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Jarred's Web Page

Facts about Cystic Fibrosis

My name is Jarred Coggins I an 13. I was diagnosed with cystic fibrosis when I was three months old. When I get sick, I go to Arkansas Children's Hospital. I think that is the best hospital I have ever been to. When I am in the hospital, I like to go to the Teen Room, play video games, and hang out with people. It's not fun having CF because we have to wear masks when we go out of our rooms, we have to stay on schedules all the time, people come into my room at all hours of the night and sometimes it's hard to sleep, and I can't do as much stuff at home during the summer and winter because it is too hard on my lungs. Cystic fibrosis (CF) is a disease that is inherited. It affects many different parts of the body: breathing, digestion, and reproduction. This disease usually gets worse with age and it affects both males and females. CF affects different people in different ways. Most people with CF have both respiratory and digestive problems. Some people only have respiratory problems. CF does not affect how smart a person is. People who don't have CF have thin and watery secretions. But, people with CF have thick and sticky secretions. In people with CF the glands that make mucus, saliva, and intestinal fluids don't work right. Thick mucus in the lungs can cause problems with breathing, infections, and lung damage. Some of the respiratory treatment that people with cf do are the Vest It shakes the mucus out of there lungs. There is also the flutter that vibrates the lungs. Then there is the I.P.V. it blows air into the lungs. Today, there is no cure for CF. Treatment is important to the length and quality of life of people with CF to help control their symptoms. Aerosols are used to open your airways, and postural drainage or chest therapy helps to break up and remove mucus from the lungs.

There is over 50 to 100 C.F.'s that liveing in Arkansas. Some have a mild case of C.F. some have a more progressed case. In my case I have a more progressed than some, but not the the worsed. To get C.F it depends on the jeans that you get from there parents when you were born. There are over 700 types of C.F. they only test for the most complex types.

The ACH School Teachers

The school program is a good program to be in when you are in the hospital you can keep up with your home work and not get behind in your home work when you go back to school. They have computers so you can do research on projects and reports. The staff members include Marry, Kathy,and Chuck. They have school on Monday,Wednesday,and Thursday They have two different classes there is the K-6 they go 9:30-10:30 then there is 7-12 that goes from 10:30 to 12:00. Sometimes volunteres come to the room and help you with your home work.

Some of ACH nurses

The nurses at the hospital take care of all different kinds of patients but that is why the hospital have different units for different patients They have the Addo unit that take care of patients that have Cf,Asthma,Diabeties, and the Progressive unit that take care of people that are in car crashes and people on Ventolaters , and the Nurrow unit that take care of people that have scheres and head injurys , and the Med unit that takes care of people that have chicken pocks and things like that. Some of the nurses that I am close to I have known for a long time. Like (Jo G.,Tim M.,Angela M.)I think there the best nurses that money can buy.

Some of the Phisical Therpy people

The physical therpy come two times a day one in the morning and one in the afternoon and they take you to exercise and get the muscles moveing and working. Some times you can go and swim in the pool it has a floor that goes up and down becouse of people in wheelchairs, so it won't go to deep.

I dont think I could be where I am now with out my Grandpa, Mom, Grammy, my friends Courtiney W., Casey W., matt J.,alica B., Carl P., Joel V., Maurice H., Sarah W., and Justin S.My Teachers Mr.Lee, Mrs.Tindel, Mrs.laemenn, Mrs.Hill and my cousin Kenny Owens.
Thanks you guys!!!!!!!!

My Nurses: Jo, Tim, Charity

Other CF Patients: Adrianne,Alicia,George,laura&chloe,talon,and matt

Jarred Getting Treatments

Child Life: nikki & chris

Cool Web Sites to Visit:

Arkansas Children's Hospital
Arkansas Riverblades
Cystic Fibrosis Facts
Cystic Fibrosis Information Page
CF Kids Page
UAMS class of 2005

Favorite Things about ACH

  • Cool people like the Arkansas Riverblades come to visit...
  • There are really cool staff members there!
  • My Three Favorite Nurses (Angela, Tim, and Jo)
  • My Favorite Child Life People (Nikki, Chris, TJ, Pam, Gloriane, Stephanie M.)
  • I don't like the I.V.'s they put in my arms and all of the shoots
  • I don't like the people comeing in at all hours of the night.
