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Friday Night Fever

Hardcore Tournament

Match 1, 1st Round, losers bracket

Targo Vs. Scott Deville (Breadstick on a pole match)

This match ended when a pygmie came out from under the ring while Deville was climbing the pole and knocked him off and he crotched himself on the top rope. Targo then climbed the pole, grabbed the Breadstick and beat Deville silly with it.

Winner by Clubberin', Targo

Match 2, 2nd Round, losers bracket

CadMan Vs. Kaiser "The Razor (Broken Bone Match)

Ended when CadMan double stomped off of the top-rope onto a chair that had Kaiser's hand in it.

Winner by Broken Hand, CadMan

Match 3, Finals, winner's bracket

Enforcer Vs. Flame Fury (Inferno Match)

Both men were set on fire at the same time.

Draw, Both men go to the losers bracket

Jefferson Jennings Vs. Total Chaos

Scott Deville nailed Total Chaos with a breadstick to send a message to Targo, your next.

Winner by pinfall, Jefferson Jennnings

Main Event- Four Corners match, Title Changes hands only if Freiz is pinned.

John Freiz Vs. T-Bone Vs. Targo Vs. Flame Fury

Ended when Targo hit Flame Fury and T-Bone with the breadstick and then draped T-Bone over Fury.

Winner by Pinfall, T-Bone- Since Freiz wasn't pinned, he retains the title.