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My Favorite Links

The Z Zone
JaCk-ThE-rIpPeR's Page.Visit this site.Sign guestbook!Click on BANNER!
The Pillow Boyz HomePage!

Guestbook by Lpage

Please visit the top banners AT LEAST once per day! Why you ask? Because the money I get goes towards games ONLY and that would mean whatever I get YOU can get. I will be putting up links to the new and some exisiting games that I have or will have. All it takes is about 5 seconds out of your little precious life for each banner to load, and who knows, you just might like what you see! Thanks to those who HAVE and/or WILL visit them. Trust me, these are good places to visit! Hello once again...anyone who has or knows where I can get wareZ linked to my page PLEASE tell me. Also if you have images or ANYTHING that you could give me plz e-mail me and tell me what you can do...I am seriously in need of help. I am thinking of setting up my own server, sort of, so it would be a direct download. Another thing...i need ROOM..I am limited to only 200kb's and can't possibly put what I want on here...if you could help me out with this deliema plz speak up. I would also like to know how I can get banners..ANY banners...I don't give a crap what they are..I just need some images and more stuff on this simple-ass webpage...bear with me..this is my FIRST one. If anyone know where I could get some Java Applets that would be helpful. I have ICQ if anyone wants to contact UIN# is: 1334097...if you don't have this program I suggest that u get it NOW! It is a VERY uself program and is user-friendly. If you have come across my page just....hate it..whatever..please drop me a line and tell me what you think, what you can help me with, or anything else you can just imagine.


Graphics supplied by the Z'er
Background image and sound borrowed from
Jack the Ripper