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This is the Story of My Life...

A Journal of the Journey


Things Important to Me
* About our Religion ISLAM
* Salaat~ Instructions 4 Beginners
* Hijab~ Instructions 4 Beginners

* More Hijab Instructions   

* Where To Buy Islamic Clothes    
* Books For New Muslims
* Practical Advice for Sisters

SISTERS- A Great Magazine for Fabulous Muslim Women!
* Read articles from past issues
* Subscribe

See my friend Yasmine on the BBC video, Turning Muslim in Texas

My Career and Hobbies
* Resume
* Nasheed

* Photography
* Try My Favorite Candy Recipe


Notes to my Visitors:

For Shatha~ So wonderful to finally hear from you again! Hug the kids for me and salaam to your mom!
For Celeste~ Thanks for getting in touch with me! Your kids are just beautiful!
For Annabel from Venezuela~ Here is a link to some Spanish resources for studying Islam
For Shelle~ It was great to hear from you! Long live the RHS class of 1992!
For Meliha in Bosnia~ Thank you for your kind words... and keep singing!
For Abdellah in Morroco~ All the best to you and your family!




Me, April 2004- Photo by Aspen, age 6

I am Jamie "Amina" Teal.
Nice to meet you...
Assalaamu alaikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatu!



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AMBER ALERT - Help another mom bring home a missing child


Site last updated February 2008

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