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First of all please click on the banner(s) above to give me some money. This money would go to buy Barney Merchandice(c). This would be the contest prize. If no one will click on the above banner(s) then I will not be able to buy the thing(s) that would be the contest prize.
Hello and WELCOME to my first and only BARNEY PAGE! If you like Barney then this site will be for you! If you hate him then please leave, NOW! :) This site will have everything a Barney fan would want: music, pictures, some games, and maybe some contests! So bookmark this page and come back often since I update very frequently. I am very lucky that my mom has helped me with the splelling, since I can't spell at all almost. Thanks Mom! For now this is all I have to offer: just a little bit of text. Sorry, but I need more time.

SONGS ( will be put up soon )

How old are you in dog years?

Enter your age:

Your age in Dog Years is:
