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Hello!!!!!!! This is my page which I am just messing around with right now. It's under construction because, well, these things always are. Eventually it is going to be the best page on the World Wide Web. Well, not really but we can imagine. Just have some patience. Actually....have a lot of patience because I'm kind of lazy!!!!

Some stuff that you might like to know about me, well, maybe you don't want to know, but i'm going to tell you anyway!

Name: Steve Fallon

Description: Dirty blonde hair (not dirty as in "dirty", but dirty as in dark blonde), blue eyes, approx. 5'9, 165pds.

Birthdate: I was born on a raft just outside of St.John's, Newfoundland (that's in Canada) on September 10, 1980(that means i'm 18). I was living with a family of monkeys for 17 years.

To see a picture of my family (excluding me)CLICK HERE

I now attend St. Francis Xavier University in Antigonish, Nova Scotia (that's in Canada too). I live in an "L" shaped building on Campus called MacIsaac House, nicknamed, "The Zoo".

Interests: Along with lazing around my room watching the tube, I enjoy taking long walks on the beach......just joking. When I can afford to I like to golf in the summer. It's really expensive for me because I tend to lose a lot of golf balls during every game, plus I always seem to want one of those carts to drive around the course and through the sand and stuff. Most of all, I love to ski (downhill). If there is any amount of snow on the ground, i'll be on it just so I can tear it up.

Another thing that I like to do on my spare time is, go to the gym and try to make myself bigger than God wanted me to be. It makes me feel good about myself, not to mention, it works for the ladies also.

I like all kinds of music, easy listening, rock, alternative, rap, and some techno. I hate country, and I despise dance music.

I have an unlimited amount of pet peeves. There are too many to list them all so i'll just say a few of them: people who don't wipe ALL of the snow off of their cars before driving them, salt water(because i can't drink it), mall "rats", people that don't know how to dress, people who think the're better than everyone else, when people turn off their car and leave the wipers half way up, yellow snow, loose hairs on shirts, public washrooms, things that don't catch fire, messy rooms, messy cars, cars with one headlight, when people start stories and then say "never mind", speedos, hair spray, teachers that erase the chalk board but leave little streaks of chalk everywhere, people that run weird, freezer frost buildup, people that wear wife beaters in the mall, the list goes on but you get the jist of it!

This section is dedicated to my favorite band

These albums are amazing! If you don't have them yet, go out and get them. They are awesome!!!!





This page was just started on 10/30/98 so it's not that great yet. Hopefully it's good enough for now and it gave you a whole bunch of useless information about myself!

THANK YOU FOR FLYING AIR STEVE (sorry I couldn't give you any free peanuts)!!!

If you want want to comment on my homepage or you just want to talk you can:

1. e-mail me

2. ICQ - my # is 21781982

3. AOL Instant Messenger - screen name - steve6969

4. Yahoo Pager - name - stevefallon

Special thanks to

for making this page possible!

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Some links:

Golf Web
CJ'S South Park Site
Kevin Casey - one of the guys (mainly Oasis)
Brad Roach - one of the guys (some good stuff in here)
Cyber Iron-Bodybuilding
First Nutrition
Fitness Link
Much Music
Radiohead Page
Radiohead Page
