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The World of Ashr'alan

Map Scale: [..............] = 500 miles

West - The Danex Region

  • Necropolis: The living don't enter Necropolis because there are still a few hundred various undead roaming the city. As far as anyone knows, some of the Necromancers still remain in the battlewrought ruined city. A small swamp spans between the Necropolis and New Danex.

  • New Danex: Well, the war is over. Old Danex/Necropolis lies in ruins. New Danex lies only sixteen miles out of the fallen city. It has recovered remarkably well for being in the shadow of the Necropolis, harboring some ten thousand people. People salvaged what they could from minor excursions into Danex before Maxima declared a quarentine of five miles around the dead city. With the combined efforts of Rizam and Maxima, New Danex may offer some hope to the shattered countryside.

    New Danex has caravans delivering goods regularly now, bolstering the courage of people to continue to thrive. The Maxum Empire, with watchful eye over the nearby Necropolis has set up the military and govern of New Danex, accepting it into the folds of the Empire. The Legate Scipio Flavius governs the northern territories of Maxima, including New Danex.

  • The Lourenal River: It runs from the mountains in Danex down into and through Maxima City, and on into the Sea of Sorrows. It can be up to a mile wide at points. Boat travel on the Dalenar is a frequent and convenient source of transportation for both passengers and cargo.

  • The Glittering Cavern: It is hidden in the Danex Mountains. The tree's surrounding the opening have been cleared away, about 40 meters of open space. As skilled stone workers, the dwarves have made 10' tall outer wall in a semi circle around the enterance, about 10 meters in from the tree line. In the middle of the wall is a gate has been put, wood banded together by iron strips. 10 meters behind that is the fallback wall. It's about 9 feet tall, with a similar gate in the middle. After that is the cavern enterence, it has a large gate that fits perfectly. This gate is the strongest and heaviest of the three. Inside it is mostly one large room, cleared of debree and set up very nicely. A small forge is in the rear. A back passage leading to the mines has been started. Flying right above the cavern gate is a banner of The Glittering Cavern, blue background with a green mountain in the middle with a small ruby sewn into the middle of the mountain.

  • Phayts Dream I: It is a 742 ft. tall stone pillar jutting up from the west bank of the Dalenar River. It stands exactly in between the two great cities of Necropolis, New Danex, and Maxima. From the top, you can see these populated areas far in the distance.

    Restrictions: To use the pillars, scale sheer stone without hand grips, stand in the center of the top and simply think about which pillar you want to go to... put a picture of it in your mind, focus on it... and then the whisperings start. A bright light will shine down, and if you are good in spirit, as in NOT evil, you will be taken to the pillar of choosing. If you are evil, you will probably find yourself obliterated by a massive beam of light, as if a huge magnifying lense dropped holy fire on you. Quick note, if you do not know what the destination pillar looks like, as in the surrounding view, you cannot go there.

  • The Griffon Knights: A secretive group that are rarely seen. Their exact numbers are unknown, but a guess of about 200 able bodied fighting knights exist deep within the Rizam Mountains. They keep several villages situated on the mountain sides and in the valleys of the mountains that raise crops and livestock to feed the knights and there mounts.

    The Knights have been forced to become more involved in the affairs of the lands dissolving below them, the Griffon Riders have further secured their own secrecy, while the Knights have flown out to help aid Maxima in its efforts to fight the growing Lizardmen, goblinoid, and fell men's growing military power.

  • Kalama Prison:The Imperial prison of Kalama now functions as both a northern fortress fot he Maxum Legions, as well as holding many of the worst criminals in all of Ashr'alan.

    South - The Maxum Region

  • Maxima City:The population dropped to a tenth of it's original number after the great destruction and undead plague. Nearly all of the citizens who fled to Quantor or other locations have returned to beloved Maxima. The Maxum spirit was not broken of it's pride, the people only locked their jaws determined to restore their city to it's glory.

    Maxima recovered rather swiftly after the great conflict with the Undead, but since that time its relations with the eastern power of Qantor has dissolved greatly due to their unwillingness to help rebuild the Imperial capitol.

  • The Southern Elven Nation: The Southern Forest includes the upper section of the Allaick Peninsula and extending upward along the bay towards the Veros Swamp. This area is home to the Wild Elves. The Wild Elves of the south have lost much of their outlying lands due to the growing power of the forces of Barbarosa and the Lizardmen forces. They now are on constant guard to try to maintain control of their ancient and beloved forests.

  • The Iron Hills: Just northwest of the Maxima Region, the stretch of the Iron Hills provides ample mining resources for the Empire. This area is not without its dangers though, as it is home to many bands of Trolls.

    Far South - The Allaick Peninsula

  • Phayts Dream II: This 742 ft. tall stone pillar is an exact replica of the one standing on the banks of the Dalenar River. It is the second of it's kind.

  • The Vintia Plains Most of the lower portion of the Allaick Peninsula is vast plains and grasslands. A multitude of large herd animals and thier predators inhabit this wild and mysterious region. There is a remote, small mountain range.

    East - The Quantor Region

  • Quantor: Also known as the Forgotten Power, Quantor tends to stand aside from the other cities of the Maxum Empire both due to distance and culture. The people of Quantor are like no other, having both the constant influence of the Badlands and the mysterious Valley of the Samurai in their lives. It is a city of trade, of invention, but it is also very dark in nature. The BlackMarket thrives now more than ever as everyone always seeks a better deal. There is growing tension on the borders of this power, and with Maxima, as disputes over their lack of support for Maxima, the Legions, and their role in the Council of the Sky.

  • The Badlands: South Eastern Ashr'alan is where goblins and orcs are most concentrated. Not much is known about this region, many prefer to stay away and settle in the other parts of the continent.

  • The Tysorg Swamp: Slightly to the west of the Badlands is the Veros Swamp. The vile, dark, and mysterious region is home to many foul beings, most notedly, the Lizardmen. Travellers from Maxima and Quantor fear the section of the ancient roadways that pass at the edge of the swamp for a few hundred miles. Between the Tysorg Swamp and the Badlands is the most dangerous stretch of roadway in the world.

  • Barbarosa: This city's infamy has grown ever greater in the past twenty years. As their now well known alliance with the Lizardmen and goblinoid folk, the forces of Barbarosa have grown dangerously. They cities exactly location is still yet unknown to any who are not wanted there, which is a frustration to many throughout the Maxum Empire who see it as a threat that must be met and dealt with swiftly.

    While the city harbors criminals, and other villians, it is not totally chaotic though. Elite troops set to protect the people of the city. Crimes on Gierda's people/followers are attempts on Gierda, and Trenton and his army shall strike fiercly.

  • Valley of the Samurai: North East of Quantor, around the large lake, the Valley of the Samurai has been present yet hidden for hundreds of years.

    North - The Rizam Region

  • Rizam City: The great volcano hovering over the Rizam Mountain range still smokes ominously after the great eruption during the black times. The calamity did not stopthe hearty people of the Mountain City, having hard times befall them many times before due to erractic weather. Most just saw this as a little more extreme then usual. The war did little to effect Rizam itself and the city still prospers. The Duke of Rizam has ordered add of supplies to be sent to Maxima and is still a strong influence in the Maxum Empire and Council of the Sky.

  • The Northern Elven Nation: Includes Mt. Rizam and the surrounding hills and forests, extending up to Hope City. They have a village in the treetops, but only Wood Elves, and elf friends know where it is. The only reason people know that elves are located there is that they are occasionally seen by brave hunters who go to far.

    Like their southern Wild Elves, the Wood Elves now tend to avoid leaving the Northern Forests. Due to the severity of the winters though, the Wood Elves have had more interactions with their Human neighbors in Rizam then they would like.

  • Hope City: This is the great city of the High Elves on the coast of the Sea of Hope. Its a city of paved roads, and large maginificent stone buildings. There is a Tower of the Moon in the middle of the city, and that is where most worship takes place. The High elves have effectually closed off their city to all outsiders, finding the world becoming a very foul and perverting place for their "pure" souls.

  • The Ruins Of The Azertyer Fortress: It is located northeast of Rizam City in the penninsula along the north claw, but the fortress has been destroyed and now lies as dark and mysterious ruins. It is said that a curse lies upon this area.

    The Islands

  • The Isle of Stone: The third isle in the Sea of Despair has the ruins of a small city built around an ancient fortress. There are caverns under the ruins. Hundreds of statues are scattered on the isle, some many decades old and almost crumbled to sand.

  • The Isle of Sorrows: Located in the Sea of Sorrows, approximately 20 days out to sea by boat. Because of an active volcano nearby, the island is almost always covered with fog.

    The Hidden Continent

  • The Hall Of Faded Lives: The dead ground holds nothing but a dark fog and the scenery of dead clawing trees and sinster boulders that seem to whisper wickedly. The shrine stands alone within the fog in the middle of the abandoned haunting land.

  • Blazen Fields:This area is ruled by Trenton Gylnost, one of the Great Generals of Gierda the Dark. The people and land of this dark plain are direct followers of evil and Gierda himself. The realm continues to fuel the production of the Barbarosa project. Sending shipments by sea, and air (wyverns) frequently.