine a couple of times before leaving the parking lot and out onto the freeway with nothing but his future in the OWF to reminisce about....