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A Voyage Through My Life

This banner created by Jeff Bullman (BULLDOGG7).

Shawn Cook
U.S. Army

Hi I am Shawn, and Welcome to my page.

These are my children

My grandmother says that "The littleones are God's blessing and reward". As they grow I realize how true this is, nothing can compare to the fufillment you get when your children come to with those questions that Mommies and Daddies should know, after all, in their eyes we are supposed to know everything. I never fully understood the curse my mom placed on me as a teen. "I hope you have 10 children just like you" Until I started seeing all the things I used to do in their actions. That's why I stopped at 3.

Learning is mutual between children and parents: "As we teach our children about the many lessons of life, they teach us exactly what our parents must have gone through"

Click on the "Only in America" box for personal quirks

Mood Lighteners (Jokes)

Here are some links to good web sites:

The South's Best Radio Morning Show!

Play LuckySurf