Bread of Life Ministries

Where The Bread Never Stales

Greetings from the servant of Yahweh our Elohim. My name is James and I have begun this site with the intention of teaching any who are called and to pass along information and guidance. Within this site will be teaching, information about the Bible, links to other sites I feel are called of God to teach and spread Truth. Forgive the inactive links and poor design as I am only starting this site and have not filled everything in yet. My ministry is only just beginning and I have not received specific direction on where to go from here just yet. This website is sort of a affirmation to God that I want to move into whatever He has called me to do. That said, this site may evolve into something completely different than what it is or what I have planned for it.

Elohim bless you and keep you, and make His face to shine upon you. Amen.

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