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Pictures from Washington D.C.

Some of these pictures have had to be edited. My camera that I took with me to Washinton D.C. will never let the flash turn off, and I forgot about the problem, so I didn't cover up the flash with my finger. This means some of these pictures might not be "true to life," but they are still okay. If I have any names wrong, which I hope I don't. Please feel free to file a law suit against me for libel. Some of these pictures look, for some reason, like a very talented water-painter painted them.

Alex, Todd, and Tim. (Touch-up)

All/Most of the girls, and a couple of guys.

The first try at a picture of the girls.

A group picture. (mine was the last camera, so some people decided to make it somewhat of a joke-picture)

Just a picture of whoever decided to get in on it. (mostly girls)

Holly and Lora (Touch-up)

A Picture of Katie. My camera changed the tent of her hair. Oops.

Shea, Katie, and Jason. (Touch-Up)

I might add more later, but for now, these are all the ones I have time to put up.