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A Passing Moment



Leaves drifting past my head I stood listening,

No sound of man invading this peaceful moment.

Air crisp and cool, scents carried by the wind,

A hawk circles in the sky searching for food.


Many days I spent when I was young,

Marveling at the beauty nature presents us.

The rustling of leaves in a gentle breeze,

The chatter of squirrels playing in the trees.


Alone I walk wondering about the past,

Was I the first person to pass this way,

Intruding in a place better left untouched,

By the scars man leaves behind in passing.


My youth is far behind me now,

The places I can be alone are fewer.

The sounds of man return shattering the quiet.

But for a moment I recalled the past.


I continue my journey with greater care,

Not to disturb that which I leave behind.

Hoping that those who come after I,

Will also find a peaceful moment in time.



Randall Beers

© December 3rd 1999