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Generations 2-3

List your ancestors by the oldest first (Generation one). Only answer what you can on the form. An email will be sent to you when your information has been uploaded. Thank you and good luck. Please only list a web site of yours that has your ancestry on it.

Ancestors Information:

NOTE: for some reason the form is not working for AOL Users. Please Submit your information and we will post it. Give as much info as possible, the more you have, the easier it is to find things out. Sorry about the inconvienence.

We have started our new genealogy services. For more information, please visit our site. No hourly fees. If we don't find anything, you don't pay anything. (This service is not related to this website. Everything on this website is still free.)

Generation One

Last Name:
First Name:
Nick Name:
Birth Date:
Birth Place:
Death Date:
Death Place:
Marriage date and place:

   Birth date and place:
   Death date and place:
   More information (parent's name, etc):

Father's Name:
   Birth date and place:
   Death date and place:
   More information (parent's name, etc):

Mother's Maiden Name:
   Birth date and place:
   Death date and place:
   More information (parent's name, etc):

Child 1:
   Birth date and place:
   Death date and place:
Marriage date and place:

Child 2:
   Birth date and place:
   Death date and place:
Marriage date and place:

Child 3:
   Birth date and place:
   Death date and place:
Marriage date and place:

Child 4:
   Birth date and place:
   Death date and place:
Marriage date and place:

Child 5:
   Birth date and place:
   Death date and place:
Marriage date and place:

Child 6:
   Birth date and place:
   Death date and place:
Marriage date and place:

Generation 2
Last Name:
First Name:
Nick Name:
Birth Date:
Birth Place:
Death Date:
Death Place:
Marriage date and place:

   Birth date and place:
   Death date and place:
   More information (parent's name, etc):

Father's Name:
   Birth date and place:
   Death date and place:
   More information (parent's name, etc):

Mother's Maiden Name:
   Birth date and place:
   Death date and place:
   More information (parent's name, etc):

Child 1:
   Birth date and place:
   Death date and place:
   Date of marriage:

Child 2:
   Birth date and place:
   Death date and place:
   Date of marriage:

Child 3:
   Birth date and place:
   Death date and place:
   Date of marriage:

Child 4:
   Birth date and place:
   Death date and place:
   Date of marriage:

Child 5:
   Birth date and place:
   Death date and place:
   Date of marriage:

Child 6:
   Birth date and place:
   Death date and place:
   Date of marriage:

Generation 3

Last Name:
First Name:
Nick Name:
Birth Date:
Birth Place:
Death Date:
Death Place:
Marriage date and place:

   Birth date and place:
   Death date and place:
   More information (parent's name, etc):

Father's Name:
   Birth date and place:
   Death date and place:
   More information (parent's name, etc):

Mother's Maiden Name:
   Birth date and place:
   Death date and place:
   More information (parent's name, etc):

Child 1:
   Birth date and place:
   Death date and place:
   Date of marriage:

Child 2:
   Birth date and place:
   Death date and place:
   Date of marriage:

Child 3:
   Birth date and place:
   Death date and place:
   Date of marriage:

Child 4:
   Birth date and place:
   Death date and place:
   Date of marriage:

Child 5:
   Birth date and place:
   Death date and place:
   Date of marriage:

Child 6:
   Birth date and place:
   Death date and place:
   Date of marriage:

Your Email:

Web Page:

Any other comments

DISCLAIMER: The information provided for the genealogy portion of this website is submitted by individual researchers. This website, the server and host, the website owners and developers, and all involved, are in NO WAY responsible for any content submiited to us and posted on our site. We ask that those submitting information do NOT include any living relatives or names without the permission from said individuals. However, we are not responsible if this does occur; please contact the contact name on the page in question. For any questions, comments or concerns, please EMAIL us.


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