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Whites-male Dt + female white--Lg size white DT spawn !

Blue male Delta tail carries halfmoon gene,dt, and dark grey female crowntail conditioned and in tank as of today ( female still in chimney)!


Apistogramma agassizi "double red"-$22.00 pr + sh

We just had another large spawn of A. agassizzii!!!!

Pelvacachromis Pulcher-Albino-1new spawn.--Wow, our largest Most colorful Kribs Yet!!!
4 lg spawns 1/4 albino and 3/4 normal with albino gene. These babies are about 3 in. price- $1.75 ea 4 for $6.00 + sh. . E-mail for more information!

Aplocheilus lineatus"Gold"--out of fry and eggs

FP. gardineri Albino-out of fry and eggs

FP. gardneri misage-currently have eggs, $7.50 for 16 eggs or weeks spawn

E-mail if interested!

Aphyosemion scheeli-currently have fry, no eggs-e-mail if interested

Aphyosemion gabuense boehmi--small number of fry, some eggs

Fp. walkeri GH2/74 Kutunze- eggs in peat now -will have them at a later time!


Gold Marble- 2 lg spawns 3 mo. old and growing fast! Veiltails and combtails These angels are now at the s-med and med stage of developenment. $2.25 ea. or 7 for $12.00 + sh. e-mail if interested

microworm culture & instructions-------$6.50 price includes priority shipping!
Vinegar Eels, culture & instructions---$7.50 price includes priority shipping!
Hydei fruitfly culture & instructions---$7.50 price includes priority shipping!
Check back often for other available cultures!!

Natural caves made of coconut shells for your cave spawning fish (cichlids, some catfish, ect, also makes a beautiful Tropical decoration!)----$2.75 each