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I don't have a lot of photos of Alan, but here's what I do have:

Don't know who the little dog is, but he's cute. Was this in Muskogee?

Alan's school picture. 5th grade, I think. I asked him how old he was in this photo and he said, "Sophomore in college." Thank you, Doogie Howser.

One of the reasons men no longer wear hats.


Opening gifts. Behind the couch.

You are now entering New Mexico!

Enjoying (?) an outing in southern California

Alan's favorite sister brings a sense of class to his Bug. Betcha he wishes he still had that little red car today.

Alan & Lynn, married about 2 months. December 1966.

Alan, Lynn & Shannon, 1973

Alan, Lynn, Shannon & Lisa - 1976

Alan's family, April 1982

No, Alan, the bride gets the bouquet! Marrying off his oldest.

At Shannon's wedding

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This site created & maintained by Juli Risener Morgan
©2003-2004 by Juli Risener Morgan