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Friday Night Fever

Match 1- for cruiserweight title

Cal Kidd Vs. Alchemist

Hello and welcome to the inaugeral Friday Night Fever. Cal Kidd comes out first to the New Breed theme song. Alchemist comes out to the weird science theme song. Cal Kidd starts it out with a dropkick to the legs. Break Dance by Alchemist followed by a leg sweep. Snap mare and a rear chinlock by Cal Kidd. Alchemist reveses by kicking kid in the head. Frankensteiner by Alchemist. 2 count. Cal Kidd gets thrown outside. We have to go to a comercial. Were back with the premeire in sports entertainment, Friday Night Fever. Top rope plancha by Kidd. Kidd rolls him into the ring. Moonsault by Kidd. 2 count. Cross corner whip by Kidd. Reversed. Vertical splash in the corner. Alchemist hits the test tube. Alchemist connects with the mind meld. Tim White counts 1,2,3. WINNER BY PINFALL AND NEW EWF CRUISERWEIGHT CHAMPION, Alchemist

Match 2- Barbed Wire Match

Fishstick Vs. Delray Giff Geselere

Geselere comes out first to a chorus of boos. Fishstick comes out in his debut. Geselere has a 2 1/4 foot height advantage. Geselere grabs him in a double choke. Fishstick is turning purple. A loud crack comes fron Fishstick's neck. Fishstick isn't moving. The doctors run into the ring. Fishstick is dead! WINNER BY KO, Delray Giff Geselere.
Interveiw with Commissioner Vand E. Kamp Gordon- Leeeeaaaaann! DDDDDeeeeeeaaaaaaannnn! I have an anouncment to make concerning tonights main event. Let me just say that you people are in for a treat because we have here tonight a Non-title three way dance between CadMan, John Freiz, and the world champ himself, Milon "the Savior" Quinn! Also, the main event at Wrestlebrawl will be Milon Quinn Vs. John Freiz in an Iron Man match.

Match 3- Tag Tourney Match- Round 1

Enforcer & Stuff Vs. CadMan & Rick Boulder

Boulder comes out to Like a Rock. CadMan comes out to Welcome to the Jungle. Stuff and Enforcer come out to the New Breed themesong. Stuff and CadMan start off. CadMan with a eye rake and a headbutt followed by chops. Stuff returns the chops backing CadMan into the corner. Cross-corner whip by Stuff. CadMan is caught in the tree of woe. Stuff charges but CadMan rises up parallel to the rop turnbuckle to avoid the shoulderblock sending Stuff through the turnbuckle into the ring-post. Tag by CadMan. Enforcer enters the ring and gets knocked through the ropes. Rick Boulder sets Stuff on the top turnbuckle. He executes the top-rope Frankensteiner. "Devious" Scott Deville makes his way to ringside with a chair. He nails CadMAn on the back of the head and Stuff an the back. This match will be thrown out. THIS MATCH WILL BE DECLARED A DRAW

Match 3- Tag Tourney Match- Round 1

Geselere & Jennings Vs. Alchemist & Targo

Scott Deville joins the broadcasting team for this match. The World Cruiserweight Champion Alchemist and Intercontinental Champion Jennings start it off. The masked man now known as Targo will be Alchemists partner in this tournament. Alchemist goes for a headscissors takedown but gets a powerbomb for his trouble. Tag to Targo. Targo with a bevy of punches and kicks. Sorry fans we have to go to a comercial break. Were back and Targo is in control. Targo with a whip to the ropes and he hits a Diamond Cutter type manuever he affectionatly calls the "pizza cutter". Pin. Save by Geselere. Jennings really neads a tag. Slingshot to the corner by Targo. Nailed by Alchemist. Targo tags back to Alchemist and Alchemist tries for a cross body off of the rop rope. Caught by Jennings and he executes a Fallaway slam. Jennings tags to Geselere. Deville leaves the broadcast booth. Geselere with a Headbutt. Geselere with a throw by the hair. Geslere bounces off of the rope to go for an elbowdrop but gets tripped by Scott Deville. Alchemist goes to the top and executes the mind meld. Pin. Jennings goes for the save but gets cut off by Targo. WINNER BY PINFALL, Alchemist and Targo

Main Event- Non-Title 3 way dance

CadMan, Milon Quinn, and John Freiz This is a non-title triple threat match between Milon Quinn, who's undeafeated, CadMan, and John Freiz, also undefeated. Quinn and CadMan start off. Quinn with a slap to the face. CadMan with a big punch and a standing side kick to bring Quinn to the ground. Stomp and a twisting splash. CadMan goes for an inverted figure 4 but Quinn wiggles out of it. Double underhook suplex by CadMan. He tags out to Freiz. Freiz with a bridging northern lights suplex. Swinging neckbreaker by Freiz for 2. T-bone suplex by Freiz. Twirling splash off of the top rope by Freiz for 2. Tag by Freiz to CadMan. Camera pans to the jumbotron where they show Scott Deville backstage beating Kaiser Quinn with a chair. CadMan with a vertical suplex. Whip to the ropes and he connects with a spinebuster slam. 2 1/2 count. Tag to Freiz. Freiz with a flapjack and a reverse figure four. Quinn gets to the ropes after 15 seconds. Quinn tries to fight back but his strength is gone. Whip to the ropes and a tilt-a-whirl backbreaker by Freiz. 2 count. Freiz with a sidewalk slam and he executes the Standing Boston Crab. Quinn taps out. WINNER BY SUBMISSION, John Freiz