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Nefarious PPV

Match 1: Retirement Match

Boulder Vs. Colosuss

Colosuss dominates the match. He sets up Boulder for a vertical superplex, but Boulder counters with a punch to the gut. Boulder then performs a gorilla super-press, dropping Colosuss onto the steel steps. Colosuss is counted out.

Winner by countout, Boulder

Match 2: Tag Team Action

Enforcer & Gestapo Vs. Jefferson Jennings & Big Ricky Boy Johnson

Enforcer & Gestapo enter the ring & grab the mike and begin to taunt the crowd. Jenning & Ricky Boy charge the ring taclking Gestapo & Enforcer. Ricky Boy immediately puts Gestapo in a roll up & grabs the his tights for the 3 count.

Winner by pinfall, Jefferson Jenning & Ricky Boy

The Commissioner of the EWF makes his way to the ring & not far behind is the Enforcer. The Commishoner announces that there is to be an immediate rematch between Jefferson Jennings & Enforcer this evening. Enforcer takes the mike & challenges Double J to a Dog Collar match. Double J again charges the ring & here we go.

Match 3: Dog Collar Match

Double J Jefferson Jennings Vs. Enforcer

Double J charges the ring with two dog collars & throws one to Enforcer. The two immediately go at it. After a few punches, Enforcer dodges a jab from Double J & lands a monster uppercut. Double J is out. Enforcer drags Double J into the corner and uses his dog collar to shackle Double J to the bottom rope. Enforcer then bgin to pummell Double J into submission.

Winner by submission, Enforcer

Match 4: Tag Team Action

Ricki Sixx & Executioner Vs. Kaiser Quinn & Cal Kidd

This was a pretty quick match, the inexperience of the Ewf's newcomers Sixx & Executioner. Quinn easily gets Sixx in the Razor's drop for the 3 count.

Winner by Pinfall, Kaiser & Kidd

Match 5: For the Cruiserweight Title

Aclehmist Vs. Stuff

Alchemist was dominating the match until Devill emerges & runs down the entranceway. Targo appears from the crowd & stops Deville midway to the ring. Alchemist who was watching the commotion gets caught in a roll-up for the 3 count.

Winner by pinfall, Stuff

Match 6: Singles Competition

Steve Poss Vs. Lean Dean

This was a classic match. They were toe-to-toe until Steve Poss got Lean Dean in a camel clutch. Just then the CoD girls came barroling down the runway & begin to kick and claw at Steve Poss. The ref. calls for the bell.

Winner by Dq, Steve Poss

Match 7: For the Intercontinental Title

CadMan Vs. Deville

The match is underway. The president assigned, Powder & Stubby to guard the ring. It was a hard faught match. CadMan got Deville in the Juggernaught. Enforcer & Gestapo make their way down the runway & get stoped short by Powder & Stubby. After suffering 2&1/2 minutes in the Juggernaught Deville finally taps out.

Winner by Submission, CadMan

Match 8: For the Tag Team Titles

Alchemist & Targo Vs. Hitman & J-Dogg

Hitman & J-dogg dominate for most of the match. Targo tags out to Alchemist & makes his way around the ring. He pulls Hitman off the apron & throws him into the guard rail. He then throws him 3 rows into the crowd. Targo then dissapears under the ring. Alchemist takes J-Dogg down in the center of the ring with a toe-nose take down. Alchemist Stars climbing the the turnbuckle. J-dogg stars getting up, but is stopped, by the Hands of fate, that emerged through the canvas. Alchemist executes a Mind Meld and pins J-dogg for the 3 count.

Winner by Pinfall, Alchemist & Targo.

Match 9: For the Heavyweight Championship of the World

Milon Quinn Vs. John Freiz

The match is hot and heavy. Both men are giving it their all. Quinn trips over his bambo cain. Freiz takes advantage an puts Quinn in the Standing boston crab.

Winner by submission, Freiz