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Love That Never Ends

"Mama did you know you raised your babe to go off to war? Mama did you know you would have to give them to God? So their return would be in God's will. Mama did you know your babe was God's? Mama did you know your babe was on loan to only you? Mama did you know you would have to trust your babe's life totally with God? So Mama like Mary you have to let your babe grow. Mama please understand that God loves you and them. Mama know in your heart your babe loves you and hates this war too. But, Mama did you know they had to go to stop these people who dwell in evil? Mama did you know your babe is keeping us all safe? Mama did you know you had a hero the day your babe was born? Mama did you know that God loves you and wants to thank you for keeping your babe beside you and nurturing to do good. Mama did you know that on this day there are millions thanking you for your babe? Mama did you know as an American I thank you for allowing your babe to grow and defend me to the end of the time. Mama you have one less at your Christmas table know there is a setting at mine for them too please. Mama because I want you to know the angels are with all of them protecting and guiding them through the evil that dwells upon this earth. So Mama thank you from the bottom of my heart for having such a giving heart to share your babe with me."

Carol Walters

All rights reserved and copywrited

December 18 2001

"Keep Your Light Burning For All The "Babes" Till They Return Home

The music you are listening too is..

"Mary Did You Know."

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owned by Carol Walters

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