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Magic in Ashr'alan

Mysteriously powerful as it has been distrusted, magic has been a symbol of power in Ashr'alan since recorded history. Whether given over "divinely" or taken by hard cold desire for knowledge, it has always heralded respect, and often...impending destruction.

The History of Magic

  • Earliest History
  • The Heazeron
  • Age of Wonders
  • Coming of Mankind
  • The Mage Wars
  • Age of Iconoclastism
  • The Great Purge
  • The Age of Renewal/The Modern Era

    Philosophies of Magic

  • The Protectors
  • The Individualists
  • The Sons of Entropy
  • The Silent Hand

    Schools of Magic

  • The Channelers
  • The Contractors
  • The Naturalists
  • The Necromancers

    (note: all names in italics represnt important characters in the world's history with a link to more information about them )

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