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Tuesday Afternoon Card

CadMan Vs. Stuff Return Steel Cage Table Match

Return Match from last night where CadMan walked away with his first win, with more than a little help from the man they call "Boulder". This will be a steel cage match where three tables will be in the ring and the winner is the first man to touch the floor with both feet, either over the top or through the door. CadMan looks to be in tremedous physical condition undoubtably because on his recent training with the pigmies. They lock up. Full arm drag and twist by CadMan, Reversed by Stuff. CadMan somersaults and Backflips out of it and connects to the jaw with an enzuguri kick. Side headlock by CadMan. Stuff turns it into an atomic drop! Clotheline and an elbowdrop by Stuff. Stuff stacks two tables and places CadMan on the top of them. Stuff climbs the cage and connects with an elbowdrop that breaks one of the tables. Stuff hurt his leg on that manuever and is getting up slowly. Low blow by CadMan. CadMan grabs a splinter of wood from the broken table and stabs Stuff in the forehead! CadMan starts to climb the cage but gets caught by stuff halfway up. Suplex off the side of the cage by stuff. Stuff goes for a pin. The ref reminds him there are no pinfalls in this match. CadMan with viscios chops to the chest. CadMan places stuff on one of the remaining tables. Standing side kick sends Stuff head over heels over the table. Big cross corner whip by Stuff. A man in a mask is coming down the aisle! Intercepted by Enforcer. The masked man puts enforcer in some kind of jaw lock! Back in the ring CadMan is almost out of the ring and Stuff is going through the door! Who will hit the ground first? Referee Tim Brown raises CadMan's hand. Referee Jerry Clouse is raising Stuffs hand. The referees bicker over the winner and finally call the match a draw! Meanwhile in the aisleway the masked man is still holding on the the jaw lock of his.

This Match is Declared a Draw

Announcement by Rick Boulder

Interveiw with the Champion Millon Quinn about his first title defense.

[Camera opens up to the EWF Arena and focuses on the EWF Cyber T.V. (Type of TitanTron). Ken Jordan is being followed by the camera and Milon is right in fron of him. In front of Milon should be the newest the member of the EWF Cal "The California" Kidd. He is Milon Quinn's tag-team partner, they are the Regulators. Milon and Cal keep on walking and Ken Jordan stops in aisle entrance, and begins to talk as Milon and Cal are walking down. "Yound Guns" Billy "The Kid" yells out "REGULATORS!" and "Regulat" by Warren G' begins to blare out of the P.A. system. ] Ken Jordan: Ladies and Gentlemen, boys and girls children of all ages. EWF proudly brings to you, the EWF Champion of the World! Milon "The Savior" Quinn. Walking down the aisle with him is his tag-team partner, Cal "The California" Kidd! [Ken begins to walk down to the ring where Milon and Cal are there. The Prez. of the EWF is there in the ring as well.] Milon: I know there is one thing that Ken wants to say, Ken... Ken: Yes on a personnel note, I am a personnel of Milon Quinn and I am not allowed to be used in other wrestlers roleplays. Sorry for the mis-understanding. Milon: O.k., now I know I was brouhgt here to make a couple of statements about me winning the title that I deserve. Jefferson Jennings, like I said before, you will not get a title shot from me. I will not accept your challenges, and you will just have to make you way up to the top, and then having to face the members of "The New Breed" as well. As we speak a stable member is being signed and Cal should already be contracted. Milon: Now Cal isn't going to speak tonight but when he does he speaks the truth. Cal right now is the CWU I.C. Title, and for someone who is only 24, I say that is a hell of a tough kid. (His first match will be this Friday Vs. Collosis) Milon: John Friez, you will get your shot next ppv. Till then work on you weaknesses, We are outta here... [Regulate by Warren G begins to play as Milon, Cal, and Ken Jordan walk out of the ring and down the aisle.]

John Freiz Vs. Collosis

John Freiz has cuts an his face, his neck and chin are bruised, and he has a limp. He starts off with a back kick to the head followed by many punches to the head. DDT by Freiz. Low blow by Collosis. Collosis sets him up for the powerbomb. Freiz turns the powerbomb into a standing boston crab. Collosis readily submits.

Winner by Submission, John Freiz

Rick Boulder Vs. Enforcer

Rick Boulder starts off with a single leg takedown. Step over toe hold applied. Enforcer reaches the ropes. Stuff at ringside. Enforcer with a T-bone suplex. Enforcer with a choke. Ref tim Brown warns Enforcer. Enforcer argues with the ref and Stuff with a chair Nails Boulder and places him on the table. Moonsault by Enforcer breaks the table and the bell rings.

Winner by Moonsault, Enforcer

Enforcer and Stuff Vs. CadMan and Boulder

CadMan and Enforcer start off. Snap mare by CadMan. Follows up with a reverse DDT. Tags out to Boulder. Powerbomb by Boulder. Pin attempt. Stuff with the save. Reverse neckbreaker by Rick Boulder. Diving Headbutt by Boulder. 2 count. Irish Whip to the ropes. Clothesline attempt by Boulder countered by a flying shoulderblock. Hot tag by Enforcer to Stuff. Stuff cleans house! CadMan enters the ring and puts a boot to Stuff's head. Boulder tags CadMan. CadMan with a northern lights suplex. Front pancake by CadMan. Inverted STF by CadMan. Enforcer enters the ring but gets intercepted by Boulder. CadMan Executes the Juggernaut. Stuff submits ameddiatly to the Juggernaut. The masked man crawls out from under the ring and attacks CadMan from behind. He apllies the Jaw Lock. Boulder tries to interfere but he gets it with the other hand. Ref Tim Brown seperates the 3.

Winner by Submission, Rick Boulder and CadMan.

Main Event- Jefferson Jennings Vs. Scott Deville for the Vacant EWF Intercontinental Title

Main Event time. They lock up. Clean break in the corner. Jennings with an armbar. Deville flips Jennings and escapes. Jennings goes to the uppercuts. Snapmare. Knee. Uppercut. Deville responds with uppercuts. The crowd starts a "boring" chant. Deville with a slam. Deville with a sissy chop. Jennings bodyslam. Jennings with a leg trip into an armlock. Deville reverses, and pulls the hair. The ref does nothing about it. Jennings kicks Deville down in the corner. Belly-to-back. Two. Jawbreaker by Jennings followed by a spinning toe hold. Southern Discomfort time! Th th th tha thats all folks!

Winner by submission and NEW Elite Wrestling Federation Intercontinental Champion, Jefferson Jennings