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Entrance to the Labyrinth . . .

I bid you welcome into the Labyrinth. I am Cyndey the creater of the Labyrinth of Shadows and your guide upon your new found journey. May you enjoy your stay and the thought provoking maze you have currently found yourself within. Proceed with caution, I pray you... Some images which you might encounter you may find you may not agree with or you may... So, you may be asking yourself... "What will I find here?" To answer your question...poetry, some information about me, pictures of me taken a few years ago (yes, I know I need new pictures but I haven't had time yet!). So, Enjoy. This is a picture of me, your hostess through the Labyrinth.


To enter the Labyrinth of Shadows
Click on the link provided below

May your steps be guarded in love and light!



Amazing Quotes...

"Most women complain that there are no SINGLE, STRAIGHT men left. I'd just like to meet one that's HUMAN."

This quote is taken from the novel CIRCUS OF THE DAMNED

by Laurell K. Hamilton
I'd have to agree with this statement! Even though the character, Anita Blake, was meaning monsters... some of the men I've dated could fall into that category! haha :)

Witches are SEXY!
If you haven't kissed a witch lately, You're missing out!

Please take a minute or so to sign my guestbook! I'd love to read your comments, you have any!!

Thanks! Cyndey

Read my Dreambook guestbook!
Sign my Dreambook!

Click here to enter the Labyrinth of Shadows . . .
A little about me . . . If you dare to enter!! ;o)
Special Poetry for Vana, this is a must read!
Help take up the fight for Alternative Religions against Our Wonderful New President---Click here to find out more!!!!
